Monday, October 24, 2022

It is time my friends, to 'real-eyes' what's true (not, what is real) ... As a fellow co-creator of our 'collective reality', I en-courage All to discern information & integrate your perceptions & thoughts to discover y(our) truth(s) ... This is called 'awakening' ... And So It Is . . .

I en-courage you to be aware of to 'who & what systems', you are giving your (uniformed) consent to . . . Find y(our) tribe ... & remember, YOU are not alone . . . If you are here, viewing my blog ... you are either part of the problem ... or a part of the 'soul-ution' . . . I en-courage all, to be your authentic, sovereign, multidimensional self(s) ... Listen to yourself  (your intuition/your god-self). Your truth (& soul's-path) is found with-in ... Then, use your intentions wisely ... They are 'powerful gifts' ...

Secrets Of The Indigo Children (9/9) . . . What they are afraid of is that we will 'real-eyes' that ... we are more powerful, than they ... Thank You fellow Guardian, A..D.. & y(our) entire team, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (The Emerald Covenant), for sharing . . . 

Entering ... the fifth (5th) world (2/2) ... Thank You A..D.. & y(our) Guardian team, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (The Emerald Covenant), for sharing ... An excerpt: This workshop gives an overview of what it means to be entering the 5th World, a symbol for the Rebirth of our Race. The 5th World has been referred to in Native American Teachings signifying the different time periods through which our cultures will evolve. There is information on the Stellar Activation Cycle, a highly significant “turning point” in our evolution and a time when it is critical for us to regain our knowledge, memory and positions as the Guardians and Keepers of the Planetary Templar (energy system). To highlight the significance of our contemporary drama and assist us in understanding what is taking place “behind the scenes,” this workshop gives a very clear and succinct account of our Race history, which has led to this time. As we come to understand and acknowledge our intrinsic power as Divine Beings, we will also come to recognize the reason we chose to incarnate at this critical time in our Race evolution. This workshop also includes discussions on Indigo Children, DNA Strand Activation and Self-empowerment (our main contribution as we enter the 5th World).


The 'Path of FINAL FREEDOMS' . . . 
"In the depths of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer." - Albert Camus 
Inhibiting the 'Dark-Flower Affliction' ... And So It Is . . .
Great Telepathy, Synchronicity ... &  Teamwork (reposted, from Friday, April 30, 2021) - Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Remembering, why we came to 'Beloved Mother Earth' ... & remembering that we are one (1) - Thank You A..G.. &  P..S.. for your music & 'Love Of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (Arlo Guthrie), for sharing ... An excerpt: This is the first time Pete has heard Arlo tell this story and the live camera work and mix on this was magic.

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