Saturday, February 27, 2021

Into the Christed Light with Sacha Stone & Cathy O'Brien & Laura Eisenhower

 ** WATCH above video HERE ** . . .  Great Telepathy, Synchronicity & 'Teamwork' & . . .  'Teamwork Begins By Loving y(our)self' . . .
Thank You, Sacha Stone (, Laura Eisenhower & Cathy O'Brien (& Mark) ... ... (& to YouTube for sharing) . . .

Soulutions . . . Change Is On The Way . . .  The bigger picture . . . 
Thank You To All - One Eye's Blog . . .

Remembering the Man who named Queen Elizabeth as a killer: William Combes

Thank You Kevin Annett (Kevin A) & your team, for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .  An exerpt from; 'Remembering the Man who named Queen Elizabeth as a killer': William Combes

On the 10th anniversary of his medical murder after reporting the abduction of ten aboriginal children by Queen Elizabeth in 1964, William Combes was honored and remembered today by his friends and citizens of the Republic of Kanata in Vancouver. The land near the genocidal Holy Rosary Catholic cathedral was seized and reclaimed under the authority of the Republic, and renamed the William Combes Memorial Park. A march then converged on the scene of William's murder by arsenic poisoning, St. Paul's Catholic Hospital. Kevin Annett, William's friend and Convener of the Republic, gave the eulogy. See and . Posted February 26, 2021.


Sash Wearer (Warrior Of Light) CRAZY HORSE is amassing 'Soul's', on the 'other side of the veil'... for truth & 'freedom' . . .  Thank You to All, One Eye's Blog . . .

Friday, February 26, 2021

Dr. Theresa Tam: How Can Canada Defeat COVID-19?

Thank You, Dr. Theresa Tam & 'The Agenda' - with Steve Paikin, tvo (& YouTube for sharing) ...

W.H.O ... Do You Trust ?
In my humble opinion, it's up to us - 'humanity' - to 'arm' ourselves, with All pertinent info ... The Truth is found within . . . Good Luck . . .

As always: The Truth Will Come Out, 'in the end' ... Thank You to All - One Eye's Blog . . .

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Boston Dynamic's Spot Goes on a Rampage - #NewWorldNextWeek ... YouTube removed ... Watch On BitChute . . .

Thank You, James & James (corbettreport & MediaMonarchy) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . (& BitChute for sharing) . . . 

My New Job :: TATTLE-TALE ... - Thank You my friend, Shechai Yah (Emily) . . .

GLOBALism, the pseudo science - Thank You, Santos Bonacci (MrAstrotheology) for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . (& YouTube, for sharing) ...

Whack-A-Mole isn't working too well, anymore - Thank You To All ... One Eye's Blog . . .

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The Truth Goes Marching On . . . Corona Virus Causes Cancer as Side Effect

C'MON ... W.H.O ... It's never the wrong time, to 'do the right thing' . . .
The 'devil' is in the details;... but the Angels are winning . . . Thank You, KF Vietnamese (& Keshe Foundation) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

Cancer Cure and What They Don't Want You To Know (Part 2) - Thank You, 'Common Law Courts' (Great Britain & International), for your work (deeds) & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

Common Law (Jury Trial) ... Pros & Cons - Thank You, Wikipedia for sharing . . .

Do the Right Thing, because: . . .  'WE ARE THE ONES, WE"VE BEEN WAITING FOR' . . . &,... The rest of the story - Thank You, Jim Humble (Sacha Stone, Peter_The_Great) for your work & 'Love Of humanity' (& to BitChute for sharing) . . . Find Jim Humble's work (books) here . . .

Monday, February 22, 2021

How GcMAF eradiates cancers ... Curing Cancer Is Illegal . . . Do Your Own Research . . .

The Truth Goes Marching On ... CURING CANCER IS ILLEGAL . . .
Thank You David Noakes, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing)
& Thank You to Dr. James Jeffrey Bradstreet for your 'life's' work, & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . (& to The Washington Post ... 'Democracy Dies In Darkness', for sharing) . . .

Pros & Cons ... The 'devil' is in the details;... but the Angel's are winning . . . So, why wasn't there a 'Trial by Jury' , I.E. Common Law- Thank You, Wkipedia . . . 
David Noakes, Unlicenced Cancer Cure boss arrested  & to be extradited to France (Judge Nina Tempia rules) - Thank You, BBC NEWS ... (an excerpt below) ... 

Noakes will be extradited within 10 days, District Judge Nina Tempia ruled at Westminster Magistrates' Court.

Leaving on bail, Noakes shouted: "This whole court house is corrupt", as he was ushered out.

In 2018, Noakes was jailed for 15 months at Southwark Crown Court after admitting money laundering, and manufacturing, supplying and selling an unlicensed medicine.

Dis-Ease begins, with y(our) 'compromised' Immune System . . .
Humanity's Immune System is increasingly being compromised due to environmental toxins, disruptive 'ElectroMagnetic Fields', etc, etc..... The Human body naturally produces 'immune system protectors', but can't keep up; so dis-ease creeps in.....
GcMAF & Nagalase explained... Thank You
Who Is Killing The Healers?
And 'Frequently Asked Questions' ..... Thank You
The Vaccination Agenda - Thank You David Icke  (BNN & BitChute) . . .
Be You Own 'Authentic, Sovereign, Multidimensional Self(s)'.....Discern, Integrate & do your own research..   And Thank You - Natural Health 365  Powerful Solutions .... The Truth Goes Marching On .. .. Waiting For The Miracle - Thank You, Leonard Cohen .. .

Vatican City Backs away from COVID-19 vaccination decree for employees - Thank You, Global News (& YouTube for sharing) ...

Culling 'The Herd' ... I DO NOT CONSENT ... Thank You To All, 'One Eye's Blog' . . .

Friday, February 19, 2021

The Functional Approach To Your Thyroid - Dr. Jeff

'Everything makes sense,... if,... you don't think about it' . . .
Thank You, Dr. Jeff ... (Dr. Tent & your DHS team) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& YouTube for sharing) . . . 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

How Can A Global Conspiracy Work? - Questions For Corbett

Thank You, James (corbettreport) for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' (& YouTube, for sharing)  . . .  & to BitChute for sharing . . .

The 'devil', is in the deatils ;... But,... the Angels are winning . . .
How Does A Global Conspiracy Work? ... Well,... you get the 'usual suspects' together (into 'Global Control positions' I.E. the puppets & puppeteers) & co-create a reality, that achieves your goal(s) - and usually (until now) getting the majority of Humanity's support, via 'order out-of-chaos'; through their devious, psychopathic methodology (mentioned, in previous 'blog posts')  . . .  & so 'the  endgame' ... I Do Not Consent . . . 

It Doesn't Matter who you vote for: 'The Government always gets in.' - Geroge Harrison . . .
Part of the club ?? ... Canadian CO VID-19 vaccinations lagging ... - Thank You, Canadian Press ...

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Making of a Revolutionary: Life Recollections with Kevin Annett

The 'criminals' are in charge . . . 
Thank You my friend, Kevin Annett, for your work (books) ... & 'Love Of Humanity' (& YouTube) for sharing . . . 
Whistleblower, Republic organizer and truth teller Kevin Annett tells of his formative years and his first experiences with corruption and injustice as a young boy, and how the issues and challenges never change. These sneak previews are part of an upcoming major documentary. See and . Posted 16 February, 2021.

The Roots of the Present Crime:... - Thank You, Kevin Annett  (& YouTube) for sharing . . .
In Part Two of his "Life Recollections" series, Kevin Annett describes how the hard evidence of the Canadian genocide of native people was censored and his academic work at the University of BC was destroyed by the United Church and university administrators. The present covid police state is recycling methods used against natives and whistleblowers for generations. The need for a new Republic is clear. See and . Posted 16 February, 2021.

And, how the Censorship works... - Thank You, Kevin Annett, for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' (& YouTube) for sharing . . .
Kevin Annett continues to describe how the United Church, RCMP and University of BC administration censored the truth of Genocide in Canada and led a sustained assault on Kevin and his efforts to expose these crimes. Another contribution to Kevin's "Life Recollections" series of interviews that will form part of an upcoming major documentary. Long live the Republic of Kanata! See and . Posted 16 February, 2021.

Culling 'The Herd' ... I DO NOT CONSENT ... Thank You To All, 'One Eye's Blog' . . .

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Cycle of Creation

The Cycle of Creation . . .
Knowingly or Unknowingly, ... we (Humanity) are Co-Creators of our reality (thru our 'Collective Consciousness') I.E. who/what/where ... we give our (creative energy) away to . . . The Powers 'Not-To-Be' know this,... and have been duping us over millennia - via mind-control, deceptions, half-truths, emf's, contrived events, order out-of-chaos, etc . . . It's Time to be aware of this fact; Wake-Up & Co-Create a new reality, that serves all of Humanity . . .
Thank You, KF Vietnamese (& The Keshe Foundation) for sharing your thoughts, your work, & for your 'Love Of Humanity' . . . Thank You . . .

Visit Plasma Technology (Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute) - Home of  'Plasma, Science & Technology' - Thank You, for sharing . . .

And Remember;  Silence = Death ... And, use your intentions wisely. They are 'powerful gifts' - Thank You To All ... 1 eye's blog . . .

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Free Energy Special Interest Group (FESIG) 85th Meeting Kerry Cassidy on the War of Consciousness & the Lucif...

FESIG 85th Meeting ... Thank You, Crystal Goh (of the 'Free Energy Special Intersest Group')  & Kerry Cassidy (Project Camelot Portal) & YouTube for sharing . . .  & Thank You, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . Above 'YouTube' video,  taken down . . .  

But, Watch It   ****  HERE  ****   Thank You, to '' (Free Energy Special Interest Group), for sharing . . . An excerpt: There is disinformation galore - People are addicted to information – this is where you get the entrapment happening and why the technology, iphones, the ipads, the various devices are simply the windows in to this matrix that they want to draw you into a permanent way and then entrap you

An excerpt of deleted video . . .
The FESIG Chair, Crystal commenced the 85th Meeting promptly – introducing our renowned returning speaker, Kerry Lynn Cassidy, one of the leaders of the disclosure movement, CEO and Founder of Project Camelot and Project Camelot TV Network LLC. Kerry is a documentary filmmaker/investigative journalist and well-known host of aka – is a leader in the alternative media sector, with a Youtube channel that has over 62 million unique viewers worldwide and over 300,000 subscribers. She was with us speaking at our 60th Meeting in Jan 2019 and the 37th FESIG Meeting on June 2017. She presents her take on the current situation – the War of Consciousness, Remote Viewing, Antarctic Alien Bases and their technologies. Kerry started off with saying she’s now on telegram, telling people to do their own investigation whilst she presents her take on planet earth currently. She said her specialty is on whistleblower testimony over the last 16 years. Her own journey down the rabbit hole and her ongoing to enlightenment – which not a destination, but an ongoing journey. It is basically a communion with Source and therefore an ever-growing state of being. Diamonds are forever and it’s actually a War between Silicone and carbon based-life forms. We see it as Machine intelligence and machines are almost at the lower end of the spectrum, silicone as the higher end of it, and on the other side we have carbon-based platform which we are one. The drive here is to take over control of the carbon-based life-forms. This is the take over by the mirror, that’s Lucifer via the Luciferian Agenda or Satanic Agenda. It’s about materializing the mirror and falling in love with it. This is the dilemma of not only humanity but of many lifeforms – this is the take-over of Victim-Prey scenario going on out there in the multiverse and all of this has to do with the journey back to Source! So for those who failed to go within and learn to navigate the hidden worlds of the unseen and focus on the surface manifested world, that manifested world will try to control and dominate it…so what you need to do is ultimately focus on your spirit, your soul and the divine force within you … it looks like ‘the Ghost in the Machine’ is going to be humanity. Those who can will view this threat as a superficial threat. It is necessary for humans to learn to go within to expand to have the true freedom of soul and spirit that you are entitled to. There is disinformation galore - People are addicted to information – this is where you get the entrapment happening and why the technology, iphones, the ipads, the various devices are simply the windows in to this matrix that they want to draw you into a permanent way and then entrap you. The covid contains nano AI particles that gets into your body through the hydrogel takes over your body – as the sender and receiver that you are so that your abilities will be locked in – this is why they want the vaccines on the masses to mutate your genome so that your spirit and soul will not be able to get out of the cage your whole life and even beyond, becoming a cyborg! Some of the 1st questions she answered to Crystal during Q&A are: What’s your take on Kim Goguen being the General? . Heard that the CCP is already being taken down recently, why is the Deep State still so much in control? As 7.5 million Brits are already being vaxxed whilst the Pantomime is being played out, is this a distraction whilst they cull the population!? . Disinformation by psyOps agents posing as White Hats providing HOPIUM - they talked about arrests – is it to keep us docile, passively watching the show and not doing anything? The Draining the Swamp narrative, a hopium for LightWarriors? . The Galactic Federation, according to the Taygetean Pleiadians are behind the Cabal anyway, so what gives? Co-Chair James Rink took over after that with many more riveting questions and from the floor too. Watch the rest of the video recording for some thought-provoking intel. Kerry Cassidy’s site : Brought to you by Crystal Goh and the FESIG Team.


*** *** IF YOU DO NOTHING *** ***   Thank You, Barrie Trower - On 5G, at the Exeter Phoenix ... (& thank you, Falcons CAFE, & BitChute for sharing) . . . ****  VIDEO  TAKEN DOWN  **** 

But  ***  WATCH  IT  HERE  ***  Thank You, to C..E.. &  B..T.., & to (Deeper Truths), for sharing . . .

&,  Check this out ... Thank You, Captain Jerry G. Flynn ... I  Salute You! . . 

Saturday, February 13, 2021

This is a fridge too far. | Pierre Poilievre

Old News ...  - Thank You, Pierre Poilievre (Conservative - Conservateur) & YouTube for sharing ... Unfortunately, 'benevolent change' won't come from with-in these 'systems of control' . . . It's all about the oath they take ... It's not about 'you & I' . . . Oh well, change is coming in spite of them!

Pandemic and Guided Meditation... FESIG (Free Energy Special Interest Group) ... 75th Meeting - Thank You, Crystal Goh (& your team) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . (& YouTube for sharing) . . .
The 2nd Session of the 75th FESIG Meeting, commenced promptly right after the 1st session when Dr. Frank D Germano spoke, on 8th April, 2020. As a responsible humanitarian initiative, the FESIG Team Members addressed the Global lock-down situation with the Covid-19 pandemic. The Chair, Crystal Goh started the ball rolling with her report of what she had learnt, talking about Dr. Shiva Ayadurai’s video that went viral “Top Doctor EXPOSES EVERYTHING The Deep State Is Trying To Hide About CV” She then quoted the Taygetean Pleiadian’s messages, Gosia made through her channel Cosmic Agency “More about the Virus - New Report - LIVE with Aneeka of Temmer (Extraterrestrial Communication)” What is a Virus? Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication (Taygeta) Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses The FESIG Team shared their own views and what they knew about the pandemic situation, with Co-Chair, Dr. Fraz Frazzle giving some sound advice, “If you stay ‘at ease’, you’ll overcome the ‘dis ease”, throwing in the science of the harmful 5G frequencies as facts. Toby Grotz walked the talk for a good immune system, looking forward to a new better world from the Hopi Elders’ prophecy. R&D Head, Pontus Hassbjer shared a video link by “Barrie Trower on 5G at the Exeter Phoenix” Ayvind shared a picture titled “ Is No One Else Seeing This?” A plot of the pandemic simplified in a storyboard. He said we will be protected from the mandatory ‘Vaccines – The Mark of The Beast’, in the 4 corners of the world as the Hopi Elders pointed out. He added that the 60 GHz of the 5G is known to absorb oxygen, will absorb 98% of the RF – lack of oxygen, you’ll suffocate, the main symptom of the CV, it also disables the iodine in the body. Graeme Sandwith said the microwave in the kitchen, the frequency is tuned to the alter molecules, 62 GHz, burning your lung tissue. Paul Rauh said on the upside, this pandemic situation does bring people together, giving us the opportunity to have a sense of Oneness. In response to the call for a positive outcome in unity consciousness in these times of danger during this 'War of Consciousness', Crystal being a qualified hypnotherapist, did a special guided Group Meditation with positive affirmations to raise vibrations, staying focused on FESIG’s goals, mission and aspirations, towards manifestation and success. Music Used:- 528Hz Miracle Music | Positive Energy Cleanse | Ancient Frequency Music | Solfeggio Healing Sounds Spirit Tribe Awakening Then the 75th FESIG Meeting was adjourned to the 76th on the 6th May 2020. Hosted and produced by Crystal and the FESIG Team.

The 'Powers Not To Be' ... Controlling Our 'Collective Consciousness' (our Reality) on 'Beloved Mother Earth' ... I DO NOT CONSENT . . . - Thank You To All ... 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Friday, February 12, 2021

Canadian Government Delays Mandatory Traveler Quarantine - #SolutionsWatch

Thank You, James (corbettreport), & John Carpay (of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms), ... for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . In James words:
The Canadian government announced it was going to subject Canadian residents to mandatory quarantine, at their own expense, after returning from international travel, regardless of their negative COVID status. After public backlash and the threat of legal action, the government is now delaying those plans, but some are alleging that the government has already arrested Canadians arriving in the country by air and transported them to a secret hotel location. Joining us to discuss this developing story and what Canadians can do about it is John Carpay of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.

Look Up . . . Thank You, to All.... - 1 Eye's Blog . . . &
I Told You ... So, yesterday, February 11, 2021, in the sky above London, Ontario, Canada (in the South Western Ontario Region); it was a beautiful (blue sky) day, until the skies became streaked with 'chemtrails' (oops, I mean con-trails) ... I need your help to decide ... Are they a Conspiracy or Fact ? . . . Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog ...

TAKING HOLD of TREACHERY & DIVISION - Thank You, Shechai Yah (Emily), (& YouTube) for sharing . . .  Video censored by 'the powers not-to-be' ...

SOLUTIONS ... Do Your Own Research ... The 'devil' is in the details;... But the Angels are winning . . . 
Covid- 19(84) is NEVER GOING AWAY... - Thank You, Dan Dicks (Press For Truth) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity', (& YouTube for sharing) . . . & to BitChute for sharing . . . 

Thursday, February 11, 2021

The Price WE Paid: An investigation into WE Charity's rise and fall from...

Indoctrination of our youth, through education ... Wake-Up people . . .

About The Fifth Estate: For four decades The Fifth Estate has been Canada's premier investigative documentary program. Hosts Bob McKeown, Gillian Findlay and Mark Kelley continue a tradition of provocative and fearless journalism. The Fifth Estate brings in-depth investigations that matter to Canadians — delivering a dazzling parade of political leaders, controversial characters and ordinary people whose lives were touched by triumph or tragedy.

The Price WE Paid: An investigation into WE Charity's rise and fall from ... Thank You, The Fifth Estate . . . (& YouTube for sharing)

The Fifth Estate looks closely at the history and operations of the WE Charity, its triumphs and missteps, and its relationship with the Trudeau family. The embattled co-founders of the charity, Craig and Marc Kielburger, describe themselves as "political roadkill" after the extent of their ties to Justin Trudeau’s family were revealed, months after the federal government handed them a contract worth millions of dollars. Former employees have come forward to say everything was not as it seemed inside the organization, both in Canada and in its operations overseas.

I DO NOT CONSENT - Thank You To All ... 1 Eye's Blog . . . 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

EndGame HQ full length version

The 'Powers, Not To Be' ... Controlling Our Collective Consciousness (& Reality) . . .
All government party's - are 'controlled', by the same force . . . You don't get elected/or have a voice,... unless you're part of the club . . .
& so, The EndGame ...
I   'DO NOT CONSENT' - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Thank You ChangeDaChannel, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .

2018  Message to the choir - Thank You, ChangeDaChannel, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

The 'bigger picture' - 666 ... versus ... 6666  . . .  (grand Conjunction) - Thank You To All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .  

Monday, February 8, 2021

Dark to Light Episode #018 - With Guest Cathy O'Brien

Truth has a 'frequency',... that resonates with y(our) heart . . .
Thank You, Dark to Light (Laura, David & Cathy O'Brien) for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube for sharing) . . .
& Thank You, Cathy O'Brien (Mark & your team) ... TRANCE Formation Of America (love your books) . . .

& Thank You Wikipedia for sharing (Cathy O'Brien) fellow 'conspiracy theorist'  . . .
& to BitChute for sharing . . . 

The War on Conciousness - Thank You, Crystal Goh, of Free Energy S.I. Group & Kerry Cassidy & YouTube for sharing . . . 

FREE SOCIETY ALERT - NEO-TECH AND GLOBAL INFORMATION ... What Do You Think? (Agenda 21) - Thank You for sharing . . . 

Republic Official kidnapped, unlawfully detained, tortured by Crown offi...

Thank You Kevin Annett, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .
In Kevin's words:
On January 8, a leading citizen and official of the Republic of Kanata, Paul of the Kuleba family, was kidnapped at gunpoint under an unendorsed warrant by the Durham Regional Police. For three weeks he was imprisoned unlawfully in the Central East Correction Center in Lindsay, Ontario, denied Habeas Corpus and subjected to physical assaults, pepper-spraying, denial of food and water, and psychological and physical torture. Paul continues to face a campaign of attacks and false charges which are threatening his life and liberty. By seizing a citizen of another nation and transporting him to imprisonment and torture, Crown officials in Canada have perpetrated an Extraordinary Rendition, which is a Crime against Humanity under international law. Paul is a prisoner of war and of conscience who has been publicly targeted by the Canadian state because of his commitment to a Republic. The attack on him is an attack and an act of war on all Republic citizens. In response, our Council has made an application in international courts and the Common Law Court of Justice of Kanata that charges Crown police, judicial, penal and government officials with engaging in a Criminal Conspiracy and a Crime against Humanity. Those responsible for these ongoing assaults against Paul will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Paul's case is being brought before the United Nations and human rights groups. Further updates and actions will follow, including a televised international press conference. An interview with Paul will occur this Sunday, February 7 at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern at , The Voice of the Republic. Issued by the National Council of the Republic of Kanata , ,

Truth has a 'frequency',... that resonates with y(our) heart . . .
Thank You, Dark to Light (Laura, David & Cathy O'Brien) for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube for sharing) . . .
& Thank You, Cathy O'Brien (Mark & your team) ... TRANCE Formation Of America (love your books) . . .

Thought Crimes... - Thank You Sarah Westall (Mary Flynn O'Neal & Mark & Terri  Stemann) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute for sharing) . . .

Whack-A-Mole isn't working too well, anymore . . . - Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Friday, February 5, 2021

The Storm Is Here...In Iowa

Truth Has A Frequency, that Resonates with your Heart . . .
Punished for 'WRONG THINK' . . . 
Thank You Jason Bermas, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& YouTube for sharing) . . .

Thank You, Kerry Cassidy, & Michael Jaco (& YouTube for sharing) . . . 

How To Destroy A Civil Society, Invisibly .... Thank You, Shechai Yah (Emily) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& YouTube, for sharing) ... 

Thank You, fellow Voyager - A..D... (Azurite Press) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute for sharing)  . . .  (The Amenti Series, Part 1) . . .

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Tartaria in Leon of Guanajuato

Guess what shape, our Beloved '3D' Mother Earth is?

Surprise! ... Surprise! . . .  It's neither round . . . nor flat . . .
Thank You, Santos Bonacci (MrAstrotheology) for your work, & 'Love Of  Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . Above video/channel terminated, by 'the powers not-to-be' ...
But, check out Santos' work  ***   HERE   ***  ... Thank You to (MrAstrotheology), for sharing . . .

POLICE ARE KIDNAPPING HEALTHY CANADIANS & FORCING THEM INTO ISOLATION CAMPS!! WHERE'S YOUR FREEDOM ? - Thank You, Dan Dicks (Press For Truth), for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute for sharing) . . .

Solutions . . .
Citizens for Free Speech - Thank You James (corbettreport)  & Patrick Wood, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . (& YouTube for sharing)  YouTube video/channel censored/terminated ... by, the 'powers not-to-be'...  But,  watch it   ***  HERE  ***  Thank You to (The Corbett Report Official LBRY Channel), for sharing . . .


pcr (tests) sequencing - Thank You to All  - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Invisible Rainbow: A history of EMFs and health

'Invisible Rainbow'... A History of EMFs and... - Thank You ScottiesTech.Info,... for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube for sharing) . . . 

The 'devil' is in the details;... But the 'Angels are Winning' . . . 
Just because you don't feel it,... doesn't mean, it doesn't affect you ... For 'Health's sake; be aware, & keep your distance - where possible . . .
As an 'electro-hypersensitive' person; I easily feel energies, both positive & negative (i.e. high vibration/frequency & low vibration/frequency), that I am exposed to - be it people or environmental... It's like having a 'built-in' test set/meter... Once this trait is recognized, one can remove one's-self from the 'negative (fear based) energies', & try to surround yourself with 'positive vibes' I.E. positive people/trees/nature/beaches & open spaces... In this 'reality', on 'Beloved Mother Earth'; avoidance of EMFs is a good idea (where possible); BUT difficult to accomplish - due to the 'artificial AI' & humanity's 'collective (low vibrational) consciousness' - due to 'fear based' frequencies, emitted by the 'Control Systems' I.E. AI (mind control) technologies, media, corporatocracy, financial systems & governments  . . . In order to change our reality, we must change our 'Collective Consciousness' . . . Humanity,... it's time to Wake-Up . . . 

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity - Thank You, Wikipedia ... 

The Science Behind Empathy and Empaths - Thank You, Psychology Today Canada (Judith Orloff, M.D.) . . .

'Collective Consciousness' at work ...
When, do you predict the pandemic will finally end ? ... - Thank You, cpac for sharing ...

Monday, February 1, 2021

Keshe Foundation Agriculture Brochure April 2019

Keshe Foundation Agriculture ... - Thank You, KF Vietnamese (& Keshe Foundation) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& YouTube for sharing) . . . THANK YOU . . . 

EXTRA! EXTRA! Mr. Gates And Friends To Save The World!!!

EXTRA!  EXTRA ! Mr. Gates And Friends to Save The World !!! - ... Thank You Jason Bermas, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . . 

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks... - Thank You, Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister Of Canada ...

We the People LACK Knowing -  Thank You, Shechai Yah (Emily) . . .

Thank You, Global News (Robin Gill) - Canadian Officials ... concerned

DO NOT CONSENT . . . - Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .