Tuesday, December 6, 2022

IT'S ABOUT TIME, my friends! . . . "It's about time we 'real-eyes' ... we're all in this together . . . It's about time we find out ... it's all of us ... or none." - John Denver . . .

We are all connected ... We are one ... That is our power ... Thank You J..D.. for your 'great music' & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (Masassa2009), for sharing . . . 

Signs ... from your 'soul' - Thank You Pinterest (dailygoodquotes), for sharing . . . 

If  you are awakening ... YOU ... may be one - Thank You Pinterest (Jennifer Beisel) , for sharing . . .

Sign Says . . . 'You ain't supposed to be here' ... Thank You, 'Five Man Electrical Band' for your music ... & thank you to YouTube (Ron Wells), for sharing . . .

'Our Vision' lingers on . . . 'All  People  One' . . .
The World Turned Upside Down - Thank You B..B.. (& Amanda Palmer), for your music & to YouTube (Paste Magazine), for sharing ...   An excerpt:  Billy Bragg - The World Turned Upside Down
Recorded Live: 3/15/2013 - Stage On Sixth (Austin,TX).


'The Law Of One' (reshared, from September 12, 2022) ... Thank  You To All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .


Our 'inverted', convoluted reality that we are experiencing - on 'Beloved Mother Earth' - must go ... We (Humanity) have assisted in it's co-creation, by giving the 'control systems', our 'uninformed' consent - via their 'mind-control' methods ... I  'DO  NOT  CONSENT'  to our en-SLAVE-ment ... And So It Is ! . . . I en-courage All, to use y(our) intentions wisely ... 'They are powerful'  gifts!

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