Friday, December 23, 2022

Teamwork begins, by 'loving y(ourself)' - which includes All of y(our) multidimensional selves ... And So It Is . . .

And remember ...  'Nothing Is Random' . . . especially censorship . . .

The Three (3)... - Thank You, A..D.. & y(our) entire team of  'voyagers', for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (Voyagers), for sharing . . .

The Three Jesus... - Thank You A..D.. & your entire team, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to BitChute (Keylontic and Chismatic Science), for sharing ... An excerpt:  Excerpted from the MCEO Freedom Teachings Series by E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas in Dance For Love.

Before you engage in the MCEO Freedom Teachings by Azurite Press, it is highly recommended you do all the Free Techniques from ARhAyas Productions to provide adequate protection against reversed, Metatronic currents from the Trumpet Pulses with the newly available plasma energy. Plasma energy is a stronger frequency from Internal Creation that is only made available during special circumstances, like under Fail-Safe, to External Creation where we currently reside. It is no longer safe to do the Lightbody Activations and Techniques from the MCEO Freedom Teachings due to the mass drama unfolding on the world stage. These Free Techniques are part of the second phase of E’Asha’s teachings under ARhAyas Productions instead of Azurite Press called Tan-Tri-Ahura Teachings. The Freedom Teachings work with External Creation Keylontic Lightbody Structure while the Tan-Tri-Ahura Teachings work with Internal Creation Chismatic Plasmatic Structure of the Deity Planes.

The Guardian Material is a set of teachings shared by E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas through many of her workshops over the past 24 years since 1998. The first half of the teachings is called MCEO Freedom Teachings available under Azurite Press. The MCEO Freedom Teachings are a set of workshops by E’Asha from 1998-2012 (no longer available for sale) explaining the structure of the universe along with its blueprint of all creations, the relationship of energy and consciousness, human and cosmic history, and the evolution of consciousness through the use of Keylontic Science. The information comes from the CDT-Plates which are also the source of a large collection of texts called the Maharata Texts, sharing the Law of One perspective.


The Truth will always prevail ... Thank You Julie P. & your entire team, for your work/book & Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (The Democracy Fund), for sharing ... An excerpt: If you believe civil liberties are important, then please check out the new book by The Democracy Fund's Ethics Scholar, Dr. Julie Ponesse.

The book is called "My Choice: The Ethical Case Against Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates"



And, it  I.E. the truth, will go marching on ...  And, So It Is . . . Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog (reposted, from Friday, February 18, 2022) . . .

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

You took the words right out of my mouth ... 'The Forbidden Revelation(s)' ... of 'Health Care' ... And So It Is . . .

Thank You, my friend Gemma (investigative journalist) . . .

What the 'powers not-to-be' ... I.E. the 'contrived' Health experts/big Pharma, can't let you find out ... Oh well, criminals! ... It's Too late ... Thank You to J..H.. & others, for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to (FreeQuinnSees), for sharing ... An excerpt: The Universal Antidote Documentary

The science and story of Chlorine Dioxide. NASA proclaimed it a universal antidote in 1987. Since that time thousands have recovered from illness using this substance and now many physicians and scientists are saying it is powerfully effective for many applications. The Universal Antidote Documentary scheduled release is for February 1, 2021

The documentary explores the history, safety, and efficacy of the universal antidote and provides interviews with physicians and people who have used it.


And, the 'forbidden'... Thank You to All,  1 Eye's Blog . . .

'It might be time' to discern info ... The 'powers not-to-be', continue trying to control Humanity, by spreading lies/'half truths' via ... Propaganda ... 'Distorting Reality' ... Worldwide ... You Took the Words Right Out... - Thank You, M..L..(R.I.P.) for your work/music ... & to YouTube (Denise), for sharing . . .

Sunday, December 18, 2022

We (Humanity) 'are not' what they say we are ... 'Not anymore', my friends ... It's time for a 'new reality' that serves all . . . And So It Is . . .

'Click on image', to enlarge . . .

1 Eye . . . (repeat after me) ... I DO NOT CONSENT to the open (uncapped) wormholes, portals & Stargates that connect 'Phantom Earth' to our 'particle earth', that allow 'Negative' aliens/entities & their 'methods of control & enslavement' to be bestowed on 'Beloved Mother Earth' & all of her conscious beings... I manifest that these pathways to 'Phantom Earth', all be closed/capped, NOW ... I co-create this intention now, with all my 'multidimensional selves' ... With Love & gratitude I thank you ... Thank You! . . . And So It Is! . . .

You will see it, when you believe it ... It's Time to believe - (reposted, from Saturday, Augaust 28, 2021), Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

The 'OWO  is 'reeling' ... Thank You A..D.. & y(our) entire Guardian team, for your work/books & 'Love Of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (The Emerald Covenant), for sharing . . . 'One World Order' & New World Order are synonymous (ref: wikipedia) . . .

Kanata ... 'The people sit as one' ... (reposted, from Saturday, January 15, 2022) - Thank You All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Fading away ... corporatocracy (ref: ascension glossary) ... & their 'mind controlled' systems, that restrain & enslave Humanity's 'freewill' ... 'The Day After WOODSTOCK' - Thank You to YouTube (BIZARRE BAZAAR), for sharing ... An excerpt: Jefferson Airplane, Joni Mitchell & Crosby Stills play Live, and Talk, at the Dick Cavett Show. 19th of August 1969. The day after Woodstock...

Thursday, December 15, 2022

'Deep thinking' is a rare commodity, in this convoluted & 'contrived' reality . . .

'Click on image', to enlarge . . .

The 'powers not-to-be' ... continue to confuse & control the 'unawakened sheeple', via their mions, algorithms & contrived 'internet trolls' ... We no longer can allow ourselves to be fooled ... &, 'I DO NOT CONSENT'  to their 'enslavement' methods & systems of 'initiated force', upon Humanity's freewill . .. An excerpt from 'google search' : What are Internet trolls called?

An internet troll, or online bully, deliberately tries to offend, cause trouble or directly attack people by posting derogatory comments on Facebook posts, blogs, under YouTube videos, on forums and other social media, such as Twitter and Instagram.

'If the 'powers not-to-be' can deliver death (e.g. chemtrails, EMP's, weather mods, etc.) from the sky ... Then, why can't they deliver life from the sky?' ...  'The Great Leap' forward is happening ... Right Now ... Thank You B..B., for your work/music & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (Paste Magazine), for sharing ... An excerpt: Billy Bragg - Waiting For The Great Leap Forward
Recorded Live: 3/15/2013 - Stage On Sixth (Austin,TX)

The 'powers not-to-be' ... 'trying' to keep Humanity under it's thumb ... 'Not today', my friends ... And the devil said: 'You may not survive the storm.' ... The 'Warrior(s) of light' replied: 'I (We) are the storm.' . . . And So It Is . . . Thank You D..D.. (PressForTruth) & your entire team, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' ...  to YouTube (Press For Truth DanDicksPFT) & to BitChute (Press For Truth) for sharing ... An excerpt: Have you ever looked up or wondered what the definition of psychosis is? Well apparently according to Google that all depends on where you live in the world!
If you are in Canada a top google search result will define psychosis as “a term used to describe when people lose some contact with reality.
Common symptoms of psychosis are hearing voices or having strong beliefs that are not shared by people within your community. For example, you may be worried that the government is trying to harm you and your loved ones.”
Meanwhile Cambridge Dictionary has redefined the words 'man' and 'woman,' adding a great deal of confusion and outrage. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth turns the table on the Canadian government to show just how truly psychotic THEY are while they attempt to push this nonsense propaganda on Canadians! If you appreciate my efforts please consider making a contribution here: SUPPORT: DONATE ➜

It's never the wrong time to ... 'do the right thing' ... So, I ask: 'Have you ever been on a team?' ... If you are reading this, you are now on a team ... &, only 'you know, which team you are on' ... It's all about 'Teamwork', & the choices that we make .. It's time that we awaken, to what is true; not what is real . . . & together co-create a reality, that serves everyone - Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog (reshared, from Tuesday, April 21, 2015) . . .

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

IT'S ABOUT TIME, my friends! . . . It's time WE 'real-eyes' ... we're all in this together . . . It's about time we find out ... 'IT'S ALL OF US ... OR NONE' - John Denver

We are all connected ... We are one ... That is our power ... Thank You J..D.. for your 'great music' & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (Masassa2009), for sharing . . . 

Signs ... from your 'soul' - Thank You Pinterest (dailygoodquotes), for sharing . . . 

If  you are awakening ... YOU ... may be one - Thank You Pinterest (Jennifer Beisel) , for sharing . . .

Sign Says . . . 'You ain't supposed to be here' ... Thank You, 'Five Man Electrical Band' for your music ... & thank you to YouTube (Ron Wells), for sharing . . .

'Our Vision' lingers on . . . 'All  People  One' . . .
The World Turned Upside Down - Thank You B..B.. (& Amanda Palmer), for your music & to YouTube (Paste Magazine), for sharing ...   An excerpt:  Billy Bragg - The World Turned Upside Down
Recorded Live: 3/15/2013 - Stage On Sixth (Austin,TX).


'The Law Of One'  (reshared, from September 12, 2022) ... Thank  You To All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .


Our 'inverted', convoluted reality that we are experiencing - on 'Beloved Mother Earth' - must go ... We (Humanity) have assisted in it's co-creation, by giving the 'control systems', our 'uninformed' consent - via their 'mind-control' methods ... I  'DO  NOT  CONSENT'  to our en-SLAVE-ment ... And So It Is ! . . . I en-courage All, to use y(our) intentions wisely ... 'They are powerful'  gifts!