Thank You my friend, Tory Smith . . . for your work & 'Love of humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Many of Earth have a fear of being killed by planet Nibiru [planet X]. This is because they were killed by this battle planet in former lifetimes. The Anunnaki chose to move into the Light in the mid-nineties and can bring harm to no one ever again. Nibiru is out past planet Xanta & is in a stationary orbit. Nibiru has a population of 46,458 former Anunnaki. It will remain ther for an indefinite time. I have spoken to the Nibiruian people several times, and they are enjoying their new life style of freedom. They are now living in peace and live without being ordered to commit crimes. Xanta is the home of the Netaboruli, and is about 34,000,000 miles further than Pluto. The Sun is hollow and has a shell of about 300,000 miles thick. It is populated by a group of people called the Nephilim, who have also all moved into the Light. The biggest mountain in our solar system is the size of Mercury, and is inside the Sun. There are currently 57 worlds in our solar system that have colonies of sentient people. Only non-physical beings live inside the "gas" planets. In our Galaxy, there are 1271 species of Reptilians, 1027 species of Insectians, including 53 species of the Zeta Riticulans, 204 species of Dinosaurians, 1245 species of Amphibians, and 56 species of Humans. UPDATE: I broke one of my rules and did not do all the research I should have, before going public. My friend from New Zealand let me know that Planet X and Nibiru are not the same, I assumed they were. The Hall of Research informed me that Planet X was the brown dwarf star that Nibiru had in tow with some kind of tractor beam, and this is what caused all the damage as it went through our solar system on it's 16 irratic orbital paths. One of these times is when it damaged Planet Uranus. It turn Uranus on her side and flew her Moons out of orbit. Pluto, Charon, Nix, Hydra, Kerberos and Styx were all Moons of Uranus. The brown dwarf star is no longer in our solar system, and Nibiru remains in a fixed orbit. I also asked why the population has not changed, and I was told that the Nibirunians have chosen not to have children for awhile. It seem they don't need drugs or contraception, they just choose to "turn off reproduction" in themselves. How convienient, too bad we can't do that here, as it would solve the abortion issue we have here.
Thank You David Icke, for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, & Inspired for sharing) . . . - This is W.H.O they are, & how they (negative 'entities' / beings from HU 4 i.e. the 12th, 11th & 10th dimensions, & down) Control Humanity, (& our 'convoluted' reality) in this & other 'universal time matrixes' (Ascension Glossary) . . .
Also, ... check out 'Hidden in Plain Site' - Thank You, David Icke (Inspired) for your work & Love of Humanity (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .
Examining Beliefs - Thank You Energetic Synthesis, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' . . .
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