Monday, July 15, 2019

Leonard Cohen The Traitor

'Traitors to one's country' . . . Above video removedbut ****  Watch It Here  ****  Thank You, L..C.. for your music & to YouTube (Bibitivus), for sharing ...

Be your 'authentic, sovereign, multidimensional self(s)',.. discern & do your own research.
The History of 'Beloved Mother Earth' (Tara & Gaia)

DARPA/CIA MILAB Child Trafficking Report - Thank You, T..S.., for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' ...
&, to YouTube (Tory Smith), for sharing . . .
Check out my 'targeted' friend's work  ...  'I  Am Infinite Awareness'  ...  'I  Am Infinite Love'   ****  HERE  **** ... Thank You, Tory Smith ... I  SALUTE  YOU ! . . .

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