Tuesday, March 30, 2021

10,952 Children Taken from 4 Countries

Thank You my friend, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .
Obama, Biden, Att. Gen., & CIA... - Thank You, Tory Smith . . . & thank you, to YouTube for sharing... An excerpt: Barack Obama Joe Biden the new attorney general and the new director of the CIA raped and murdered 4 girls in the basement of the White House. Obama murdered a 7 year old girl Joe Biden murdered a 9 year old girl the new attorney general raped and murdered a 10 year old girl and the CIA director murdered a 9 year old girl. The children were brought to America by the Air Force.
I DO NOT CONSENT - Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Biden Administration Under Pressure to Drop Support for Haiti - Thank You, The Americas (Sandra Lemaire) for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

Sunday, March 28, 2021


Thank You Tory Smith, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

Thank You, fellow Voyager(s) ... A..D.. & KS Reality ... The Origins Of (our local) Fall,... & thank you, to BitTube.tv for sharing . . . Video/channel taken-down but, watch/read it here ... Thank You K..R.. for sharing this great work . . . An excerpt: Old Zeta Agenda ... There are a large number of Zeta involved with research upon your planet, and some of them possess agendas you need to become aware of so you do not fall into their plans as they desire. 

Your Interior Government has been working with the Zeta on some of these agendas but even they do not realize what is being orchestrated. The Interior Government itself is being tricked and used manipulatively into facilitating the Zeta plan. The “Zeta Agenda,” as we call it does not simply involve your dimensional system alone. As we have explained, the Zeta have limited access to interdimensional passageways. Your three-dimensional Earth system is not the only system the Zeta are interested in exploring. The Zeta are a driven race, driven by a vision and a purpose which stem from their home planet. This planet’s name is insignificant to you as its location cannot be charted within your time-space continuum using the mechanics you presently have available. On their home planet the Zeta evolved within their own time continuum to a point of technological sophistication superior to your own. Their cultures were not originally structured like human culture, as they possessed a more centralized community model. 

It's Time, to 'Free The Lost Souls Of Tara' . . . 
It is difficult, to change our 'convoluted reality' on 'Beloved Mother Earth', within the same 'control systems', extradimensional entities & NAA... that have infiltrated & co-created it. These same forces have obtained Humanity's 'collective consensus/consciousness' via deceptions, half-truths & mind-control... We have been duped (mind-wiped) and unaware of being stuck here, over millennia (incarnation, after incarnation) - unable to escape (evolve) beyond this 'prison reality', & being used, as their 'food source' . . . In my humble opinion,... we have to Wake-Up, & find our own Truth(s);... I.E through being our authentic, sovereign , multidimensional self(s), discerning & integrating information, & 'listening to y(our) heart'... Only then, can we use 'our intentions wisely', and not give 'this reality' any 'energy' - which it needs for sustenance & survival... I believe that then, we can move beyond this 'low-frequency' channel  - to 'manifesting' a new reality (higher-frequency channel), that serves ALL of Humanity - & 'separates' us from those, currently in control . . . Remember, y(our) 'intentions' are 'powerful gifts' . . .  AND, that Love is the highest frequency in the Universe . . . We Can Do This . . .


ROBERT DAVID STEELE : UPDATE - Thank You, Kerry Cassidy (projectcamelotportal.com) & Robert David Steele for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' (& Rumble for sharing) . . .
Above video taken down ... But, Watch it  ***  HERE  *** Controlled Opposition . . . Thank You to 'Project Camelot' & odysee.com, for sharing ...

Separation of Worlds and . . . Emerald Order Reclaiming Human History - Thank You Energetic Synthesis for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity . . .

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Heart Health - An Inside Look at What You Need to Know

Heart Health - An Inside Look... - Thank You, Dr. C.A. Gill D.C. (DiverseHealthServices.com) for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . (& to YouTube for sharing) ...

W.H.O.  Do You Believe ?
Haiti's political crisis fans fears over... - Thank You, TheNewHumanitarian.org (Jessica Obert) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . An excerpt:  “If it was a government in which people trusted, people would be open to the vaccine.”

Thank You, Gemma O'Doherty (& your team) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . The Truth Goes Marching On . . . AND, The Future of...  - Thank You To All . . . 1 Eye's Blog . . .

ROBERT DAVID STEELE : UPDATE - Thank You, Kerry Cassidy (projectcamelotportal.com) & Robert David Steele for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' (& Rumble for sharing) . . .

Did you ever wonder Why, you incarnated Here, on 'Beloved Mother Earth' at this time? . . . The 'Bigger Picture'   . . . 
Great Telepathy, Synchronicity & 'TEAMWORK' . . . WAKE - UP  HUMANITY,... because ... WE    'ALL' ... are the ONE'S, we've been waiting for.   . . .  1 Eye's Blog  . . . 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

To John Magufuli . . . 'I'll Stop Loving You, When All of the Stars in The Universe, Burn Out' . . . Thank You, for your life's work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . You Will Be Missed!

Tanzania's president John Magufuli was a hero to his people. He stood up to the Global Health Cabal and now he's dead at 61. What's going on here?
The Bamboozlers Syndicate ... AND ... Public Health Mafia Eliminating Opposition? ... Magufuli is not the first! - Thank You, Amazing Polly, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute for sharing) . . . 

W.H.O. ... Do You Believe ? . . . 
As always ... the Truth comes out, in The End . . . Thank You To All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

What Do YOU Think is Riskier?... - Thank You, Dan Dicks (PressForTruth), for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute for sharing) . . .

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Michaëlle Jean on Haiti

Thank You, CBC News (The National) ... & YouTube, for sharing ...   
Wendy Mesley speaks with former Governor General, the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean about the challenges facing her birth country of Haiti, years after a devastating earthquake.
The Truth goes Marching On
Haiti Since the Earthquake... - Thank You, PulitzerCenter.org (Vania Andre) for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .
It's Never the Wrong Time,... to Do The Right Thing;... because, The Truth Goes Marching On . . .   Garneau and Blinken Meet ... and ... Criticism of Canadian Policy in Haiti Growing - Thank You, Global Research (Yves Engler) for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .  

Good governance and corruption ... Where did the 'Red Cross' millions go? . . . Thank You, Global Americans (Georges Fauriol) . . . An excerpt: The situation was further complicated by headlines such as a major American Red Cross home-building project that could only account for six new homes by 2015. Multiple infrastructure (notably roads, bridges, and even sports facilities) and public building reconstruction contracts were issued to Dominican and other non-Haitian businesses that often appeared to have links to individuals within the Haitian public sector bureaucracy and political community with payouts often exceeding project deliverables. Muddying the waters further were political critiques of the roles played in reconstruction efforts by the Clinton Foundation (later expanded to the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund, involving funding raised by both former U.S. presidents).

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Haiti in March 2020, it was revealed that three of the modern facilities built in the aftermath of the earthquake were never opened. The general hospital in Port-au-Prince (primarily funded with U.S. and French government funding), a regional hospital in Gonaïves (with Canadian support), and a smaller site in Jacmel (with support from Japan) remained unused because the government had not yet appropriated the budget to staff these facilities.

The Usual Suspects ... Band of Corruption - Teneo Booms - Thank You, Amazing Polly for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' ... (& to Rumble for sharing)  . . .

Clintons, Haiti, & Swamp Roots of Swamp Roots of Adrenochrome? - Thank You, Cathy O'Brien (& Mark Phillips) for your work (books), & 'Love Of Humanity'  . . . 

Rise of Arther and Albion Lightbody - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis, for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

Monday, March 15, 2021

Roundtable With Kerry Cassidy, Dr. Sharnael W. Sehon, Jennifer Eason and...

Roundtable with 
Laura Eisenhower, Kerry Cassidy, Dr. Sharnael W. Sehon & Jennifer Eason,... Thank You for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to podbean.com for sharing) . . .
Separation Of Worlds - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis (& your team), for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

The Truth Goes Marching On . . .
Interview 1622- New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato (MediaMonarchy) & James Corbett (TheCorbettReport), for your 'teamwork' & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

It' s never the wrong time;... to do the 'right' thing . . .
Canadian Doctors Speak Out - Thank You Jacois (& BitChute) for sharing . . . And Thank You, to all the 'brave' Doctors & Medical Community for stepping up . . . THANK YOU . . .
Press Release: Canadian Doctors Speaking Out - Thank You, LibertyCoalitionCanada.com  for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

Follow The Science . . . Whack-A-Mole is not working too well, any longer ... AND,  'The Truth Goes Marching On'.  - Thank You To All - One Eye's Blog . . . 

I   DO NOT CONSENT . . . Thank You to ALL ... 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Preparing for Power in the New Republic: A Springtime Message and Update...

Solutions . . . Thank You, Kevin Annett for your work, and 'Love Of  Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . In Kevin's words ... 
In this spring message of hope, Kevin Annett with the Republic of Kanata discusses the lessons learned in our fight to withdraw from a global corporate tyranny. A new West Coast Council of the Republic will open on March 15, along with new initiatives to train people to reclaim the nation and its wealth. The need for mutual responsibility and equality among all Republic citizens is discussed. Posted March 13, 2021. See www.republicofkanata.ca and write to republicofkanata@gmail.com . 

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Hello, I Must Be Going! . . .

Hello, I Must Be Going! . . .
Thank You James (corbettreport), for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .  You can also find 'The Corbett Report' here . . . In James' words:  I'm one strike away from having my main YouTube channel deleted and Patreon has permanently "suspended" my account, so if you're only following my work through these controlled platforms then all I have to say is: It was nice knowing you! For everyone else, here's how you can continue watching The Corbett Report even after YouTube pulls the plug...
Playing God?... &, W.H.O.  do 'you' trust ? ... Bioethics and the New Eugenics - Thank You, James (The Corbett Report)  . . .

The Truth is HIDDEN From Us ALL - Thank You, Shechai Yah (Emily) for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .

And ... Whack-A-Mole doesn't seem to be working too well, anymore. Thank You, To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .  

Thursday, March 11, 2021

More 'Plane' truth than most can handle... time to get off the Jesuit/ S...

Thank You, Santos Bonacci (MrAstrotheology) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . Above video/channel terminated, by the 'powers not-to-be' ...
But,  ****  WATCH  Santos' work  HERE  ****  Thank You, to odysee.com (MrAstrotheolgy), for sharing . . .

Where are the Directors in a World Crisis? - Thank You, Steve Paikin (The Agenda) ... & YouTube, for sharing ... In the mid-1990s, corporate Canada adopted a new set of guidelines to inform the structure of their boards of directors. A quarter century on, and amid mounting emergencies such as COVID-19, climate change, inequality, racism, and ongoing gender gaps, is another overhaul needed? Steve Paikin discusses this with Veena Ramani, senior program director, Capital Market Systems at Ceres; and Sarah Kaplan, director at the Institute for Gender and the Economy.
Part of the problem? Or part of the 'solution'?... But, it's never the wrong time, to do the right thing . . .
An Oxymoron is a 'Rhetorical device' - Thank You, Wikipedia ... It's a subtle way, to shape our 'convoluted' reality, here on 'Beloved Mother Earth' . . . 

And, 'ramping up' the narrative ... PROBLEM ... Reaction ... solution... The provinces start revealing their plans to get AstraZeneca vaccines off of shelves and into people’s arms. There’s growing concern about a third wave in Ontario, but what could it look like? Plus, making a career change during the pandemic. Thank You, CBC News (The National) ... 

Thank You, Amazing Polly for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' - CDC is the Vaccine Marketing Agency! (& thank you to Rumble for sharing) . . .

The 'bigger' picture   - Thank You To All . . . 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

WHO's In Charge, Really? Which Authority STANDS?

An excerpt: WHAT IS LAWFUL? BEHAVIOR is or isn't. http://www.holyconservancy.org/2728..htm WHAT IS FAIR? INTENTION to produce a WIN/WIN outcome without partiality. WHAT IS EQUITABLE? That everyone who vests and invests gets a proportionate return. WHAT DEMONSTRATES selfish or harmful INTENTIONS? 1. Treating a Wish AS IF IT WERE a FACT. :: treachery, foolery, fakery, hypocrisy 2. Robbing Peter to Pay Paul :: double-dealing, exploiting, enslaving, bribing, blackmailing, extorting, robbing, stealing, usury-charging, creating_debt 3. Playing both ends against a Middle Ground :: misquote, fabricate, confabulate, fib, lie, polarize, perjure, mock, libel, slander; divide & conquer WHAT SORT OF DISEASE has CONQUERED Society? to WHAT OUTCOME? https://rumble.com/vdtb5f-covid-virus...
Thank You, Emily (Shechai Yah) for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube for sharing) . . .

"It doesn't matter who you vote for, ... the 'government' always gets in." - George Harrison . . .
Mike Pence and Others Exposed . . . Thank You, Kerry Cassidy (projectcamelotportal.com) & John Michael Chambers (american media periscope) & ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.net for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

I encourage Humanity, to use your intentions wisely  . . . They are 'powerful gifts' . . .
I  DO NOT CONSENT - Thank You To ALL ... 1 Eye's Blog . . .  & special thanks, & gratitude to Tory Smith . . .

... and ... the 'bigger picture'   . . . Fear Not, ... WE are the one's, we've been waiting for . . . Solutions (Soulutions), are on the way . . . Good Luck  . . .

Monday, March 8, 2021

Better to walk alone than with 'the crowd' that is going the wrong way

It's better to walk alone than with 'the crowd' ...  AND,
Syncretism meetup talk ... Thank You Santos Bonacci, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

The Powerful Quantum Ripple Effect ... - Thank You, Sarah Westall (Business Game Changers) for your work & 'Love Of humanity' (& to BitChute for sharing) . . . An Excerpt: 
World renown scientist and researcher, Ian Mitchell, and Previous T-Mobile Executive and current CEO of Leela Quantum Tech, Philipp von Holtzendorff-Fehling, rejoin the program to discuss the powerful science behind the quantum field. We discuss how to harness our own quantum energy and recalibrate our frequency matrix to thrive despite living in a dangerous 5G, 4G, and all other types of EMF and "dirty" electric fields. Ian and Philipp explain how this is accomplished and how they have created affordable products to help everyone live a healthier life without the damaging effects of EMF and 5G. Learn more about Ian Mitchell @ https://MitchellSciences.com and Philipp von Holtzendorff-Fehling company @ https://bit.ly/3iVOMsZ.

It's Never The Wrong Time,... To Do the 'Right Thing' . . .
"Sun" of God - Oops! - Thank You To All ... One Eye's Blog . . .

Thursday, March 4, 2021

KSW363 Emotion is Byproduct of Field Interaction between Soul of Man and...

Freedom ... from the known . . .
KF Vietnamese provides free training on Keshe Plasma Technology through live workshops and online webinars. It shows people how to nano-coat, make GANS, and build magrav units. It also teaches people how to apply Keshe Plasma Technology toward energy, health, and agriculture.

How Collective Consciousness  (physicality) & the Soul interact . . .
Thank You, KF Vietnamese (& the Keshe Foundation) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity', (& to YouTube for sharing) . . .
KSW363 Use Soul to Manifest Anything... Thank You, KF Vietnamese (& the Keshe Foundation) . . .
KSW362 Increase the Strength of Soul to... - Thank You KF Vietnamese (& the Keshe Foundation) for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity (& to YouTube for sharing) . . .

'The 'devil' is in the details ... but, the Angels are winning.' ... How 'indoctrination' works in education ... mind controlling & forcasting a reality ... "The World in 2030" - Thank You, Dr. Michio Kaku (CUNYQueensborough) & YouTube for sharing . . . 

Who Owns the Press? ... &, How Much Free Speech do Canadians Want? ... Thank You, Steve Paikin (The Agenda), tvo (& YouTube) for sharing... 

Thank You, Gemma O'Doherty & Catherine Austin Fitts for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

My New Job :: TATTLE-TALE to Galactic Authorities

Thank You, Emily (Shechai Yah) for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' (& YouTube for sharing) . . .
An excerpt from: 'My New Job :: TATTLE - TALE' . . .
It has taken seventy years of training and evolving physically, to qualify for this assignment as ONE trans-human among many who CAN reach (telepathic) Galactic Authorities. ... NO MORE Official bullshit. ... THOSE who accept or obtain COV19 VACCINE -- which challenges and changes DNA -- IS a Trans-Human by definition because inherited family bloodline genetics are altered (in case you didn't know). ... FURTHER--WHO is Sovereign (autonomous) in this World AND WHAT are human & civil rights of biological humans? AND HOW do individual rights change or diminish as a result of becoming Trans-human? --these issues must now be parsed.

Critical . . .  Thinking is Dangerous ! ... Read Less (trust algorithms?), to Learn More! ... NEW RESEARCH ... Thank You Amazing Polly, for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity', (& to BitChute for sharing) . . . 

Corona Reverses DNA  ... Back To Original State - Thank You To All ... One Eye's Blog . . .

Monday, March 1, 2021

Strike At Quarantine Hotel Hell: Sexually Assaulted & Fired, This Is OUT...

Thank You Dan Dicks & your team (PressForTruth) ... for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . (& to YouTube for sharing) . . . 
Watch video in it's entirety (HERE on BitChute) , & Thank You for sharing. . . .

Connecting The Dots . . . Do You Think We Need To Ask More, of our leaders ??
Quarantine Hotel & the Red Cross ... The 'usual suspects', seem to have never-ending ties to the Red Cross . . . Maybe,... just maybe ... Michaelle Jean, our former Governor General of Canada, can shed some light on this ?? ? The following information may help jog her memory ... I.E. the Clintons, Haiti, & Swamp roots of Andrenochrome ... Thank You, Cathy O'Brien & Mark Phillips (Trance Formation Of America) & : . . . Red light on the Red Cross in Haiti (Thank  You, 'briarpatch magazine') . . . &... In Search Of The Red Cross' $500 Million In Haiti Relief - Thank You, NPR (Laura Sullivan) . . .

Sometimes, we can't wait for others to Step-Up . . . The One's who fought for 'Freedom', deserve better ... & so does Humanity . . . And Remember,... The Truth, Will Set You Free . . . Good Luck To All - One Eye's Blog . . .