The following is the breakdown of religious groups, based on the total population of followers: (ref: google search)
- Christians—2.2 billion followers (representing 31.5% of the world's population)
- Muslims—1.6 billion (23.2%)
- Non-religious people—1.1 billion (16.3%)
- Hindus—1 billion (15.0%)
- Buddhists—500 million (7.1%)
Awakening ... Beyond Humanity... Thank You to Energetic Synthesis, for sharing . . .
An excerpt: Organized religions have been put in place as the primary Mind Control method to serve the ultimate objective and purposes of the Negative Alien Agenda, to gain control over earth during the Ascension Cycle. The people of earth have been manipulated for centuries into warring and killing each other in the name of the False Alien Gods in order to constantly carry out human Blood Sacrifices and help to maintain division between the 12 Tribes. Violent religions and the New Age hijack have constantly been using humans as pawns in the negative alien’s conquest game, which is designed to generate consistent fears and spiritual terrorism into the minds of the earth population in order to attempt to eventually manifest the Armageddon scenario.
We should be reminded that in our future there is no organized religion with a God at the top controlling the masses, this is effectively taking an anti-God stance by rejecting the truthful nature of spiritual reality. The science behind our human soul anatomy, intelligent consciousness and spiritual reality will reveal our divine blueprint and purpose in such positive and life affirming ways, the heart felt desire for expressing loving reverence for life becomes the primary understanding of the true existence of God, which is the main cause of spiritual revelations and the personal desire for spiritual practices in which to pursue truth and beauty in all of its living light forms to expand into higher consciousness.
Thus, this phase of global awakening may come with surreal surprises or shocking events that may be especially difficult on those groups of people that have been indoctrinated with assorted religious beliefs and intellectual dogmas that are found to not be in alignment with forthcoming revelations that will hold many evidential truths. It is increasingly important to release the egoic need to be right and find the humility required in order to be willing to uncover deceptions or errors in our thinking and beliefs, especially when it has been proven to be wrong. Instead of promoting circular debates with confirmation bias based on repeating biblical or religious narratives that are not interested in sincere truth seeking, along with the incessant need to judge others if they are being saved or not, it is much more important to cultivate personal integrity and heart-based authenticity for creating deeper spiritual connections between ourselves and others. To develop or maintain our direct connection with God and Christos, we must be willing to seek the truth as the top priority, to practice compassion for ourselves and others, and be humble so we are willing to be corrected when our thinking or beliefs are proven to be erroneous and false.
Have You ... been 'limiting yourself' to the known?
"What you need to be afraid of, is not the "unknown";
Because that's where we live, all the time.
What we need to be afraid of, if anything,
is the "known"!
Because the "known", is the rigid patterns,
of past conditioning, that imprison us;
in a prison - of ill health & disease."
- unknown -
It's time my friends to do some critical thinking, 'discern', & leave y(our) limited '3D Consciousness' behind . . . And So It Is! (ref: ascension glossary) . . . An excerpt: 3D (three or third dimensional) Consciousness in used in describing the limited perception of the world as being only that which is perceived in the physical.[1] A person who limits their perceptions to the basic 5 senses would be considered a 3D person. Such a person would not have had an awakening experience and therefore not have fully developed Higher Sensory Perception or an ability to sense energy fields and their quality.
A 3D person is usually much more developed mentally than emotionally, leading them to perceive everything through their intellect. This results in dismissing Higher Sensory Perception experiences in others as well as in themselves.
So, I ask: 'Where do You stand? ' . . .
HERE ... WE STAND (Establish Liberty) . . . Thank You my friend Kevin Annett, for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to PodBean, for sharing . . .
An excerpt from Kevin's February 18, 2024 podcast: The Guilt of the Crown spreads as 'king' Charles is named in massacre of Saskatchewan Cree Indians.
In my humble opinion, I believe it is time for Humanity to 'withdraw' our energy from these convoluted entities & 'control systems', that have 'duped humanity', over millennia . . . However, it is difficult to change this (our convoluted) reality on 'Beloved Mother Earth', from within the 'Control Systems' that have created it (with our **Humanity's** 'duped', mind-controlled consent) - but, the 'truth' will go Marching On - Thank 'You to All' . . . 1 Eye . . .