Sunday, April 12, 2020

Viktor Frankl: collective guilt does not exist

Thank You Viktor Frankl for your wisdom, courage & 'Love of Humanity', & to YouTube (Noetic Films), for sharing . . .  
“It did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us. We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life—daily and hourly. Our answer must consist, not in talk and meditation, but in right action and in right conduct. Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual.”
― Viktor E. Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning

Surprise ! Surprise ! Surprise ! Star Wars (& Star Trek), weren't far-off ... They, the 'powers, not-to-be' have always provided us, with some 'bites' of truth . . . Did you know that WE (you & I), are all 'Starseeds' (Extraterrestrials) & have been 'imprisoned' on the earth plane, in this 'time matrix' for 'millions of years' (& incarnations). The 'negative E.T. groups' are (& have been) fighting over the control of us & the planet, because WE are their energy 'food source' & sustain them & their 'contrived reality' - via the low 'fear frequency' they create & manipulate us with. This fact is what they don't want us (Humanity) to know. They cannot exist without 'our Human (angelic) energy'. Over millennia, they have gained our 'free-will' consent to their 'convoluted' reality through their conjured-up lies, half-truths & deceptions. Once you realize this, everything begins to make sense ... & we can (using our free-will) withdraw our energy I.E. loosh (ref: ascension glossary), to their 'fear based' (low-vibrational frequency) tactics... 
But, there is Good News! . . . As co-creators, we can create a 'better reality' that serves all . . .
'Beloved Mother Earth' is an Ascending Planet & is evolving, & will not allow herself to be 'completely' pulled into the Phantom Matrix, via the 'black hole', in the 'Milky Way Galaxy'... Earth will then take her rightful place (again) in the 'organic matrix' - one 'harmonic universe' up in frequency (in HU2) from where earth's original HU2 counterpart Tara, was ... 'New earth' will then be back on her proper 'angle of rotation & particle spin', in a 'future timeline' in HU2 (ref: ascension glossary) - & will continue, on her planned path of evolution.  I en-courage all, not to be fooled by the 'controllers' of this 'convoluted' reality & their 'negative alien' agenda (NAA), & be left behind.   * * * * * * 

If what I am saying 'resonates' with you - & I 'caution you', to only take from this, what 'resonates with your heart' & discard all the rest - you may ask:  'What can I do to help?' . . .  In my humble opinion, I en-courage all to use your intentions wisely; they are 'powerful gifts', and remember, that WE are much more powerful than they . . . So, don't listen to their 'ex'-perts (their minions). Instead, educate your-self, discern information; do your own research; & 'listen to your heart' - which connects you to your 'multidimensional self(s)'  I.E your intuition//your higher-self//your avatar-self//& your God/Self) ... And remember, 'Knowledge is Power'. ...  But I caution you, until you have integrated your 'mind & heart', do not follow (or listen to) your mind (ego), because we have been 'subliminally' mind-controlled (hacked), over millennia - & more so, during this incarnation (exponentially, since birth). This has occurred due to their sophisticated technology (similarly, to what happened in Atlantis, before it's destruction) . . . It is most important to remember, that y(our) answers (your truths) are found within - not outside of you . . . Don't allow yourself(s) to be tricked & mislead any longer ... because,   We Are The Many, They Are The Few  . . . (ref. ascension glossary) . . .
And now, the 'bigger' truth . . . Nothing happens by accident, or is random ... And, you should know that they use us Humans, to do their bidding ... These warring E.T factions  I.E negative alien, 'service-to-self groups', via their Controllers (who are their 'top minions') have contrived wars, finacial crises, 'false-flag' terrorist events, plandemics - including weather manipulation, etc... to enslave us & control the population ... Their 'reality constructs' have always been about controlling Humanity & sustaining their food/energy source (thru the 'low-vibrational frquency', that 'fear' creates/emits) And so, I recommend: 'Don't Be Fearful' - as that 'low-frequency' fear energy is what feeds, & sustains them ... It is, & has always been about who controls earth's 'star-gates' & earth's vortices, portals, grids - & wormholes (via 'black holes'), which connect to the (fallen/dead, or 'not naturally' self-sustaining) Phantom Matrix(s) - where they want us Humans to exist . . .  And, what the 'powers not-to-be' don't want you - or their 'controller minions' to know - is that during this current Stellar Activation cycle we're in (ref. ascension glossary), Earth's 'Star Gates' have come into 'natural alignment' (with her HU2 counterpart), and that we (Humanity) have the oppourtunity to leave this 'prison planet' & evolve along with 'Mother Earth', to our next stage of evolution . . . But, we have to ready I.E. vibrating at the higher, 'unconditional love' frquency . . . If we are sincerely ready & want to leave, it isn't that difficult to do so, for those whose 'soul's purpose' has deemed itself ready. In my humble opinion, I believe that in order achieve this 'state of being', the person has to have done the work, or 'be in the process, of doing the work' I.E Waking-Up, and with 'Love & Gratitude', embracing '& trying' to live, the 'Law of One' (ref: ascension glossary) I.E. where every 'life-expression' on the planet is 'valued, respected & loved'. Everyone living, 'does not' deserve to be deceived/exploited nor enslaved, for someone else's personal greed/self-gain... And, everyone should be allowed to evolve & live out their 'chosen experience' that is 'true to their soul', without harm from 'initiated force(s)' - by negative beings ...  (ref: ascension glossary) ... As aforementioned, the 'negative aliens' - of which there are many, 'service-to-self' groups here, at this time - require us (the humans) to come with them, to the Phantom Matrix, because they require our 'life force' energy, to sustain them & their convoluted 'fallen' phantom matrix reality. However eventually, their system will implode as their energy source will disappear - as the human DNA is further 'manipulated & compromised' via their 'demonic', concocted & engineered methods.

"In the depths of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer." - Albert Camus . . .

What the NAA groups don't want their 'Controller minions' to know, is that 'The Guardians', of the 'Free-Will Time Matrices' have initiated a 'Fail Safe'  ref: Voyagers (YouTube).  *** Above YouTube video/Voyagers channel taken down ****  

but,   Watch it  *** HERE *** . . . 

Thank You, to BitChute (Krystal Rap - A Guardian Alliance Resource Portal), for sharing ...  &, the 'Fail Safe' won't allow Earth to be pulled into their 'fallen' Phantom Matrix system ... They don't want you to know, that WE, the Humans, have been sustaining them with our (life-force) 'energy' that is necessary, to keep them & this (their) reality from imploding, & returning them - & those who 'knowingly & willingly' support & agree to their 'service-to-self' methods & agendas - to 'Source', via space-dust . . . The Guardians call this, 'tough love' . . .

Thank You . . . Fellow Guardian, Louis S. Luzzo, Sr., for your work & 'Love of  Humanity' ...  & to BitChute  (Krystal Rap - A Guardian Alliance Resource Portal)  I  LOVE  YOU ! . . An excerpt: This is an Emerald Order/Guardian Alliance Speaker Channel on behalf of The IAFW – Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds

We Are The Guardians ~
~ Krystal Rap with Louis S Luzzo, Sr.: ~~> 👉 🐇👉

“Whom should I send as a messenger to this people?
Who will go for us?”

I said, “Here am I. Send me.”
Isaiah 6: 8 . . . I  Am  'A  Beacon  of  Light' . . .

Further explained & emphasized . . . since WE (you, I & 'they') are all 'fractals of Source energy' (a part of the ONE), and WE all return (eventually) to SOURCE, where we all originated,  we are at a 'crossroads' ...  We have a 'choice' to make, as to how WE (you, I, & 'they') want to do this - either through 'natural, organic evolution' (via, the 'Law of One') ... or, if we so choose the 'service-to-self' path - return as undifferentiated particles of consciousness i.e.'space dust' (to begin evolving once again, from the very beginning, without any past knowledge of existence) ... I wish everyone well, with their choice(s)! ... 1 Eye ...

Thank You A..D.. for providing this knowledge to us  - ASHAYANA DEANE on Project Camelot: Cosmic History & Ascension Mechanics ... Part 1 - Thank You fellow Voyagers, A..D.. & Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . & to BitChute (From Outside The Game) for sharing . . . 
Above A..D.. videos taken down ... but watch   ***  HERE  *** . . .


And,  Thank  'You My Friend'  Tory Smith, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' . . . Huge Breakthrough Part 2 (& thank you to YouTube, for sharing) . . . & Sergi, from the Ukraine . . . An excerpt: ICE, AFRICOM, & NATO delivered 154 children to America to be gang raped and murdered by the elite. I speak of a 5 yr old boy named Sergi, who was afraid most of his life, did not trust anyone, and was afraid of losing his loved ones like his Aunt. His Father liked to give him buscuit cookies and pat him on the head. He was raped 209 times and murdered at the DULCE MILAB.


&,   'We Will Win' in the End  . . . Thank You Dr Len H. - on Spirituality, Water & DNA  . . .

. . .  I   'DO NOT CONSENT' . . .
to the 'Control Systems' that dictate the narrative on 'Beloved Mother Earth', who are Deceiving Humanity 'Without Our (informed) Consent'.  I encourage Humanity to be your 'Authentic, Sovereign, Multidimensional Self(s)'.. Ask your 'higher self'' (your god-self) for help/direction; ... Do your own research, discern & integrate information & you will find y(our) truth.. Remember to relax & 'fear not' & use  y(our) Intentions Wisely,.. THEY are Powerful Gifts...


So, I ask:  'Where do you stand? ' . . .
HERE ... WE STAND (Establish Liberty) . . . Thank You my friend Kevin Annett, for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to PodBean, for sharing . . . 


Check out Sarah's great work  ****  HERE  **** ... Thank You to (Sarah Westall), for your work &  'Love of  Humanity' . . .


And, THANK YOU Gemma  O'Doherty for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' 
*** Gemma's videos taken down  *** by High Court: Interlocutory injuction granted against Gemma O'Doherty - Thank You Irish Legal News (Killian Flood BL) ...
*** Check out Gemma's videos here *** Thank You to Gemma & BitChute for sharing . . . Gemma's web site ( that was taken down for several days, is back up (as of July 20, 2021)  . . .


'Tear It Down' - Thank You, Jessica Mitchell, for your music . . .

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