Monday, July 29, 2024

Thank You for your 'great' work . . . &, 'Love of Humanity' . . . I SALUTE YOU!

'Click on image' to enlarge . . .

For your consideration & discernment ...  Thank You Lisa Renee ... 'energetic synthesis', for your work &, your Love . . . 

An excerpt: During the Ascension into the solar light, the initiated must be separated from the shadow impurities in order to undergo the spiritual regeneration process taking place during the stages of consciousness rebirth and spiritual awakening through shifting timelines to organic ascension-incension. In alchemical law, this process takes on the Cancerian constellation properties in which to undergo the dismantling phase from harmful or unnecessary substances, separating away from artificial energies, toxic or harmful objects that have been shifted or sifted from out of the alchemical synthesis of the Polarity Integration of the world of forces, spanning the subtle energies of black (dark), yellow (light) and clear (neutral) forces.

During the move into Cancerian Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the natural laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can participate with and meditate upon the natural elements of the Cancerian zodiacal influences to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials.


The truth goes marching on . . .

Defining  Cult Mentality  to you - Thank You Lisa Renee, for your work & 'Love of  Humanity' . . .

An excerpt:  It is no secret that one of the greatest spiritual fears that is circulated on the planet is to suppress genuine spiritual knowledge of the esoteric Christ teachings that empower the individual onto a path of self-ownership, in which the cultivation of self-awareness and the expansion of one's consciousness is paramount. These spiritual studies and meditative explorations have a long history of being viciously attacked and threatened by the intentional use of negative labeling by the uninformed public to incite fear or through the branding of esoteric learning environments and spiritually based organizations as harmful "cults". 

When people do not understand something or they feel that the information threatens their perception of reality, they will relentlessly attack that source of new information or discovery. We have seen this happen many times before in recent human history. Many people that were and are humanists, innovators, visionaries and responsible for new scientific discoveries were at the time of their discovery, ridiculed, persecuted and ostracized. We should research more of those visionary people from our past, how they are crucified publically, as history will dictate what we are attempting to move past in the current time. One can always ask, who is benefiting from preventing new discoveries and spiritual knowledge from being made available to the public? Additionally, we can see there is an agenda to prevent certain groups access to free energy devices and many types of educational information sources connected to our past. Why is access to ancient spiritual knowledge and many of these technologies being blocked in the public square?


'Click on image' to enlarge ...

Dance For Life ... Thank You  A..D.. & y(our) Guardian team, for  your work  & 'Love of  Humanity' .. & to YouTube for sharing ...  An excerpt:  "Dance for Life" aims to help individuals align with their higher purpose and live a life infused with spiritual awareness and divine connection. By integrating these teachings, practitioners can experience greater joy, health, and fulfillment in their daily lives.

#AshayanaDeane #DanceForLife #KeylonticScience #SpiritualEmbodiment #EnergyWork #DNAActivation #ChakraBalancing #SpiritualGrowth #HolisticWellbeing #MeditationTechniques #PersonalTransformation #HigherSelf #SpiritualAwakening #EnergyClearing #SpiritualPractices

Gyfts | Ancient Wisdom. Modern Philosophy.

Anunnaki ...  (ref: wikipedia)


You may say I'm a dreamer ... But, I'm not the only one ... Thank You J..L.. (&  'Music Travel Love'), for your music, & 'Love of  Humanity' ... &, to YouTube (Music Travel Love), for sharing . . . 

 An excerpt: Music Travel Love performing an acoustic cover song of "Imagine" with their friends Francis Greg, Jonah Baker, KynTeal, Julia Serad, Anthony Uy, Dave Moffatt, Summer Overstreet and Fabio Weber.


Imagine there's no heavenIt's easy if you tryNo hell below usAbove us, only sky
Imagine all the peopleLivin' for todayAh
Imagine there's no countriesIt isn't hard to doNothing to kill or die forAnd no religion, too
Imagine all the peopleLivin' life in peaceYou
You may say I'm a dreamerBut I'm not the only oneI hope someday you'll join usAnd the world will be as one
Imagine no possessionsI wonder if you canNo need for greed or hungerA brotherhood of man
Imagine all the peopleSharing all the worldYou
You may say I'm a dreamerBut I'm not the only oneI hope someday you'll join usAnd the world will live as one


And you know, I didn't come to London ... to fool you . . . (reposted, from Tuesday, November 7,  2023)  Thank 'You to All'  - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

'Rehabilitating the Hologram' ... that WE (Humanity) have co-created, via our (uninformed & manipulated) thoughts & consent ... Together, with your help . . . WE CAN & ARE DOING THIS ... 'RIGHT NOW' . . . And, SO IT IS!

'Click on image', to enlarge . . .

Food for the mind, body & Soul ... Thank 'You fellow Guardian',  K..R..  for your work, & 'Love of  Humanity' ... 

An excerpt: The Ascension Material and the resources available and quoted throughout these posts are a combination of Complete Akashic Record Access, 'electronic data transmissions' from the Akashic Records, years of research and application, as well as Guardian Materials compiled, edited and adapted from various Guardian Alliance Resources and Groups. All this material comes from the original Essene Teachings, the Nag Hammadi, the Gnostic Texts, The Book of Ezekiel, The Books of Enoch and The Emerald Order Elohim and Ascended Yanas Masters, The Oraphim and Sirian High Councils' Maharata Dispensations and contacts & communications with certain chosen individuals to relay our messaging and Creation Mechanics teachings of Quantum Unity Theory and the Law of One, from Akhenaten through to Maharaji Baba to Ram Dass to Carl Jung's writings and modern day philosophers. 

These TEACHINGS are millenia old. The Atlanteans, those who built the MOAI, New Zealand's Maori, The Native American Indians, Mayans, the Aztecs, Dogon of Africa, Tibetan Teachings, Nepalese, Buddah Followers, Krishna, Hanuman, Akhenaten, The 3 Books of Enoch, Ezekiel, Jeshewua, The Dead Sea Scrolls, Apocrypha, The Nag Hammadi, The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, The Bhagavad-gita, The Gnostic Essene Teachings, Democretus and Anaxagoras, Plato, Pliney, Plutarch, Aristotle, Capernicus, Da Vince, Zulu Shaman, Credo Mutwa, Ram Dass, Sheldrake, Jung, Feynmen.

We have also included RA & Q'uo Sessions Carla & Jim, Voyagers 1 & 2 material  from Diana/Anna Hayes/Ashayana Deane/E'yasha Ashayana, some of the explanations and mantras that Lisa Renee added when she copied Ascension and all Anna's Voyager 1 & 2 material.  ALL of it is here so YOU CAN DECIDE WHAT IS REAL AND WHAT IS DISTORTION. This site exists as simply a portal of methods and teachers for YOU to access as YOU ascend and search on your spiritual journey. 


We are all connected ...  'WE  ARE  ONE' . . .  And,  So  It  Is!   Thank You, 'Music Travel Love' ... for your 'great music'.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Several States are now 'banning chemtrails' ... Hmmm?? ... I guess they are no-longer a conspiracy...

'Click on image', to enlarge . . .

Banning Chemtrails ?? ... Thank You J..C.. & your entire team, for  your work  & 'Love of  Humanity' ... & to (The Corbett Report Official LBRY Channel), for sharing ... 

An excerpt: UPDATE: has responded to this post to indicate that Beverly Foster has not interacted with Peter Kirby and is not a leader of the movement and that the group does not wish to be associated with the anti-chemtrail movement or anti-chemtrail researchers: “The program mischaracterized Our website strictly uses legal and legislative terms and avoids click-bait and conspiracy language.”


Today chemtrails researcher and author Peter Kirby joins us to discuss the growing movement to ban chemtrails, from the legislation that's been popping up in various states to criminalize geoengineering to the rising citizen-led initiative to Save Our Skies. We talk about this movement, what it says about growing public awareness of the issue, and what we can all do to help spread information about this important topic.



You decide??  ...  Global  Warming ...  or,  Weather War(s)  ...  Doppler  Radar Domes ...  - Thank You to (DIANESTLAURENT), for sharing ...  

An excerpt:  Weather War Big Picture V 1

This is quite probably the most important climate and severe weather film, you will ever see. While endless CO2 debate and denial rages on, there is one shocking and daily visible reality that not only proves the severity of global warming and climate collapse, but proves the massive effort by the fossil fuel and power industry to cover it up. The most astonishing part is that you've been looking right at, your entire life. For the last ten years, I have been proving the nature and man-made origin of severe weather, and flash flood disasters that have cost countless hundreds of millions in damages and lives lost. I’m not a “truther” or a “conspiracy theorist” by any stretch of the imagination. I’m a former corporate engineer (for almost 30 years), and I deal only in facts. For 30 years, it has been my job to figure how things physically and mechanically work, and that is exactly what I have done here. Everything I present can be proven scientifically, is backed up by scientific research, is backed up by the specifications of the equipment (Cooling Towers and their smaller equivalent WSAC [Wet Surface Air Coolers]), and can be observed in action – every single day. There’s nothing “theoretical” about any of this. It’s is as matter-of-fact as the existence of the Combustion Engine is, and its existence is just as easy to prove. It’s not a difficult concept to understand. Water Vapor in the air is what rain comes from, so enormous cooling towers that put enormous amounts of Water Vapor into the air, would logically affect where and how much rain would fall. In fact, based on a 1971 study at Zion Nuclear Power Plant which investigated the impact of proposed cooling towers (which showed that they did – in fact – affect the amount of rain and snow that would fall down wind), Cooling Towers were rejected at that facility. In spite of this reality, the next few decades saw an explosion of Cooling Tower installations at Power Plants all over the world, to the point that now – one would be hard-pressed to find a power plant without them. Since each tower can evaporate thousands or even tens of thousands of gallons of Water Vapor per minute, and since there are 62,500 power Plants worldwide, it cannot be disputed that they are adding trillions of gallons of Water Vapor to the air… and that in such large numbers, they would necessarily have an affect rainfall. The obvious question is “why” would (Power Plant / ‘Fossil Fuel’) Industry deliberately do this? Why would a system like this (or to be more precise, the dual-purposing of existing systems) exist? As I explain in detail and prove in my book, one-hundred and fifty years of industrialization created considerably more problems and atmospheric imbalances than just the popular Global Warming and Climate Change focus, CO2. In fact, there is a much bigger problem that has been hidden from public consciousness for several decades… that being the problem of industrialization’s impact, on the natural rain cycle. In order for a rain drop to form, water vapor must attach to a particle in the air. In the natural cycle, that particle could be a grain of dust, carbon ash, salt, etc. Those particles are called “CCN” (Cloud Condensation Nuclei). When enough of these droplets combine into a drop heavy enough to fall from a cloud, it becomes rain. However, industrial pollution puts particles in the air that are much smaller than natural CCN (which creates droplets much smaller than normal), and this prevents rain drops that are large enough to fall to the ground from forming. This was definitively proven in 2000, although scientists were very much aware of the reality decades before. The droughts of the 70s and 80s illustrated the rapid development and impact of industrial pollution particles on rain. With pollution creating water droplets that were too small to combine into raindrops (leading to tremendous droughts in at the end of the 20th Century), much more water vapor was required to force saturation point, and to force any rain at all to fall. Although the public was deliberately kept unaware of these realities by corporations spending huge amounts of money on misdirection and disinformation, industry was clearly aware of the problem – and trying to bury it. We know this, because of how industry quietly developed the ability to produce massive amounts of additional Water Vapor, on their own. Note Full message on Project Page: No Natural Weather: Introduction to Geoengineering 101 WW101


I repeat myself ,  but I believe it's worth repeating ... (reposted, from Wednesday, January 3, 2024)  Thank 'You to All', 1 Eye's Blog . . .


I en-courage you, to use your intentions wisely ... They are 'powerful'  gifts . . . 

And,  'Something for You', to consider . . . Thank You C..G.. & your entire team & to J..B.., for your work & 'Love of  Humanity' ... &, to  D..T.. - ( NEW), for sharing ...  


Crystal commenced the 2nd session of the 103nd FESIG Meeting by introducing returning speaker, Jeanice Barcelo, a researcher, writer, educator, and activist dedicated to exposing the dark side of western medicine. In her latest book, “The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound and the Dangers of Non-Ionizing Radiation”, Jeanice exposes a decades-long cover-up of the dangers of ultrasound and all technologies that utilize non-ionizing radiation (cell phones, cordless phones, baby monitors, smart meters, etc.). To learn more about Jeanice’s work, visit and
Jeanice started her presentation - Living in a microwave oven cooking all life forms. The Web brings “World Connectivity” but where are we actually connecting to? It is clear we are not connecting to each other – children are being completely ignored, we are connecting to an Alien force designed to suck our life force to bring us to a Luciferian realm! As we use our devices, the energy is deadly as it entrained our brains to Luciferian waveforms that traps us in a Matrix, and trap our souls even after death, that keeps recycling people through this Satanic matrix, to lock in through this Grid so we cannot experience the Earth realms. The Annunaki are the Fallen Angels. Quoting the Anastasia – The Ringing Cedars Books. “ Life on this Planet was created by an element of the Universe which believes itself to be on par with God, and is striving for Predominance over God’s Creations.” Lucifer. These Beings are Annunaki and they are Masters of Genetic Modification and the Alteration of DNA.
 Genes splicing - brought about by the medical establishment which is controlled by them. She played the video of the international authority of the Kabbalah, Rabbi Michael Laitman, PhD, who described what they are, who they are and how they infiltrated all communities undercover for years and years – their mission is to prep themselves to conquer Earth. They will take over those living on earth.
 The Judaic Kabbalah has been repurposed into Modern “Nuclear Physics”! An Occult Science. The radiation and frequencies being created in a lab – key component of how they intent to take over the Earth.
She continued talking about the Anunnaki, Garden of Eden, Ultrasound Frequencies, Genetics, showed Kabalism videos, Lucifer, Deep State, Jews, DNA, Adam and Eve, Eden, Satanism, Alcohol, Mainstream Medical establishment, Electricity, Physics, Gwen Towers, Alister Crowley, Elron Hubbard, Jack Parsons and Einstein. Nuclear Physics, Golems, Satanic Rituals, Higgs Boson, and CERN, cellphones, laptops and computers. Explanations on how the dark forces insidiously contaminated our modern devices.
Questions and Answers with Jeanice who seamlessly integrated the ideas and questions from the participants with her authentic teachings from her lectures and books.
Jeanice's lecture sparked much insight, ideas and enthusiastic reactions from other guests and participants erupting into mini group debates and discussions.
Brought to you by Crystal Goh and the FESIG Team.
Bitchute :
Odysee :
FESIG Telegram Channel :
FESIG landing page:
Get the holy-grail for human health : https://
Video editing: Adrian DelaSerna

Category Science & Technology 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

On This Day . . .

'Click on image', to enlarge . . .

Declaration of Intention ...  (reposted, from Tuesday, November 9, 2021) . . . Thank  'You to All' , 1 Eye's Blog . . .


I  en-courage All, to use your intentions wisely ...  They are 'powerful gifts' . . . And,  So  It  Is! . . . Thank You to YouTube (Yunasai), for sharing . . .   Christiac Intention & Vow to the Christos Self...


It's a 'great time' to have incarnated on 'Beloved Mother Earth' ... &,  'We Have Come' for a reason . . . Enjoy the Ride!

And, once you are aware of what's happening  ...  The Truth will set you free . . .  Celeste Solum - The End Game, Synthetic Biology EXPOSED! (Related info & links in description)

The 'powers not-to-be' are all  involved ...  but,  keep calm & 'fear-not' . . . Thank You  D..T..  for  your work  &  Love of Humanity ... & to ( NEW), for sharing ...

An excerpt: Mirrored – Fair Use (share)

May 6th, 2023.
In one of the most important interviews ever conducted by Zeee Media, Celeste Solum joins us to expose the totality of the agenda surrounding nanotechnology being embedded into humans, animals and plant life to destroy and replace all biological lifeforms from God's natural creation with synthetic biology.
(Note: All cabal members of this weird wacko pseudo – medical cult religion are exempt or faked getting their jab, while we are coerced or forced to get the death jab!
These criminals are all pedophiles (mostly controlled Mk-Ultra/clones) and they want to mandate us so they can be free to continue their crimes in systematic secret!
The goal is global genocide and transform our children into (sub)-human 3.0 to allow demonic possession through nano-tech. This is the sickest and most diabolical plan devised in this spiritual battle. As Q posted, "protect your DNA" as that is the God-given fortress of protection.
Children have next to zero risk against so-called Covid, yet they are pushing this experimental drug under the guise of a vaccine. Think! why? Please see the following video link or see my letter I wrote to my local bishop back in 2019 (both links below). Still over a year later no response, yet the Canadian government is pushing that I need psychiatric treatment for refusing an experimental death jab that has zero informed consent.
They are all pedophiles and demonic psychopaths. Trump forced them to accelerate their plans which now exposes all their deceptions. Mostly all political and church leaders are now possessed demonic psychopaths. They are now exposed, trapped, afraid of us and panicking. "Children", are what will unite and wake up humanity to these soulless psychopathic nutjobs.
What are the penalties for treason and crimes against humanity? Pray! Marcum)

This is really happening, They are re-writing your DNA You ARE THE THIRD TEMPLE!

Share ‘Bishop2021-10-06(redacted).pdf’

Share ‘Ultimate Proof Covid-19 links.pdf’

Please check out my Top-40 Catholic Red-Pill, Catholic Related, Covid-19 Related, and Pedophilia/Child Trafficking playlists.

‘COVID MANDATES.pdf’(Bitchute version)

Anthem For Justice!

Pope Held Hush-Hush Talks With Pfizer Chief

GROUNDBREAKING: Dr. Mikovits Exposes The Biggest COVID Secret! (March 2023)

Dr Simone Gold: The Truth About the COVID-19 Vaccine (MUST WATCH - Ignored and censored by fake MSM)


Constant Media Psyop, Can’t Stop Vax Deaths, Fed NOT Cutting

Dr. Michael Yeadon: We've Been Lied To About Every Part of The COVID Pandemic!

David E Martin “A Case of Premeditated Murder” Gain of Function Terrorism (must see)


Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Tsunami Of Regret!! "Millions Are Going To Die" "2.1 Billion Seriously Injured"

Sasha Latypova - COVID-19 Countermeasures: Evidence of the Intent to Harm

Brought To You By Pfizer!

Bombshell! Pfizer CEO Confronted About COVID VAXX Sudden Deaths At DAVOS

Evidence The FDA and T


'We Will Win' ... in the end  . . .  And,  So  It  Is! 

In my humble opinion, I believe it is time for Humanity to 'withdraw' our energy from these convoluted entities & 'control systems', that have 'duped humanity', over millennia . . .  However, it is difficult to change this (our convoluted) reality on 'Beloved Mother Earth', from within the 'Control Systems' that have created it  (with our **Humanity's** 'duped', mind-controlled consent) - but, the 'truth' will go Marching On ...                  Thank   'You to All' . . . 1 Eye . . .


WE  HAVE  COME! ... Thank You Ron Fetner, for your 'great' music ... & to YouTube (Ron Fetner Music), for sharing . . . &,  We're not leaving - until our purpose is accomplished ... And, So It Is ... MOTE IT BE! . . .