Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Why are so many choosing a life in a cage? | Dr. Julie Ponesse

Knowledge is Power . . .
'We are the Ones, we've been waiting for' . . . Thank You Dr. Julie Ponesse for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' & to YouTube, ... & odysee.com (Bonnie Smit) for sharing . . .  An excerpt: Dr. Julie Ponesse, the Pandemic Ethics Scholar for The Democracy Fund, joined The Faith and Democracy Series on November 17th, 2021.

Connecting the dots . . . 41:00 . . . The 'devil' is in the details; but the Angels are winning . . .
'Patents' (block the truth & protect the perpe-traitors) Graphene ox '666' - Thank You to All  . . . 1 Eye's Blog . . .

The Water in You: Water and the Human Body
Graphic showing what water is for in a human body.

​​​​​​​Water serves a number of essential functions to keep us all going

Think of what you need to survive, really just survive. Food? Water? Air? Facebook? Naturally, I'm going to concentrate on water here. Water is of major importance to all living things; in some organisms, up to 90% of their body weight comes from water. Up to 60% of the human adult body is water.

According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Dr. Julie Ponesse | The Faith and Democracy Series

Are 'You' Waking Up Yet? . . . Thank You 'Canadian Covid Care Alliance' . . .
Thank You Dr. Julie Ponesse (The Democracy Fund) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, T...D...F... for sharing) ... The Truth Goes Marching On . . .

The 'Bigger Picture' - Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Where there's a will, there's a way . . . because, 'Whack'-a-Mole isn't working too well, anymore . . . Thank You to All, 1 Eye . . .

Three Christs-(1)

Thank You fellow Voyager(s) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .

Great 'Telepathy', Synchronicity & Teamwork . . . Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Friday, November 26, 2021

Eye's wide Open, ... Half the Time . . .

As Predicted The Nu Variant... - Thank You Waking the Future, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to odysee.com, for sharing) . . .

Did You ever wonder what is in the vaxxx '666', & what it's purpose is ??? In my humble opinion, it quite obvious, that it isn't about our health . . . It's about (mind) Control (culling the herd), decimating the economy & eliminating (what's left), of y(our) free-will . . . 
And, oh yes, we mustn't forget the 'man-made, unnatural' weather disasters (in the name of 'climate change') . . . Owning the Weather . . . Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

And remember; 'We Are The Ones, We've Been Waiting For' . . . - Thank You to All, 1 Eye . . .

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

적그리스도 의식(Anti-Kryst)-한국어 자막 . . . Anti-Kryst Consciousness . . .

YOU are waking up, because ... you have found this 'blog' for a reason. What are You going to do now?
Once You know this 'truth', there's no turning back ever again, to 'light loving clueless' . . . Thank You fellow Voyagers (A..D..) & y(our) team, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . 

The 'Bigger Picture' ... You're more 'powerful', than you think you are.  We (You & I) are at a 'crossroads' . . . I en-courage all, to choose your path(s) well  . . . Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

'Whack-A-Mole' isn't working too well, anymore ... Maybe it's time for 'Big Pharma' (& their 'minions') to surrender to their 'decades' of crime ... & tell the truth . . .
Thank You CCCA (Canadian Covid Care Alliance) for your work & 'Love of Humanity' . . . As expected, the 'Powers Not-To-Be' are going after our children . . .  I  DO NOT CONSENT . . . 

Did You ever wonder what is in the vaxxx '666', & what it's purpose is ??? In my humble opinion, it quite obvious, that it isn't about our health . . . It's about (mind) Control (culling the herd), decimating the economy & eliminating (what's left), of y(our) free-will . . . 
And, oh yes, we mustn't forget the 'man-made, unnatural' weather disasters (in the name of 'climate change') . . . Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Monday, November 22, 2021

Real Is Real ... & TRUTH is TRUTH . . .

Do You have a Backbone? - The Full Story of One Man's Stand... - Thank You Amazing Polly (AmazingPolly.net) for your work & 'Love of Humanity', and to odysee.com (TruthSpeak), for sharing . . . 

The 'Great Reset' ... or,  the 'great construct' . . . It's never been about our health ... It's always been about (stargate) Control . . . It's time to Wake-Up! . . . TRANCE Formation Of America . . . Positive change, through 'public awareness' . . . 
Thank You my friend Cathy O'Brien Phillips (& Mark), for your work/books, & 'Love of Humanity', & also to rumble.com (TammyCuthbertGarcia), for sharing ... & (JFK); did you know The 'Truth', goes marching on? . . .

Connecting the dots . . .
'Patents' (block the truth & protect the perpe-traitors666 - Thank You to All  . . . 1 Eye's Blog . . .

The 'Bigger Picture' ... You're more 'powerful', than you think you are.  We (You & I) are at a 'crossroad' . . . I en-courage all, to choose your path(s) well  . . . Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Sunday, November 21, 2021

I Am Sovereign ... I AM FREE . . . It is So ... IT IS DONE!

My  FREE-WILL is my Sovereign Right . . . and SO IT IS . . .  Thank You D..K.. & odysee.com, for sharing . . .

(Find above video here, too) *** But, now has been taken down ***  Thank You Dawn Kelly for your work, & 'Love of Humanity', & to YouTube, for sharing . . .

Do You see anything wrong with ...
Canadian sovereignty (?) - Thank You Wikipedia, for sharing . . .

We Simply CAN NOT TRUST... - Thank You, Dan Dicks (BitChute) for sharing & for your 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

Clintons, Haiti, & Swamp Roots of Andrenochrome - Thank You, Cathy O P (& Mark) for your work (books) & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . ... . . . And, 'above suspicion' = 'suspicious' - Michaelle J laments ... - Thank You, CBC News ...

. . . *** . . . This is 'not for (mind-controlled) MSM believers' (or, tell-lies-vision watchers). Thank You to All . . .  1 Eye's Blog . . . *** . . .

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Pope's crimes named by insider as damning new evidence surfaces - Papal ...

The 'truth' goes marching on . . .
Thank You Kevin Annett for your work/books, & 'Love of Humanity',... & to YouTube (Kevin A), for sharing . . . An excerpt: Pope's visit postponed as damning new evidence surfaces - Canadian Bishops delay issuing invitation as Court issues report naming "a key eyewitness very close to the Pope" - Vatican secret service targets Court, Annett, native elders, according to communique. Ottawa: Pope Francis has postponed his planned visit to Canada because of opposition from Canadian Catholic Bishops, according to a source within the church. Last Monday, November 15, at a closed meeting in Ottawa, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) voted to postpone issuing an invitation to Pope Francis until the new year "to better assess the risks associated with the Pontiff's appearance in Canada in response to threats of arrest made against him". The Bishops also imposed a media blackout on the issue. On November 1, an arrest order was issued against Francis by the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ), the body that forced his predecessor, Pope Benedict, from office on February 11, 2013. This order was followed by a "banning order" issued by elders of ten indigenous nations in Canada that prevents Francis from entering their territories, which encompass most of Canada. (https://murderbydecree.com/2021/11/06/...) According to the church source, the Bishops based their postponement on new evidence issued to them by the ICLCJ that cites "a key eyewitness very close to the Pope". The evidence includes sworn affidavits implicating Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, in the ritual harming of children, and in the death of witnesses to his involvement in the trafficking of children for the Argentine military junta during their "dirty wars" of the 1980's. The church source also states that in response to the Bishops' decision, on November 16 the Vatican issued an internal communique to Domenico Giani, the head of its paramilitary secret service known as Santa Alleanza, to begin covert operations against the ICLCJ, its native allies, and the ICLCJ Field Secretary for Canada, Kevin Annett (Eagle Strong Voice). More of the evidence and statements from the Court, Annett, and the indigenous elders will be released shortly. For more information and updates see www.republicofkanata.ca under "Breaking News" and www.murderbydecree.com under "ITCCS Updates". And listen this and every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern and 11 pm GMT to the Voice of the Republic at www.bbsradio.com/herewestand . Issued November 20, 2021 by the International Common Law Court of Justice and its indigenous affiliates

Friday, November 19, 2021

6 Children Murdered in the White House OBAMA ARRESTED

About Tory Smith (in his words): 
Hello My life themes are Healer and Survivor. I love to read DNA and have started a blog: readmydna.wordpress.com. Everything about us is recorded into our DNA. I have been doing Healing sessions for about 20 years now, and Zero Point Energy is what flows through my head, heart, and hands into what I am focused on. I was abducted and witnessed child trafficking and in one incident, I was raped while they murdered 54 children in the same room. I chose to 'fight the child traffickers' and January 2016 was the 49th month. These battles and attacks against me, occur everyday and every night. Thank you for your prayers for these children. I get my Information from several different sources- directly from the DNA of people, The Hall of Research, The Hall of Justice, The Hall of Records, and others in Heaven, which is 3 feet up from us.
Thank You my friend T..S.., for your work & 'Love of Humanity', (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .

TRANCE Formation Of America . . . Positive change, through 'public awareness' . . . 
Thank You my friend Cathy O'Brien Phillips (& Mark), for your work/books, & 'Love of Humanity', & also to rumble.com (TammyCuthbertGarcia), for sharing ... & (JFK); did you know The 'Truth', goes marching on? . . .

Connecting the dots . . .
'Patents' (block the truth & protect the perpe-traitors) 666 - Thank You to All  . . . 1 Eye's Blog . . .

The 'Bigger Picture' ... You're more 'powerful', than you think you are.  We (You & I) are at a 'crossroads' . . . I en-courage all, to choose your path(s) well  . . . Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Freedom Isn't Free . . . (or, for sheep) . . . It's time to Wake-Up ! . . .

Freedom Isn't  Free... - Thank You Amazing Polly (amazingpolly.net) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to rumble.com, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: To support Amazing Polly's work: https://amazingpolly.net/ . 
A handful of business owners are bravely defying the COVID measures and taking a stand for freedom. In this intriguing documentary you will meet Kelly Hale, owner of J.A.K.K Tuesday's Sports Pub in Kingston, Ontario and see first hand what small business owners are going through. Shot over three incredible days of ups and downs, you will watch the drama unfold and be left inspired. 
The army of Everyday Heroes is growing larger and stronger every day! . . . JAKK Tuesdays Fundrazr campaign: https://fundrazr.com/d1uoW5?ref=ab_5VFDLHdfRXl5VFDLHdfRXl 
Druthers News and Info to follow the story: https://www.facebook.com/druthers.net/

. . . *** . . . This is 'not for (mind-controlled) MSM believers' (or, tell-lies-vision watchers). Thank You to All . . .  1 Eye's Blog . . . *** . . .

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Humans’ transformation : Dark night of the soul for individuals and the collective ...

'Wiser Words', never better spoken . . .
Thank You Lilou Mace (& Tanis Helliwell) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt : 
Tanis Helliwell, M.Ed. is the founder of the International Institute for Transformation (IIT), which since January, 2000, has offered spiritual transformation programs to assist individuals to develop their spiritual intelligence. She is the author of the classic best-selling book Summer with the Leprechauns as well as Pilgrimage with the Leprechauns, Manifest Your Soul’s Purpose, Decoding Your Destiny and Hybrids. Her newest book is The High Beings of Hawaii: Encounters with mystical ancestors. Tanis Helliwell, a mystic in the modern world, is a sought after keynote speaker whose insightful awareness is applied in a variety of spiritual disciplines. She has presented at conferences also featuring Rupert Sheldrake, Matthew Fox, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Gregg Braden, Fritjof Capra, and Jean Houston. These conferences include The Science and Consciousness Conference in Albuquerque, The World Future Society in Washington, DC; Anthroposophical conferences; and Spirit and Business conferences in Boston, Toronto, Vancouver and Mexico. Tanis has also presented at Findhorn, Hollyhock, A.R.E. Edgar Cayce and Alice Bailey. In addition to her spiritual workshops, she worked for almost thirty years as a consultant to business, universities, and government, to catalyze organizational transformation and to help individuals develop their potential. She also led tours and walking pilgrimages to sacred sites for over 20 years. Tanis is a leading-edge psychotherapist, well-known for working with the body elemental to heal physical, emotional and mental traumas and patterns. She teaches her techniques internationally to groups of psychiatrists, physicians, psychotherapists and other healing practitioners. Tanis is committed to helping people to develop right relationships with themselves, others and the Earth. For more videos on Lilou Mace TV https://www.liloumacetv.com

The 'heart' knows the truth ... ARE 'YOU' LISTENING? . . .  GOOD LUCK!

The 'Bigger Picture' . . . The 'devil' is in the details: ... but,  Fear Not ... 'the Angels are winning' . . . Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


Are You 'Waking-Up' yet ? . . . Or, are You part of the problem ?
Thank You Dan Dicks (PressForTruth) & your entire team, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, & BitChute for sharing *** HERE *** An excerpt: DONATE ➜ https://pressfortruth.ca/donate/
PATREON ➜ https://www.patreon.com/PressForTruth
SUBSCRIBESTAR ➜ https://www.subscribestar.com/pressfortruth
Operation Save The Press (For Truth)! ➜ https://gogetfunding.com/operationsavethepress/
Austria is implementing a new lockdown for the unvaccinated as of midnight Monday, roughly two million Austrians who are not yet inoculated, will be prohibited from leaving their homes except for basic activities like working, grocery shopping, going to school — or getting vaccinated. Meanwhile the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial is underway with closing arguments being made with the fate of Rittenhouse now in the hands of the jury. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest updates with the Rittenhouse trial while also warning Canadians about the measures being taken in Austria against the unvaccinated and how those Draconian measures may be a blueprint for similar laws that we may soon see here in Canada.

The Truth Goes Marching On . . .
Thank You Kevin Annett for your work / books & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . M..M.., Then and Now ... An excerpt : Today's column of Annett's Weekly includes material I was to present in a public talk today at a panel discussion on genocide in Indian residential schools at the University of British Columbia. Unfortunately, the event turned out to be a staged platform to allow one individual, Lauren Southern, to claim without proof that genocide never happened in Canada and that the documented mass graves of children don't exist.
I refuse to participate in such an unconscionable charade, which is nothing less than an attack against not only the truth and generations of murdered indigenous children, but the survivors of Canada's Christian death camps. The extermination of over 60,000 children by Canadian Church and State is too serious a matter, morally and legally, to become a political football lobbed by uninformed and gutter-level operatives like Ms. Southern. Nor could it have been seriously addressed in the brief fifteen minutes allocated to each speaker at this glib event. Instead, genocide survivors and I are planning a genuine public and online academic forum in the near future in which the full evidence of the crime and coverup of the Canadian Holocaust can be presented and discussed in order to help all of us stop this ongoing crime. That evidence, and the history of our twenty-five year public campaign that surfaced it, is too elaborate to detail here. But it can all be found at www.murderbydecree.com and in nearly four hours of videotaped evidence submitted to the International Common Law Court of Justice case between July 2012 and February 2013, and which is contained on these links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvhfX... – ICLCJ proceedings, Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPKFk... – ICLCJ proceedings, Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BF71A... – ICLCJ verdict, Feb. 25, 2013 Many thanks! Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice Posted 16-17 November, 2021. See www.murderbydecree.com and https://republicofkanata.ca/category/...
PS: You'll notice our banner reads 50,000 died and I refer to over 60,000. That's because when the banner was made we hadn't accessed new material that indicates an even higher average death rate in the "residential schools". Naturally it's a general approximation, extrapolated from average mortality figures spanning the years 1891 and 1996.

DO NOT CONSENT . . . Thank You to All . . . 1 Eye's Blog . . .

but,  The 'Bigger Picture' . . . The 'devil' is in the details: ... but,  Fear Not ... 'the Angels are winning' . . . Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Monday, November 15, 2021

The 'Powers-Not-To-Be' ... set the table . . .


Thank You James & James for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' & to odysee.com (Truth will set You Free !), for sharing . . . Banksters Set the Table... An excerpt: The Corbett channel on Bitchute - 


SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/nwnw20211111/

This week on the New World Next Week: The banksters lay the groundwork for their 130 trillion dollar climate swindle; the oligarchs psyop the public into desiring the great food transformation; and the government weeds out the non-bootlickers in the intelligence agencies with their vaccine mandate.

The 'Bigger Picture' . . . The 'devil' is in the details: ... but,  Fear Not ... 'the Angels are winning' . . . Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

THE GLORIOUS ONE, Shamsan 💚🌿✔️

Thank You Shamsan Yvonne, for your work / music & 'Love of Humanity', (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .  Above video / channel censored, by 'the powers not-to-be' &,  'I  Do  Not  Consent'!

'The Battle' for our consciousness, is on . . . 
Part 1 . . . Angelic Realities . . . Thank You my friend Ashayana Deane, for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity', & to odysee.com (ReLoaded Gnosis), for sharing . . .

Are you still giving your energy to what (their) 'ex-perts' are saying?   It's time to Wake-Up, people . . . The 'tell-lies-vision' (MSM) is how the 'Powers-Not-To-Be' are controlling your 'free-will', (& keeping you in a 'consciousness prison') voluntarily . . . Thank You 'DarkHorse Podcast Clips' (Bret & Heather), for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to odysee.com, for sharing) ...  An excerpt: Reference: Johns Hopkins advises on pediatric Covid vaccines (November 5 newsletter): 


And  ...  I would do anything for Love ... And,  I'm not going anywhere ...  And ...   I'll be there 'til the final act' . . .  And, So It Is! ... Thank You M..L.. for your music &  'Love of  Humanity' ... &, to YouTube (Meat Loaf), for sharing . . .

Friday, November 12, 2021

How Did the COVID-19 Virus Make the Leap? | The Agenda

W.H.O. . . .  Do You Believe?
Thank You, 'The Agenda' with Steve Paikin (& Elaine Dewar), for sharing the MSN (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: There is ongoing debate about how COVID-19 made the jump from animals to humans. Investigative journalist Elaine Dewar has a theory, and it is contained in her new book, "On the Origin of the Deadliest Pandemic in 100 Years: An Investigation." She shares her insights with Steve Paikin. 

And, . . . Do You Think? . . . 
Maybe it's time to 'wake-up', & look elsewhere for answers . . . Thank You Adam, Tivon & Hope for sharing your 'Investigative Research' & 'Love of Humanity', & to odysee.com (Sayne Topiks) for sharing . . . An excerpt : In this Podcast on the Crazz Files with Adam out of Sydney Australia, Tivon and Hope from FTWProject.com do a full presentation on Graphene Oxide, 5G and Covid.

Click the link to find the presentation notes for the show https://www.ftwproject.com/orgonite-blog/graphene-oxide-5g-and-covid-presentation-and-notes-on-crazz-files/

Find out more about the book, forbidden tech here https://www.forbiddentech.website

-Graphene Oxide Explained. They are trying to kill you with a 160 year old poison.
Graphene vs. Graphene Oxide- why its important to know the difference
How is Graphene Oxide made?
What can Graphene Oxide Do? Its unique properties is why they put it in everything.
-Graphene Oxide is the main ingredient in DARPA Hydrogels
-What’s in the Covid shots? GO, Steel, Parasites and more: New Photos
-Graphene Flagship. The money and power behind the agenda.
-Before Covid, a study was done: How much GO can they put in a human before fatal?
-Graphene Oxide in the PCR tests, in the masks, in the water supply and in chemtrails.
-How Graphene Oxide works with 5G
-Spike Proteins, Graphene Oxide, Covid Shots Explained
-Health concerns of Graphene Oxide
-Its the same symptoms! GO poisoning, EMF Radiation Sickness, Covid
-Magnetism in those who got the shots explained. It’s the graphene oxide and other nanotech.
-Connection between 5G rollouts and the Covid Variants
-How to get graphene oxide out of your body
-Orgone Energy, EMF protection and Graphene Oxide

Robert O. Young - Thank You, Wikipedia . . .

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

12 Children Murdered in Indianapolis

If you haven't figured out what's happening yet; you are part of the problem . . . Time to WAKE-UP . . .
Thank You my friend Tory Smith, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . The following is about Tory's 'couragous & relentless' work in this life, trying to get the truth out & awaken Humanity to these atrocities, by the entities 'we' willingly give our power (energy) to: Hello My life themes are Healer and Survivor. I love to read DNA and have started a blog readmydna.wordpress.com everything about us is recorded into our DNA. I have been doing Healing sessions for about 20 years now, and Zero Point Energy is what flows through my head, heart, and hands into what I am focused on. I was abducted and witnessed child trafficking and in one incident, I was raped while they murdered 54 children in the same room. I chose to fight the child traffickers and January 2016 was the 49th month. These battles and attacks against me occur everyday and every night. Thank you for your prayers for these children. I get my Information from several different sources- directly from the DNA of people, The Hall of Research, The Hall of Justice, The Hall of Records, and others in Heaven, which is 3 feet up from us.

Angelic Realities Part 3 - Thank You A..D.. for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity', & to odysee.com (ReLoaded.Gnosis) for sharing . . . An excerpt/overview of  Voyagers 1 'The Sleeping Abductees': Ashayana Deane has been personally trained by the Guardian Alliance to bring to Earth the new (but ancient) science of Keylonta-the science of light, sound, subconscious symbol codes and base codes of matter. Volume I of The Voyagers series provides the background you need to understand the true nature of reality and the seriousness of the position that Earth is in at this moment. In this volume you will learn about... - The Administrative levels of the Emerald Order Melchizadek Cloister - The benevolent Guardians and the self-interested Intruders - True human origins and the on-going Hybridization Program - The plight of the Zeta Reticuli, and their plans for Earth - Keylontic Science-the science of dimensional reality - The role of awareness, emotion and intuition - Exercises to raise your frequency and prepare for changes.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Declaration of Christiac Intention

One Eye, One Prism, One Krystal Vision . . . Thank You fellow Voyagers, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing)...  Above video(s) censored / channel terminated by 'the powers not-to-be' ...


Part 1 . . . Angelic Realities . . . Thank You  my friend,  Ashayana Deane, for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity', & to odysee.com (ReLoaded Gnosis), for sharing . . .


Advice to a Pope... - Thank You, Kevin Annett for your work/books, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Kevin Annett's latest muckraking commentary piece about this week's breaking news concerning the arrest order against Pope Francis now endorsed by ten indigenous nations in Canada who have banned him from their lands. Posted 9-10 November, 2021. See the column regularly at https://republicofkanata.ca/category/...

Monday, November 8, 2021

Dolores Cannon 5D Earth is Here!

Old news, is Good news . . .
Thank 'You my friend' Dolores Cannon (R.I.P), for your work & 'Love of Humanity', & to YouTube (In5d), for sharing) . . . An excerpt: The crew at Time Monk Radio interviewed past life regression hypnotherapist, Dolores Cannon, who spoke about the changing energies, the New Earth and signs of the New Earth, who will get left behind on 3D Earth, physical symptoms of ascension, becoming a Light Body, what happens to people who get left behind, removing karma, duality on the New Earth, gridlines, timelines and points of convergence, Nostradamus, free will, moving into 5D Earth, why we're skipping the 4th dimension, the waves of volunteer souls, earth changes, the overlapping of 3D and 5D, the sun's relationship with the earth and whether or not the afterlife is a form of the 5th dimension.
For great reads, check out Dolores' books ***HERE*** . . . 

It only takes one action, to start a 'ripple effect' . . . so, 'manifest wisely' . . .
Part 2 . . . Angelic Realities - Thank You my friend Ashayana Deane, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' & to odysee.com (ReLoaded Gnosis), for sharing . . . For more info; get Ashayana's books ***HERE*** . . .
Voyagers 1 - The Sleeping Abductees . . .An excerpt: The most comprehensive guide available on the hidden truth of the UFO phenomena, ET visitation and Visitor agendas, the mechanics of and purposes for Visitor contact/abductions and assisting abductees. Explores the realities of contemporary ET visitation, covert government dealings with Intruder ETs, the Zeta Earth take-over agenda, ET-human hybridization and hybrid pregnancies, historical involvement of ETs with humanity and the evolution of human consciousness, and protecting humans from present Intruder manipulation.
The 'Great Deception' ... The Speakers and The Writers - Timeline of... - Thank You, A..D.. & KS Reality, for your work & 'Love Of  Humanity' (& to bttube.tv, for sharing). Get the  'free download' of Voyagers 1 *** HERE *** 

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Part of the problem in today's reality, is that the 'indoctrinated' are not 'Critical Thinkers'. They cannot 'discern & integrate' ideas - only memorize . . . Maybe it's time to think (outside of what you're being told, exists) . . . GOOD LUCK!

'Click on image' to enlarge ...

Indoctrinated meaning ... Teach (a person or group) to accept a set of beliefs 'uncritically' (ref: Oxford English Dictionary) . . .

Have you ever tried to have a discussion with someone, who 'can't see the forest, for the trees' i.e. they've been 'indoctrinated' . . . You can lead them to the 'drinking hole', but you can't make them drink. They must 'in the end' discover their own truth(s), & follow their path. ... Unfortunately for many, they are unable to break the 'indoctrination spell', & are following someone else's path... They are not being 'authentic & sovereign' to their soul/spirit ... In my humble opinion, when encountering these entities, it's best to not waste time trying to debate their 'mainstream' knowing(s) ... 

The following is for 'deep thinkers' only . . . 

Plandemic ... Thank You Wikipedia for sharing . . .

PLANDEMIC THE MOVIE . . . Thank You J..M.. & M..W.. for your work/book(s), & 'Love of Humanity', (& to odysee.com  'Thinking With Reason', for sharing) . . . An excerpt: I downloaded this from YT and couldn't find the orginal upload as it keeps getting deleted!

Plandemic Documentary The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid 19 CORONAVIRUS (full Movie)

Prior to the completion of the full-length documentary we'll be releasing a series of vignettes. The first installment features renowned scientist, Judy Mikovits PHD.

This has become so much more than just a documentary. This is humanity's chance to stand for free speech and integrity in all sectors. Please join our community and help spread the message.

ABOUT THE FILM Humanity is imprisoned by a killer pandemic. People are being arrested for surfing in the ocean and meditating in nature. Nations are collapsing. Hungry citizens are rioting for food. The media has generated so much confusion and fear that people are begging for salvation in a syringe. Billionaire patent owners are pushing for globally mandated vaccines. Anyone who refuses to be injected with experimental poisons will be prohibited from travel, education and work. No, this is not a synopsis for a new horror movie. This is our current reality. Let’s back up to address how we got here... In the early 1900s, America’s first Billionaire, John D. Rockefeller bought a German pharmaceutical company that would later assist Hitler to implement his eugenics-based vision by manufacturing chemicals and poisons for war. Rockefeller wanted to eliminate the competitors of Western medicine, so he submitted a report to Congress declaring that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America, and that all natural healing modalities were unscientific quackery. Rockefeller called for the standardization of medical education, whereby only his organization be allowed to grant medical school licenses in the US. And so began the practice of immune suppressive, synthetic and toxic drugs. Once people had become dependent on this new system and the addictive drugs it provided, the system switched to a paid program, creating lifelong customers for the Rockefellers. Currently, medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US. Rockefeller’s secret weapon to success was the strategy known as, “problem-reaction-solution.” Create a problem, escalate fear, then offer a pre-planned solution. Sound familiar? Flash forward to 2020... They named it COVID19. Our leaders of world health predicted millions would die. The National Guard was deployed. Makeshift hospitals were erected to care for a massive overflow of patients. Mass graves were dug. Terrifying news reports had people everywhere seeking shelter to avoid connect. The plan is unfolding with precision. But the masters of the Pandemic underestimated one thing... the people. Medical professionals and every-day citizens are sharing critical information online. The overlords of big tech have ordered all dissenting voices to be silenced and banned, but they are too late. The slumbering masses are awake and aware that something is not right. Quarantine has provided the missing element: time. Suddenly, our overworked citizenry has ample time to research and investigate for themselves. Once you see, you can’t unsee. The window of opportunity is open like never before. For the first time in human history, we have the world’s attention. Plandemic will expose the scientific and political elite who run the scam that is our global health system, while laying out a new plan; a plan that allows all of humanity to reconnect with healing forces of nature.  2020 is the code for perfect vision.  It is also the year that will go down in history as the moment 'we finally opened our eyes'.

The 'devil' is in the details;  but the 'Angels' are winning . . . 'The Battle' for our consciousness, is on . . . 
Part 1 . . . Angelic Realities . . . Thank You my friend Ashayana Deane, for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity', & to odysee.com (ReLoaded Gnosis), for sharing . . . Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Connecting the dots . . .
Graphene ox '666' ... The Untold Story . . . Thank You R..B.. for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' & to odysee.com (SixthSense-Truth-Search-Labs) for sharing . . . An excerpt: MIRROR SOURCE: Note from SixthSense: audio and video fixed!

Russ Brown: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/russbrown/

A compilation of some of my Graphene research from June 8th in the hope other researchers see it, realize the magnitude of this globalist agenda and build on it and help get this most urgent message out.
Please watch to end.

Would you consider supporting me on Patreon at this most important time?

Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/russellbrown


My body, my choice . . . &  Freedom is ...
The Right to Say No... Thank You Canadian Covid Care Alliance (CCCA) & your entire team of 'truthers', for your work & 'Love of Humanity',  & for sharing this . . .

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Pope barred from Canada by natives; Indigenous nations to aid in his arrest

Thank You Kevin Annett & your entire team for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) ; An excerpt: Elders of ten indigenous nations in Canada have banned Pope Francis from their territories, which encompass all of Canada, and have offered to aid in his arrest if he trespasses on their lands. Their statement was issued today in an order endorsing the International Common Law Court of Justice and its Canadian Field Secretary Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice. Their order and upcoming statements by individual elders can be found at www.murderbydecree.com under ITCCS Updates and www.republicofkanata.ca under Breaking News. Posted 6 November, 2021. Write to thecommonland@gmail.com .
For 'great reads', get Kevin Annett's books ***HERE*** . . .

(Not to be taken lightly) ... 'Crazy Horse' rides again . . . Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Friday, November 5, 2021

FREEDOM! . . . What our 'forefathers' thought they were fighting for . . .

I en-courage all, to pull your head(s) out of the sand, & 'connect the dots' ...
'It's better to be a lion for a day... than a sheep all your life' . . . Ask yourself (for your children's & grandchildren's sake); Who Are You; and what do you aspire to be? . . . Because, it's never the wrong time, to 'do the right thing' . . .
William Wallace: 'Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!
Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it.'

My body, my choice . . . & Freedom is ...
The Right to Say No... Thank You Canadian Covid Care Alliance (CCCA) & your entire team of 'truthers', for your work & 'Love of humanity' & for sharing this . . .

Thank You Dan Dicks (PressForTruth) & your entire team, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . . Thousands of Aviation Professionals ... An excerpt : Operation Save The Press (For Truth)! ➜ https://gogetfunding.com/operationsavethepress/

Free To Fly is a group of more than 2,500 aviation professionals along with over 20,000 passengers who’s goal is: “To unite people through one of the most cherished freedoms of modern civilization – the freedom to travel great distances safely, quickly, and in comfort.” In 2021 the Covid-19(84) nightmare took a turn for the worst when vaccines became mandatory for travel in Canada leaving many to feel like prisoners in their own country. Many pilots are now loosing their jobs because they refuse to be coerced into getting the experimental mRNA shot. Free2Fly was created by former pilots who’s lives have been changed forever due to Covid-19(84). In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with the founders of Free2Fly Matt Sattler and Greg Hill about the organization they’ve created, who’s involved, what their aspirations are and most importantly what you as an individual can do to help gain back your right to travel unmolested by the government.

Thank You Amazing Polly (AmazingPolly.net), for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to rumble, for sharing) . . . Woke Credit? ... An excerpt: Companies looking to re-finance are going to be forced to follow the Sustainable Development Agenda - and it's not just Climate any more! To support my work, please visit: https://amazingpolly.net/contact-support.php THANK YOU very much for all your support. You are the ones who have made this channel what it is by sharing, supporting and watching. God bless you all & let's keep sane together. My other channel, called MorePolly: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/uf6BHo1VNKbt/ .

AND, (red flag - MK/U) McGill Univeersity Health Centre ... Pediatric infectious diseases specialist Dr. Jesse Papenburg weighs in on Quebec backing down from mandatory vaccination of its health-care employees and Ontario following suit. Thank You CBC News  ** Watch HERE **... (& to YouTube, for sharing) ...

AND, our Government of Canada at work? ... 'protecting our freedom of choice' ... Thank You, Government of Canada . . .

In my humble opinion, I believe it is time for humanity to 'withdraw' our energy from these convoluted entities & 'control systems', that have 'duped humanity', over millennia . . . However, it is difficult to change this (our convoluted) reality on 'Beloved Mother Earth', from within the 'Control Systems' that have created it (with our **Humanity's** 'duped', mind-controlled consent) - but the 'truth' will go Marching On - Thank You to All . . . 1 Eye .