Thursday, March 5, 2020

"Dr." Katherine Horton

Ab.., Mar.., and Jo.. - Thank You, to All - 1 Eye's Blog . .
I encourage Humanity to be y(our) 'authentic, sovereign, multidimensional self(s)'.. Integrate & Discern information, and Connect the Dots.. In my humble opinion,.. believe (only) what 'resonates' with your heart & you will discover your Truth... .
The Twinning Event - Gender Tw... - Thank You, K..S.. R & A..D..
Weaponizing Narratives - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis . . .
STAYING WITH WHAT WE ALREADY KN . . . - Thank You, Shechai Yah .
2x Who is G .. . -Thank You, Rich . .
Great Teamwork - 1 Eye's Blog . . .Everybody Knows - Thank You, L..C..

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