Tuesday, June 13, 2023

'Clearing', of the seven (7) trumpets . . . It Is So... It Is Done!

Saddle-Up ... It's not too late, to ... 'Do the Right thing' . . . Thank You A..D..  & fellow Guardians, for your work, &  'Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (Voyagers), for sharing ... An excerpt: *For the latest updates on

"Blue Lotus Amenti FINAL Rescue Mission, 3 HOST, Roadmap of Incarnation" on June 4, 2023. KDDL3 Session 10 Watch KDDL 3 online Live-Stream Event www.arhayas.com https://www.arhayas.com/pages/upcomin...


Thank  You To All  , 1 Eye's Blog - (reposted, from Sunday, April 12, 2020) ... Collective Guilt Does Not Exist ... 

An excerpt:  What the NAA groups don't want their 'Controller minions' to know, is that 'The Guardians', of the 'Free-Will Time Matrices' have initiated a 'Fail Safe'  ref: Voyagers (YouTube), & won't allow Earth to be pulled into their 'fallen' Phantom Matrix system ... They don't want you to know, that WE, the Humans, have been sustaining them with our (life-force) 'energy' that is necessary, to keep them & this (their) reality from imploding, & returning them - & those who 'knowingly & willingly' support & agree to their 'service-to-self' systems & agendas - to 'Source', via space-dust . . . The Guardians call this, 'tough love' . . .

Further explained & emphasized . . . since WE  (you, I & 'they') are all 'fractals of Source energy(a part of the ONE), and WE all return (eventually) to SOURCE, where we all originated,  we are at a 'crossroads' ...  We have a 'choice' to make, as to how WE  (you, I, & 'they') want to do this - either through 'natural, organic evolution' (via, the 'Law of One') ... or, if we so choose the 'service-to-self' path - return as undifferentiated particles of consciousness i.e.'space dust' (to begin evolving once again, from the very beginning, without any past knowledge of existence) ... I wish everyone well, with their choice(s)! ... 1 Eye ...
Thank You A..D.. for providing this knowledge to us  - ASHAYANA DEANE on Project Camelot: Cosmic History & Ascension Mechanics ... Part 1 - Thank You fellow Voyagers, A..D.. & Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . & to BitChute (From Outside The Game) for sharing . . .

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