Monday, December 25, 2023

The 'powers not-to-be' have been using us (Humanity) over millennia, to co-create 'their reality' ... They do this through divisive, 'divide & conquer' techniques/ events, that we (Humanity) help co-create - by freely giving these entities our power (our energy/loosh) ... We do this 'unbeknownst' (unconsciously) - thus giving them our 'uninformed' consent to carry out their agendas ... 'It is time' my friends, to 'wake-up' to this manipulation & take back control of our 'energy' (&, our sovereign rights) ... & together, co-create a reality, that serves everyone . . . We Can 'DO-IT' . . . because ... 'WE ARE ONE!' . . .

Sovereign Rights (ref: google search) ... Definition: Sovereign right is a special right that only a government or its agencies have. This right allows them to perform their official duties for the benefit of the public. It is different from other rights that a government may have as a private entity.

'When We are divided ... We fight amongst ourselves & are easily controlled' ... Let's not fall for their 'modus operandi', any longer . . .   

Don't you think? ... Enough Is Enough  (reposted from Wednesday, December 25, 2019) - Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .


Are You a 'digger' of information? ... Or, do you accept the information that the A.I. 'control systems' & their algorithms provide to you? ... It's time to be a 'digger' of the truth ... because, the 'truth is out there' ... It's time, that We all do some critical thinking ... Our future depends on us!   And, So It Is . . . (reposted, from Thursday, August 8, 2019) ... Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .


The devil is in the details ... but, the 'angels are winning' - Thank You J..R.. for your music ... & to YouTube (Julianna Vittorio), for sharing ... An excerpt:  Off Holiday Album - A Christmas Gift to You. Credit: Johnny Reid.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Hasn't it been 'Quite a Ride'? ... I know that for me ... 'Waking-Up' & remembering has been quite a 'freeing' & exhilarating experience ... I hope it has been the same for you . . . As you follow my posts, 'Enjoy The Ride'!

'Click on image', to enlarge . . .

Remembering, that  'everything is an energy field' ... Oops! ... (reposted from Monday, October 20, 2014) - 1 Eye's Blog . . .


Disinformation by psyOps agents,  has kept us docile ... It's time to 'Saddle-Up' - because  'We are the Ones'  we've been waiting for ... (reposted, from Sunday, February 14, 2021)  Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog...


And, So It Is ... 'So, mote it be' . . .

Adrenochrome & Child Dismemberment ... (reposted from Monday, July 27, 2020)  Thank  'You to All' , 1 Eye's Blog . . .


Do You have  'fire' in your eyes ? ...  I  DO! . . .  Ghost  'RIDERS In The SKY' - Thank You, to YouTube (DerMovie 1984), for sharing ... An excerpt: Watch here the HD VERSION:

   • Ghost Rider - Ghost Riders in the Sky...

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

You know, nothing is random ... Our life on 'Beloved Mother Earth', is 'subliminally structured' (& controlled) with codes ... These 'subliminal' messages / symbols / codes generate frequencies, that our eyes 'decode, interpret & send to the '3D thinking brain' ... Our resultant thoughts/thinking & 'the choices' we make (unbeknownst, to our conscious mind), are based on these frequencies (decoded & interpreted) ... That is why the 'powers not-to-be', want to keep us (Humanity) in the lower 'fear-based' frequencies ... Because, it is in that 'frequency spectrum' (band-width), that their 'codes' have significant control over us I.E. in our 'co-created collective consciousness' reality ... When WE chose to 'awaken' & remember that We (Humanity) are authentic, sovereign, multidimensional beings I.E. a fractal (a part) of 'Source Consciousness' ... their 'low 3D frequencies of control', have 'No Effect' on us, whatsoever . . . 'THIS IS WHAT THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO 'REAL-EYES' . . . So, 'Rise' Above!

Did You ever wonder why, we think  (or, don't think)  the way we do? 
Maybe, it's 'Our Coded Life' ... (reposted, from Saturday, January 29, 2022) Thank  'You to All' - 1 Eye's Blog . . .


Everyone has a choice . . . I wish you well on your journey . . .
'Living - in a artificial world ??'  The 'Metatronic Code', Part 1 - Thank You  R..S..,  for your work & 'Love of  Humanity' ...  & to BitChute (Reinette Senum's Chew On This), for sharing ... An excerpt: The Alien Hacking of our Biofield, Unveiling the Hidden Forces Shaping Our Reality, and the Matrix Blueprint Revealed... While Standing at an Eternal Crossroad. . . .

The 'powers not-to-be' need our 'loosh' (quantum energy) to exist - as they have chosen to be disconnected from 'Source Consciousness' ... These 'negative entities' have chosen the 'service-to-self' paradigm  I.E. 'the few controlling the many' via 'free-will' deception ... ref: ascension glossary ... Negative Emotional Energy Collection - 'loosh' ...
An excerpt: Reversal Networks are collecting life force from the collective fields of all earth inhabitants and producing more subtle black forces and miasma. The much sought after spiritual energy contained in these fields is called energetic Loosh by the cabals. In this context, loosh is referred to as the emotional energy radiated by animals and humans when feeling threatened, harmed or being killed, that results in the traumatizing pain and suffering that is experienced and recorded in the body, mind and soul. This trauma and pain gets recorded in the earth body itself. For centuries the NAA have developed and exploited multidimensional occult practices through reversal creation code. This has been given to secret societies and institutions for the purpose of Mind Control and Social Engineering, in order to harvest Negative Emotional Energy or loosh from the masses.

With the current acceleration of the electronic era, which promotes transhumanism and an array of Artificial intelligence technologies both overtly and covertly, the exploitation to extract negative emotional energy from humanity is at an all-time high. Our planet is being deluged with negative mind control programming and AI broadcasts that target the negative Ego Filters that have infiltrated every fiber of society. This is in order to elicit extremely negative emotions and painful trauma from the constant bombardment of harmful images, behaviors and actions. These programs encourage cruelty, brutality, and violence, which are being massively super-imposed upon humanity and the earthly kingdoms at this time. Extremely charged negative emotional energy, such as that achieved during Satanic Ritual Abuse, contains hormonal adrenalin cascades that course throughout the cellular energy within the human body, blood and brain. Under such intense extremes of painful suffering, the blood and flesh becomes charged with heightened molecular content, which is highly prized by Negative Aliens and Satanic forces. This is why they delight in the torture, suicide and killing of human beings, especially the innocent souls unable to protect themselves, like children. [2]


It's time to put your big girl & boy pants on ... 

Things are starting to fall into place  . . . Check out  'Part 2'    **** HERE ****   Thank You  R..S.., &  S..W.. for your work & 'Love of  Humanity' ...  & to BitChute (Reinette Senum's Chew On This), for sharing ...  An excerpt: The Alien Hacking of our Biofield, Unveiling the Hidden Forces Shaping Our Reality, and the Matrix Blueprint Revealed... While Standing at an Eternal Crossroad. 

'Whack-A-Mole' ... Nothing to see here ... isn't working too well, anymore ...  Because, The Truth Goes Marching On.
Check out Sabrina's work           ****  HERE  **** 
Thank You to (Psinergy), for sharing ... An excerpt about Sabrina W : The primary channel for Sabrina Wallace has been disabled since 2004. She is a survivor of darpa n2 testing for human augmentation and ongoing electronic warfare.


Are You having fun yet?
So,  What will be 'your gift' to Humanity? (reposted, from Friday, November 10, 2023)  Thank 'You to  All' - 1 Eye's Blog . . .


Listen to your intuition (your higher 'multidimensional' selves) & think from your heart - our connection to 'SOURCE'.... That is where you will find your 'truth & purpose' . . .

I'm going to hang around, as long as you (my higher-self / 'my god-self')  will let me  ... (reposted from Tuesday, March 21, 2023) ... 
And, You never even called my name ... Thank You, S..G.. & YouTube (Folk & Country on MV), for sharing . . . Thank  'You to All' - 1 Eye's Blog . . . 

Friday, December 8, 2023

Are things starting to make sense to you? I hope so! ... And, you must know by now, that 'I will never lie to you' ... But, WE can't go on together, with 'Suspicious Minds' ... And so my friends, let's just relax ... & together; manifest 'Truth, Peace, & Love' . . . We Can ... & are doing this, 'RIGHT NOW' . . . And, SO IT IS!

Where Do We Go, when  'We're caught' in a trap? ... But, I can't  (& won't)  walk out  (because of 'my purpose')  &,  because  I love you too much, baby! - Thank You 'Music Travel Love', for your music & to YouTube (Music Travel Love), for sharing ...  "Suspicious Minds" by Elvis Presley Lyrics:

We can't go on together With suspicious minds (with suspicious minds) And we can't build our dreams On suspicious minds


We Are All Connected ... 'We Are One' . . . And,  So It Is!

How  Can I Tell You ... that  'I Love You'? - Thank You Yusuf /Cat Stevens, for your music & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (Yusuf / Cat Stevens), for sharing ... An excerpt: Yusuf / Cat Stevens performs live at the Viña Del Mar Festival in Chile in 2015 ... How Can I Tell You 48:11-53:47.


We are more powerful than they ... &, that is why they have to deceive Humanity - to gain our (uninformed) consent) - that  'prolongs their control' . . . 
But, the truth goes marching on . . . &, 'We Will Win', in the end . . . And, So It Is! . . .

You know:  'Information Control'  I.E. censorship (book burning) ... Is  MIND-CONTROL  ...  
Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information. This may be done on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient". Censorship can be conducted by governments, private institutions and other controlling bodies. ref: google search.

Data Collection & it's interpretation (by the controllers) can be manipulated & contrived to serve their agenda(s) ...  It's the 'Democracy Deception' ... (reposted, from Saturday, June 22, 2019)  Thank  You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Give tomorrow's children, 'One (1) More Chance'...  Thank You 'Ocean', for your music & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (sunshinepopTK), for sharing ... An excerpt: Ocean - Give Tomorrow's Children One More Chance (Canada 1972).

I   'DO NOT CONSENT' ... to the 'Control Systems' that dictate the narrative on 'Beloved Mother Earth', and who are Deceiving (mind-controlling) Humanity 'Without Our (informed) Consent'.  I encourage Humanity to be your 'Authentic, Sovereign, Multidimensional Self(s)'.. Ask your 'higher self'' (your god-self) for help/direction; ... Do your own research, discern & integrate information & you will find your truth.. Remember to relax & 'fear not' ... & use your Intentions Wisely ... THEY are Powerful Gifts . . .

We Must 'awaken' from our slumber (mind-control & indoctrination) because our children, grandchildren & future generations are counting on us ...  WE CAN  'DO-IT'! . .

Most of Humanity are now 'real-eyes-ing', that most of our known history, has been written by 'the controllers' in order to enslave us - for their 'service-to-self' power & greed . . .  &,   I   DO NOT CONSENT ...  (reposted, from Sunday, April 12, 2020) - Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .


But, there is hope, for those who have been supporting & giving their 'life-force' energy,  to the 'controllers' agenda  I.E. to the NAA  (ref: ascension glossary) . . .

If  YOU are now just 'grasping the fact', that YOU are (or, have been) supporting & furthering 'the controllers enslavement methods & deceptions' ... 'It's Never the wrong time (to make better choices) ... & do the Right Thing' ...  You have been given a 'Second  (2nd)  Chance' ...  

Disclaimer ** NB ** If any of this information resonates with your heart ... YOU may be 'awakening' to your 'soul purpose' - and the reason YOU chose to be here now, on 'Beloved Mother Earth' . . .

So, 'Saddle-Up' & Let's Ride!  Thank You to YouTube (Movieclips), for sharing, Ghost Rider - 'Slade's Last Ride'... An excerpt: Carter Slade (Sam Elliott), the previous Ghost Rider, fires up and leads Johnny Blaze (Nicolas Cage) to San Venganza.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Part of ... 'Why WE (Humanity) are where we are today' ... This all has happened during y(our) slumber (your mind-control) ... But, now that 'YOU HAVE AWOKEN', maybe it's time to make better choices, about 'W.H.O.' you are giving your energy (consent) to ... WHY?? ... Because, our children & grandchildren are depending on us!

'Click on image', to enlarge . . .

Fool me once, shame on you ... Fool me twice, shame on me

Their minions are being outed  I.E. those controlling our 'three-dimensional' (3D) narrative, on 'prison planet' - Beloved Mother Earth ...  And,  I  'DO NOT  CONSENT', to their  'service to self', deceptive ways & means (reposted, from Wednesday, December 23, 2020) 1 Eye's Blog ... And, So  It  Is!

Thank You Wikipedia for sharing . . . Henry K ... 

Heinz Alfred Kissinger

May 27, 1923
DiedNovember 29, 2023 (aged 100)
Kent, ConnecticutU.S.

 An excerpt: Legacy His legacy is often debated by historians. Some people criticize him, even calling him a criminal, for his tactics during the Cold War, notably supporting a military junta in Chile and backing Pakistan during the Bangladesh War. Many people, however, consider Kissinger a great figure in modern American history who ended the Vietnam War, opened up China, and supported peace in the Cold War.


Meet Henry ... Thank You, James C.. (The Corbett Report), for your work & 'Love of  Humanity' & to (The Corbett Report Official LBRY Channel), for sharing . . . An excerpt: FROM 2009: A war criminal, a genocidal eugenicist, a power-hungry plotter, a modern-day Machiavelli, a Rockefeller toadie. Meet Henry Kissinger.


You must know by now, that We (Humanity) are at war ... &,  I  'DO  NOT  CONSENT'  to their ... 'Silent'  Weapons for Quiet Wars . . . Thank You  D..T.. & to (StellarPrince-33-11), for sharing ... An excerpt: Courtesy of 'Karonaj' youtube channel.

The goal has always been the same, subjugate, domesticate and engineer societial norms, all in the name of control by the few at the expense of the many.

The Elites delusions of grandeur has blinded them. They are puppets and empty vassals to the spiritual forces of wickedness in high places!

Do not succumb to their wicked ways and know that they are the ones who are inferior in consciousness. They are a sub-species of the human race, lost and without the Kristos spark that allows for all the good qualities of humanity to express themselves.

They are like a black hole, a vacuum, a parasite, a vampire that would rather suck the life force of others than live within their own means as an egalitarian, decentralized member of humanity.



Claim back your sovereignty:


Old ... People don't matter   (reposted, from Monday, December 16, 2019) Thank 'You to All' - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Culling the 'useless eaters' ... Thanks for your love, Henry ... 

'Click on image', to enlarge . . .

This is ...  My message  to the 'powers not-to-be'  - (reposted, from Sunday, January 20, 2022) ... Thank 'You to All', 1 Eye's Blog . . .

The Gaslighter - Thank You  to 'The Chicks', for your work/music & 'Love Of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (The Chicks), for sharing . . .


'Do You Know' any of these good folk who have our (Humanity's) best interests, in mind???  Thank You Wikipedia, for sharing ... An excerpt: The 2023 Bilderberg conference received some media attention due to the participation of several major players in the artificial intelligence space, such as OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, Microsoft CEO Satya NadellaGoogle DeepMind chief Demis Hassabis and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt.

&, this 'good' group???  Thank You Wikipedia, for sharing ... The World Economic Forum (WEF) - An excerpt; Young Global Leaders - The group of Young Global Leaders consists of 800 people chosen by the WEF organizers as being representative of contemporary leadership. After five years of participation they are considered alumni.[75] The program has received controversy when Schwab, the founder, admitted to "penetrat[ing]" governments with Young Global Leaders. He added that as of 2017 "more than half" of Justin Trudeau's Cabinet had been members of the program.

And,  'not to-be-left out' ??? Thank You Wikipedia, for sharing ... OECD ... An excerpt: The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD; French: Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques, OCDE) is an intergovernmental organisation with 38 member countries,[1][4] founded in 1961 to stimulate economic progress and world trade. It is a forum whose member countries describe themselves as committed to democracy and the market economy, providing a platform to compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practices, and coordinate domestic and international policies of its members.

The majority of OECD Members are high-income economies ranked as "very high" in the Human Development Index, and are regarded as developed countries. Their collective population is 1.38 billion.[5] As of 2017, OECD Member countries collectively comprised 62.2% of global nominal GDP (US$49.6 trillion)[6] and 42.8% of global GDP (Int$54.2 trillion) at purchasing power parity.[7] The OECD is an official United Nations observer.[8]

And, 'The List' goes on ... Thank You  A..M.. (Conspiracy Music Guru) & your team of musicians, for your  work/music, & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (Conspiracy Music Guru) & (Conspiracy Music Guru), for sharing ... 

Conspiracy Music Guru exposes the world’s greatest deceptions with lyrics that inform and teach, and together with an understanding of the power of 432Hz his music delivers a natural vibration which has had a profound impact and resonance with his fans. Conscious music is what the Conspiracy Music Guru is all about.