Monday, August 30, 2021

Genocide whistleblower and Republic convener calls for boycott of Canadian election ...

The Truth Goes Marching On . . .
Thank You my friend, Kevin Annett for your work, & 'Love of Humanity', (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt : Toronto: The man who exposed genocide in Canada and sparked the rise of a Republic in that country has begun a continent-wide campaign tour to “challenge the treason and tyranny” of the Trudeau regime and pull back the lid on ongoing Crimes against Humanity in Canada. Kevin Annett, who ran under the banner of the Republic of Kanata in the 2019 federal election, began his tour with a live television interview in Toronto. “To mark a ballot in a Canadian election is to commit treason” said Kevin on the air of That Channel TV. “To vote on September 20 is to elect Members of Parliament who swear sole allegiance to a criminally convicted foreign monarch named Elizabeth Windsor. It is to endorse the treason of both Liberal and Conservative governments that have handed over Canada to China. It is to ratify the admitted genocide of a godless Canadian church and state that murdered over 60,000 indigenous children and continue their crimes and coverups today. I therefore call upon Justin Trudeau to debate me publicly concerning why he should not face immediate arrest as a war criminal and a treasonous agent of a foreign power.” Kevin Annett, who has twice been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and recently for the Order of Canada, is conducting his campaign tour under the auspices of the Republic of Kanata, a sovereign nation founded in 2015 and established lawfully at its first constitutional convention last July 1-4 in Vancouver. The Republic is the only movement in Canada to advocate and actively establish political independence from the British Crown and its puppet regime in Ottawa. On September 8, the Republic will be issuing passports to its citizens. According to Kevin, “We are citizens of a separate nation and jurisdiction, and Canada’s so-called ‘vaccine passports’ do not apply to us. Any attempt to impose them on us will be considered an act of war against our sovereign nation and its people and will be resisted accordingly.” Kevin is also speaking on behalf of the newly formed Canadian Genocide Tribunal, established by international jurists and indigenous elders to conduct independent excavations at mass graves of residential school children, and bring criminal charges against those responsible. For more information write to and see and . Posted August 30, 2021.
Get Kevin's books here . . .

Proof That J..T's..  Knowingly Complicit... - Thank You KenanSonOfEnos for your work & 'Love of Humanity', (& to Bitchute, for sharing) . . . An excerpt : Trudeau was even warned by Canada's Intelligence Agency (CSIS) that the actions his government was taking posed a serious threat because the deadly viruses being sent to China would be used in the development of a gain of function bio-weapon. Yet Trudeau made a decision to do so anyhow. This means that he is KNOWINGLY complicit in committing Crimes Against Humanity. And now this War Criminal has called a snap election because he knows it will be the last time he can steal power by using rigged voting machines.

Help share this video everywhere, Justin Trudeau needs to be behind bars, and not running for reelection.

'The apple' doesn't fall, far from the tree ... ThankYou Cathy O'Brien (& Mark Phillips) for your work/books, & 'Love of Humanity' . . .

DO NOT CONSENT - Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . . BOOM  . . .

Angry crowds disrupt another Trudeau campaign event

Trying to control the narrative . . . But, the Truth Goes Marching On . . .
Thank You CBC News: The National for sharing - Angry crowds disrupt...  (& to YouTube, for sharing). An excerpt : An angry crowd of protesters delayed a campaign stop for Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau in Ontario, days after a rally was cancelled over security concerns. Disagreements on the campaign trail aren’t uncommon, but political watchers say these events have reached a new level of nastiness.

The TRUTH IS OUT - Thank You 'Be Positive', for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .

Is it time, to Wake-Up? - Thank You to All - 1 Eye . . .

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Invisible War

Thank You A..D.. (& fellow Voyagers) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . The Truth Goes Marching On . . .

Thank You Jason Bermas, for your work & 'Love of Humanity', (& to YouTube &, for sharing) . . . The 'great resignation' . . .

I  DO NOT CONSENT . . . Thank You to all - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Saturday, August 28, 2021

The kingdom of opposites by Dawn Kelly (Watch on YouTube) . . .

The Kingdom (the box)  . . .Welcome to our 'convoluted & inverted (collective) reality' here on 'Beloved Mother Earth' - It's Time to Wake-Up people . . .  and use y(our) intentions wisely . . . Telepathy, Synchronicity & Teamwork is on the way . . . 
Watch it  ****  HERE  ****  Thank You, yellow submarine for sharing . . .

Thank You James Corbett (corbettreport), & James Evan Pilato (mediamonarchy) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . . 'Break the spell'... An excerpt : This week on the New World Next Week: the FDA approves Comirnaty; even Nature is reporting how health research funders are suppressing inconvenient results; and Aussie truckies are preparing to block every highway in anti-lockdown strike.

Believe in yourself ... You are braver than you think ... more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine . . . Use your intentions wisely, They are 'POWERFUL GIFTS' . . .

The devil is in the details ... but, the angels are winning . . .

Thank You Amazing Polly, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . . Riding on the monorail . . .  An excerpt : I want young people to know that we will get through this! I want them to hang on - They should not be bullied or terrified into risking their health for the sake of false promises of a return to normal. I want them to know that life exists outside of the paradigm they've been living in, and I want to reassure them that humanity has been through very hard times before but we always, always prevail!. SONGS: Glitter & Gold by Barnes Courtney and Bad by Royal Deluxe

DO NOT CONSENT . . . Thank You to all - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Where We came from? (Human Origins)

Above video unavailable ...

Here on 'Beloved Mother Earth', Humanity has been duped over millennia, by negative (service to self) higher-dimensional  (11D & below)  entities/beings, that have conspired & created the 'control systems' that exist within our convoluted 3D 'prison reality' I.E. the box. These entities have convinced 'unsuspecting souls' to do their bidding, through deception, blackmail, wealth (or the promise there of), along with prestige & privilege.  I believe it's time to wake-up & 'think' outside the box (of these 'low vibration', control systems). So, I encourage all, to use your intentions wisely,  I.E what & who, you give your energy to, discern & integrate information & together co-create a new benevolent reality for all. Remember, y(our) intentions are POWERFUL GIFTS . . . It is so . . . IT IS DONE !

Thank You A..D.. (& fellow Voyagers) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .
An excerpt : So, what happened a very long time ago on a planet called Tara, about 560 Million Years Ago, there was a race of beings seeded on this planet. The Race was called the Turaneusiam and they were a very, very special Race. They were kind of like the “babies of the Universe”. The Turaneusiam Race was created by taking the genetic strains of all of the other type of beings that existed within all of the other dimensional systems and harmonic universes…taking them and splicing together the best of the best in order to form a super-proto-type. And what the beings who created us wanted to create was a species that could embody not only a Soul, but an Over Soul. It could embody the consciousness of 12 of the 15 dimensions. Most body forms, either here or in the 2nd Harmonic Universe, can only embody within them a certain amount of energy identity. After a certain amount of energy identity is added in, the gene code can’t tolerate anymore. And that’s when the form would transmute and the consciousness would move into and evolve into a state of pure consciousness being, where it no longer needed a biology. The Turaneusiam Race was created to be a “living library” for the 15-dimensional Matrix. It would contain the gene codes of 12, within biology. It would contain 12 levels of dimensional systems. And they were contributors of I think they said, about several hundred million different species contributed gene code product to create this new species. This species was viewed as “godlings”. We were created to eventually become creator gods. And we were revered highly by those other extra-terrestrial and 2nd Harmonic civilizations who wanted to see themselves be able to evolve and expand beyond their own potentials of their species. So we were created with a lot of high hopes. And the Turaneusiams are who we originally were. And this is a surprise to most people cause most people don’t even know the 2nd Harmonic Universe exists. So, about 560 Million Years Ago, the Universe got together, if you wanna look at it that way…different biologies got together and contributed their genetic material to create this super-race of beings. And they succeeded. They created the Turaneusiam Race. They were 2nd Harmonic Beings. There were gender delineations at certain periods of time. There were other periods of time when there was no gender to them. They did not reproduce by mimilla ? means, as we do. They produce through energy replication. They didn’t need to do the mamillion ? thing. They were a very, very special breed in the sense that they had 12-strands of DNA. We have 2-strands of DNA. Can you imagine what it might mean to have the potentialities of 12-strands? What abilities would that give us? What would our minds be like? What would our comprehension, our power, our…what would we be like with 12-strands. Compared to what we know ourselves as now, we would be God-Like. We would have abilities that we could only dream of having now. And that is what the Turaneusiam Race did have...

Click on image to enlarge ...

More Than Meets the Eye . . . Thank You 'Diverse Health Services' (Dr. Gill, Dr. Tent) & your entire team, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) ...

The devil is in the details ... but the angels are winning . . .
"No Exemptions"...? - Thank You, Dan Dicks (PressForTruth) & your entire team, for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' & to BitChute, for sharing ...  An excerpt : BC has mandated a vaccine passport province wide with no exemptions for medical or religious reasons. The vaccine certificates known as the B.C. vaccine card will be required at restaurants, fitness centres, casinos, organized indoor events like conferences and weddings, movie theatres, ticketed sporting events and indoor concerts, officials said. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest Covid-19(84) news while also providing the most important solution moving forward as we continue to navigate new tyrannical territory each and every day!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Yin-Yang Gravitron Blackhole Technology (음양 블랙홀 기술)

Thank You A..D.. (& fellow Voyagers) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' & to YouTube, for sharing . . .  An excerpt: 
The Metatronic "BeaST" (Blank Slate Technology) Machine Shield Implants emerge from Wesedak "BeaST Machine" distortions in the Planetary, Galactic and Universal Shield into the Kathara Grid Template, DNA Template, Chakras and Auric Field Levels of 11.5 dimensions of the 15-Dimensional Human Anatomy. The Gravitron is a part of the Beast Machine that holds the tilt of planet Earth at its unnatural and artificially sustained 23.5 degrees angle and is becoming aligned with the natural Earth’s Staff (vertical axe). Metatronic races created the Gravitron vortex networks to link portals in our Sun and Earth, twisting the planetary blueprint into unnatural configurations called Demon Seed. Metatronic Reversals are manifested into spirals that harness the gravitron to creates an unnatural artificial gravitational fields on this planet. The Gravitron is an electromagnetic harness field that is part of a larger electromagnetic harnessing structure called the NET. These are Black Hole technologies that were orchestrated on purpose by which this planet has been imprisoned through these fallen forces of NAA. Additional phantom area pockets or zones were created during the Atlantian Cataclysm through reversal electron (or Light reversals) made in sections of the earths field that were intended to inhabit by the NAA and intruding races to enslave the planet and humanity.

The 'Bigger Picture' - Thank You to All  . . . 1 Eye's Blog . . .
'A' vs 'D' Drama - Thank You A..D.. (& fellow Voyagers) for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . 

WISDOM Hour with Mallika, EP 12: Yamas & Niyamas | Asteya & Santosha

Thank You Mallika, for your wisdom & Santos Bonacci (MrAstrotheology), for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: This video series is created by Mallika, the founder of Annapurna. The aim of this series is to generate revenue for Annapurna Gurkul - a virtual and physical school that retains and transmits the wisdom of our ancestors and their love for nature. Since a young age Mallika cultivated herself in the spiritual arts associated with India under guidance and tutelage from her family, teachers and mentors. This is the spirit she shares in her school, Annapurna Gurukul. Episode 12 continues the syncretic study of yogic values (Yamas and Niyamas) to reach personal freedom. It explores how Asteya (self-sufficience) and Santosha (contentment) can be understood and put into practice. Annapurna Gurukul is continuing our free online classes! Our next class is Saturday, August 23 at 10.30 am EST. This day will be dedicated to exploring Yoga, Tribal Art and Spirituality, all through a non-dogmatic perspective. The class runs for 3 hours. Our Sunday classes for kids are now closed until October. If you have children between the ages of 11 to 17, or are interested in learning ancestral traditions that help balance the human constitution, and refocus on serving life, please reach out to Mallika using the contact information provided below. If you were touched by the message or found the information useful, consider making a donation to help fund Annapurna Gurukul (a virtual academy as well as physical location - based in nature). Your donation helps us continue spreading knowledge that aids the generation of personal health, agency, autonomy and authority:

Monday, August 23, 2021

BOOM ! Another Unbelievable Discovery . . .


Connecting the dots . . .
Yet another, Unbelieveable discovery . . . Thank You Amazing Polly, for your work & 'Love of Humanity', (& to Bitchute, for sharing).  An excerpt:   BOOM! Guess who runs Alfa Group, a massive international conglomerate with investments in OIl&Gas, Telecoms, Banking, Food, Retail, Water systems and more?  ***TO SUPPORT MY WORK go here: ***(thank you!)

The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket - Thank You, to all . . . 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Eugenics - Thank You Wikipedia, for sharing ... Nathaniel C. Comfort ... & Carol W. Greider ... Biographical ( & ... Max Planck

DO NOT CONSENT - Thank You to all . . . 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Friday, August 20, 2021

Everything in the Universe is energy (frequency & vibration) . . . Beware (& be aware) of the Mind Control being 'orchestrated' on you (& me) . . . The truth will set you free . . .


MK Ultra Methods Being Used Now on Humanity - Thank You Sarah Westall (& Ann Diamond) for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to Rumble, for sharing) . An excerpt : MK Ultra survivor and award winning author, Ann Diamond, joins the program to discuss her journey as a victim and survivor of MK Ultra. How she sees it in todays world and how she has learned to enjoy life. We learn that the globalist cult have been perfecting mind manipulation methods to control humanity for at least 7 decades. You can see more of her work on her blog at

Mysterious Doctor Martin Fischer - Thank You 'Mother of Darkness' (Ann Diamond) for your work/books & 'love of Humanity' . . . Also, 'Mind Control 101' . . .

Hallelujah - Thank You Leonard Cohen . . .

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Independent Free Press NOT ALLOWED QUESTIONS At Justin Trudeau Media Eve...

I encourage all, to use y(our) intentions wisely ... They are 'powerful gifts'.
The 'Powers' (not-to-be) will not succeed, in controlling the narrative . . . We & our forefathers, rank & file military & police have been duped . . . But, the truth will go marching on . . .
Thank You Dan Dicks (PressForTruth) for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube & BitChute, for sharing) . . . An excerpt : On Wednesday August 18th Justin Trudeau invited the media to an event that consisted of an announcement that would be followed by a Q&A with the press. Dan Dicks of Press For Truth registered for the event and went first thing in the morning to pick up his accreditation, he was told to just sit tight and wait a few more minutes while other outlets like CTV News and OmniTV were rushed by him and signed in. When it came time to go in PFT was ultimately denied and when asked as to why an accredited journalist was not getting in the reply was “you’re just not going to”. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth shows just how bad freedom of the press has gotten in Canada when he’s denied a very important question for the prime minister that none of the other mainstream media outlets would dare to ask!
*** Watch above video on BitChute ***

Afghanistan War... - Thank You both , for your work & 'Love of Humanity' . . . Check Out & (& thank you to, for sharing). An excerpt : This week on the New World Next Week: Afghanistan comes home to roost as false flag domestic terror looms; scamdemic babies are suffering cognitive development difficulties; and the CHD win an important case about RF against the FCC.

May you choose well . . . You have the ability to become free & powerful, loving & wise . . . Thank You GA (& fellow Voyagers) for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .

DO NOT CONSENT ... (BOOM) ...  Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Kamloops School, Canada Kevin Annett [MIRROR]

The Truth Goes Marching On . . .  Thank You Kevin A, for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity' & to Reuben (Shaun) & YouTube, for sharing . . .

Remembering... - Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

THANK YOU My Love . . . 'My Donna' - You will always be in my heart . . . Thank You, for allowing me to be me & follow my path, in this life . . . Until WE meet again . . . Love Always . . .

'Click on image', to enlarge . . .

Oh Donna - Thank You Ritchie Valens  (& to Riahsha & YouTube, for sharing) . . .


BYERS, Donna (Dewbury)
July 3,1954 - August 10, 2021

"In the depths of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer." - Albert Camus

With much sadness and after a year-long battle with cancer, Donna has found peace. . . Donna's journey in this life, began in Listowel, Ont. She's left behind her loving husband of 45 years, David Byers. Cherished mother to Heather (Andrew Rivers) and William. Beloved grandmother to Henry, Sophie, Harper and Rebecca. Donna was predeceased by her father, Fred Dewbury and survived by stepmother Marion Dewbury; and siblings: David Dewbury (Laurie Goodhand), Don Dewbury (Dianne Frank-Stadler), Dorothea Kedzierski (Fred Fisher), Deborah Langley (Dominic) and Mary Jane Blackport (Todd). Sister-in-law to Marcia Armstrong (Andrew Payer) and special godparent to Andrea Kedzierski. She also leaves behind many loved nieces and nephews.

Donna was easy to talk to - a humble listener and good friend to many. She was a nurturer and loved her family. She was happiest, when talking about her children, grandchildren and loved being involved with their activities. Highlights of each year revolved around family birthdays and celebrations - especially Christmas.

Special thanks to the many London Cancer Center doctors and caregivers Donna encountered on her journey, along with the St. Elizabeth Healthcare team and the St. Joseph's Hospice for their work and gentle kindness.

Cremation has taken place and an Inurnment Ceremony will follow, along with a 'Celebration of Life', all to be held in the fall (notice forthcoming). In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the Salvation Army, St. Joseph's Hospice, or simply show 'unsolicited acts of kindness" Arrangements are entrusted to the Brock and Visser Funeral Home Thamesford Chapel, 519-285-2427. Personal condolences and donations may be given at
Published on August 11, 2021

How Can I Tell You? ... Thank You Cat Stevens/Yusuf, for your Music ... & to YouTube (Songbird X), for sharing . . . (updated 2023) . . .


Donna was a 'great dancer' & whenever this song was played, she would grab whoever was closest (usually me) & dance  . . . Great fun! . . . Thank You, to YouTube (The Beatles), for sharing . . .

It's Closing Time - Thank You - Leonard Cohen (& YouTube, for sharing) . . .

A Summer Song ... Thank You Chad & Jeremy, & to YouTube (Somewheremaybe) for sharing . . .

A photo of Donna taken in London, Ontario, Canada - at my sister's wedding, in 1974 . . . xxooxoxo

A Woman like You - Thank You Johnny Reid (&, to Mikaela Rines & YouTube, for sharing) . . .

The below photo was taken on May 30, 1973, after returning home from a motorcycle trip to Florida, on my 1973 dresser. And yes, it was taken at my girlfriend Donna's place. An excerpt from Wunderlust2012 . . . 

SANTOS BONACCI (Part 2) ~ "FLAT EARTH: Under The Dome ~ The Controversi...

Thank You, 'AGE OF TRUTH TV' (Lucas Alexander) & Santos Bonacci (MrAstrotheology) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' & to YouTube, for sharing . . . An excerpt:  
SANTOS BONACCI (Interview Part 2) ~ "FLAT EARTH: Under The Dome ~ The Controversial Theory" . SANTOS BONACCI is a fascinating, progressive extraordinary and provocative gentleman from Australia, who now lives in Mexico. He is originally an Artist and Musician, who has become known for his esoteric knowledge and presentations for many years on Theology, Astro-theology, Natural Science, Astrology, Reclaiming Dominion, Breaking the fictions of Religion, Science and Law, and the Holy Science , Occultism, Spiritual wisdom, Mythology, Ancient texts, Religions, Words, Numbers, Colors and dot-connecting on our universal connection, as he says it. He is the founder of Syncretism Society, He has also become quite controversial for his views on Flat Earth theory. This video is an eye-opening 3 hour 40 mins. in-depth conversation on the controversial topic of FLAT EARTH THEORY that has divided the growing truth movement. THIS IS INTERVIEW = PART 2 - with Santos Bonacci on AGE OF TRUTH TV, interviewed by AOT TV Presenter and Investigative Reporter, Lucas Alexander.

I encourage All, to use your intentions wisely ... They are 'powerful gifts' . . .
Guided Meditation to Return Back to Balance - Thank You, KF Vietnamese for your work & 'Love of Humanity' & to YouTube, for sharing ... An excerpt : The guided meditation will show the working of the soul. This session will allow people to experience first hand the power of collective consciousness and how intention can help to shape our 3D reality through the power of manifestation as a Co-Creator. At the same time, the energy transmission in this session can help clear negative energy, can help people let go of what no longer serve them, can help cut energetic cords draining people's energy against their will or knowledge, can remove entity attachments, and can help people return back to balance with the energy of Love, Peace, Balance, and Joy.

May you choose well . . . You have the ability to become free & powerful, loving & wise . . . Thank You GA (& fellow Voyagers) for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Global National: Aug. 13, 2021 | Nearly 1 million Canadians face vaccine...

Fear Not!. . . because  'The Truth Goes Marching On' . . .
How Free Are You? ... Feds MANDATE VACCINES, No Debate on ... - Thank You Dan Dicks, PressForTruth & your entire team, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: The Canadian government will be mandating vaccines for all federal employees while Quebec has shutdown debate on vaccine passports. Meanwhile the unvaxxed may soon be getting sued if they are found to ave spread Covid-19(84) plus Trudeau is planning a snap election to take place next month! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers all the latest Covid-19(84) news while explaining how you can continue to go about your regular life unvaxxed and untested lawfully!

Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . . It's time to face the facts . . .

I  DO NOT CONSENT (BOOM!) . . .  Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Friday, August 6, 2021

23Apr 172 Children Murdered in 15 Locations

Tory's work goes on 'exponentially', from the other side of the veil i.e. the higher dimensions, of the universe . . .
Thank You my friend Tory Smith, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Another Saturday night and more children gang raped and murdered by Russian CIA, MOSSAD agents, US Senators US Military Police White House staff CEO'S and Corporate Executives. DHS being rewarded for killing over 20,000 their Nazi Concentration Camps which these men call FEMA CAMPGROUNDS. SOCOM placing ads in newspapers asking for children to come to the USA.

Knowledge Is Power . . .  Use your intentions wisely. They are powerful gifts.
THANK YOU! Your Prayers are Successful... Thank You, Tory Smith (& YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: All the last group of 100% Reptilian invaders have been arrested Thanks to You! The Galactics that did this for us are from Procyon, Andromeda, Tau Ceti and Alpha Centauri. This group of Reptiliians were brought here to help the dark side kill us all in the FEMA/NAZI Concentration camps all over America.
Your Prayers have made all the difference! Police of Earth have most involved in child trafficking under surveilance and have found 38 of 39 MILABS. Now there is a nationwide effort to close this operation down. This operation is owned by the Bush family, and 19 of them have been arrested, and 58 other members have fled the country. George HW Bush's trial is over, and Barbara Bush's trial is now underway. Besides raping and murdering innocent children by the hundreds of thousands in MILABS, they also murdered 75 million+ in their war crimes. George HW Bush and Zbigniew Brzezinski shot JFK, and in my observations, I believe this is when the Nazis took over America officially, but you may see things differently.Brzezinski has also been arrested. I know this is hard for some to believe, but you will see the evidence of this someday. Let's see the end of the rest. THANKS FOR ARRESTING THOSE WHO RAPE CHILDREN IN AMERICA. God Bless Your Hearts!!! I also speak of one of the first times I was exposed to this operation, in which I was raped while they murdered 54 children in the same room around me. I witnessed many men do this including BARACK OBAMA, GEORGE H W BUSH, GEORGE W BUSH, ERIC HOLDER, Indiana Governor MIKE PENCE, Purdue President MITCH DANIELS, PAUL RYAN, MITT ROMNEY, Frmr CIA JOHN BRENNAN, Frmr NSA KEITH ALEXANDER, JOHN KERRY, PIETER ZATKO and JAY SCHNITZER and others of DARPA, US Senators MITCH McCONNELL, JOHN THUNE, JOHN McCAIN, FRANK R LAUTENBERG, ORIN HATCH, and JEFFERSON SESSIONS.

I  DO NOT CONSENT (BOOM!) . . .  Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Huge Breakthrough Part 2

I encourage All, to use your intentions wisely. They are 'powerful gifts' . . .
Thank You Tory Smith, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .

The aqpple(s) don't fall, far from the tree  . . . Thank You to All, 1 Eye . . .

DO NOT CONSENT (BOOM!) . . .  Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Frequency Asked Questions & Q & A - Thank You, KF Vietnamese for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

'lo & behold', . . . The Conspiracy Theorists were Right . . . Da !

'Whack-a-mole' & mind control techniques, aren't working too well anymore. Conspiracy Theory (theorists) - Thank You Wikipedia . . .

Thank You Dan Dicks (pressfortruth) & your team, for your work, and 'Love Of humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . . It's Official, if you want to live in this 'Convoluted Reality' on 'Beloved Mother Earth' . . . An excerpt: Operation Save The Press (For Truth)! ➜ It is no longer a “conspiracy theory” that mandatory vaccinations are becoming a reality for millions of people all around the world as the Covid-19(84) nightmare continues to reveal itself to be all about control and very little to do with health. NYC is the first US state to mandate vaccines for indoor activities like eating at a restaurant or working out at a gym but it doesn’t stop there, Denver is also doing this as well as France and 15 other European countries not to mention the big tech conglomerates like FaceBook, Google and Twitter are also getting in on the fascism. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest mandatory vaccine news that is once again vindicating everything we’ve been saying here at Press For Truth for the past 1.5 years!

Thank You Project Camelot (Kerry Cassidy) & your team, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . The Agenda Behind... 

Thank You KF Vietnamese for your work & 'Love Of Humanity', & to YouTube, for sharing . . . Application & Usage. . . 

The Powers 'not-to-be', controlling the narrative on 'Beloved Mother Earth', thru a 'web of deceit' & without our consent  . . . Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

EASTER 176 Children Murdered "Official Start of the Holocaust "

Thank You my friend Tory Smith, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity', & to YouTube, for sharing . . . An excerpt : 66 Jewish Children and 29 Christian Children were targeted and abducted for the Human sacrifice along with Mexican and Vietnamese Children. 1677 males raped these children 5096 times before killing them with 17" Illuminati daggers.

BOOM! Vax Passport Company's Horrifying History - Thank You Amazing Polly for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to, for sharing) . . .  An exerpt : I go over the history of ENTRUST, the company that has the contract for the Digital Passports in the UK (coming soon to your country?) TO SUPPORT AMAZING POLLY:

Psychopathcrazy/Corporatocracy - Thank You Wikipedia, for sharing ...

I  DO NOT CONSENT - Thank You to All . . . 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Monday, August 2, 2021

Use Your Intentions Wisely . . . & Create Your Own Ripple Effect . . . The Universe Is Waiting

The Ripple Effect Podcast #341 (James Corbett - Exposing The Propaganda Matrix) - Thank You Ricky Varandas (defendressofan) & James Corbett (corbettreport), for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . .

New World Next Week Interview 1653 ... Politicians Rage at the Global Uprising - Thank You James Corbett (corbettreport) & James Evan Pilato (mediamonarchy), for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . . An excerpt : This week on the New World Next Week: global protests against vaxx passports and lockdowns step up as the global civil war heats up; NATO gains an operational command in the US as they grease the skids in Afghanistan; and the same Big Pharma companies making the injections are recalling their other killer products.

Here We Stand - Thank You Kevin Annett & your team, for your work/books, & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to, for sharing) . . .

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Brian Mulroney to give eulogy for George H.W. Bush

'The apple doesn't fall, far from the tree'... But, old news ... can be 'informative news' ...
Thank You CBC News, & YouTube for sharing . . . An excerpt: Former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney will be one of four people to eulogize the late George H.W. Bush at a funeral planned for next week. To read more:

The powers 'not-to-be', are still trying to control the narrative in our 'collective reality' ... I 'DO NOT CONSENT' . . . 
Did you know? There is no truth, as powerful as your own . . . I encourage all, to use your intentions wisely. They are 'powerful gifts'. Thank You Cathy O'Brien (& Mark Phillips), for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity' . . . 

All roads lead to the P..B.. connection ... Thank You to All  - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

In our 'convoluted, prison reality' on Beloved Mother Earth, 'it doesn't matter who you vote for, the government always gets in'. - Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .