Thursday, March 3, 2022

Be aware, there may be a 'minion' running your municipality ... But, their 'minions' are being outed . . . It is just a matter of time . . .

Thank You Julian Assange for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (ref wikipedia)...


Mega  b o o o o m .... Thank You  Amazing  Polly, for your work, & 'Love of Humanity'... & to & BitChute, for sharing . . . .  An excerpt: You've heard of the Young Global Leaders? Global Shapers is a second layer of penetration by the Great Reset's Klaus Schwab & World Economic Forum. It's deep. If you can support my work, please visit my website here: **THANK YOU!!** I am honoured to have such a fantastic audience. God bless you all! 

'Fool me once, shame on you ... Fool me twice, shame on me' . . . Be aware of the Global Shapers. They don't get their roles, by accident ... Chances are, if your 'municipal leaders' are 'ex federal or provincial, elected politicians' - who have taken 'oaths of secrecy' - they are most likely, part of 'the club' ... Best to 'watch their actions' closely, & do your own research . . . Municipal Government of Ontario, Canada (ref. google search) . . . A municipality is defined in section 1 of the Municipal Act, 2001 as a “geographic area whose inhabitants are incorporated.” There are 444 municipalities in Ontario, all of which play an important role in providing and delivering valuable programs and services to meet the needs of their residents.

'Old News, is good to remember' . . . Reposted from October 10, 2019 . . . Ukraine Seized by Globalists - Canadian Involvement - CIA, Freeland + (plus) ... Thank You Amazing Polly, for your work & to BitChute, for sharing... 

An excerpt : I discuss how *G.Soros* & Canada are pivotal to the Globalist takeover of Ukraine. This seems to involve the CIA in its capacity as part of an underground international Intelligence Apparatus which I believe was set up during & after WW2 in Project RUSTY.

I have the BEST audience on the internet! and I want to thank you all for your support & comments. If you would like to send a financial contribution so that I can keep doing this work, please click the following link or go to my website, . I also focus on the major role Canadians have played in Ukraine.. There's a lot going on here, so grab a pen. :)
NOTE: the photo I say is of Oleh Havrylyshyn is not him. I put in the wrong file. more... I have the BEST audience on the internet! and I want to thank you all for your support & comments. If you would like to send a financial contribution so that I can keep doing this work, please click the following link or go to my website, 

References: Chrystia Freeland Macleans:

Anti Trump Freeland Macleans:
The World According to Soros:
Halyna Freeland and Soros:
Soros & Ukraine:
US caused Orange Revolution:
Orange Revolution aftermath:

NYT Clinton Pinchuk:

Zelensky Pinchuk Kuchma together again: 

European Dev Bank, ..


The 'bigger picture' . . . Once we awaken to the truth (not what is real), 'our intentions change' ... & then, our reality changes ... 'Here We Stand' (Feb.27, 2022; 00:50:00) ... What do you want to go back to? ... Because ... We (you & I) have co-created this system of corruption (over millennia) by giving our consent (to their lies, & deceptions) without critical thinking . . . Thank You To All ... 1 Eye's Blog . . 

BeaST Anatomy ... Thank You, fellow Voyagers (A..D..) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube, for sharing ... Censorship ... Video/Channel removed by YouTube . . . An excerpt: BeaST Anatomy (짐승기계 해부구조).

*Video Clip from "Dance for Freedom (2002)" .

The MCEO Freedom Teachings

-Guardian Materials- All Contents Copyright: (Arhayas Production LLC) E'Asha A.Arhayas


*** Forbidden ***  Testaments of  Revelations  (reposted, form Tuesday, February 22, 2022) Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog...


Thank You K..C.. for getting the  Message to 'All of Humanity' - (reposted, from Saturday, January 15, 2022) 1 Eye's Blog . . .. . .

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