Tuesday, February 8, 2022

What do you want to go back to? . . . All we (Humanity) have been told over millennia, are half-truths, lies & deceptions . . . So, let's not (go back) & give our co-creative power away, to the NWO criminals & 'their systems of control' I.E. their convoluted reality . . .

'Click on image', to enlarge . . .

This realiy can't be changed, from within the same 'control system(s)' that created it . . . So, best to co-create, our new reality, from within (out-side of this dimension I.E. the box) . . . We can do this! . . .
What is The Fight For . . . (Freedom) - Thank You, Waking The Future (Joel & Pat), for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to odysee.com, for sharing) . . .

Group Consciousness & the herd . . . Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Freedom Convoy Preemptive SOS - Thank You Marcel Irnie & your entire team of 'Freedom Fighters', for your work & 'Love of Humanity', (& to YouTube, & to odysee. com 'Spicy Clips', for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Freedom Convoy SOS CANADA and WORLD. Help us, help everyone. #irnieracingnews #freedomconvoySOS #freedomconvoy #Genevaconvention #warcrimes #policewarcrimes #ApplicationtoProtectingPowersandrelieforganizations .

'We are the many' ... They are the few . . .  Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog.

'The System' & their minions are Panicking . . . February 6, 2022 & February 13, 2022 . . . Here We Stand  Thank You, PlayerFM . . . 'Republic of Kanata' . . .

Stay Strong & 'Carry It On' . . . Thank You (Golden) 'Eagle Strong Voice' (Kevin Annett) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' . . . Thank You, 1 Eye . . .

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