Monday, October 28, 2019

Sunday, October 27, 2019


The Truth Goes Marching On . . . Above video taken down ***  WATCH  HERE  *** (thank you to, for sharing) . . .
Climate Change... or 'Weather Warfare'  . . .  Hmmm . . . 
'Fool me once, shame on you;.. Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me'....
It's time (Humanity), to be our 'Authentic, Sovereign, Multi-dimensional Self(s)':.. Discern, Integrate Information (Connect the Dots) & use your Intentions (your God-Self /'Source' Energy) wisely. With Love & Gratitude, I Thank You... THANK YOU.. .. & Don't Forget the 'Elephant in the Room'.. 'Order out of Chaos'. . . ; Everybody Knows - Thank You, Leonard Cohen ...

Friday, October 25, 2019

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

WHEN Will Govt Leaders ADOPT the Truth?

The Truth Goes Marching On... Hallelujah - Thank You, Leonard Cohen .
Reply to Kerry Cassidy and Ashayana Dean - Intervention & Bullying by ETs - Thank You
Emerald Founder Records....We've all heard the phrase: 'History is written by the victors' - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis.....
Great Teamwork - 1 Eye's Blog . ...


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

What YOU need to do now (Stop007)

CONFRONTING GAMING vs. LAW (as Methods) - Thank You, Shechai Yah
Artificial Timeline Wars - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis

Origins of the Phim Races of External & Internal Creation

Origins of the Phim Races of Internal & External Creation - Thank You, KS Reality . .
Fake News, Staged Events, Harassment & Huge Crowds..... Thank You, Sarah & Ray . .
The REAL Earth Histories PART 2 - Thank You, Freedom Teachings Preservation
Separation of Worlds - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis

Reply to Kerry Cassidy and Ashayana Dean --Intervention--and Bullying--b...

Reply to Kerry Cassidy and Ashayana Dean --Intervention--and Bullying--by ET's ...
And CONFRONTING GAMING vs LAW (as METHODS) - Thank You, Shechai Yai ..
& 'Secrets of Amenti' - History of 'Beloved Mother Earth' (Tara & Gaia).... . .
And Artificial Timeline Wars - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis  . . .

Monday, October 21, 2019

Do celebrity endorsements turn into votes?

Canada's Election Day...Thank You, CBC News
The Democracy Deception - Part 2... Thank You, Press For Truth
Wow . . . Thank You, Energetic Synthesis .....

Child Predation Services of Arizona

Above video taken down, but ... Watch above video  ***  HERE  ***
Thank You, Amazing Polly for your Love of Humanity . . . (& to YouTube & BitChute, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Picking up a thread from my last video, I examine Arizona in more detail. The shooting deaths of 3 former Senators who were investigating child trafficking tied to their states' Child Protection Services, the mob/mafia ties of some politicians, Merv Griffin, Donald Trump's work with the FBI in 1981 and other things. more... 

Collins-Smith Jonathan Nichols: .
Ducey from Crime Family: McKay CPS report 2015: 

McKay leaving Child Welfare Arizona: 

AZ Mirror Senator convinced Child Protective Services facilitating sex trafficking:

Secure Arkansas: 3 killings re CPS investigations:

Nancy Scheaffer Report:

Michael Caine’s Party:

To all who have contributed to my work, I say a thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you'd like to donate,

Artificial Timeline Wars - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis ..

And Thank You, My Friend Tory Smith - THANK YOU  . . . .

In My Secret Life - Thank You, Leonard Cohen ..

Sunday, October 20, 2019

1 Eye's Blog: Final Boarding Call

1 Eye's Blog: Final Boarding Call: Thank You, Katherine Horton for your courage & work;... discerning this (our) reality, on 'Beloved Mother Earth' . . . Thank You ... .    .

Luciferian Pelosi Fake News Meltdown Calif Fires Satanic Dumbs Deepstate...

Above video unavailable ...

But, Watch It  ***  HERE  ***  Thank 'You my friend'  Rich, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to (Rich2150x), for sharing . . . An excerpt: Luciferian Pelosi Fake News Meltdown Calif Fires Satanic Dumbs Deepstate and more.

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Artificial Timeline Wars - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis


And Thank You, My Friend Tory Smith - 'now from the other side of the veil' (higher dimension) . . .

Hallelujah - Thank You, Leonard Cohen

Friday, October 18, 2019

With Greta’s Help This Federal (S)election The SYSTEM Will Win!!!…How Da...

Thank You, Dan ....    .


Getting the truth out, one (1) deleted (censored) video at a time ... And,  So  It  Is!

Thank You, Kerry & John - Great Teamwork . . . Above video taken down, by the 'powers not-to-be' ...  But,   ****  WATCH  IT  HERE  **** . . . Thank You to K..C.. & J..K.. & to (Project Camelot), for sharing . . . An excerpt: "The Daily Mail has featured an article on the local council refusing to have 5G installed in Totnes, Devon, UK."--John Kitson, 5G Awareness
..."Although the decision has no force in planning law, campaign leader John Kitson claims the action by Totnes town council is a warning to ministers that they cannot bring in 5G without further research into its effects on health."--Daily Mail article:

Connecting The Dots ...  Separation of Worlds - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis ...
And,  Everybody Knows - Thank You, Leonard Cohen

Swamp Creatures of the Pacific

Above video, taken down ... But  ****  WATCH  IT  HERE  ****  Thank You to Amazing Polly, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' ... & to BitChute (Amazing Polly), for sharing . . . An excerpt: An Attorney General is shot to death on a tiny island in Micronesia. This story leads to a Baby Mill run out of Arizona, Human Trafficking foundations, Obama & more. To support my work:

In my humble opinion, these 'low-vibrating' Swamp Creatures, along with the other 3D control system 'hierarchies' (on 'Beloved Mother Earth),.. require emotional/fear based (low-vibrating) Human energy to sustain them (to enable their control & survival). Our (human) Energy is Required for these Non-Human Entities to feed off & to exist..... Once we 'wake-up' to this manipulation (truth), that's been happening without our consent,... we can put our 'energy' to better use, for the benefit of all.... However, our (1st) first step is: We have to do our own research, discern & wake-up to this manipulation and find our own truth(s).... Y(our) truth is not found 'out-side-of-you' ... It is what 'resonates' with y(our) 'heart/intuition' ... I wish everyone well on their journey . . .

Separation of Worlds - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis . . .

Closing Time - Thank You, Leonard Cohen . . .

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Viewing Life's Hologram, Removing Alien Body Frequencies w/ Roman Hafner...

Part 2 - Viewing Life's Hologram, Removing Alien Body Frequencies - Thank You, Sarah, Roman, Philipp & Cru . .. 
Controlling the narrative ... YouTube's  'book-buring' is in full swing ... 'Both above videos' ...  terminated by YouTube  *** But watch them here ***  Thank You Sarah Wes tall, for your work &  'Love of Humanity' ... & to (Sarah Wes tall), for sharing ... Also, you can find  Sarah on Rumble ...
An excerpt: Don't forget to sign up for my newsletter to receive notifications of new shows and to see other important information likely not covered by the main stream media: Sign up at

See part 2, here :

Roman Christian Hafner, Philipp Samor von Holtzendorff-Fehling, and Cru von Holtzendorff-Fehling join the program to discuss how everything we touch, see, and smell are all frequencies. They explain how the entire universe is a hologram and that we could all see the world like this if we only knew how. Roman and Cru were born with the ability to see the world in this way. Specifically Roman had to learn as a child how to see the world like "normal" because he naturally could see the world as energy and frequency. This is a fascinating interview that looks at the world around us from a completely different paradigm. You can see more of their work and learn about their ongoing classes @

For my Patreons, they do an additional extra segment helping to show us an example of how to rid an alien frequency from your body. You can see this at

Follow me on Twitter @

Censorship is serious. To stay informed of all the latest episodes, sign up for my weekly newsletter @

Electronic harassment - Thank You, Ascension Glossary ... Some excerpts: 

Mind Control via EMF

Mind Control technologies are weapons which use electronic microchip implants, nanotechnologies, microwaves and/or electromagnetic waves to subvert an individual’s sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system. The development of these methods and technologies has a long history. [2]

Targeted Individuals TI's

These covert weapons are said to be used secretly and silently to harass loyal Americans, strangle their businesses and gain control of their assets. Targeted Individuals (or TIs as they call themselves) warn that so long as these weapons technologies remain classified, responsible government and law enforcement agencies cannot protect them and other Americans, families and businesses from these threats.

Separation of Worlds - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis ... An excerpt: Descending Realities are AI Generated

The NAA and Power Elite do not want the human population to evolve into the higher frequencies and access the organic future timelines available now. To counter act the ascending planetary shift and cloak the bifurcation event, they have aggressively pushed out every chaotic distraction, along with the Transhumanist agenda, to maintain an iron grip over the human population. The Transhumanist agenda is evident in every form of biological and consciousness hacking through technological, synthetic and digitized methods to try and take over the consciousness energy that exists in organic matter. To maintain control over matter, they have introduced an ever more aggressive military strategy that is enforced through both alien and human created artificial intelligence technology. This combined strategy is to generate the range of artificial frequencies and brain mapping technology that replicate the entire earth realm in virtual realities, through which they hope to have ultimate control. This is so the majority of people on earth cannot tell the difference between AI generated artificial frequencies and the planet’s organic frequencies (dead light versus living light), while they are existing within the artificial holographic reality.

These are the descending timelines on planet that run lower frequencies of artificial, phantom and false realities that are generated by alien technologies using false holograms of dead light. Smashing protons and electrons into frequency fences or metal plates is one way to generate false light fields and inorganic black holes. As many of us know, the artificial intelligence and artificial frequencies have radically increased in some environments and these may have extreme physical sensations for an ascending human. These artificial frequencies are the recipe for creating human zombies or cyborgs, or a person who is extinguished of all inner light.

A location such as a city that is a descending hub area will have these common low frequency symptoms: riddled with crime and negativity, perpetuating harmful or destructive actions towards self and others, the land will feel dead or barren, will become increasingly less stable politically and economically, and this will be socially reflected through the communities. We have come to understand more deeply that many of these frequencies being intentionally generated towards the public are artificially generated.

For a person who is wearing their 12D Shield, the frequency of alien machinery and negativity will feel appallingly amplified and energetic discernment will be made very clear. For a person who is disconnected and internally miserable, they will be unable to discern the energetic terrain. Most likely they will resonate with that low energy location based on their own unresolved emotional conflicts, suffering and cultural preferences.

A human that chooses to connect to the Eternal God Spirit is aligned to the mechanics of living light consciousness, which interconnect to the mechanics of time and space made in Universal Law. The Laws will always protect that human while in any dimension or timeline, when making that conscious choice. This choice comes from deep within the heart of a loving, compassionate and empathic person, and not the mind.

'The Truth Goes Marching On' . . . 

Moon Children - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis . . .

It's a hot summer night, & ... You Took The Words ... 'Right Out' of my mouth - Thank You M..L.. for your music & 'Love of  Humanity' ... & to YouTube (Meat Loaf), for sharing ... Lyrics:
It was a hot summer night and the beach was burning. There was fog crawling over the sand. When I listen to your heart I hear the whole world turning. I see the shooting stars falling through your trembling hands. And then you took the words right out of my mouth. Oh it must have been while you were kissing me. You took the words right out of my mouth. And I swear it's true, I was just about to say I love you. And then you took the words right out of my mouth. Oh it must have been while you were kissing me. You took the words right out of my mouth. And I swear it's true, I was just about to say I love you.

We are doing this ...  Great  'Teamwork' ...  1 Eye's Blog . . .

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Anti-Corruption is the New Corruption

Censorship ... Above video taken down . . . But watch  ***  HERE  *** Thank You A..P.., for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' ... & to BitChute (Amazing Polly), for sharing . . . An excerpt: I discuss how *G Soros* & Canada (Chrystia Freeland's family in particular) are pivotal to the Globalist takeover of Ukraine.
**I have the BEST audience on the internet! If you would like to send a financial gift please go to my website,** This seems to involve the CIA in its capacity as part of an underground international Intelligence Apparatus which I believe was set up during & after WW2 in Project RUSTY. I also focus on the major role Canadians have played in Ukraine.. There's a lot going on here, so grab a pen. :)
NOTE: the photo I say is of Oleh Havrylyshyn is not him. I put in the wrong file. more... 

The Truth Goes Marching On . . . . 'Connecting The Dots' . . . . .

On Upcoming Canadian  Election ... . Thank You, CTV News . . .
As my favorite Beatle, George Harrison once said: "It doesn't matter who you vote for;... the government always gets in."

Secret Space Programs - Thank You, Ascension Glossary . . .

And don't forget the 'elephant in the room' . ., as well as Corporatocracy  .

Everybody Knows - Thank You, Leonard Cohen . . .

Sunday, October 13, 2019

MAY 13-19 474 Children Murdered $107 million

MILABS ...'A deceitful military operation'  - Thank You, Ascension Glossary
Disclosure, If You Want It - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis
Secrets of Amenti... . The History of 'Beloved Mother Earth' (Tara & Gaia)
"Sun" of God - Oops! - 1 Eye's Blog ...
Take This Waltz - Thank You, Leonard Cohen ..

Here We Stand, October 6, 2019

The Truth Goes Marching On . . .
Shocking Realizations - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis ..
Fires & Outages .....  Thank You, Deborah & Kerry
Everybody Knows - Thank You, Leonard Cohen

Friday, October 11, 2019

Final Boarding Call

Thank You, Katherine Horton for your courage & work;... discerning this (our) reality, on 'Beloved Mother Earth' . . . Thank You
Who By Fire - Thank You, Leonard Cohen . .

In my 'humble opinion',... it is important for Humanity to 'wake-up' & discover the 'truths' of this (our 3D) reality, by being y(our) 'authentic, sovereign, multidimensional self(s)',... discerning,.. integrating thoughts & connecting with y(our) higher self(s); to allow you to feel (connect) with what 'resonates' with you (your heart/intuition).
Separation Of Worlds  (leaving this reality). . . .  Thank You, Energetic Synthesis . . . .

We have been 'duped' without our consent (free-will), and;..."It is impossible to 'change' this 3D reality, with/within the 'control systems', that created it.".... , but,.. But WE (Humanity), as 'creator beings', can create a 'new reality', by raising our vibration (up & out of this low-vibrating shit-hole). Remember, this is why you & I incarnated here. We have a job to do.  Good Luck

The Torus field and the Atom; Lily Rose Day & Santos bonacci

Origins of the Phim Races of External & Internal Creation

Origins of the Phim Races of External & Internal Creation - Thank You, KS Reality
Tower Of Song - Thank You, Leonard Cohen
Anti-Corruption is the New Corruption - Thank You, Amazing Polly . .
Desperate Deep State, 5 Florida Judges Busted, Trafficking Nests - Thank You, Sarah & Corey ..
The Truth Goes Marching On . ....     . Great Teamwork - 1Eye's Blog

Thursday, October 10, 2019

1 Eye's Blog: US SENATORS Involved in MILAB Child Trafficking, ...

1 Eye's Blog: US SENATORS Involved in MILAB Child Trafficking, ...: Thank You 'My Friend', Tory Smith.............."The past cannot be changed...And the 'Future' is yet in y(our) power....
& Thank You, Cathy O'Brien (Mark) for your 'great' work  & books. . .

The Histories of Enoch & Noah

The Truth Goes Marching On . . . .
A Word on the Importance of Frequency - Thank You, Freedom Teachings Preservation
Hallelujah - Thank You, Leonard Cohen

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Trudeau’s Federal sElection - Another Four Years??!

What is Lack of Empathy? - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis
Compartmentalization - Thank You, Ascension Glossary
& don't forget 'the elephant in the room' ...   .

Monday, October 7, 2019

Leonard Cohen - So Long, Marianne (Live in London)

Indications of Lacking Integrity - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis
Never be a prisoner of your past...It was just a 'lesson'; not a 'life sentence'....
Corporatocracy - Thank You, Ascension Glossary
"I have found the 'paradox',.. that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt;..only more Love." - Thank You, Mother Teresa

Sunday, October 6, 2019

1 Eye's Blog: MMS : The Miracle Cure? - the fifth estate

1 Eye's Blog: MMS : The Miracle Cure? - the fifth estate: MMS - The Miracle Mineral Solution (now called 'Master Mineral Solution' ) - Thank You CBC News, Jim Humble, Royce, Stan & others ...

1 Eye's Blog: Humanity Has Been Duped, without Our Consent ........

1 Eye's Blog: Humanity Has Been Duped, without Our Consent ........: The Truth Goes Marching On ... Baphomet Deception (Podcast) - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis ... And Usurping Personal Intent  - Understanding how 'Inverted Systems' are used to usurp consciousness energy ...

1 Eye's Blog: Cancer Cures ARE ILLEGAL

1 Eye's Blog: Cancer Cures ARE ILLEGAL: Humanity's Immune System is increasingly being compromised due to environmental toxins, disruptive 'ElectroMagnetic Fields', etc, etc ...

The Human Responsibility of Empowered Love - The Original Teachings of ...

The Truth Goes Marching On.. . Great Teamwork - 1 Eye's Blog . ..
Anthem - Thank You, Leonard Cohen
..And the Devil said: "You may not survive the storm"..... . The 'Warrior of Light' replied:..."I Am The Storm.". . .

Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Real Earth Histories PART 1


Above video removed ... but watch 'videos' below . . .
NWO, 5G & climate Control... - Thank You Deborah Tavares (& Gemma) for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to ( NEW), for sharing . . .

The Real Earth Histories Overview - Thank You fellow voyagers & Guardians (A..D..) & y(our) entire team, for your work, & 'Love of Humanity', & to YouTube (Voyagers), for sharing . . . 

Friday, October 4, 2019

Prepare Now - It is Happening, Look Past the Show w/ Harley Schlanger

Above video removed, but  ****  Watch It  HERE  ****  Great Teamwork - Thank You.. .Sarah & Harley & to BitChute (Free Your Mind), for sharing . . . An excerpt: Harley Schlanger rejoins the program to discuss the globalist and central banker actions that are now taking place since their annual meeting last month. The Federal Reserve has been pumping $75 billion dollars a day into the economy since September 15th and will continue to do this until October 10th or later. We discuss what these actions really mean and connect the dots on these actions to the real economy, the impeachment of President Donald Trump, the Green New Deal, and other crazy developments we are witnessing every day. He also reiterates the point that we have to have courage and believe that we can turn this around. As a group, we have the power. This is an important interview, please share this with as many people as you can.

Media Manipulation of Consent - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis
I encourage All, be your 'authentic, sovereign, multidimensional self(s)'; discern, do your own research, integrate information &... don't forget 'the Elephant in the room'. . . . Good Luck . . .

Thursday, October 3, 2019

THE REAL Earth Histories PART 3

Real Earth Histories PART 4
It is Important to Find Your Own Truth - 1 Eye's Blog
Checkerboard Mutation  & Separation of Worlds - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis
Great Teamwork - 1 Eye's Blog
Hallelujah ... Thank You, Leonard Cohen

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Dick Cheney Murdered 46 Children. DARPA/CIA child trafficking update 29N...

Thank You, My Friend ... .

Fatal to Expose Trafficking: ITNJ & Sacha Stone w/ Alessandro VC (2of2)

I urge Humanity to be your 'Authentic, Sovereign, Multidimensional Self(s)'...Discern.. & do your own research & 'connect the dots' - Good Luck
Entity Protection Techniques - Thank You, Rich & Akvile
Indications of Lacking Integrity - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis .. ...
And For Reasons of National Security - Thank You My Friend, Cathy O'Brien (& Mark)

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Speaking of children raped and murdered by Mike Pence, Mitch Daniels, an...

Timeline Sections in Bifurcated Earth - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis

1 Eye's Blog: Surviving the jesuit oath and freemason BS Kevin ...

1 Eye's Blog: Surviving the jesuit oath and freemason BS Kevin Annett ...: Check out:  Connecting the 'Dots'  &  Enjoy this ! Let's Celebrate Reconciliation - Thank You
And Kevin Annett running in 2019 Canada Federal Election - Winnipeg North Riding... . Thank You, Global News
And ... 'Weasel Nation' - It's Election Time In Canada... Thank You, Amazing Polly