Saturday, September 25, 2021

David Icke Reveals How They Control Your Mind!

Thank You David Icke for your work/books, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to Be Positive & YouTube, for sharing) . . . 

Thank You Cathy O'Brien (Mark Phillips & Shaela), for your work/books, & 'Love of Humanity' . . . An excerpt, from Cathy's recent 'Blog post':  Our children must be educated to truth, and each and every one of us must understand our own amazing mind brain function to safeguard free thought.  It is not up to a deity we worship to do that for us.  Humanity has been graced with strength of the human spirit, and physical and mental resiliency.  It is up to us to accept and cherish our birth right.

Our brains respond to fear and trauma with heightened suggestibility.  Our filter- our consciousness- takes flight and leaves our subconscious unguarded and open to manipulation.  Our subconscious has no filter of its own.  In other words, it literally has no ability to question or critically analyze information it is fed, which can alter our knowledge base. We all formulate our thoughts, opinions, and actions based on what we know.  We need to know perpeTraitors who steal elections steal minds, and they are aware of mind brain function and its vulnerability.  Since knowledge is our defense against mind control, facts on this innate mind brain function have been omitted from education and suppressed by media in order to keep it secret.   Secret Knowledge = Power.  Now you know the secret.  When trauma occurs or fear is imposed, it is up to us to think twice and consciously make the choice to live true to soul.  

Examining Beliefs - Thank You Energetic Synthesis, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' . . . 

The 'Bigger Picture' (the larger truth) . . . Thank You to All . . . 1 Eye's Blog . . .

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