Saturday, December 25, 2021

The (Im)Possible Dream, Shamsan 🤗💚🌿🌾✔️

THE 'POSSIBLE' DREAM ... Manifest Wisely ... 'It Is So, IT IS DONE' . . .
I en-courage All to use your 'intentions' wisely, they are 'Powerful Gifts'.
Thank You my friend, Shamsan Yvonne for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt:  
Shamsan, Vegan Inspirational songwriter and singer, activist for children, human and animal rights. Shamsan, Weganska wokalistka, kompozytorka, aktywistka praw czlowieka i praw zwierzat. In this channel you will find a different Playlists, music by Shamsan and activism, both in Polish and in English. W tym kanale znajdziecie playlisty polskie i agielskie, muzyczne i aktywistyczne. Shamsan travelled in the world (30 countries) as a singer, performer, recording artist and also shifting in the other businesses for safety and sacurity. She worked for the record label in USA (3 years recording contract), released the album with her compositions and one cover song "We Are", a couple of singles, and prepared two more albums with her record label agency, but she refused the following invitation to join the cults (Hollywood etc) and she did not allow the record label to control her freedom of speech, in all matters she wants to mention, concerning human and animal rights. True Hearts Welcome !

If ...  I Can Dream - Thank You E..P.. for your 'great' music & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (Elvis Presley), for sharing . . . 1 Eye's Blog . . . 

&,   'We Will Win' ... in the End  . . . Thank You Dr Len H. - on Spirituality, Water & DNA  . . .

. . .  I   'DO NOT CONSENT' . . .
The 'Control Systems' that dictate the narrative on 'Beloved Mother Earth' are Deceiving Humanity 'Without Our (informed) Consent'.  I encourage Humanity to be your 'Authentic, Sovereign, Multidimensional Self(s)'.. Ask your 'higher self'' (your god-self) for help/direction; ... Do your own research, discern & integrate information & you will find y(our) truth.. Remember to relax & 'fear not' & use  y(our) Intentions Wisely,.. THEY are Powerful Gifts...

'Goodbyes' ... are only for those, who love with their eyes - Thank You, My Love ... & to All of my 'teammates' in this life ... I  SALUTE  YOU ... Thank You ... Thank You ... Thank You ... I  LOVE  YOU ! ... And So It Is ! 

Earth History- Real Biblical Stories (성서시대의 역사:한글자막) . . . (Updated)

Thank You fellow Voyager(s) (A..D..) for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .  Book burning  -  by the 'powers not-to-be' -  is in full swing ... But watch video   ****   HERE   *** . . . 
 Thank You to (Rawd), for sharing . . . An excerpt: MCEO material - Metatronic Blackhole system, Wesadeks, Wesadracs, Mutated Nature.

Real History of 'Beloved Mother Earth' . . . Thank You, fellow Guardian K..R..

Unsilent Night . . .  (please share this) - Thank You to All, 1 Eye . . .

The devil is in the details ... but, 'The Angels are winning' ...  Thank You J..R.. (& to Julianna Vittorio, & YouTube, for sharing) . . .

Friday, December 24, 2021

Student Handcuffed, Dragged Out & Expelled from Western U | Harry Wade & Dr. Julie Pnesse ...

Thank You The Democracy Fund (Dr. Julie Ponesse) & Harry Wade for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt:Dr. Julie Ponesse sits down with Harry Wade, the former engineering student at Western University that was dragged out of his classroom on numerous occasions for refusing to disclose his Covid-19 vaccination status. VISIT:  Constitutional Rights To advance and maintain substantive constitutional rights in Canada, through public education and strategic litigation seeking legal remedies for victims of constitutional rights abuses. 

It's a special time . . . and,   We are all at a 'crossroads' . . . - Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .
If the 'Powers Not-to-Be'  I.E.this Reality's 'Control Systems', want to do something benevolent for 'Beloved Mother Earth's' inhabitants... they would 'legalize freedom' . . . However, in my humble opinion, those dictating the narrative (& their uninformed minions) prefer to keep us enslaved . . . DO NOT CONSENT . . . 

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Unsilent Night: A True Christmas Story - 'The truth goes marching on' . . . Thank You Kevin Annett . . .

Thank You Kevin Annett (Kevin A) for your work/books, & 'Love of Humanity', & to YouTube, for sharing . . .  An excerpt: 
Kevin Annett tells the true story of Maisie Shaw, indigenous child killed by Christians on Christmas Eve as part of Canada's genocidal slaughter of the innocent. He reflects on the consequence for all of us now, as the blowback from our own crimes strike us. Posted 22 December, 2021. See and .
For 'enlightening reads', get Kevin's books  *** HERE ***  

****  Important Revelation  **** . . .  Please share this, with  ALL inhabitants of  'Beloved Mother Earth' . . . Thank You.
The Bigger Picture - We are 'All One' . . . and 'don't be concerned', with the '2017 timeline', **** because the timeline has been extended  ****  

Hallelujah  (Thank you my friend, Leonard Cohen) . . . 

The Three Christs - Part 3   ****  VIDEO & CHANNEL TAKEN DOWN  ****   Thank You fellow Voyagers (& A..D..) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .
For 'enlightening reads' get Ashayana's  books ***  HERE  *** 

The Three (3) Christs - by Ashayana Deane (Thank You M..R.. Antares, for sharing) . . .

An excerpt: 
[NOTE: Having thoroughly re-read while retyping the following chapter from Ashayana Deane’s VOYAGERS II: Secrets of Amenti, I’m acutely aware that a great deal of background information is required for a full understanding of the material. Who, for instance, are the Azurite Council or the Ra Confederacy? What are all these Melchizedek and Hibiru-Cloister lineages? What does she mean by Templar and Templar-Axion Seals? What precisely is the Sphere of Amenti? How many Harmonic Universes ARE there? Well, not having read VOYAGERS I, a great deal of this complex account is still murky to me – but my intuition guides me to receive the data without overly engaging the analytical mind (at least for now) – while I allow the information to percolate through my cellular memory. I share this intriguing account of ‘The Three Christs’ with you because I feel it’s time we began to question EVERYTHING we’ve ever assumed to be the “truth”-  as fed to us by our cultural, educational, religious, and scientific institutions. ~ Antares]

The Three Christs

Sananda Too
Shroud of Turin



Reintegration of the Races into and Restoration of
the Sphere of Amenti, the Three Christs, The Zionites
and Preparations for 2017 AD.

12 BC - 22 AD

The Azurite Council knew that in order for the races to be prepared for the mass ascension wave of 2017 AD, the integrity of the Sphere of Amenti must be restored by realigning the Portions of the Sphere trapped within the D-2 [Dimension-2] Earth morphogenetic field.  The Alcyone morphogenetic fields of Templar Melchizedeks and those that received the Templar-Axion Seal during Akhenaton's reign and were stored in Sirius B, also needed to be reintegrated into the Sphere of Amenti.

Despite the failures of Akhenaton's campaign, he had successfully reintegrated the Annu peoples into the Sphere of Amenti morphogenetic field, so a similar arrangement was made in reference to the Templar and Templar-Axion Sealed race families.  This time, not only would the races be restored to their place within Amenti, the entire Sphere of Amenti would be realigned with the original 12-strand DNA pattern.

Realignment of the Sphere of  Amenti would allow all of the races to heal their genetic distortions in preparation for the opening of the Halls of Amenti, and would restore the integrity of the Sphere of Amenti so the Halls of Amenti could be opened. This realignment project would require the services of a 12th-level avatar, whose energetic imprint contained the alignment of 12-dimensional frequencies.  This 12th-level avatar was to realign the Sphere of Amenti and Alcyone morphogenetic field of the Templar Sealed Hebrew and Annu Melchizedeks, and he was intended to bring together the factions within the Essenes that had developed within the Melchizedek and Hebrew Cloisters.  He would also re-enter the original egalitarian Templar creed back into the teachings of the Essenes..

Under the direction of Azurites of the Ra Confederacy, in 12 BC, the 12th-level avatar, a pure Taran Turaneusiam-1 soul essence was born outside of Bethlehem in a private residence, to a Blue Flame Melchizedek-Hebrew Essene mother and a Blue Flame Melchizedek-Hibiru Cloister Essene father. It was not an Immaculate Conception, but rather orchestrated via traditional means through a couple chosen and prepared by the Priests of Ur.

His mother's name was Jeudi, his father Joehius; both were leaders within the Blue Flame Melchizedek Essene sect.  The child's soul essence was born of the HU-4 [Harmonic Universe-4] avatar Sananda, and the child was named Jesheua-Melchizedek (herein Jesheua-12), who later became known as Jesus, son of Mary and Joseph.  The personages of Mary and Joseph were not the parents of this avatar child, they were the parents of a ninth-level avatar soon to follow. Jesheua-12 was born to descendants of the house of Solomon, and taken in infancy into the custody of the Priests of Ur.

In 7 BC the Elohim orchestrated the birth of a ninth-level avatar, who would serve to integrate the Templar-Axion Sealed souls of Sirius B, back into the Sphere of Amenti and restructure the patriarchal Templar creed to be more reflective of the Law of One.  This child was named Jeshewua (herein Jeshewua-9), and the stories of his birth to the Hebrew-Melchizedek Essene's Mary and Joseph are recorded as the birth of Jesus in contemporary Christian doctrine.

Jeshewua was not born of an Immaculate Conception either, but rather through the visitation of an ET Nephilim, who, like King Melchizedek had been, was part of the entity named Jehovah. The entity Jehovah, who was one of the original contributors to the creation of the Sirian-Anunnaki races of HU-2, had worked with the Elohim since the time of the Treaty of El-Annu 848,000 years ago. Jeshewua's mother Mary was also born of Nephilim conception.

Following the events of Akhenaton's reign, the Elohim did not want knowledge of ET ancestry available to the general human populations, so the truth of Jeshewua's birth was hidden within the story of the Immaculate Conception.  Through the centuries that followed the two avatars, the life stories of Jesheua-12 and Jeshewua-9, plus another man who was not an avatar, became consolidated into one personage called Jesus Christ.

With the birth of Jesheua-12, the 12th-level avatar, the Hebrew Melchizedek morphogenetic field in Alcyone was reintegrated into the Sphere Of Amenti.  Through Jesheua-12 the integrity of the Hebrew Melchizedek genetic imprint was restored, and he became known by some as the "savior" of the Jewish peoples for this reason.  The portions of the Amenti Sphere that had been trapped within Earth's D-2 morphogenetic field, as a result of Akhenaton's reign, were realigned and the integrity of the Sphere of Amenti was once again restored.  In a greater sense, Jesheua-12 became the savior for the races, for through his birth the Halls of Amenti could once again be opened.

The realigned Sphere of Amenti was kept in storage within the UHF bands of D-3, now under protection of the Azurites of the Ra Confederacy.  At age 20 (8 AD), following his study in Persia and India, Jesheua-12 was taken to Egypt by the Priests of Ur.  At the Great Pyramid of Giza, while Jesheua-12 was between 20 and 33 years of age (8 AD through 21 AD), he and the Blue Flame Melchizedek Essenes secretly orchestrated  ascension for various groups, directly through the portal passage of the Arc of the Covenant. (Ascensions conducted while the Halls of Amenti were closed could only be done through the energy field of a 12th-level avatar, whose bio-energetic field could carry the energy fields of others through the seals on the Sphere of Amenti.  Through the energy fields of the avatar, people could pass through the Arc of the Covenant, into the Blue Flame of Tara's morphogenetic field and into Tara.)

Through Jesheua-12, the Hebrew Essene races that followed the Blue Flame Cloister Melchizedek Essenes were appointed by the Azurites of Ra, to share guardianship of the Arc of the Covenant with the Melchizedek and Hibiru Cloisters.  The descendants of these groups presently carry the full 12-strand DNA package within their gene codes, as this group was one of those chosen in 1972 AD to receive full-genetic realignment through interaction with the time traveling, hybrid Zionite race (see Voyagers I, p. 38).

The Zionites were created during the present-day Zeta infiltration and were sent back in time to realign certain ancestral groups with the 12-strand DNA imprint, in order to accelerate the evolution of present-day humans.  The followers and descendants of the Jesheua-12 Essenes were one of the groups chosen for this realignment.  Groups involved with Zionite genetic restructuring are considered to be of Celestial Human lineage as they carry the full 12-strand DNA Silicate Matrix within their operational genetic codes, regardless of their primary racial line. (The Silicate Matrix appears within family lines as a recessive gene composite, which remains dormant until it is called into activation via opening of chakra centers 8-15.) Various groups within Root Races 3-5 and Cloister races 3-6, along with several other hybrid race strains, were chosen for this genetic realignment, so the Silicate Matrix is distributed at random throughout present-day human genetic lines.  The greatest concentrations can be found within the Hebrew, Melchizedek, Aryan, East Indian and Tibetan racial lines.

During the period that Jesheua-12 practiced in Egypt (8 AD-21 AD), the second Christ, Jeshewua-9, grew in popularity among the families of the Templar Melchizedeks and Hebrew Melchizedeks who were not aware of, or interested in, the birth of Jesheua-12. Jeshewua-9 was also taken to Egypt for initiation, ascension training and ordination as a Melchizedek priest, and portions of these rites were conducted by Jesheua-12.

Prior to his ordination in Egypt, Jeshewua-9 had traveled throughout Nepal, Greece, Syria, Persia and Tibet, training in various inter-faith doctrines. Jesheua-12 studied primarily in India and Persia before coming to Egypt at age 20 and his Templar teachings showed a stronger eastern orientation than those of Jeshewua-9. The training and ascension activities of Jesheua-12 and the Blue Flame Essenes remained primarily hidden and practiced as a secret “mystery school” within Egypt at Giza and in various other locations.  The teachings of Jeshewua-9 became more well-known, which caused him progressively more persecution from Roman influence and also within some factions of the Hebrew and Templar-Melchizedek race lines who did not accept deviations from the original patriarchal Templar creed as set within the Jewish religion by King Melchizedek.

When Jeshewua-9 was 32 years old (25 AD), with the assistance of supportive Templar Melchizedek Essenes, the Elohim exiled Jeshewua-9, his wife (the woman who came to be known as Mary Magdalene in Biblical reference), and their three children to the territories of France, to avoid political persecution.

Another man, by the name of Arihabi, who was a Jerusalem-bom Hebrew-Annu-Melchizedek, was led by the Elohim, through a series of visions, to believe that he was the true Jeshewua-9, and this is the man who was crucified. Neither of the avatar Christs [was] crucified, and both of them left genetic family lines within the Hebrew-Melchizedek races. The sacrifice of Arihabi was orchestrated to divert attention away from Jeshewua-9, his family and his lineage. The resurrection of the “body of Christ”/Arihabi, was orchestrated by the Elohim through the use of holographic inserts, but Arihabi was indeed resurrected following the holographic display. In return for his assistance in diverting attention from Jeshewua-9, the body of Arihabi was restored to life by the Elohim, even though he was not an avatar. He was then taken to India, where he lived for another 30 years.  Upon his natural death, Arihabi’s soul essence was ascended to Sirius B through the Third Eye of Horus portal bridge. After his ascension to Sirius B, the Elohim granted him special favor and adjusted his energy field so he could ascend to the Sirius star system in HU-2 via the planetary core of Sirius A in HU-1.

The story of Jesus Christ as it is known in contemporary times, evolved through the mythology the Elohim used to conceal the identity of their avatar, Jeshewua-9, and to perpetuate their patriarchal slant on the Templar Creed. The distortions of the true facts of history were used to protect the lineage of Jeshewua-9 from political persecution, making it appear as if the Christ had no descendants, thereby allowing those descendants to remain obscured from the public view.

The teachings of Jeshewua-9 and the Templar Melchizedeks became the primary foundations for both the contemporary Jewish and Christian faiths, but the Jewish religion did not acknowledge Jeshewua-9 as their savior.  In truth, Jesheua-12 was the true savior of the Jewish peoples, for he re-entered their race morphogenetic field into the Sphere of Amenti.  Few people knew of Jesheua-12 and his Blue Flame Melchizedek Essene ascension school, so the majority of the Hebrew people did not realize that their foretold Messiah had, indeed, arrived.  Even though Jesheua-12’s accomplishments went unnoticed by the majority of the Hebrew people the restoration of their genetic development was valid - an unseen gift to the Hebrew peoples for which Jesheua-12 did not receive credit.

Between 8 AD and 21 AD, while Jesheua-12 practiced ascension rites at Giza, several expeditions were made by Jesheua-12 and the Blue Flame Melchizedek Essenes. They traveled throughout Egypt and Nubia and into Jerusalem, promoting the original Templar teachings of ascension and gathering together groups of people to take to Giza for ascension.

Plans were made to perpetuate the Jesheua-12 lineage, which carried the full 12-strand DNA imprint, and six women of various Melchizedek Cloister sub-races were chosen to bring forth the children of Jesheua-12, the First Christ.  Couples were chosen to serve as guardians of these children.  Each of the six females to receive the seed of Jesheua-12 was matched to a male Blue Flame Melchizedek who would serve as adoptive father to the child of Jesheua-12.  Jesheua-12 did not interact directly with the raising of these children, nor did he serve as husband to any of the six women chosen to carry his seed. The children were created through sacred procreative rites for the sole purpose of perpetuating the 12-strand DNA pattern within the human races.

Descendants of these children spread throughout the various regions, some appearing within the French Aristocracies, others within the Celtic, Egyptian and African genetic lines. One line of the descendants of Jesheua-12 now resides within the continental United States. Of the six families of Jesheua-12 that were seeded between 18 AD and 23 AD, five of the children survived to bring the 12-strand DNA lineage into the contemporary human gene pool.

The lineage of Jeshewua-9’s three children also prospered and spread throughout various nations to the present day. In his later years, Jeshewua-9 traveled to Tibet, where, with the help of the Elohim, he ascended out of matter in 47 AD to HU-3 [Harmonic Universe-3], through the portion of Tara’s morphogenetic field stored within the planetary core of Venus. (This ascension passage requires a tenth-strand DNA imprint, and is thus not available to most humans, without direct assistance and DNA reconstruction by the Elohim, Azurtes or other HU-2 guardian groups.)

The teachings of Jesheua-12 were highly censored by Templar Melchizedeks who later came into political prominence, and were kept alive through the secret mystery schools that evolved throughout Europe, Egypt, the Middle East and in certain parts of China and Indonesia. The teachings of Jesheua-12 were originally included in the manuscripts that became the Christian Bible, but were distorted or edited entirely at various times, to suit the needs of the power elite within the evolving political-religious machine.

Eventually the teachings were banned by the early Christian churches, for they disclosed the identity and tactics of the Elohim and other ET groups, and told of the divisions within the Melchizedek Templar Creed. Very few of the original Jesheua-12 teachings have survived into the present time, though there are remnants of these teachings secretly preserved in France, that will one day be discovered. The original teachings of Jeshewua-9 were also distorted and misrepresented through political and religious structures of various times.

The teachings of contemporary Christianity, though they provide a basic structure upon which social organization and spiritual initiation can be built, reflect little of the depth, content or meaning of the original teachings of the avatar Christs.

Following the establishment of Jesheua-12’s lineage (18 AD – 23 AD) the avatar had completed his work on Earth. The Blue Flame Melchizedeks carried on his teaching legacy and became the primary keepers of the secrets of the Arc of the Covenant and the Sphere of Amenti. Various groups were assigned various portions of the whole story, with no one group having the entire chronology of the teachings of Jesheua-12.

Jesheua-12 left Earth through the Arc of the Covenant at 39 years of age in 27 AD. He did not die, but rather bodily ascended to Tara, and has since evolved far beyond the confines of physical matter. The Arc of the Covenant was resealed within the UHF bands of D-3 following his ascension, awaiting the time when Earth’s grid rose high enough in vibration to allow for the return of the Sphere of Amenti, which was scheduled to occur before the mass ascension wave of 2017 AD.

The Azurite Council, Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds and their many supporters maintained a stance of non-interference following the success of Jesheua-12’s mission. They allowed the Elohim and other Host Matrix Families to direct the course of earthly events as they desired, knowing that the truth of the Templar and the Law of One, as upheld by the Blue Flame Melchizedeks and Priests of Ur, would eventually come to light within the evolving human consciousness. The Azurites planned to wait until the return of the Sphere of Amenti to Earth’s core before bringing this knowledge back into the public domain, and in the meantime hoped to unite the Melchizedeks within the teachings of the sacred Law of One.

Though Jesheua-12 had successfully aligned the race morphogenetic field at Amenti with the original 12-strand DNA imprint, most of the races still carried traces of genetic distortions from the Templar and Templar-Axion Seals, which would need to be cleared prior to the opening of the Halls of Amenti. The Elohim, Templar Melchizedeks, Blue Flame Melchizedeks and many other unrelated Host Matrix groups have assisted, and continue to assist, many individuals in clearing their genetic codes in preparation for ascension.

All present-day ideologies that teach conscious evolution, and DNA activation and transmutation, are geared toward this purpose, including the new information currently being provided by various guardian ET and metaterrestrial forces.  Jesheua-12, the 12th-level Turaneusiam avatar from Tara, fulfilled his purposes on Earth. Through him the Sphere of Amenti was made ready for re-entry into Earth’s core, following which the Halls of Amenti would eventually be opened. The race morphogenetic field had been reunited, so following the opening of the Halls of Amenti, all souls could again ascend through Amenti, once their genetic imprint had evolved to assemble the fourth and fifth DNA strand. The plan for preparing the races for the 2017 AD ascension wave was put back on schedule. Since 27 AD, when the avatar Jesheua-12 ascended, the races of Earth evolved under the primary influence of the Elohim and various other Host Matrix groups not associated with the Christian and Jewish perspectives.

Through the achievements of Jesheua-12 and Jeshewua-9, the primary morphogenetic imprint for all of the races was returned to the Sphere of Amenti, and the Sphere of Amenti was once again made whole. These accomplishments set the stage for mass ascension, but the races still had a long way to go in healing and evolving their consciousness and genetic codes.

The Frequency Fence quarantine (UHF D-3 seal) still blocked Earth from open relations with the inter-stellar communities.  The Arc of the Covenant D-5 security seal kept all but the Melchizedek race strains from bodily ascension. The races still carried portions of the Amenti Seal (DNA strands one, two and three mutation, anti-particle “death” seal), the Palaidorian Seal (DNA strands two and three mutation, D-4 seal), the Templar Seal (DNA strands two, four and five mutation, D-6 seal) and the Templar-Axion Seal (DNA strands one, five and six mutation, D-7 seal); the “666” seal) within their genetic codes and the memory  of the human lineage still remained locked away within the Sphere of Amenti in the UHF bands of the third dimension. These conditions would have to evolve and heal before humanity would be prepared to face the ascension wave of 2017 AD.

Throughout the evolution of the races, guardian races attempted to awaken humanity to the reality of its evolutionary destiny. All of the major Earth religions were seeded at one time or another by guardian groups, to help the races prepare for their eventual ascension out of HU-1. Though the teachings are often quite different or seemingly contradictory and all religions have suffered manipulation and distortion at the hands of man and covert intruder ET forces, they are united through their original purpose of achieving ascension and freedom from the illusions of matter.

The secrets of Amenti were ultimately kept under the protection of the Blue Flame Cloister Melchizedeks and the Hebrew Essenes who followed them, but the reality of Amenti belongs to all of the races and world religions. The Sphere of Amenti, Arc of the Covenant and Halls of Amenti represent the manifestation of the Covenant of Palaidor, which holds the evolutionary promise and progression for all races of the human lineage. It is the promise of humanity returning to the integrity of the Immortal God-being that is the original morphogenetic imprint of the human race.

The promise of ascension is the hidden heritage and legacy of the human condition, the fulfillment of humanity’s evolutionary blueprint.

© Ashayana Deane (Anna Hayes) 2002



     Jesus was a young man
     When he crossed the Seventh Sea

     And found himself in Tibet

     With buttermilk and tea

     The Dalai Lama he was friendly
     There was nothing he couldn’t be
     Except for one minor thing:
     He couldn’t be the king

     Well, many years did go by
     While Jesus lived in style
     High up in the Himalayas
     Above the frozen sky

     One night the mountains shook
     And all below did tremble
     The Dalai Lama and his funky monks
     Decided to take a look…

     And instantly their auras shrunk
     But hope was resurrected
     Everything they knew was now defunct
     For All was reconnected


Group Consciousness ... I.E. the 'herd mentality' of the masses . . .

'Click on image' to enlarge . . .

Trudeau  Blatantly  Honest ... Bernays And The Herd  Mentality . . .  Thank You, Joel & Pat (Waking the Future) for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to, for sharing) . . . An excerpt : Joel and Pat decided that the way we can help this dire situation we find ourselves in now is to get our thoughts out there and heard! Waking the Future will bring you historical events to current events to show you, the listener the trouble this country is in now.

Waking the Future will bring on guests with a vast array of knowledge in areas from politics, economics, law and religion in order to keep our listeners informed on how the government is able to hide from us their tyranny under the guise of freedom and liberty for all.

Enjoy the show and always remember to research and question all you hear!

Pat and Joel,  Waking the Future . . .

An excerpt: “The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” (Rudyard Kiping) . . .

666  Transhuman Agenda ... Thank You my friend, Santos Bonacci (MrAstrotheology) for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . Above Video/Channel taken-down  ...  But,   Watch It  ****  HERE  ****  Thank You to (MrAstrotheology), for sharing ...  An excerpt: We greatly appreciate your donations! To continue to support the Grand Rise of the Syncretism Academy please use our new PayPal,  
**If possible when making your donation please send it via “Friends and Family” not “Goods and Services”.**

And, nothing is random,  or by accident . . .
They always tell us ahead of time, what is on our horizon ... Westworld revisited . . .  Thank You (Ryan Britt) for your work.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Control of the Media . . . controls the narrative of what we are (told) to believe . . . Beware !


The 'devil' is in the details . . . But, the angels are winning . . .
George Carlin speech at the Nationl Press Club ... Thank You, 'ReLoaded Gnosis' &, for sharing . . . An excerpt: Provocative presentation with his signature humour and satyr about many of the conundrums of society. Rest in Peace George!

If you (turn-off the 'tell-lies-vision') & do your own research, you'll soon discover that we're not 'All in This Together',  because ...

Isn't that right? ... 'Fool me once, shame on you ... Fool me twice, shame on me.' - Thank You 'The Democracy Fund' for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to, YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Dave and Krista Haynes, family of Ontario Premier Doug Ford, joined the Christian Fight for Freedom event to show support and raise awareness on the mental health crisis in Canada over the Covid-19 pandemic.  

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Where Have we Been ? ... Or better yet, where have You been ? . . . Best Wake Up . . .

Have we been told the truth about . . .  1:17  . . .
Where Have we Been? . . . Thank You Dr. Tent (DiverseHealthServices) & your entire team, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to, for sharing) . . . An excerpt:  Finally breaking his silence in Part 2 of his trilogy, Dr. Tent addresses the mess we've all been sucked into over the past two years. The livestream was immediately banned on YouTube, so you know there's a lot of truth in it! Watch as he shows examples of our "trusted" leaders lying through their teeth, asks you to think for yourself, and highlights what the true motives may be behind the scenes. . . This video is protected under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

'Truth has a frequency that resonates with y(our) heart' . . . Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . . 

Monday, December 20, 2021

'Critical Thinking' & discernment (I.E. waking-up) ... versus ... being 'mind-controled' sheeple . . .

'Click on image', to enlarge

'Whack-A-Mole' tactics of the 'Powers-Not-To-Be', aren't working too well, anymore . . . 
Those 'entities' & control systems need y(our) support to carry on with their 'convoluted, contrived reality' on 'Beloved Mother Earth' - that many 'souls' are giving their uninformed (duped) consent to. . . . So, are you 'part of the problem' ... or part of the 'awakening' I.E. the solution? . . .

Judge Rules ... Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

What 'line' will you not cross? ... Or, are you in denial? ... We are at a 'crossroads', & it's time to make choices, about W.H.O. we are giving our consent to . . .
Consent  . . . Thank You Lisa Renee (Energetic Synthesis) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Welcome! Thank you for visiting our channel. As we are moving into greater intensity with the Ascension Timeline entering the Galactic Consciousness phase during 2012 and beyond. This information is designed to provide a context for ascending humans to embrace the changing paradigm on planet earth, as well as learn tools for empowered self-mastery.
This ES Channel content reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 and beyond Timeline) as support, both energetically and educationally, for the Galactic Families of Starseeds and the Indigo Races. Energetic Synthesis is an advocate for bridging the Star Races on the earth serving the Law of One, an Universal Ascension Model. Please cultivate energetic discernment, personal responsibility to use what you need and discard the rest! Be kind, ethical and responsible towards others. In Love and Appreciation, Lisa Renee and The ES Team

Saturday, December 18, 2021


Above video taken down, but watch  ***  HERE   *** . . . Thank You, BitChute (Sunsets Into Sunrises) for sharing . . .
'Truth has a frequency, that resonates with y(our) heart . . . so, follow it' . . .
Thank You PROJECT CAMELOT TV NETWORK (& & to Claire for hosting this presentation, along with interviewees: David, Anna, Rachael, Kerry, Susan & Jolie (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt:  

Thank YOU TO ALL, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Creating Safe Zones . . . Ashayana Deane on Twins - Thank You 'Great Stuff In A Few Lines' for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to, for sharing) . . . An excerpt : Ashayana explaining the goal of twin flames, and how they've been interfered with. Must Watch.
For 'enlightening reads', get Ashayana's books  *** HERE ***  . . . 

Friday, December 17, 2021

Deconstructing The Construct Ep #67

Thank You Lisa M. Harrison for your work & 'Love of Humanity', & to YouTube, for sharing . . . An excerpt: ** NOTE : Due to upcoming changes with YT, please bookmark my website, subscribe to RSS or newsletter at and I am also on Vimeo: . Filmed during the recent DTC Webinar on December 1st. I hope this acts as a brief recap of all the information over the last 3 years in order to bring those who have recently discovered this information up to speed. .

Creating Safe Zones . . . Ashayana Deane on Twins - Thank You 'Great Stuff In A Few Lines' for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to, for sharing) . . . An excerpt : Ashayana explaining the goal of twin flames, and how they've been interfered with. Must Watch.
For 'enlightening reads', get Ashayana's books  *** HERE ***  . . . 

'Standing Up' to the OWO agenda  . . . Thank You Ernesto Araujo (Former Brazilian Foreign Minister), for your courage & 'Love of Humanity', & to BBC, HARDtalk (Stephen Sackur) for sharing . . . An excerpt: Stephen Sackur speaks to Brazil’s former foreign minister Ernesto Araújo who was an arch critic of global efforts to contain Covid, calling them communistic. Brazil’s government now stands accused of failing to protect its people. Is that fair?  
BBC video, unavailable outside of the U.K. ... Listen to the interview ***  HERE  ***
President of the Poor - Thank You The Washington Post 'Democracy Dies in Darkness' (& Columnist, Anthony Faiola) for your journalism . . .

The 'Powers Not-To-Be', keep telling us - via their 'convoluted deceptions' & 'puppet' ex-perts - that 'we're all in this, together' . . .  But, the 'Warriors of Light'  have awakened . . . & know better . . . Great  'Telepathy', Synchronicity & Teamwork - Thank You to All1 Eye . . .

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Path of Joy & Sorrow . . . We Do Have Free-Will ... but it is 'free will', within a co-creative framework . . .

It's all about choices, and it's never the wrong time, to do the right thing. 
But, the Powers 'Not-To-Be' have forgotten the rules . . . & so they will learn the hard way ... It's called 'tough love' . . .
Thank You fellow Voyagers (& A..D..) for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing)  . . . 
For 'enlightening reads', get Ashayana's books  *** HERE ***  . . . 

WE Humans either fit in . . . Thank You All , for sharing, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Counterpoint | Are There Any Court Challenges for Workplace Vaccine Mandates? ...

Thank You  The News Forum (Counterpoint) with host Tanya Granic Allen, with Marty Moore for your work, & 'Love for Freedom' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Tanya welcomes Lawyer Marty Moore from the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms to look at how COVID-19 misinformation is still affecting Canadians and how challenges to mandates are being met in the courts.

What 'line' will you not cross? Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

REALITY IS A CONSTRUCT !!   'And, that Construct is Deconstructing' . . .
Deconstructing The Construct (Episode # 76) - Thank You Lisa Harrison for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Turns out it should have been Ep 75....oops
Random comments on a variety of current and recent happenings, volunteers and originals, June 21 2020 Eclipse energies and what's potentially to come.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

I sold my soul to the devil!

We are ALL at a 'crossroads',  & the devil is in the details ... but, the 'angels' are winning . . .
Thank You 'Conspiracy Music Guru' for your work/music, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt about CMG: Conspiracy Merch is here! 👉 . Conspiracy Music Guru exposes the world’s greatest deceptions with lyrics that inform and teach, and together with an understanding of the power of 432Hz his music delivers a natural vibration which has had a profound impact and resonance with his fans. Conscious music is what the Conspiracy Music Guru is all about. 💚 Please consider downloading my music 💚 It's available on all major digital download stores like iTunes, Google Play, Deezer and many more and you can purchase the physical CD's from Amazon (songwhip link below) or visit my website at 💚 Your support is very much appreciated and means I can continue to make conscious music 💚 My music here 👉

Unity Consciousness pt 2 - Thank You Lisa Renee (Energetic Synthesis) & your entire team, for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Lisa's talk in Calgary, Canada at the 'Canadian Quester's Conference' in 2010. Titled: Bridging the Unity Consciousness, 'GLACTIVATION' ~ Ascension Cycle Timeline.
A Sirian Guardian Family Evolutionary Model .

Control of the 'Supply Chain' is in full swing . . .

Eye's wide open, half the time ? . . .
Orchestrating & imposing the OWO agenda, via their usual ... Problem, Reaction Solution  ... This means 'Forced Vaxxxs' ... but, not until the 'small businesses' are culled & the 'sheep' are corralled, via  mind-controlled, self-imposed bondage . . . 

Thank You of NEWCOM Media Inc (Jim Glionna & John G. Smith) & your entire team, for your work - Re: the North ... Thank You . . . 

Thank You To All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

I  'DO NOT CONSENT' . . . Thank You to all - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Monday, December 13, 2021

Lisa Renee w' Lisa Harrison pt5 - Unity Consciousness & Self-Mastery . . .

The Truth Goes Marching On . . .
Humanity, it is important to be y(our) 'Authentic, Sovereign, Multidimensional Self(s)';... Discern, be 'present' in the moment, Integrate information, & do your own research, because 'we' are the cure. . . 
Deconstructing The Construct Ep #82
Thank You Lisa Renee (Energetic Synthesis) & Lisa Harrison ( for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for shariing) . . .

Grailkeeper - Thank You, Ascension Glossary

WE HUMANS EITHER FIT IN .... - Thank You my friend, Shechai Yah for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .  An excerpt: INTER-DIMENSIONALLY into the Cosmos by communicating with Higher Minds, OR ELSE.WE.CHOOSE ENSLAVEMENT..BY..DEFAULT..AND..ISOLATION
SEE BACKGROUND . -- ... "The Domain" teachings shuts down the Heart. "Domain Against Order : Prison Planet Earth: Transcriptions of an ET's Interview " which led the Iron Mtn/NWO DIKTAT. -- ... 5thD vs. 3rdD problem-solving -- ... LAWS OF THE HEART ... create "good" outcomes.

Perpe-Traitors - Thank You Cathy O'Brien Phillips for your work/books , & 'Love of Humanity' . . . Get 'Trance' books here . . .

Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Friday, December 10, 2021

Wake Up Call . . . because ultimately, we're all resposible (because, WE are All connected I.E. a part of Source) . . .


If you ignore what's happening, & don't 'discern the information we're being told' (sold), then by default, we condone it' . . . 
Taking Peoples Healthcare, Dark Winter... - Thank You, Pat & Joel (Waking the Future) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to, for sharing) . . . An excerpt:  At Waking the Future Podcast, we are dedicated to exposing the tyranny that our government has over us. Through decades of corruption, bad policies, and the 2-party U.S. system to name just a few issues they have been able to take away the very freedom and liberties of We the People of this great nation!

Joel and Pat decided that the way we can help this dire situation we find ourselves in now is to get our thoughts out there and heard! Waking the Future will bring you historical events to current events to show you, the listener the trouble this country is in now.

Waking the Future will bring on guests with a vast array of knowledge in areas from politics, economics, law and religion in order to keep our listeners informed on how the government is able to hide from us their tyranny under the guise of freedom and liberty for all.

Enjoy the show and always remember to research and question all you hear!

Pat and Joel, Waking the Future.

Wiser Words . . . never better spoken - Thank You Cathy O'Brien Phillips for your work/books, & 'Love of Humanity' . . . An excerpt; What Do You Really Know About Mind Control? ... On August 3rd, 1977 the 95th U.S. Congress opened hearings into the reported abuses concerning the CIA’s TOP SECRET mind control research program code named MK-Ultra. On February 8th, 1988, a top-level MK-Ultra victim, Cathy O’Brien, was covertly rescued from her mind control enslavement by Intelligence insider Mark Phillips.

Their seven year pursuit of Justice was stopped FOR REASONS OF NATIONAL SECURITY. TRANCE Formation of America exposes the truth behind this covert government program and its ultimate goal: psychological control of a nation.

The Collective Awkaening - Thank You Energetic Synthesis for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' . . .

Thursday, December 9, 2021

NEW BOOK by Dr. Julie Ponesse: My Choice: The Ethical Case Against Covid...

Thank You Dr. Julie Ponesse & your entire team, for your work  & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: 
Available for pre-order now at .  My Choice: The Ethical Case Against Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates . In the fall of 2021, Dr. Julie Ponesse saw her academic career of 20 years fall apart after she refused to comply with a Canadian university's COVID vaccine mandate. This is her account of the battle and its aftermath, written with passion and intelligence. But Dr. Ponesse's story travels beyond the personal and examines the ethical and philosophical dimensions of our pandemic response. If there is anyone out there who feels alone in the struggle to preserve personal choice and freedom, this book offers some very human advice on how to move forward and makes it clear that your voice deserves to be heard.

Why is it that 'we' believe what we do? . . . Is it due to our lack of critical thinking, or is it 'indoctorination'? - Thank You The Democracy Fund (Dr. Julie Ponesse) & professor David M. Haskell for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Dr. Julie Ponesse sits down with Laurier University professor David M. Haskell to discuss media bias and how we got to where we are today in a post COVID-19 world– scientifically, politically and sociologically.
Professor asks university president not to deregister students over vaccination status:  Watch: Vaccine Mandates are the Rehearsal, the Future will be Worse--Prof. Haskell:  Visit: . Constitutional Rights To advance and maintain substantive constitutional rights in Canada, through public education and strategic litigation seeking legal remedies for victims of constitutional rights abuses. Advance Education To advance education by establishing a journalism placement program that provides post-secondary journalism students with opportunities to obtain on-the-job skills training required to complete their education program. Relieve Poverty To relieve poverty by providing health supplies and other necessities of life to impoverished families in disaster-stricken and other needs-based areas including Iraq, Hong Kong, China, Syria or elsewhere. Funding Democracy To receive and maintain a fund or funds and to apply all or part of the principal and income therefrom, from time to time, to qualified donees within the meaning of the Income Tax Act (Canada).

Did you ever wonder why ... our government & the MSM isn't jumping on this?  ...  Could it be because they are bought & paid for, by the 'Powers-Not-To-Be'  . . . Fortunately, the 'truth will prevail' , and go marching on! Read complete letter sent  ***  HERE ***  .Thank You 'Civil Liberties Association' (OCLA) for your work . . ..

We (You & I) have the Power . . . We are 'Sovereign onto Ourself' . . . Y(our) 'Truths' are found within ... So listen to your heart (your intuition)

I en-courage all, to use your intentions wisely. They are 'powerful gifts'. 

A  'Lion' lives in the Heart of every brave person (man & woman) ...

Kevin Annett from ITCCS . . . Thank You 'Open Eye's Network' & to YouTube (BlindDadDoes), for sharing . . . An excerpt: Kevin Annett from ITCCS - Black Ops are Being Used Against Survivors - Open Eyes 07-15-16 .
Kevin Annett joins Ira Robinson to discuss Residential school survivors being DIRECTLY TARGETED by Black Ops forces, in an effort to cover up the crimes of the state. A source within a Canadian government intelligence agency has released to the ITCCS Central Office classified information that reveals a secret program to silence eyewitnesses to crimes at Canadian Indian residential schools and prevent any independent inquiry into those crimes. According to the source, this program involved the monitoring and harassment of activists, the disrupting of their organizations and the elimination of potentially “damaging” residential school eyewitnesses: a program that is continuing today. Kevin D. Annett (aka. Kevin McNamee-Annett, and Eagle Strong Voice) is a Canadian writer and former minister of the United Church of Canada. He has authored three books about Canadian aboriginals - Love and Death in the Valley, Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust and Unrepentant: Disrobing the Emperor. His Ph.D thesis on the topic of the Canadian genocide was blocked by the establishment so he used it as source material for a video instead, publishing Unrepentant in 2007 and posting it on the WWW and achieving over 500,000 hits within a year. His treatment at the hands of the Canadian establishment over his persistent, selfless advocacy for the indigenous populations of Canada, is an object lesson in the gross self-serving dishonesties, corruption and hypocrisies of power.

Get Kevin's books  *** HERE ***  ... 

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Earth History-Overview (한국어자막)

Thank You fellow Voyagers (A..D..) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .
For 'enlightening reads', get Ashayana's books  *** HERE *** 
 Thank You Kerry Cassidy ( for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' . . . 

Truth has a frequency that 'resonates' with your heart, & the Truth goes marching on . . .
Cover up by Pope Francis fails, as 'puppet chiefs' cancel Rome trip.  Thank You Kevin Annett for your work/ books, & your 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Breaking News from the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
December 8, 2021. Coverup by Pope Francis fails as puppet native chiefs cancel trip to Rome - Prosecution of Pope proceeds as new evidence reveals role of chiefs, Catholic bishops in ritual murder of indigenous children in Kamloops - Church seizures by natives to commence December 18. Rome and Ottawa: Pope Francis' latest attempt to coverup Vatican crimes using puppet aboriginal leaders has been derailed. The stage-managed visit to Rome of aboriginal chiefs from Canada to discuss a papal "apology" for genocide has been canceled by the chiefs themselves because of threats from their own elders. Last Friday, December 3, traditional indigenous elders issued an ITCCS press statement forbidding the delegation of chiefs from meeting with Pope Francis, stating that if they did so they would be banned from their nations. ( ) Four days later, on December 7, the chiefs' delegation publicly announced the cancellation of their Rome trip. In the words of a source close to the delegation, "The cover story being issued by the Chiefs is that their concern about the COVID virus caused them to cancel the trip, which is completely untrue. The chiefs panicked when the elders broke from them because they're afraid that their own complicity in residential school crimes will be named by the elders. Now that the Pope is facing possible arrest and prosecution, the chiefs want to lie low." On November 1, an arrest warrant for Crimes against Humanity was issued against Pope Francis by the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ). The ICLCJ prosecuted and forced the resignation of Pope Benedict in February 2013. In response, Pope Francis has tried desperately to silence witnesses to his links with the murderous Argentine military and the notorious Ninth Circle child sacrificial cult. But the noose around him is tightening. Today, a dossier of new evidence concerning the ritual Ninth Circle killing of children at the Kamloops Indian residential school was delivered to the chief prosecutor of the ICLCJ. The dossier names specific Catholic Bishops and state-funded aboriginal politicians in Canada as being "co-conspirators and co-participants with Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, in the ritual torture and killing of indigenous children, and in the destruction or concealing of their remains." In response, traditional elders and their supporters will commence the lawful seizure of Catholic churches across Canada on December 18 in an International Week of Action against Vatican Crimes. The Catholic, Anglican, and United Churches have already been lawfully expelled from indigenous territories because of their murder of over 60,000 residential school children between 1891 and 1996. For more information see and write to . Issued on Thursday, December 8, 2021 by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) .
Get Kevin's books  *** HERE ***  ... 

& Kevin Annett from ITCCS . . . Thank You 'Open Eye's Network' & to YouTube (BlindDadDoes), for sharing . . . An excerpt: Kevin Annett from ITCCS - Black Ops are Being Used Against Survivors - Open Eyes 07-15-16 .
Kevin Annett joins Ira Robinson to discuss Residential school survivors being DIRECTLY TARGETED by Black Ops forces, in an effort to cover up the crimes of the state. A source within a Canadian government intelligence agency has released to the ITCCS Central Office classified information that reveals a secret program to silence eyewitnesses to crimes at Canadian Indian residential schools and prevent any independent inquiry into those crimes. According to the source, this program involved the monitoring and harassment of activists, the disrupting of their organizations and the elimination of potentially “damaging” residential school eyewitnesses: a program that is continuing today. Kevin D. Annett (aka. Kevin McNamee-Annett, and Eagle Strong Voice) is a Canadian writer and former minister of the United Church of Canada. He has authored three books about Canadian aboriginals - Love and Death in the Valley, Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust and Unrepentant: Disrobing the Emperor. His Ph.D thesis on the topic of the Canadian genocide was blocked by the establishment so he used it as source material for a video instead, publishing Unrepentant in 2007 and posting it on the WWW and achieving over 500,000 hits within a year. His treatment at the hands of the Canadian establishment over his persistent, selfless advocacy for the indigenous populations of Canada, is an object lesson in the gross self-serving dishonesties, corruption and hypocrisies of power.

Oh yes . . . & the 'Official' (tel-lies-vision) version of the 'cancelled Indigenous visit' to Rome - Thank You 'tvo' The Agenda with Steve Paikin, for your story & to YouTube, for sharing . . . An excerpt:  There was to be a Vatican Summit this month in which First Nation, Inuit and Métis delegates, as well as Canadian Catholic bishops were to meet with church officials and ultimately have an audience with Pope Francis. This trip has been postponed because of concern over the Omicron variant. We taped an interview with one of the delegation leaders, Phil Fontaine, former national chief of the Assembly of First Nations. The painful legacy of Canada's residential school system will not go away and though the summit is postponed, the Catholic church will have to do more to address this. We talk about that with Mr. Fontaine.