Tuesday, September 10, 2024

It's time, to do some 'deep-thinking' ... And, trust your intuition ... What seems hard now, will one day be your warm-up . . .

Re-Connect & Trust  Y(our) Hidden Sixth Sense - Thank You S..C.. & YouTube (Michael Sandler's Inspire Nation), for sharing . . . An excerpt: What if you could see, hear, or feel, far more than you can now, and infinitely more than meets the eye? There's a latent power in us, that's far easier to tap into than you realize--and many are tapped in without even knowing. This is our intuition, or our sixth sense that is far greater than any of our others! In this fascinating interview with Intuitive Expert Sonia Choquette, you'll learn how to tell if you're an intuitive, how to become intuitive, and how to live from your sixth sense!

Get your copy of Trust Your Vibes (Revised Edition): https://www.amazon.com/Trust-Your-Vib... Visit: https://soniachoquette.net/


Discovering Our Multi-Dimensional Selves - Thank You S..C.. & YouTube (Lilou Mace), for sharing . . .  An excerpt: In this captivating interview, Sonia Choquette dives into the fascinating concept of the multi-dimensional nature of the human being. Known for her deep spiritual teachings, Sonia explains that we are not limited to our physical body, but that we exist across multiple dimensions of reality. She shows us how to fully embrace our multi-dimensional essence to live a richer, more aligned life that is more connected to our true nature.

During this conversation, Sonia shares practical tools to explore these different dimensions and reconnect with our higher self. She also explores the implications of this expanded awareness on our well-being, our relationships, and our perception of the world. By understanding our multi-dimensional nature, we can awaken new potentials and navigate life with greater clarity, intuition, and wisdom. Whether you are new to spirituality or already on your path of awakening, this interview with Sonia Choquette offers deep insights and practical advice for exploring the multiple facets of your being. Sonia Choquette website : https://soniachoquette.net/about/ COPYRIGHT © 2024 LILOU PRODUCTION Website http://liloumace.com/en/home-en/ Lilou TV https://www.liloumacetv.com Facebook   / liloumacewebtv   Twitter   / liloumace   Instagram   / liloumace  


My Message To Them  (&, to You) ... (reposted, from Monday, August 12, 2024) ... Thank  'You to All', 1 Eye's Blog . . . An excerpt: You may be asking why (I feel) you should be impassioned, about what I have been posting (since 2012) ... I.E. about 'the powers not-to-be'  enslavement agenda(s) ...