Thursday, January 30, 2020

WE Have NO Future UNLESS Things "change"

Thank You Shechai Yah (Emily Windsor Cragg), for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube, for sharing: An excerpt: 
1-- ... Google did not photogaph Google Earth, nor did NASA photograph Clementine Mission. This image shows reflection of background including the photographer. 2-- There is NO DECEIT [taqiyya], PROTECTION RACKETEERING [juzzya] nor DIVIDE & CONQUER [jihad] in God's Holy Law. 3-- There is NO PROBLEM solving in Masonic hocus-hocus mumbo jumbo and black magic rituals. 4-- There is no salvation in war-mongering mercenary ETHOS. THAT is not Constitutional, nor ethical nor even Rule of Law." It's stooping to conquer, no longer acceptable under Age of Aquarius Treaty Law. Suck it up.

Platinum Crystal - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis . . .

TOOLS FOR PROTECTION - Thank You, My Friend & Teammate, Tory Smith . . . An excerpt: Due to the attacks against us dramatically increasing my friends asked me to do a short video on things we can do to protect ourselves.

The EFFI PRayer & LTR . .  . - Thank You, E'Asha A. Arhayas . . .

Tear It Down - Thank You, Jessica Mitchell . . .
It Is So . . . With 'Love & Gratitude' ... IT IS DONE! ... THANK YOU . . .

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

They Hate Us

Platinum Crystal - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis . .
The NumBERS & LetTERs - Thank You, Santos & Karl . .
WE Have NO Future UNLESS . . . - Thank You, Shechai Yah . .
The EFFI PRayer - Thank You, E'Asha A. Arhayas . .
Love . .  I'd Do Anything For Humanity - Thank You, Meat Loaf . .

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Are you Prepared to to say NO?

Book burning ...  Above video taken down . . . 

WHY. . .  They Hate Us - Thank You, Amazing Polly . . . & to (WakeUpMirror), for sharing ...
Technocratic Totalitarianism terrorism ... (ref: ascension glossary)  . . .

TOOLS FOR PROTECTION - Thank You, My Friend.. . .  With Love & Gratitude, I THANK YOU

"And the Devil said: You may not survive the storm . . .  The 'Warrior Of Light' replied: . .  I AM THE STORM."  . . .

Thank You, Dr Len Horowitz for this . . .

Monday, January 27, 2020

Dr. Katherine Horton » Crimes Committed by the Intelligency Agencies.

Connecting The Dots . . .
WHERE ARE THE HUMANS . . .  - Thank You, My Friend . . .
DNA HARVESTING, STEALING  . . .  - Thank You, To All . .
It is Important to Find Your "OWN" Truth! - 1 Eye's Blog . .
Why They - The Alien Controllers - Hate Us (Humanity) - Thank You, Amazing Polly . .
Are you Prepared to  . . .  - Thank You, RichieFromBoston . . .

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Friday, January 24, 2020

Massive Trafficking Ring Identified, North American West Coast, Canada &...

Above video taken-down, by 'the powers not-to-be'  but,  check it out  **  HERE  ***  ... Thank You to S..W.. (  &  K..A.. for sharing . . .
The Truth Goes Marching On . . . Special  Religious Service ...
Thank You, My Friend, Tory Smith for your work & LOVE Of Humanity . . .


Remote Viewing - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis  . . .
I'd  Do Anything  for LOVE (But . . . ) - Thank You, Meat Loaf . . .

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Seriously Is Earth a Prison Planet For REAL Remote Viewing Confirms This

Connecting the Dots  . . . . .
Sovereignty, LAW, remedies - Thank You, Santos & Karleen . . .
The TRUTH About The CORONAVIRUS . . .  - Thank You, PFT  . .
CENSORED: Growing Up Deep S . . . - Thank You, Amazing Polly . . .
Massive Trafficking Ring Identified - Thank You, Sarah & Kevin . ..

Monday, January 20, 2020

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Virginia Again

Our Contract With Source-God - Thank You, Ashyana & UnderState_
Discord in your mind - Thank You, Rich . .
Breaking the Chains - Thank You, Kevin . . .
Thank You for sharing . . . . . Both Sides  now . . . Thank You - Joni & Hannah

Thursday, January 16, 2020

IRANADA - Iran International Swamp Part 2

Be y(our) 'authentic, sovereign, multidimensional, self(s) - take 'Self Ownership  . . & Boundaries' . . & the  Solar Feminine Christ . . . Thank You - Energetic Synthesis  . .
Everybody Knows - Thank You, Leonard Cohen . . .
The Truth Goes Marching On . . . Connecting the Dots . .
The Histories of Enoch & Noah - Thank You, KS Reality . .
Jehovah's W . . . - Thank You, Jordan & Santos . . . .
Secrets of Amenti - History of 'Beloved Mother Earth' (Tara & Gaia) . . .

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


PEOPLE ARE NOT ... THE LABEL  T.. W.. - Thank You, Shechai Yah . . .

'The Truth' Goes Marching On . . . Connecting The Dots . . .

Two Popes: Vatican Cr . . . .  - Thank You, Sarah & Kevin . . . YouTube video/channel terminated, by 'the powers not-to-be' ...
But, watch it   *****  HERE  ****  . . . Thank You S..W.. & K..A.. & BitChute (Sarah Westall), for sharing . . .

The Iran Swamp Creatures . . .  - Thank You, Amazing Polly . . . YouTube video/channel terminated, by 'the powers not-to-be' ...
But, watch it  **** HERE  **** .... Thank You, to BitChute (Amazing Polly), for sharing . . .

Trade  Genius goes . .  .  Thank You, Richie F. ..B. . .  YouTube 'Video/Channel' terminated, by 'the  powers not-to-be' ...
But,  Watch  It   ***  HERE  *** . . . Thank you (RichieFromBoston), for sharing . . .

TRANCE Formation  OF  America - Thank You, Cathy (& Mark) . . .

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Wingmakers, Corteum, HARRP, Star Wars  . . .  - Thank You, KS Reality
Remember, You are 'Here' for a reason - Apparthi - Releasing the Fear ..
"The Caduceus and The . . . - Thank You, KS Reality . .
Our Contract . . . Thank You, KS Reality . . .
Lifting The Veil . . . - 1 Eye's Blog . .

Saturday, January 11, 2020


The Truth Goes Marching On . . .
Thank You, Ashayana; & Kerry (Project Camelot) for your work  . . .
We Are ALL Unique! - 1 Eye's Blog . .
Thank You, Dr. Len Horowitz  . .  . I encourage Humanity to use y(our) intentions wisely.. With Love & Gratitude, I Thank You . . THANK YOU . .
PART THREE - Enjoy . .

Friday, January 10, 2020


2:22:22 . .  Separation of Worlds - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis . .
PROCLAIM - Thanks, to ALL - - 1 Eye's Blog . . .
PART TWO (2) - Thank You . .
Hallelujah  ... .. Thank You, Leonard Cohen . .
The Time for TEAMWORK is Now - Thank You To ALL & Good Luck . . It Is So,... IT IS DONE

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


The Truth Goes Marching On . . .The Middle East drama over past millenniums, has always been about 'stargate control'. . .
White Magic or Black Magic  & Artificial Timeline Wars - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis . .
Iran Gate - Thank You, Ascension Glossary . .
Military Bases
IRAN PLANE CRASH, T . . . - Thank You, Dan & Josh (PFT)
I encourage Humanity to be y(our) 'authentic, sovereign, multidimensional self(s)', Integrate Information; Discern & connect your 'heart' consciousness with your 'higher self(s)' - Y(our) God-Self....  & use your Intentions wisely. .  Remember LOVE trumps Hate - Good Luck, Teammates - with Love & Gratitude, I Thank You ... . . . Simple Song O .... - Thank You, Bobby . .

Monday, January 6, 2020

Weaponization of the Health Industry?? . . . Thank You, Deborah Tavares – Genocide Treaty Convention Explains Why So Many Are Si... (Book Burning - taken down by YouTube)

Genocide Treaty Vaccines - Thank You, Deborah Tavares (& UrBrainWashTV) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& BitChute for sharing) . . . Above video(s) not available/ or not working ... But,  Watch  ***  HERE  ***   Thank You to D..T.. & your entire team & to ( NEW) for sharing ... An excerpt: Genocide Documents - Murder "IS" Legal
How This Came to Be PART 01 ONE.  And, don't forget to watch/researchparts 2 through 4 ...
Watch Part 5  ***  HERE  *** ... Thank You  Deborah & your entire team, for your work &  'Love of  Humanity' . . . I  Salute You!


The Truth Goes Marching On . . . I encourage Humanity to be y(our) 'authentic, sovereign, multidimensional self(s)';.. To listen to your 'heart connection', with your 'higher self(s)';.. to discern & integrate information, outside of what we are programmed to believe;.. & use your Power (your intentions) wisely.. & remember LOVE trumps hate . . .  Good Luck!
Thank You, ASHAYANA DEANE (& Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot) video taken-down ...
But,  Watch it  ***  HERE  ***  (Updated)  Thank You to (Redacted Metaphysics, Occult Science & Holistic Health) ... for sharing . . .

&, Thank You J..H..  &  K..C.. (Project Camelot), for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to (Project Camelot), for sharing ... An excerpt:  I interview Jim Humble about his work and the Coronavirus. We are also joined by Cari Lloyd who assists Jim in his work. Go to my website for more info about this fascinating man.

2020 Vision - Thank You, Cathy O'Brien (& Mark Phillips) . . .

Elvis - If  I . . . - Thank You  E..P.. for your 'great music' ... & to YouTube (VaVi Sub), for sharing ...
To my friends (& Warriors) . . . Great Teamwork - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Meat Loaf DARES To Challenge Greta Thunberg And The Man Made Climate Cha...

Thank You, Dan . . (PF. . ) for your work & 'Love of Humanity', & to YouTube, for sharing . . .
"And The Devil said: You may not survive the storm...The 'Warrior of Light' replied:... I Am The STORM . . ."
Thank You - Press f . . . & Washingt.. P (& Ric..) for sharing . .
Climate Change or Weather Warfare - 1 Eye's Blog
Meat Loaf - I'd Do Anything . .For Love  . .  - Thank You, Meat Loaf . .
Great 'Teamwork' - 1 Eye's Blog  . . .

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Inner peace with Dr Reese Syncretism Ascension

Above video/channel terminated ...  'But,  ****  WATCH  IT  HERE  ****  ...  Thank You, to (MrAstrotheology), for sharing . . .

The Truth Goes Marching On . . . however, . .
It's Closing Time - Thank You, Leonard Cohen

Saturday, January 4, 2020


Thank You, My Friend  . . With LOVE & Gratitude, Humanity THANKS YOU .
2020 Vision - TRANCE Formation Of America... . . Thank You, Cathy O'Brien (& Mark)
This Reality Can't be changed through the 'existing Control Systems & Entities' that created it; Therefore, Separation of Worlds is required
Origins of the Phim Races of External & Internal Creation - Good Luck . . . .
Great Telepathy, Synchronicity & Teamwork - 1 Eye's Blog
Hallelujah - Thank You, Leonard Cohen . . .