Thank You A..D.. & fellow Voyager(s), for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... to YouTube, for sharing . . . An excerpt: *Translator Note: The plan to ascend to the planet Tara, which appeared at the time of the recording in 1998 workshop, failed. In 2012, it was changed to the Krystal River Fail-Safe Host plan to ascend to the Internal Creation. *Video Clip from "The Amenti series 1 classes"(1998 New Jersey Workshop) The MCEO Freedom Teachings -Guardian Materials- (Arhayas Production LLC) E'Asha A.Arhayas
Monday, February 28, 2022
Earth History- Secrets of Amenti (아멘티의 비밀:한글자막)
Thank You A..D.. & fellow Voyager(s), for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... to YouTube, for sharing . . . An excerpt: *Translator Note: The plan to ascend to the planet Tara, which appeared at the time of the recording in 1998 workshop, failed. In 2012, it was changed to the Krystal River Fail-Safe Host plan to ascend to the Internal Creation. *Video Clip from "The Amenti series 1 classes"(1998 New Jersey Workshop) The MCEO Freedom Teachings -Guardian Materials- (Arhayas Production LLC) E'Asha A.Arhayas
Sunday, February 27, 2022
Canadians should be ready for COVID-19 measures to be reinstated in cases rise, Tam says ...
Saturday, February 26, 2022
W.H.O. do you trust? ... And, did you ever wonder, what is (or, will be) in the vaccines? Best to ask the fact-checkers? . . .
The Truth goes marching on . . .
Guess how much of this ends up in the fact check?
I think none of it.
We'll find out soon. She called me on my cell phone.
You get to listen in on what was said. Both parties consented to the recording.
At no time did she ask about the Bradford-Hill causality criteria.
I told her I validated the VAERS data was legit 12 different ways that did not use VAERS. Did she ever ask for any of the 12 different ways. Nope. She had no interest. This is fact checking?!?!
Milky Way Mysteries : Ashayana Deane, Ascension Teachings
Above video taken down . . . but you may watch it *** HERE ***
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Forbidden Testaments of Revelation - Ashayana Deane, Ascension Teachings . . .
Above video taken down, by YouTube . . . The 'powers not-to-be' don't want this narrative to get out ... Sorry, for the inconvenience ...
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Forbidden Testaments of Revelation : Ashayana Deane, Ascension Teachings . . .
Above video, taken down . . . but, Watch It *** HERE *** Thank You to YouTube (Roman Maier), for sharing ... This video, also taken down . . .
Thank You A..D.. & y(our) team of Guardians, for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' ... An excerpt: We are on the KrystalBridge Fail-safe host 900 year ascension path as stated by Ashayana Deane & the team. This is a slightly modified but accelerated outcome compared to the standard 'Bridge Zone' project mentioned in the Voyagers Secrets of Amenti book with Ashayanas transcriptions from the Guardian Alliance. From Ashayana's latest updates: Due to ongoing Fallen Angelic Invasion and antics with this 'Invisible War' that is going on, Earth is currently occupied by a group called the 'Fatale' who have successfully infiltrated via 'bodysnatching' and are responsible for the current Covid-19 pandemic. They have taken lead with the UIR (United Intruder resistance) with this end times drama that is unfolding. The final outcome will still be the same, as mentioned in the Voyagers II book 'Secrets of Amenti page 462, where it states: "Between 2000-2017 (2027) Earth will make its transition from the present Fourth World of the D-3 Time cycle, into the Fifth World of the Bridge Zone and Taran ascension time cycles. Due to the Guardian’s Bridge Zone Project, the cataclysmic events originally associated with the “end times” prophecies have been largely avoided. Though there may still be warfare and geographical changes in some areas, the scale of these events will be much smaller than those foretold through ancient prophecies. There will indeed be a ‘cleansing,’ as predicted by some Native American traditions. As the Earth separates into higher and lower vibrating particle bases, Bridge Zone Earth and Phantom Earth each will be ‘cleansed’ of the other. Populations of the Bridge Zone Earth will rise to face a new dawn of evolution within the new Fifth World of enlightenment, progress and achievement. Those on Phantom Earth will not make this transition and will remain within the digressing Fourth World evolutionary cycle of a Descending Planet in the D-3 time continuum. We are currently going through the 7 years of tribulation mentioned in the bible which otherwise mentions the opening of the seals, trumpets and four horsemen. The trumpets are regressive ET scalar wave technologies that are shaped like a trumpet that fire every year for seven years since Nov 2016 to help pull Earth into the full fall matrix via a wormhole. Guardian Alliance Chevron Burst technologies are counteracting this so to allow the KrystalBridge zone timeline to be preserved so those who choose the way of the Kryst will have an opportunity to align themselves with the positive timeline and experience ascension. Going forward from here, we can expect more rapid Earth changes as the two worlds split and the new/old world of how we used to live in harmony with nature and one another is restored. Protect your energy, work on clearing yourself and any distortion/mutations in your DNA and biofield so you start resonating with Krystic timeline and organic energies. The techniques in the workshops and PDF guides with the media file link below will help protect you and heal any distortions as well as anchor more Krystic energies into Earth's grids, which will help heal everyone else and the planet. I recommend working through the 'Dance For' series in chronological order first. You can compliment this with reading the two Voyagers books. To support Ashayana's work and access the most updated workshops and materials then please visit her website:
Monday, February 21, 2022
Canada Parliament ignores MP's Klaus Schwab question! #irnieracingNews . . . & so, ... 'The Truth Goes Marching On' . . . The 'Great Reset' is coming, but not the one, that the 'powers not-to-be' are promoting . . . I wish them well, on their journey!
Are you 'waking-up' yet? . . .
And Thank You Marcus Dee, for your work & 'Love of Humanity', & to, for sharing . . . An excerpt (of speech): Klaus Schwab: 'We are proud of PM Trudeau - 2017" . . .
Friday, February 18, 2022
Forbidden Testaments of Revelation : Ashayana Deane, Ascension Teachings ...
**** WATCH **** HERE **** Thank You A..D.. (StellarPrince-33-11) for your work & 'Love of Humanity', & to, for sharing . . .
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- runny nose. cough. sore throat. fever. headaches. muscle pain. fatigue. (ref: google search) ...
Thursday, February 17, 2022
'The Great Reset' (Agenda 2030) is well underway, & the 'criminals', are collaborating & pricing 'housing/lodging & rentals' out of reach, for most people ... It's not 'market driven' ... It is by design ...
Ottawa Heating Up! ... Blackstone Group & BlackRock ... They're showing their colours . . . destroying the little guy & small business, through the guise of a plan.demic ... Thank You Joel & Pat (Waking the Future) for your work/wisdom, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to, for sharing) . . . Follow the money (ref: google search) . . . Larry Fink. Laurence D. Fink is Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of BlackRock. He and seven partners founded BlackRock in 1988, and under his leadership, the firm has grown into a global leader in investment and technology solutions.
1. How did the debate challenging the Canadian health officials go?
2. Does anyone want to debate you?
3. What does the science say about the vaccines?
4. Are these reports about blood impacts after vaccination true? What did you own studies find?
5. What's really going on in Canada? How many people support the truckers? Is the mainstream media telling people what is really happening?
6. Can you get arrested and put in jail? Could I?
7. How is this going to end?
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Forbidden Testaments of Revelation : Ashayana Deane, Ascension Teachings ...
Thank You A..D.. & your entire team of Guardians, for your work/wisdom & 'Love of Humanity'; & to (StellarPrince-33-11), for sharing . . . An excerpt: We are on the KrystalBridge Fail-safe host 900 year ascension path as stated by Ashayana Deane & the team. This is a slightly modified but accelerated outcome compared to the standard 'Bridge Zone' project mentioned in the Voyagers Secrets of Amenti book with Ashayanas transcriptions from the Guardian Alliance. From Ashayana's latest updates: Due to ongoing Fallen Angelic Invasion and antics with this 'Invisible War' that is going on, Earth is currently occupied by a group called the 'Fatale' who have successfully infiltrated via 'bodysnatching' and are responsible for the current Covid-19 pandemic. They have taken lead with the UIR (United Intruder resistance) with this end times drama that is unfolding. The final outcome will still be the same, as mentioned in the Voyagers II book 'Secrets of Amenti page 462, where it states: "Between 2000-2017 Earth will make its transition from the present Fourth World of the D-3 Time cycle, into the Fifth World of the Bridge Zone and Taran ascension time cycles. Due to the Guardian’s Bridge Zone Project, the cataclysmic events originally associated with the “end times” prophecies have been largely avoided. Though there may still be warfare and geographical changes in some areas, the scale of these events will be much smaller than those foretold through ancient prophecies. There will indeed be a ‘cleansing,’ as predicted by some Native American traditions. As the Earth separates into higher and lower vibrating particle bases, Bridge Zone Earth and Phantom Earth each will be ‘cleansed’ of the other. Populations of the Bridge Zone Earth will rise to face a new dawn of evolution within the new Fifth World of enlightenment, progress and achievement. Those on Phantom Earth will not make this transition and will remain within the digressing Fourth World evolutionary cycle of a Descending Planet in the D-3 time continuum. We are currently going through the 7 years of tribulation mentioned in the bible which otherwise mentions the opening of the seals, trumpets and four horsemen. The trumpets are regressive ET scalar wave technologies that are shaped like a trumpet that fire every year for seven years since Nov 2016 to help pull Earth into the full fall matrix via a wormhole. Guardian Alliance Chevron Burst technologies are counteracting this so to allow the KrystalBridge zone timeline to be preserved so those who choose the way of the Kryst will have an opportunity to align themselves with the positive timeline and experience ascension. Going forward from here, we can expect more rapid Earth changes as the two worlds split and the new/old world of how we used to live in harmony with nature and one another is restored. Protect your energy, work on clearing yourself and any distortion/mutations in your DNA and biofield so you start resonating with the Krystic timeline and organic energies. The techniques in the workshops and PDF guides with the media file link below will help protect you and heal any distortions as well as anchor more Krystic energies into Earth's grids, which will help heal everyone else and the planet. I recommend working through the 'Dance For' series in chronological order first. You can compliment this with reading the two Voyagers books. To support Ashayana's work and access the most updated workshops and materials then please visit her website: . For the latest updates from Ashayana from 2017, 2019, 2020 & 2022 ongoing: all replays available 24/7 ongoing for 7 years plus: Simply register and and pay and you'll be able to access the previous live recordings and will be notified with any new updates to come when Ashayana is given clearance by the Guardians to talk about certain topics unfolding on Earth & other ascension teachings.
The 'benevolent military' Freedom Fighters (in all countries) are amassing; but not for the same reasons, that the 'government criminals' & their cronies have commanded ... As the 'United States Marine Corps' say: 'No-one, left behind' ... The 'powers not-to-be' best get out of town - or better yet, finally 'show some courage', surrender & meet their fate ...
But, 'integrity, courage & ethics' aren't a part of their character . . . They only respond to 'tough love' . . .
We are the one's, we've been waiting for . . .
The 'Great Reset' (ref: wikipedia) is coming, but not the one, that the 'One World Order' (NWO) criminals are forcasting (ref: ascension glossary) . . . Best start ... by freezing 'their assets', & those of their minions ... Without their 'hijacked' assets; they have no friends/allies & are powerless . . .
A message to their 'minions' . . . 'If you ignore it ... You condone it' . . .
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Coutts Blockade Ends Over Police 'False Flag' Attack & Daniel Bulford Confirms Stolen Weapons Cache!
Thank You Marcel Irnie & the entire team of 'Truthers' (lovers of Freedom & Humanity), for your work, & to YouTube, & (Robert-Self), for sharing . . . An excerpt:Coutts Blockade Ends over Police False Flag Attack & Daniel Bulford Confirms Stolen Weapons! #irnieracingNews February 15th, 2022. #freedomconvoy #coutts #couttsblockade
Freedom Convoy protesters face... Thank You, John G. Smith ( for your article ... I wish you well! ...
To the 'governments of the world' . . . It's never the wrong time, to 'do the right thing' . . .
Monday, February 14, 2022
McGregor EXPOSED On The AJ Show? ... The 'powers not-to-be' don't like competition, unless it is on their terms . . . But 'Freedom' is on-the-way . . . It's coming up the road . . . Better get aboard! . . .
It's time, my friends ...
Thank You Jason Bermas, for your work & 'Love of Humanity', & to YouTube &, for sharing . . .
Sunday, February 13, 2022
Secrets of the Yugas Disc 2 . . . Why did we (you & I) come to 'Beloved Mother Earth', at this time? ... If the messages in the video, 'resonate' with your heart I.E. your 'connection-to-soul' . . . it will help you awaken, to your 'soul's purpose' for being here ...
Remember, nothing is random . . .
Saturday, February 12, 2022
The GIG is up, 'controllers' . . . A message to the 'powers, not-to-be' . . . Nobody believes you . . . So, best have an 'open debate', or simply turn yourselves in, to the 'Common Law Sheriff(s)' . . .
Dr. Theresa Tam,
Chief Public Health Officer
RE: Invitation to scientific forum regarding evidence supporting COVID-19 mandates
Dear Dr. Tam,
Please consider this our formal invitation to participate in a forum to openly discuss the evidence and science pertaining to the current declared COVID-19 emergency and mandates. As you are aware, there is a growing number of Canadians - led and inspired by the Freedom Convoy 2022 - who have traveled from across the nation to peacefully assemble in solidarity with the truckers. This movement is a lawful protest that is making its presence known across the country, and has garnered support not only throughout our nation, but also internationally. They are calling upon all Governments of Canada to publicly declare an end to the public health emergency and all COVID-19 mandates provincially and federally. The evidence is clear that there is no health emergency, and the mandates cannot be supported scientifically. Twelve global nations including the UK and the Nordic nations of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have now either dropped mandates entirely or will in the immediate future. Since the beginning of this declared pandemic, Canadian experts in immunology, virology, epidemiology, evidence-based medicine, academic science, and clinical medicine have been asking to have a public debate regarding the science that has been used by public health to justify the restrictions and mandates. To this end, subject matter experts in COVID-19, medicine, immunology, epidemiology, and virology, including Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Paul Alexander, and Dr. Roger Hodkinson are inviting senior Health Administrative representatives of the Federal Government, Dr. Theresa Tam and Dr. Howard Njoo, as well as Dr. Shelley Deeks, the chair of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI), to an open and fair discussion. Specifically, we are requesting that the Health Authorities supply the associated evidence and data that demonstrably justify their case for the public health emergency and the initiation and continuation of mandates. We will be inviting the national media to broadcast the forum and will take all necessary steps to ensure a courteous and respectful discussion between the doctors. We understand this is very short notice, but given the situation and opportunity, we are hopeful you will be able to attend. If unable to attend in person, we would welcome your attendance via web-based conferencing. If this is the case, please supply the necessary details, and the data you will be presenting in your response.
Location: Marriot Hotel Ottawa, York Room Date: Friday, February 11th, 2022 Time: 1 pm EST
Please respond with your intention to participate no later than Thursday by end of business day.
Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Paul Alexander & Dr. Roger Hodkinson . . .
Friday, February 11, 2022
Thank You C..O..P.. (& Mark) for your courage/work/books, & 'Love of Humanity' . . . Your ... Response-Ability ... An excerpt: Those imposing their New World Order slave society agenda fear our strength of spirit. They know that our power of love will overcome their love of power, so they strategically yet frantically are deploying their ultimate Psy Op weapon of mass destruction: MK Ultra mind control.
Dr. Theresa Tam,
Chief Public Health Officer
RE: Invitation to scientific forum regarding evidence supporting COVID-19 mandates
Dear Dr. Tam,
Please consider this our formal invitation to participate in a forum to openly discuss the evidence and science pertaining to the current declared COVID-19 emergency and mandates. As you are aware, there is a growing number of Canadians - led and inspired by the Freedom Convoy 2022 - who have traveled from across the nation to peacefully assemble in solidarity with the truckers. This movement is a lawful protest that is making its presence known across the country, and has garnered support not only throughout our nation, but also internationally. They are calling upon all Governments of Canada to publicly declare an end to the public health emergency and all COVID-19 mandates provincially and federally. The evidence is clear that there is no health emergency, and the mandates cannot be supported scientifically. Twelve global nations including the UK and the Nordic nations of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have now either dropped mandates entirely or will in the immediate future. Since the beginning of this declared pandemic, Canadian experts in immunology, virology, epidemiology, evidence-based medicine, academic science, and clinical medicine have been asking to have a public debate regarding the science that has been used by public health to justify the restrictions and mandates. To this end, subject matter experts in COVID-19, medicine, immunology, epidemiology, and virology, including Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Paul Alexander, and Dr. Roger Hodkinson are inviting senior Health Administrative representatives of the Federal Government, Dr. Theresa Tam and Dr. Howard Njoo, as well as Dr. Shelley Deeks, the chair of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI), to an open and fair discussion. Specifically, we are requesting that the Health Authorities supply the associated evidence and data that demonstrably justify their case for the public health emergency and the initiation and continuation of mandates. We will be inviting the national media to broadcast the forum and will take all necessary steps to ensure a courteous and respectful discussion between the doctors. We understand this is very short notice, but given the situation and opportunity, we are hopeful you will be able to attend. If unable to attend in person, we would welcome your attendance via web-based conferencing. If this is the case, please supply the necessary details, and the data you will be presenting in your response.
Location: Marriot Hotel Ottawa, York Room Date: Friday, February 11th, 2022 Time: 1 pm EST
Please respond with your intention to participate no later than Thursday by end of business day.
Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Paul Alexander & Dr. Roger Hodkinson . . .
Thursday, February 10, 2022
18 Healings instantly removed by dark, turned into 18 Attempted Murders . . .
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
What do you want to go back to? . . . All we (Humanity) have been told over millennia, are half-truths, lies & deceptions . . . So, let's not (go back) & give our co-creative power away, to the NWO criminals & 'their systems of control' I.E. their convoluted reality . . .
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This realiy can't be changed, from within the same 'control system(s)' that created it . . . So, best to co-create, our new reality, from within (out-side of this dimension I.E. the box) . . . We can do this! . . .
What is The Fight For . . . (Freedom) - Thank You, Waking The Future (Joel & Pat), for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to, for sharing) . . .
Group Consciousness & the herd . . . Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .
Freedom Convoy Preemptive SOS - Thank You Marcel Irnie & your entire team of 'Freedom Fighters', for your work & 'Love of Humanity', (& to YouTube, & to odysee. com 'Spicy Clips', for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Freedom Convoy SOS CANADA and WORLD. Help us, help everyone. #irnieracingnews #freedomconvoySOS #freedomconvoy #Genevaconvention #warcrimes #policewarcrimes #ApplicationtoProtectingPowersandrelieforganizations .
'We are the many' ... They are the few . . . Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog.
'The System' & their minions are Panicking . . . February 6, 2022 & February 13, 2022 . . . Here We Stand Thank You, PlayerFM . . . 'Republic of Kanata' . . .
Stay Strong & 'Carry It On' . . . Thank You (Golden) 'Eagle Strong Voice' (Kevin Annett) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' . . . Thank You, 1 Eye . . .