Monday, July 18, 2022

For eons, everything that materializes on 'Beloved Mother Earth' is a co-orinated construct, by the NAA ... Nothing, on this 'prison planet' is random (or, happens by accident) ... The 'powers not-to-be' are being 'outed' ... & earth's populace is awakening, to their 'crimes-against-humanity' ... So, 'Fear-Not' ... because knowledge (no matter how disturbing) gives us the 'Power & Freedom' to change our reality (with our thoughts, & intentions) ... The 'controllers' know this ... & now, they are the one's 'in fear', that their 'house-of-cards', contrived reality will collapse . . . It's time my friends, to discern W.H.O. we are giving our energy to, & make better choices ... These N.W.O. 'perpe-traitors' have chosen their (finite) 'service-to-self' path; have lost their 'connection to source energy' & cannot survive without our 'loosh' ... & will return to source via 'space-dust' - if they don't 'change their ways' . . . I wish them well, on their journey . . .

Thank You my friend, Tory Smith, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube, for sharing . . . An excerpt: This is a poor quality video due to attacks against me. I have been in bed for the past 11 days. Mike Pence has murdered another chhild and so has Greg Zoeller. .I will do a detailed report as soon as I can.

Who is 'P..F..'? - Shocking ... New World - Thank You K..A.. & y(our) team, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (Kevin A), for sharing ... An excerpt: The grisly background and past and present criminal actions of "Pope Francis", Jorge Bergoglio, are described in this exclusive report from the International Common Law Court of Justice and its Canadian Field Secretary, Kevin Annett. Bergoglio is set to sign a $700 billion deal with China under the cover of his trip to Canada on July 24. Further evidence of his connection with Ninth Circle rituals and the murder of innocents is described. See under ITCCS Updates and under Breaking News. Posted July 17-18, 2022.
So, I ask?  Where Do You Stand? ... Thank You, K..A.. & your entire team, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to PlayerFM, for sharing ... For important & enlightening reads ... get  ****  Kevin's books  HERE  **** . . .

'The Bigger Picture' ... Beyond the Veils... - Thank You A..D.. & y(our) guardian team(s), for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube, (R..M..), for sharing . . . An excerpt: The MCEO Freedom Teaching, Guardian Materials,
For enlightening reads ... get 'Ashayana's books' ... Voyagers - The Secrets of Amenti - Volume 2 - 2nd Edition  ****  HERE  ****  &, Voyagers 1, The Sleeping Abductees  ****  HERE  **** . .

Perpe-Traitors &... Thank You C..O..P.. (& Mark) and your entire team, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' . . . For important information, & enlightening reads get 'TRANCE Formation of America' books  ****  HERE  **** . . .

The Gutenberg Conspiracy (The Media Media matrix - Part 1) - Thank You James (, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to, for sharing ... An excerpt: From the Renaissance to the Reformation, from the fall of feudalism to the rise of capitalism, from the Scientific Revolution to the Industrial Revolution, from the way we order our thoughts to what we choose to think about, nothing survived the printing revolution intact. Our world is the world that the printing press has created.

Thank You, my Friends ... reposted from August 8th, 2020 - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

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