Thursday, April 30, 2020


CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY . . . The Truth Goes Marching On . .
Beware the Contact Tracers - Thank You, Amazing Polly

"CONTACT TRACING" is Big Brother And.... - Thank You, PFT

Fool me once;.. shame on you..... Fool me twice;.. Shame On Me. . 
. . .  I DO NOT CONSENT . . .

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

All Roads Lead To Bill Gates - David Icke

ALL ROADS LEAD TO BILL GATES - Thank You, David Icke (BitChute)

Thank You Bill & Melinda, For WAKING UP Humanity . . . - Thank You, CNBC Make it (Catherine) . .
Surprise!. Surprise!. The Goal Of 'Big Pharma' that Controls Our 'Medical Institutions' (Global Health, Hospitals & Research) is to give Humanity the 'Illusion', that They are Trying to Cure US, . . . When Actually They Are Trying To Keep US Sick (barely alive/dumbed down) in order to Profit & Control US . .  A great 'Corporatocracy' model . . - Thank You, HUFFPOST (Bruce) . .  
An Engineered 'Culling of the Herd (60+) - statistics' &  creating 'Order Out Of Chaos', is not a good reason to call this 'engineered flu' a 'Pandemic' & shut the world's economy down.. Those of us (regardless of age) with 'weakened immune systems' on account of 'Chemtrails, EMF radiation (our environment), Pharmaceuticals, Lifestyle Choices , Social Status & a Slower Metabolism(s) are more susceptible;.. i.e. a 'survival of the fittest' society,.. or rather, a fitting in to 'their society'... I DO NOT CONSENT to this manipulation & deception..

5G Resistance In Palm Beach ... - Thank You, Watershed Sentinel (Joyce) . The 'Spider Web' of Palm Beach Connections Is Vast . . .(I invite 'mainstream journalists' to join the Team) .. And  Expose Them. Thank You.

Monday, April 27, 2020

United Resistance to Tyranny arises: For all Lovers of Liberty

We (Humanity) must 'not only' discern the spoken words (double-speak);  But (more importantly) 'Watch the Actions' . . . 
Problem, Reaction, Solution = Order Out Of Chaos = Treason . . . 
This is How They're CONTROLLING THE NARRATIVE - Thank You, PFT
I DO NOT CONSENT . - Thank You, To All . . .

John Denver - The Gift You Are (1991) [Ultra Rare!!] [1/7]

I encourage Humanity to use y(our) intentions wisely... They are 'powerful gifts' . . . Thank You, To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . 

Sunday, April 26, 2020


Censorship is in full swing ... Above video, taken down  **** but,  **** watch it here  **** 
Thank You A..D.. & y(our) team, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' ... &  to YouTube (voyagers) taken down  &  K..C.. (Project Camelot), for sharing ... An excerpt: Project Camelot - Kerry Cassidy Interviews Ashayana Deane Parts 1, 2 & 3 ... (2010).

If this 'resonates',..  You may be on the 'Guardian Team' . . .

John Denver Sings 'High Flight' - Thank You, J..D.. (HerBunk) . .

Saturday, April 25, 2020

It’s all a LIE

Above video taken down ... But watch it  ****  HERE  **** - Thank You A..K.. & B..Y.. & (Time to wake up), for sharing ... An excerpt: PART 1 -

HighImpactTV channel -

One thing I have discovered as I've 'awakened' to my truth,.. is that what the 'mainstream & governments' call conspiracies,.. are something that goes against their agenda/mind control (programming) of the masses. This is one of the ways they control us (& our reality), without our 'informed' consent. . . 'We (Humanity) have been duped' . .  Anyways, today was a beautiful day, sunny with a deep blue sky. In the afternoon, I went for a motorcycle ride in 'south western' Ontario, Canada near London, where I live. I always let my consciousness (step back) and observe and feel the ambiance of the ride.. I look around & up & breath in the 'freedom' that encompasses me... I couldn't avoid seeing aircraft high up spraying 'chemtrails' (a conspiracy, that compromises our 'immune system')... Later in the day, while sitting in my back yard,.. the sky was a 'hazy white' - with the sun & blue sky being thwarted... My mind wandered to a 'poem' that I love - High Flight - by John Gillespie Magee Jr (June 9, 1922 - December 11, 1941) . . Thank You, RCAF Video de l'ARC (Cyr Yarnell) for sharing..

 DO NOT CONSENT - Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .
FORBIDDEN HEALTH - Thank You To All (BitChute) - 1 Eye's Blog . . .
Dr Andrew Kaufman exposing Covid - Thank You, Dr K & David Icke (BitChute)
This Land is  Y(OUR) Land - Thank You, Pete Seeger . . .
Simple Song Of Freedom - Thank You, Bobby Darin (& Eileen) . .

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .
THE ENDGAME: . . . - Thank You, Kerry Cassidy (Project Camelot)
"If You Change The Way You Look At Things;.. The Things You Look At Change." - Thank You, Wayne Dyer

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Above video taken down, but  **** Watch It Here **** ... Thank You RichieFromBoston, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to, for sharing . . .
Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .
Dr. Andrew Kaufman exposing the Covid-19 magic trick . . . Thank You, David Icke & Dr Kaufman
& Follow the Money : WHO, Gates Foundation, UN, Vaccines & Aids - Thank You, Sarah & Corey
A 'TIME TO THINK THINGS THROUGH' - Thank You, Shechai Yah . . .

Monday, April 20, 2020

Do We Live In A Simulated Reality & How To Get Out

The Bigger Picture . . .  &. .  PART 3 - Thank You, Project Camelot & A..D..

Trump Investigating NIH and PEPFAR?

'Above video taken down & channel terminated, by YouTube' ...  But, Watch It  ****  HERE  ****  Thank You to A..P.. & (Covid19 Plandemic@Covid19), for sharing ....


Bill Gates, Elon Musk & Soros Are Frontmen For The Top. . .  - Thank You, David Icke . .
(Above video/ channel terminated by YouTube) ...  But,  Watch It  ****  HERE  ****  Thank You to (DavidIcke @David_Icke_LBRY), for sharing ... An excerpt: This is a backup of a video David Icke posted to his YouTube channel on April 19, 2020. Uploading to LBRY as his content is quietly getting deleted and because he has asked his audience to assist by disseminating his message. It is essential for the protection of human rights and society has a right to see the content and make their own decisions.

Thank You, 'Press For Truth' (Dan Dicks) & your Team for your LOVE OF HUMANITY . . 

What KISSINGER (the one from vaccinations) did to ... - Thank You, Shamsan Yvonne . .
Project BioShield, PREP Act . . .  Thank You, Sarah & Dr Sherri

Friday, April 17, 2020


Thank You, A..D.. & Kerry for your 'Love of Humanity' - 1 Eye's Blog . . .
AND . . .  Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .
Hallelujah - Thank You, Leonard Cohen . . .
Keep Checking - Thank You, D.. I.. . . .
Great Teamwork - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Thursday, April 16, 2020


Above video taken down ...  Watch it ****  HERE  **** . . . Thank You my friend, RichieFromBoston, for your work  & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to BitChute (Sophia bot), for sharing ... An excerpt: [mirrored from RichieFromBoston]


HAVE WE (Humanity) BEEN DUPED?  Thinking of You (reposted, from September 13, 2014) - 1 Eye's Blog ...

In Canada, Have You Ever Wondered Why 'Our' Cabinet Ministers (when sworn in, by the Governor General), HAVE TO Take AN OATH of 'secrecy'... to The British Monarchy (the queen/king & the Control Systems) ... Shouldn't THEY (the chosen/elected ones) be required to Take An Oath to Represent the 'People of Canada' (with integrity) who (supposedly) voted them into POWER? . . . Hmmmm . . .

Remembering ... 'The Best of Us'!  Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . . 

COVID - 19  MANIPULATED DEATH CERTIFICATES   ... video/channel taken down, by the 'powers not-to-be' ...  
But,  ***  WATCH  IT  HERE  ***  - Thank You PFT &, for sharing . . .

HOW MANY  FINGERS, WINSTON ? ... -Thank You Amazing Polly, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to BitChute (Amazing Polly), for sharing ... An excerpt: People are being driven apart and it's very tough to deal with. We should start PRESERVING our way of life in a parallel society NOW. In the real. To support my channel:

The 'Bigger' Picture - (video taken down) ... Thank You, A..D.. , K..C.. (Project Camelot) , for your work & 'Love of Humanity' . . . 'The Bigger Picture' ... Beyond the Veils... ** video removed ** - Thank You A..D.. & y(our) guardian team(s), for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube, (R..M..), for sharing . . . 
An excerpt: The MCEO Freedom Teaching, Guardian Materials, . *** but watch it HERE *** Thank You to BitChute (RWederfoort), for sharing . . .
For enlightening reads ... get  'Ashayana's books' ... Voyagers - The Secrets of Amenti - Volume 2 - 2nd Edition  ****  HERE  ****  &, Voyagers 1, The Sleeping Abductees  ****  HERE  **** ...

The Truth Goes Marching On . . .
Freedom Of Speech - Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Activate Your 12D Shield - 1 Eye's Blog . . .
Y(our) Purpose & Why We Incarnated at This Time... Wake Up People - With Love & Gratitude, I Thank You - 1 Eye's Blog . . .
The weaponisation of the music - Thank You, C..M..G..

Monday, April 13, 2020

Freedom Of Speech & The Spider - David Icke Talks To Was Ist Das Podcast

Above video Taken down, but  Watch it  ****  HERE  **** . . . Thank You D..I.. &, for sharing . . .

5G Resistance In Palm Beach ... - Thank You, Watershed Sentinel (Joyce) . The 'Spider Web' of Palm Beach Connections Is Vast . . .(I  invite 'mainstream journalists' to join the Team) .. And,  'Expose Them' ... 'They are all in this together' ...  Thank You  ...

Activate y(our) 12D Shield - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

&, Thank You  Gemma O'Doherty  for your  Love Of Humanity ... 

AND,  We Were Tricked - Thank You Deborah Tavares & Your Team, for your work &  'Love Of Humanity' ... & to ( NEW), for sharing . . . 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Viktor Frankl: collective guilt does not exist

Thank You Viktor Frankl for your wisdom, courage & 'Love of Humanity', & to YouTube (Noetic Films), for sharing . . .  
“It did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us. We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life—daily and hourly. Our answer must consist, not in talk and meditation, but in right action and in right conduct. Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual.”
― Viktor E. Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning

Surprise ! Surprise ! Surprise ! Star Wars (& Star Trek), weren't far-off ... They, the 'powers, not-to-be' have always provided us, with some 'bites' of truth . . . Did you know that WE (you & I), are all 'Starseeds' (Extraterrestrials) & have been 'imprisoned' on the earth plane, in this 'time matrix' for 'millions of years' (& incarnations). The 'negative E.T. groups' are (& have been) fighting over the control of us & the planet, because WE are their energy 'food source' & sustain them & their 'contrived reality' - via the low 'fear frequency' they create & manipulate us with. This fact is what they don't want us (Humanity) to know. They cannot exist without 'our Human (angelic) energy'. Over millennia, they have gained our 'free-will' consent to their 'convoluted' reality through their conjured-up lies, half-truths & deceptions. Once you realize this, everything begins to make sense ... & we can (using our free-will) withdraw our energy I.E. loosh (ref: ascension glossary), to their 'fear based' (low-vibrational frequency) tactics... 
But, there is Good News! . . . As co-creators, we can create a 'better reality' that serves all . . .
'Beloved Mother Earth' is an Ascending Planet & is evolving, & will not allow herself to be 'completely' pulled into the Phantom Matrix, via the 'black hole', in the 'Milky Way Galaxy'... Earth will then take her rightful place (again) in the 'organic matrix' - one 'harmonic universe' up in frequency (in HU2) from where earth's original HU2 counterpart Tara, was ... 'New earth' will then be back on her proper 'angle of rotation & particle spin', in a 'future timeline' in HU2 (ref: ascension glossary) - & will continue, on her planned path of evolution.  I en-courage all, not to be fooled by the 'controllers' of this 'convoluted' reality & their 'negative alien' agenda (NAA), & be left behind.   * * * * * * 
If what I am saying 'resonates' with you - & I 'caution you', to only take from this, what 'resonates with your heart' & discard all the rest - you may ask:  'What can I do to help?' . . .  In my humble opinion, I en-courage all to use your intentions wisely; they are 'powerful gifts', and remember, that WE are much more powerful than they . . . So, don't listen to their 'ex'-perts (their minions). Instead, educate your-self, discern information; do your own research; & 'listen to your heart' - which connects you to your 'multidimensional self(s)'  I.E your intuition//your higher-self//your avatar-self//& your God/Self) ... And remember, 'Knowledge is Power'. ...  But I caution you, until you have integrated your 'mind & heart', do not follow (or listen to) your mind (ego), because we have been 'subliminally' mind-controlled (hacked), over millennia - & more so, during this incarnation (exponentially, since birth). This has occurred due to their sophisticated technology (similarly, to what happened in Atlantis, before it's destruction) . . . It is most important to remember, that y(our) answers (your truths) are found within - not outside of you . . . Don't allow yourself(s) to be tricked & mislead any longer ... because,   We Are The Many, They Are The Few  . . . (ref. ascension glossary) . . .
And now, the 'bigger' truth . . . Nothing happens by accident, or is random ... And, you should know that they use us Humans, to do their bidding ... These warring E.T factions  I.E negative alien, 'service-to-self groups', via their Controllers (who are their 'top minions') have contrived wars, finacial crises, 'false-flag' terrorist events, plandemics - including weather manipulation, etc... to enslave us & control the population ... Their 'reality constructs' have always been about controlling Humanity & sustaining their food/energy source (thru the 'low-vibrational frquency', that 'fear' creates/emits) And so, I recommend: 'Don't Be Fearful' - as that 'low-frequency' fear energy is what feeds, & sustains them ... It is, & has always been about who controls earth's 'star-gates' & earth's vortices, portals, grids - & wormholes (via 'black holes'), which connect to the (fallen/dead, or 'not naturally' self-sustaining) Phantom Matrix(s) - where they want us Humans to exist . . .  And, what the 'powers not-to-be' don't want you - or their 'controller minions' to know - is that during this current Stellar Activation cycle we're in (ref. ascension glossary), Earth's 'Star Gates' have come into 'natural alignment' (with her HU2 counterpart), and that we (Humanity) have the oppourtunity to leave this 'prison planet' & evolve along with 'Mother Earth', to our next stage of evolution . . . But, we have to ready I.E. vibrating at the higher, 'unconditional love' frquency . . . If we are sincerely ready & want to leave, it isn't that difficult to do so, for those whose 'soul's purpose' has deemed itself ready. In my humble opinion, I believe that in order achieve this 'state of being', the person has to have done the work, or 'be in the process, of doing the work' I.E Waking-Up, and with 'Love & Gratitude', embracing '& trying' to live, the 'Law of One' (ref: ascension glossary) I.E. where every 'life-expression' on the planet is 'valued, respected & loved'. Everyone living, 'does not' deserve to be deceived/exploited nor enslaved, for someone else's personal greed/self-gain... And, everyone should be allowed to evolve & live out their 'chosen experience' that is 'true to their soul', without harm from 'initiated force(s)' - by negative beings ...  (ref: ascension glossary) ... As aforementioned, the 'negative aliens' - of which there are many, 'service-to-self' groups here, at this time - require us (the humans) to come with them, to the Phantom Matrix, because they require our 'life force' energy, to sustain them & their convoluted 'fallen' phantom matrix reality. However eventually, their system will implode as their energy source will disappear - as the human DNA is further 'manipulated & compromised' via their 'demonic', concocted & engineered methods.

"In the depths of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer." - Albert Camus . . .

What the NAA groups don't want their 'Controller minions' to know, is that 'The Guardians', of the 'Free-Will Time Matrices' have initiated a 'Fail Safe'  ref: Voyagers (YouTube).  *** Above YouTube video/Voyagers channel taken down ****  

but,   Watch it  *** HERE *** . . . 

Thank You, to BitChute (Krystal Rap - A Guardian Alliance Resource Portal), for sharing ...  &, the 'Fail Safe' won't allow Earth to be pulled into their 'fallen' Phantom Matrix system ... They don't want you to know, that WE, the Humans, have been sustaining them with our (life-force) 'energy' that is necessary, to keep them & this (their) reality from imploding, & returning them - & those who 'knowingly & willingly' support & agree to their 'service-to-self' methods & agendas - to 'Source', via space-dust . . . The Guardians call this, 'tough love' . . .

Thank You . . . Fellow Guardian, Louis S. Luzzo, Sr., for your work & 'Love of  Humanity' ...  & to BitChute  (Krystal Rap - A Guardian Alliance Resource Portal)  I  LOVE  YOU ! . . An excerpt: This is an Emerald Order/Guardian Alliance Speaker Channel on behalf of The IAFW – Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds

We Are The Guardians ~
~ Krystal Rap with Louis S Luzzo, Sr.: ~~> 👉 🐇👉

“Whom should I send as a messenger to this people?
Who will go for us?”

I said, “Here am I. Send me.”
Isaiah 6: 8 . . . I  Am  'A  Beacon  of  Light' . . .

Further explained & emphasized . . . since WE (you, I & 'they') are all 'fractals of Source energy' (a part of the ONE), and WE all return (eventually) to SOURCE, where we all originated,  we are at a 'crossroads' ...  We have a 'choice' to make, as to how WE (you, I, & 'they') want to do this - either through 'natural, organic evolution' (via, the 'Law of One') ... or, if we so choose the 'service-to-self' path - return as undifferentiated particles of consciousness i.e.'space dust' (to begin evolving once again, from the very beginning, without any past knowledge of existence) ... I wish everyone well, with their choice(s)! ... 1 Eye ...

Thank You A..D.. for providing this knowledge to us  - ASHAYANA DEANE on Project Camelot: Cosmic History & Ascension Mechanics ... Part 1 - Thank You fellow Voyagers, A..D.. & Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . & to BitChute (From Outside The Game) for sharing . . . 
Above A..D.. videos taken down ... but watch   ***  HERE  *** . . .


And,  Thank  'You My Friend'  Tory Smith, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' . . . Huge Breakthrough Part 2 (& thank you to YouTube, for sharing) . . . & Sergi, from the Ukraine . . . An excerpt: ICE, AFRICOM, & NATO delivered 154 children to America to be gang raped and murdered by the elite. I speak of a 5 yr old boy named Sergi, who was afraid most of his life, did not trust anyone, and was afraid of losing his loved ones like his Aunt. His Father liked to give him buscuit cookies and pat him on the head. He was raped 209 times and murdered at the DULCE MILAB.


&,   'We Will Win' in the End  . . . Thank You Dr Len H. - on Spirituality, Water & DNA  . . .

. . .  I   'DO NOT CONSENT' . . .
to the 'Control Systems' that dictate the narrative on 'Beloved Mother Earth', who are Deceiving Humanity 'Without Our (informed) Consent'.  I encourage Humanity to be your 'Authentic, Sovereign, Multidimensional Self(s)'.. Ask your 'higher self'' (your god-self) for help/direction; ... Do your own research, discern & integrate information & you will find y(our) truth.. Remember to relax & 'fear not' & use  y(our) Intentions Wisely,.. THEY are Powerful Gifts...


So, I ask:  'Where do you stand? ' . . .
HERE ... WE STAND (Establish Liberty) . . . Thank You my friend Kevin Annett, for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to PodBean, for sharing . . . 


Check out Sarah's great work  ****  HERE  **** ... Thank You to (Sarah Westall), for your work &  'Love of  Humanity' . . .


And, THANK YOU Gemma  O'Doherty for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' 
*** Gemma's videos taken down  *** by High Court: Interlocutory injuction granted against Gemma O'Doherty - Thank You Irish Legal News (Killian Flood BL) ...
*** Check out Gemma's videos here *** Thank You to Gemma & BitChute for sharing . . . Gemma's web site ( that was taken down for several days, is back up (as of July 20, 2021)  . . .


'Tear It Down' - Thank You, Jessica Mitchell, for your music . . .


Above video, taken down  ***  WATCH  HERE  *** - Thank You Kerry Cassidy (Project Camelot) & A..D.. for your work & 'Love of Humanity' . . . 

Voyagers - The Secrets of Amenti - Volume 2 - Second Edition

Saturday, April 11, 2020

The 7-step Recipe For Creating Vaccine Demand

Above video taken down ...  ****  But  WATCH IT,  HERE  **** . . . Thank You Amazing Polly, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to BitChute (Amazing Polly), for sharing ... 

A Breakdown on Current Testing ... YouTube video removed, but watch it  ****  HERE **** - Thank You to BitChute (CV19News), for sharing . . .

5G Resistance In Palm Beach, Florida . . .  Hmmmm . .

The Truth Goes Marching On (The Bigger Picture) . .
Bill Gates: "This is the nightmare scenario" - Thank You, The Hill

Rebirth and Resistance - Thank You My Friend, Kevin Annett

All relevant 'KS Reality' videos removed ... 'whack-a-mole' ...
'The Black Hole Fall Experience' - Thank You, A..D.. & KS Reality
Cracking the Shell experiences - Thank You, KS Reality. .

Voyagers - The Secrets of Amenti, vol 2, 2nd edition.. Enjoy

Friday, April 10, 2020

This Will Be The New Normal

In my humble opinion,... the only way this 'convoluted' 3D Reality on 'Beloved Mother Earth' can & will be changed, is to expose the 'Control Systems' for what they are: VIA DISCERNING & Exposing their 'methods',..of lies (half truths/double speak), education, mind control, AI manipulation (frequency resonance) & deceptions. They (the Negative Aliens) have been doing this 'over millennia' to obtain 'Humanity's Consent' (& emotional energy) thru their control of 'Government(s), Financial (Fed Res, money/markets), Technology(AI), MainStream Media, Religion(s), Illegal Drugs/Pharmaceuticals/(WHo), Corporatocracy (big business), etc... They need Humanity's energy(loosh) for their survival - as they are not 'powerful enough beings' & don't have the means to generate their own. This is how they have succeeded in creating 'prison planets (like Beloved Mother Earth), phantom matrices & capturing them thru 'Black Holes'... Therefore, in closing, the only way to change this (our) reality is to not give our energy to the 'Control Systems' ,... by simply & calmly (with reverence & no fear).. via your 'heart's intention(s), directing the intention(s) outwards & upwards into the Universe... Stating.. "I DO NOT CONSENT TO THESE.. INORGANIC, CONTROL SYSTEMS TAKING MY FREEDOM & SOVEREIGNTY WITHOUT MY CONSENT"... It is So... IT IS DONE !
MASONIC LODGE TRASHED - Thank You, Katherine Horton (& AnarchistTruthFighter 2)

'Order Out Of Chaos' . . . The Traitor - Thank You, Leonard Cohen . . .

Thank You  Satanic Elite, For Proving Me Right - David Icke . . .

SHERIFFS, POLICE & SOLDIERS (they must watch this) - Thank You, RFB

& Thank You, ASHAYANA DEANE for this AND.. This . . .

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


The 'Control Systems' that dictate the narrative on 'Beloved Mother Earth' are Deceiving Humanity 'Without Our Consent'.  I encourage Humanity to be your 'Authentic, Sovereign, Multidimensional Self(s)'.. Ask your 'higher self'' (your god-self) for help/direction; ... Do your own research, discern & integrate information & you will find y(our) truth.. Remember to relax & 'fear not' & use  y(our) Intentions Wisely,.. they are Powerful Gifts...
'Health care' is a Misnomer - Thank You, Shechai Yah . .
'Covid 19' And 5G . . - Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog
The CONSPIRACY - Thank You, D..I.. & LR
Hallelujah - Thank You, Leonard Cohen . .

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Above video taken down, but watch it  ****  HERE  ****  - Thank You  A..K.. & K..C..& (Making Wise The Simple), for sharing . . .

How To Make CDS - ThankYou, Andreas Kalcker For Your Love of Humanity. .
Thank You, Diverse Health Services, Dr Tent & his Team. . .
Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .


THE TRUTH BEHIND THE CV PAN... - Thank You, David & LR . . .
Let's Get Them All - Thank You, A..P..
Thank You, Kerry For Sharing - 1 Eye's Blog . . 
Pestilence Program . .  - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis . .

Activate 12D Shield and Maharic Seals

Above video taken down  WATCH  THIS  HERE . . .

Simple Song . .  Thank You, B..D..

Monday, April 6, 2020

Dr. Tent's Live Cognoscopy Lecture - April 1

CV Pand... .The Story Behind The Story - Thank You, Rich . .
This Land is Your Land - Thank You, Pete (& fful) . .
NWO IS HERE - Thank You, RFB . .

Depopulation trough vaccines and Chemtrails by Kent Hovind - Part 2

Part 3 . . .  - Thank You, Kent (& SermonIndex)  . . .
And Thank You, Dr.Tent (& Diverse Health Services) . .


Above video taken down ...

But watch   ** Watch Here **   . . . Thank You for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to A..D.. & ProjectCamelot), for sharing . . . 

Depopulation Through Vaccines And Chemtrails by Kent Hovind - Part 1

Above video taken down . . . Watch  it  ***  HERE  ***  . . . Thank You (Oaklahoma Locked & Loaded), for sharing . . .

What a way to ruin a beautiful day, in London, Ontario, Canada.. Looking up at the 'Chemtrails overhead. . . . Didn't hear about this on the News today, from Government Insiders & Experts. . .Hmmmmm . .

Kerry's  UPDATE - Thank You for sharing . . .

See Bill Gates 'Chilling Pandemic Warnings To....' - Thank You, MSNBC . .


Controlling the narrative ... Isn't it odd that none of  'G..T's' videos,  never get taken down?? ... Hmmmmm  ...

Quackademia, 'subliminal mind-control' ... The Fate ... Of Humanity. . . . - Thank You, M..K..  & YouTube 'Talks at Goggle' (DARPA - ref: Wikipedia), for sharing ... An excerpt: Michio Kaku is a world-renowned physicist, (main-stream) futurist, and author of numerous bestselling books including “Beyond Einstein,” “Parallel Universes,” “The Future of the Mind,” and “Physics of the Impossible.” In this talk, he discusses the groundbreaking first image of a black hole as well as a range of topics related to his latest book, “The Future of Humanity," in which he explores how humanity might gradually develop a sustainable civilization in outer space.

You might want to check-out the 'powers not-to-be' ... Black Hole Technology  (ref: ascension glossary) ... 
I  'DO  NOT  CONSENT' . . . Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Friday, April 3, 2020

Real World or Simulation

CV.. A Carefully Choreographed PLAN... - Thank You, PFT
Nobody Knows How to. . .  - Thank You, SMART NEWS . .
Everybody Knows - Thank You, L..C..
AND Thank You, KA & The Battler . . .

'Covid 19' And 5G - What's The Connection? The David Icke Dot Connector ...

Above video taken down by YouTube ... but, enjoy the following ...
Mass Mind Control - Thank You to All . . . &  Wars In Space & 5G Control - Thank You to D.I. & BitChute, for sharing . . .
Thank You, Gemma for sharing & for your Love Of Humanity . . .
New World In The Morning - Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . .
Thank You, Teammates . . .  - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Not So Trusted Voices

Thank You, To All - 1 Eye's Blog . .
(Order Out Of) CHAOS NOW:.... - Thank You, Shechai Yah . .
Voyagers II: The Secrets of Amenti, Volume II....  &  "The Black Hole Fall Experience" -  Thank You, A..D.. &  KS Reality & A..D..
Separation of Worlds &... Relaxation and Fluidity - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis