Monday, November 15, 2021


Thank You Shamsan Yvonne, for your work / music & 'Love of Humanity', (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .  Above video / channel censored, by 'the powers not-to-be' &,  'I  Do  Not  Consent'!

'The Battle' for our consciousness, is on . . . 
Part 1 . . . Angelic Realities . . . Thank You my friend Ashayana Deane, for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity', & to (ReLoaded Gnosis), for sharing . . .

Are you still giving your energy to what (their) 'ex-perts' are saying?   It's time to Wake-Up, people . . . The 'tell-lies-vision' (MSM) is how the 'Powers-Not-To-Be' are controlling your 'free-will', (& keeping you in a 'consciousness prison') voluntarily . . . Thank You 'DarkHorse Podcast Clips' (Bret & Heather), for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to, for sharing) ...  An excerpt: Reference: Johns Hopkins advises on pediatric Covid vaccines (November 5 newsletter): 


And  ...  I would do anything for Love ... And,  I'm not going anywhere ...  And ...   I'll be there 'til the final act' . . .  And, So It Is! ... Thank You M..L.. for your music &  'Love of  Humanity' ... &, to YouTube (Meat Loaf), for sharing . . .

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