Thursday, April 28, 2022

What You Need To Know . . .

Don't underestimate your intuition I.E. sixth sense . . . You have found  '1 Eye's Blog', for a reason . . .
What You Need To Know ... Thank You James Corbett (, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to, for sharing . . . An excerpt: The World Health Organization has already begun drafting a global pandemic treaty on pandemic preparedness. What form will it take? What teeth will it have? How will it further the globalists in cementing the biosecurity grid into place? James breaks it down in today's episode of The Corbett Report podcast.

Controlling the narrative ...
Fool me once, shame on you;  Fool me twice, shame on me . . .
Thank You CTV News, for your journalism ..., & to YouTube, for sharing ... Hillary pays tribute ... An excerpt: Clinton on Albright: 'She spent her entire life counselling and cajoling, inspiring and lifting up so many of us who are here today.' 

Are you awake yet? . . . Because, 'the veil has been lifted', & secrets revealed... Knowledge, is our defense against 'mind control' . . .
Unleashing Intuition - Thank You Cathy O'Brien (& Mark), for your work/books, & 'Love of Humanity' . . .

The NAZI AMERICANS... - Thank You my friend Tory Smith - now on the other side of the veil - for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube, for sharing . . . 

And Remember ; WE (You & I) Are Sovereign Onto Ourselves - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Service-To-Self ... versus; 'The Law of One' ... I.E. ALL-ONE-ness . . .

Don't give your power away, to the convoluted 'control system(s)', that have enslaved us, over millennia . . . I en-courage All, to use your intentions wisely... Why? ... Because, y(our) thoughts (manifestations) are 'Powerful Gifts' that can/will co-create a better reality, that 'Serves All of Humanity' (ref: 'Taking Action' - Codes & Symbols, for your 'awakening & enlightenment' Wheel of Virtues - Thank You fellow Voyagers & YouTube, for sharing) ... Good Luck, my friends ... We can do this! . . .

In this time (cover) - Thank You Conspiracy Music Guru, for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' ... (& to YouTube &, for sharing) . . .

The 'Bigger Picture' . . . Thank You to All ... 1 Eye's Blog . . .

The Art of 'Divine Relationship' . . . Thank You to All ... 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Stay Strong & Carry It On ... Here We Stand!... Thank You to All (& Kevin Annett), for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity' . . .

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Use Your Intentions Wisely . . . They Are 'Powerful' Gifts . . .

What they are afraid you will discover, is that WE (you & I) are more powerful than they are... They cannot survive without our energy (loosh)...  So, I en-courage All, to discern what you have been told to believe; use 'your thoughts & intentions' wisely & together, Co-Create (manifest) a better reality, that serves All,... Why? ... Because, It's never the wrong time, to do the right thing . . . 
Thank You A..D... , fellow Guardians & your entire team, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to (StellarPrince-33-11) for sharing . . . Remember, WE are All  Co-Creators of our reality . . .

Their minions are getting nervous - Thank You to All ... 1 Eye's Blog . . .

The Order of Malta's Grand Master praises UNESCO's commitment to...
The 'powers not-to-be', controlling the narrative, through education I.E. Global Eduacation - common core ... UNESCO ...
Reviving the Ancient Library of Alexandria - to todays (I.E the Controler's) standards . . . (refs: Wikipedia, thank you) ...

For your children's sake ... Best to discern & educate yourself, to what you are being taught to believe I.E. common core, 'mind-control', etc... Thank You Cathy O'Brien (& Mark Phillips) & your entire team, for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity' . . .

Saturday, April 16, 2022

How Your Job is Killing You . . .

Re-establishing your immune system . . .
Thank You, Dr. Craig Gill, DC & the entire 'Diverse Health Services' team, for your work & Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube & rumble, for sharing . . . An excerpt: There's plenty to be discussed in Dr. Gill's lecture about how your job is killing you and we're not even talking about the most dangerous jobs in the world! Plus, he'll be covering some other important health topics so you can stay ahead of the curve.

How convenient ... 'Indoctrination' becomes our reality ... What is your Reality? ... Maybe it's time for some deep thinking I.E. thinking 'outside the box' of what we're told to believe - via the 'control systems' . . . Thank You Rich, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube, for sharing . . .  

The Science and Spirituality Of Creation ... & Reclamation . . .

The 'intelligent tricksters' that obtain our consent (energy) through their deceptions, are being outed . . .
In my humble opinion, I am sharing this work, that resonates with my being & purpose, in this life ... Guardian Alliance (ref: Ascension Glossary) . . .
Thank You A..D.. (Breath Of Life - YouTube site removed) & fellow Guardians, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to (StellarPrince-33-11), for sharing . . . An excerpt from 'Breath Of Life' post: To our sister Ashayana & The Guardians Elders, Inner Earth Beings Dear Seeker & Adept - Know, that you are not alone – It is all your responsibility, but it isn’t your fault. Congratulations you have come so far! Remember this World is a Hologram… Illusion… Maya if you wish. Yet it is relevant so you can’t ignore it. We have come here together for this reason! The distortion here on Planet Earth was caused long time ago by the Fallen ‘Angels’, FA and by the deceit of Thoth & Co in Atlantis. The dispute has been going on millions of years ending in End of The Worlds. This is the New Attempt to free the trapped souls, ‘the third time is the charm’. Because of this dispute, which has its start in the High Heavens, by the beings who lost their Fate in Creation and wanted to be gods themselves, our Planets Energy Grids are distorted. Our biological vehicles, our bodies, are distorted too. DNA has more than 2 Strands (12, 24, 48 etc) in this 15 D Creation. Since we are operating in a limited Biological Vehicle, our Merkabah too is distorted, we have difficulty to perceive the Real Reality, The Planet, The Dimensions. We are not able to contact with the Inner Earth and the Beings living there. The Illusion of the ‘Sky above’ is easy to cast on us to prevent us from seeing what is truly going on ‘Up There’. Did you take a look? We operate under the Law of Freewill and Free Choice. So, what is happening is accepted within the Framework of The Creator God, to a certain point! The Fallen Ones, causing all troubles on our Planet are NOT able to operate higher than 11,5 Dimensions in 3Density. They are not aligned with the Living Krystos, the First Creation based on Eternal Love. So, be aware that they are not invincible! And they know it, so they are desperate. This means we got to ‘Hurry up’ with our inner work; the Shadow Self is whispering from Phantom Universe: “You can’t, you will not, you are not made for it, just give up…”. Align with your Heart, Higher Self, Over Soul and if you dare to, even Higher, to the EFFI Fields of Krystos, so that you can be in THE ROOM WITH THE VIEW and escape from the Long Fingers of the Fallen Ones. Innocence! It all about You Consciousness. You have all the tools to clear the shadows and lift up the Veil. The Inner Eye perception will offer you the Key to see the truly beautiful Earth, the Living Being as She is and Her True Form. She will let you to know Her Secrets through all of your 5 and more senses and transcend them; no Drug can do that for you to that Soul Tearing Extend. She will Carry you with Her. She is connected to the True God Core. Think about the Inner Earth Beings, the Elders Race; they are here to help. Think about the Plasma Beings. Think about the Light Beings. Think about Krystos. We are living through Times of Great Change called Ascension. It is the real Age of Aquarius approaching. Everything we ever knew will not apply in that New World. Yet nothing can stop it! Please take a look of Law of One too. In the spirit of the Free Choice and Free will it is up to you to make your Way and assist others to join you. In the Spirit of The Living Creator, my One Beloved Adonai 💎 Breath Of Life Contact: ARhAyas Productions - EAsha Ashayana These teachings focus on spiritual growth, self-actualization and reclamation of our birth right of Eternal Life Ascension, utilizing AMCC-MCEO plasma technologies and sacred information stored on the KU’mA-yah Alhumbhra Crystal Discs. The teachings contained within this program are representative of a vast repository of ancient knowledge regarding the true purposes and processes of human biological and spiritual evolution. These teachings have been kept alive within our cultures since pre-ancient history, through a secret Soul Group known as The Keepers of the Flame. The Keepers of the Flame are a part of a large group of spiritual science teachers called the Melchizedek Cloister Family. Teachings of the Melchizedek Cloister Family are “brought out of hiding” when humanity most needs this information to help direct its evolution along a positive, life-giving path. For the first time in over 10,000 years, the full teachings of the Melchizedek Cloister Keepers are being publicly re-introduced. The most important features of this program are the Keylontic Techniques themselves, for it is through consistent application of these techniques that you will begin to make literal changes and expansion within your consciousness, perceptual range, morphogenetic field, bio-energetic field, chakra system, physical body and DNA. We seek to reveal the point of union between seemingly opposing perspectives, to heal the conflicts inherent to Duality Consciousness and assist in positive growth toward a Unity Consciousness that is based upon mutual love, respect, freedom and co-creative stewardship toward our planet

The Order of Malta's Grand Master praises UNESCO's commitment to...
The 'powers not-to-be', controlling the narrative, through education I.E. Global Eduacation - common core ... UNESCO ...
Reviving the Ancient Library of Alexandria - to todays standards . . . (ref: Wikipedia, thank you) ...

For your children's sake ... Best to discern & educate yourself, to what you are being taught to believe I.E. common core, 'mind-control' - Thank You Cathy O'Brien (& Mark Phillips) & your entire team, for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity' . . .