Saturday, August 31, 2019

Kevin Annett and the Mass Graves in Canada 2019 08 27 205952

The Truth Goes Marching On
Who Legally Owns You ..... Thank You Sarah & John Jay ...   .
Spirits of Christ - Ascension Glossary . . . Thank You . ... .
 & Thank You, Leonard Cohen..... . The Traitor .. ...

Friday, August 30, 2019

The temple of Solomon (soul of man) AUNetwork Collective Consciousness

Above video/channel terminated by the 'powers not-to-be'.  But,  WATCH IT  *** HERE  ***  . . .

The Path to Everlasting Glory ... Video/Channel terminated,  but   Watch It Here   ... Thank You, Santos Bonacci for your work & 'Love of  Humanity', & to (MrAstrotheology), for sharing . . .

Nothing happens by accident... 'The Kabbalah Tree of Life'...   & ... Spiritual Deliverance .... Thank You, Energetic Synthesis . .

And 'The History Of Beloved Earth'... (Tara & Gaia) . . .
Zodiac Alteration - Ascension Glossary . . .

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Finally Ending the Crown's Rule, Taking Back Our Freedom w/ Kevin Annett

Above video removed,  but  ****  Watch  It  HERE  ****  Thank You Kevin Annett, for your work/books & 'Love Of Humanity' ... & to BitChute (Sarah Westall), for sharing .... An excerpt: Kevin Annett rejoins the program to discuss how he is working to end the Crown's rule in Canada. He is running for office under the Republican party of Kanata. He explains the crimes that the government of Canada are guilty of and how being under the thumb of the Crown makes it impossible to govern the country for the people. This problem is not isolated to Canada, but is a worldwide problem that is slowly coming to light. You can learn more about Kevin Annett on his website

Kevin Annett also does an exclusive additional interview for my Patreons at Please consider supporting my channel by becoming a Patreon and receive many free eBooks, interviews, and research material.

Separation Of Worlds - Thank You, Energetic Synthetics ...  .

Bifurcation of Time - Ascension Glossary

The Truth Goes Marching On ... The Time For Teamwork Is Now . . .
Hallelujah - Thank You, Teammate, Leonard Cohen . . .

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Intel Warfare & 'Saddling Up', To Ride Into Battle . . .

Thank You, Katherine Horton for your 'great' work... Thank You ...   .

And Thank You '' & Kevin Annett: Election Special Part 2 - for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to, for sharing . . .

Thank You Sarah Westall & K..A.., for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to, For sharing ... Finally Ending  ... 'The Crown's Rule' ... An excerpt: Kevin Annett rejoins the program to discuss how he is working to end the Crown's rule in Canada. He is running for office under the Republican party of Kanata. He explains the crimes that the government of Canada are guilty of and how being under the thumb of the Crown makes it impossible to govern the country for the people. This problem is not isolated to Canada, but is a worldwide problem that is slowly coming to light. You can learn more about Kevin Annett on his website

Kevin Annett also does an exclusive additional interview for my Patreons at Please consider supporting my channel by becoming a Patreon and receive many free eBooks, interviews, and research material.

Follow me on Twitter @

Censorship is serious. To stay informed of all the latest episodes, sign up for my weekly newsletter @

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paid license for broad video use

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

Disclaimer: "As a journalist, I report what significant newsmakers are claiming. I do not have the resources or time to fully investigate all claims. Stories and people interviewed are selected based on relevance, listener requests, and by suggestions of those I highly respect. It is the responsibility of each viewer to evaluate the facts presented and then research each story further and come to their own conclusions."

And the Devil said: 'You may not survive the storm'...... The 'Warrior of Light' replied:... 'I Am The Storm' ...  Gaslighter ... Thank You D..C.., for your music & 'Love of  Humanity' ... & to YouTube (The Chicks), for sharing ... 

Monday, August 19, 2019

Humanity Has Been Duped, without Our Consent ..... Baphomet Deception

The Truth Goes Marching On ...

Baphomet Deception (Podcast) - And excerpt: In the world’s religions and practice based spiritual traditions, at the higher levels when a complete life commitment has been secured, a type of theological turnaround is often introduced.  All the ascending aspirations toward cultivating virtue and purity are cast aside as naive beginner level beliefs for the masses, to be replaced by the highly secret and real accomplishment, which is to hold onto spirit while breaking all the rules and precepts of the tradition. This is often posed as a challenge for the spiritual adept, that to see God in goodness is only half the path, but to see God in darkness is believed to be where you gain real spiritual power.  Of course, the true intent is to move someone from the ascending path to the descending path with their full consent and participation, to be bound and siphoned by parasitic forces. In occult traditions based on increasing personal power, this descending path is often the starting point.  This is called the left-hand path and is used by the NAA through deception, to create consciousness traps and the Baphomet fields are used against humanity to block ascension.
Thank You, Energetic Synthesis ...

And,  Usurping Personal Intent  ...  Understanding, how 'Inverted Systems' are being used to usurp consciousness energy, to generate  Loosh ... Thank You, 'Energetic Synthesis'... An excerpt: Now that we better understand how reversals and Inverted Systems are being used to usurp consciousness energy to generate Loosh that feeds into the NAA psychopathic systems, how does feeding into these reversals impact the power of our personal intentions? Inverted systems feed upon human co-creative consciousness by purposely tricking people out of their personal intent and Consent. Being psychopathic systems, they deceive and lie to trick people into believing their intentions are humanitarian or positive, therefore manipulating good hearted people into aligning their intentions with organizations, leaders or celebrity’s that actually serve to produce more Loosh.

A good example are the larger charitable organizations that are run by the boards of the power elite families. Many charitable organizations are storefronts for hiding criminal behavior in other countries, such as human trafficking, sex slavery, bribery and money laundering. The propaganda marketing team shows media images of refugee children in need, while the good hearted people send in their cash donation. In their minds the money is going to that child in need. Yet, that is not where the funds are being delivered. What happens to the time, energy and love that good hearted human intended to send to help the starving child? It’s been co-opted to support criminal enterprises. This is an example of an organization using a model for inverted energy systems, designed to usurp personal intent. The energetic result of this exchange is the good-hearted intention of that human being is hijacked to continually feed the NAA structures, without realizing that is what is happening. When feeding into criminal networks, there is an impact to all of humanity because we become complicit with the dark forces that are committing those criminal acts. This is how humanities co-creative consciousness is being hijacked. They are told positive narratives on the surface for appearances, while the ugly truth behind the façade is that organization is harboring the hidden activity for a den of psychopathic criminals.

If we are unable to discern the manipulation in the quality of energy that is the real intention behind the Controller structures, or we continually ignore blatant negativity and harm perpetrated by leaders, we can be manipulated to feed into these inverted systems through our own misdirected consciousness energy and misplaced intentions.

Let us drill this down further to better understand how Inverted Systems or Reversal Networks can hijack the quality of our intentions, when they go unrecognized and unidentified around us. Becoming aware of how inverted systems work in order to hijack human consciousness energy, greatly improves our accurate assessment of this reality, and also greatly increases the frequency of truth that exists in our intention.

The Separation Of Worlds -- Thank You, 'Energetic Synthesis' ...  
New World In The Morning... Roger Whittaker .... Thank You for sharing

The Time For Teamwork Is Now - 1 Eye's Blog .. ...

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Epstein's Fake Masonic Death (Stop 007)

Thank You Katherine Horton, for Identifying 'The Elephant In The Room' .. 
Thank You Dan Dicks (of Press for Truth)... & David Icke, for Connecting The Dots  ....
& Thank You 'Amazing Polly' for your work . ... THANK YOU ALL ... .

Timelines Shift - Thank You Energetic Synthesis
And ..
Thank You My Friend Tory Smith (now in higher dimensions), for your 'exponential intentions' & Love Of Humanity.. . . Thank You . . .
"Great Teamwork"... The Truth Goes Marching On ....

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Leonard Cohen - Anthem (w/lyrics) London 2008

The Time For Teamwork Is Now - 1 Eye's Blog.......... 'It Is So....IT IS DONE'... . . With LOVE & Gratitude, I Thank You...... THANK YOU, THANK YOU .......  .
Introduction To Energetic Synthesis.... Thank You, Lisa Renee & Your Amazing Team for your work ... THANK YOU ...... .

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Cancer Cures ARE ILLEGAL

Above  YouTube  video 'taken down', by 'the powers not-to-be' . . .
But,  Watch It  ***  HERE  *** ... Thank You, (Saia da Matrix), for sharing ...
Humanity's Immune System is increasingly being compromised due to environmental toxins, disruptive 'ElectroMagnetic Fields', etc, etc..... The Human body naturally produces 'immune system protectors', but can't keep up; so dis-ease creeps in..... An excerpt: We can see what we don't see. All commercial, all movie has a message inside on it. It is a bonus from Alice to you. Our world is NOT what we think it is. Commercial needs good eyes to see and good ear to listen their sounds. Alice can feel both and have decided to share. Welcome to their world. The real history is what you lived yesterday.

We are on You Tube(Purge) too. YouTube Purge: Aplanetruth 4u, JaydreamerZ, Eric Dubay, Natuber Tv, Celebre Truth, John Thor, Flat Water, Justinian Deception, Truth Center, Taboo Conspiracy, Strange than fiction, David Wick, 13 They Live 23, Dont Sphere the Truth, Russianvids, Flat Water, White Rabbit, Ball Busters, know_more_news, Newearth, I can for Uprising, Blach Child Reupload. PLEASE! Do you part! When you make a video, just tell the name of other Channels. You Tube Purge is hidden the truth and some channels become difficult to find out!

GcMAF & Nagalase explained... Thank You
& W.H.O. Is Killing The Healers? . . .
And,  'Frequently Asked Questions' ..... Thank You to All . . .


The Vaccination Agenda - Thank You David Icke .. . Video taken down ....
But Watch It (updated video)  ***  HERE  *** .. Thank You to D..I.. &, to BitChute (MatrixRedPill), for sharing: An excerpt: This video is for all the disbelievers in the supposed Conspiracy Theory that they're out to depopulate the world. The truth always comes out in the end. Covid-19 shots are not vaccines, but deadly bioweapons designed to kill human beings. The Covid-19 hoax is a long planned agenda that has been put in place and orchestrated by the psychopathic Governments around the world, to destroy our lives, take away our freedoms and control us forever. If people don't wake up now and refuse to take these vaccines, it could be what really ends up destroying civilization all together, which is exactly what Governments want to happen..

Covid-19 does not exist, there is no scientific proof or the existence of the Covid19 virus, as it has NEVER been isolated, purified in a laboratory using Kochs Postulates or demonstrated under an electron microscope. PCR test shows only an RNA sequence COMPUTER model of the virus, not a real virus. No one has seen how this "virus" looks in reality. The problem is what they are showing in "positive" PCR tests is our body's own harmless exosomes which look exactly like Covid-19. The scientist who invented the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test Kary B. Mullis. According to Mullis himself, PCR should never be used as a tool in “the diagnosis of infectious diseases.” These tests do not detect viruses or infectious diseases, but RNA which we all have. Anyone who takes a test, will test positive for Covid-19 because of harmless exosomes and something called amplification. They increase amplification for more positive cases and decrease it for more negative cases. They can have as many or as little cases they like to push the Covid-19 agenda. And that is how they pull of the great Covid-19 plandemic hoax. Its all smoke, mirrors, deceptions and lies!!!.

We have been demanding the Government provide evidence that that this virus actually exists [as well as] evidence that lockdowns actually have any impact on the spread of viruses; that face-masks are safe, and do deter the spread of viruses - They don’t. No such studies exist; that social distancing is based in science - It isn't. it's made up; that contact tracing has any bearing on the spread of a virus - of course it doesn't. The Governments are making it up as they go along.

Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you about Covid in a way that could lead to your death
Vaccine impact covers the real truth regarding vaccine safety, side effects and the impact vaccines have on individual and families.
The Covid-19 PCR swabs are sterilized with cancer causing agent Ethylene Oxide
The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a “Test” not testing for the virus but RNA we all have


I  en-'Courage All', to be Your Own 'Authentic, Sovereign, Multidimensional Self(s)'.....Discern, Integrate & do your own research..   And Thank You - Natural Health 365  Powerful Solutions ...

The Truth Goes Marching On ...  Waiting For The Miracle - Thank You, Leonard Cohen ...

1 Eye's Blog: Mark Kelley on Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) - th...

1 Eye's Blog: Mark Kelley on Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) - th...: Be your 'authentic, sovereign, multidimensional self(s)'.... & do your own research. In my 'humble' opinion,.. Jim Humble is a 'great' Hero & Humanitarian in every sense of the word. With LOVE & gratitude, Humanity Thanks You

MMS : The Miracle Cure? - the fifth estate

MMS - The Miracle Mineral Solution (now called 'Master Mineral Solution') - Thank You CBC News, Jim Humble, Royce, Stan & others.... Thank You ALL for sharing. THANK YOU
And Everybody Knows - Thank You, Leonard Cohen
& Wunderlust2012 - Acknowledgements & Childhood Cancer(s)
Most research states; the Adult Human body is comprised of  approx 50-65% water; & an Infant approx 75-78% water; dropping to 65% by 1 (one) years age.... . .Hmmmm

Monday, August 12, 2019

MAY 13-19 474 Children Murdered $107 million

Tory Smith, with LOVE & Gratitude, Humanity Thanks You.. . .
12D Shield Building Technique - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis
Hallelujah ... Thank You, Leonard Cohen ..

The Crimes Must Not Be Buried with Jeffrey Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein Co-conspirators Named By David Icke: Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Prince Andrew.... Thank You David & Shawn Atwood
AG Barr raises questions about Jeffrey Epstein's death (Apparent Suicide??) - Thank You, Fox News..
& Epstein Island and the Deep State - Trance Formation Of America... Thank You, Cathy O'Brien 'Love Your Books'.. Thank You

Be Your Authentic, Sovereign, Multidimensional Self(s); Discern & Do Your Own Research...Thank You Teammates....Great Teamwork - 1 Eye's Blog ..

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Epstein and the Eugenicists

Controlling the narrative I.E. book burning/'censorship' isn't working too well, anymore ... Above video/channel, taken down by YouTube ... 

But, Watch It  ****  HERE  ****  Thank You to BitChute (Amazing Polly), for sharing ... An excerpt: The Mad Eugenicists are distancing themselves from Epstein.
if you would like to send me a financial contribution please go to my website:
The Fake News is covering for these lunatics and our future is at stake. I wish I were kidding, but unless something is done to END their reign of terror they will build a Technocratic, Genetically Altered dystopia.

This Irish Woman vs Google - Thank You Gemma O'Doherty & ... YouTube video/channel, taken down ... But,  ****  Watch It Here  **** Thank You to BitChute (Tank Davis), for sharing ... An excerpt: Gemma speaks with about her ban from YouTube and pressing issues for Ireland and the West. Interview courtesy of YouTube channel.

And Paul Rimmer & Mike Lane support Gemma O'Doherty Outside Google Euro Headquarters In Dublin... Thank You...

'Connect The Dots' ... The Truth Goes Marching On... THANK YOU . . .
'LOVE Trumps Hate'... Hallelujah.... Thank You Leonard Cohen. . . .
With Love & Gratitude I (We) Thank You ......It Is So..IT IS DONE

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Prof Fetzer on the El Paso & Dayton False Flags (Stop 007)

Conway lectures Dems for Politicizing Shootings... Hmmmm..
The Truth Goes Marching On ....
Be Your 'Authentic, Sovereign, Multidimensional Self(s)';...Discern & Do Your Own Research, And Integrate Information; because.... The All is Mind... '1 Eye's Blog'
Enjoy Coherent Receivers - Energetic Synthesis 

Monday, August 5, 2019

17/18Apr 138 Children Murdered in 3 MILABS

MK Ultra CIA Mind Control Program In Canada (1980) - The Fifth Estate
Leonard Cohen..... You Want It Darker Press Conference
Epstein Enemy Emerges From The Swamp - Thank You 'Amazing Polly'
AND Thank You Cathy O'Brien - Trance Formation Of America Blog Post
Heaven Is Asking US to do a Prayer - Thank You my Friend, Tory Smith

Twin Flames and Sacred Sex: santos bonacci with soully spirited

Thank You Dan Dicks of  'Press For Truth'.....Thank You
Connecting The Dots - Mainstream Reporter Has Deep Swamp Ties - Thank You 'Amazing Polly'
And Don't Forget 'The Elephant In The Room' ........

Friday, August 2, 2019

If You Can't Win The Debate - Ban It - The David Icke Dot-Connector Vide...

The Truth Goes Marching On......
Agenda 21 - Thank You Deborah Tavares
And Remember:...'The Elephant in the Room'.....Archontic Deception Behavior - Ascension Glossary

Flat Earth Yes or No OBE Proof Entities Past Lives and More Akvile and Rich

Be Your Authentic, Sovereign, Multidimensional Self(s);.... Discern & do your own research 
Open Q & A - Thank You Kerry Cassidy of  Project Camelot...... Thank You
Moloch Programming - Thank You Energetic Synthesis
Resign from the Moloch Matrix - Ascension Glossary
False Ascension Matrix - Ascension Glossary

Thursday, August 1, 2019

The science of light, ancient Esoteric Knowledge and the Mysteries: sant...

The Truth Goes Marching On
Declassified FBI Document Warns 'Conspiracy Theories' are the new Domestic Terrorism Threat - Thank You Dan Dicks of  'Press For Truth'
Media Manipulation of Consent - Thank You Energetic Synthesis
Emerald Founder Records....We've all heard the phrase: 'History is written by the victors'
Teamwork - 1 Eye's Blog &..... History of 'Beloved Mother Earth' (Tara & Gaia). ... ..