Thursday, October 28, 2021


Thank You Jamie Salazar for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . & Thank You to Heather Cate, for your work. An excerpt: 
Narcissistic abuse has gotten increasingly popular in the past few years. But because the world is going through a massive spiritual awakening and awakenings are commonly triggered by traumatic events; the question that has been on my mind is, can the recovery of abuse by a narcissist actually trigger a spiritual awakening? I'm joined by Heather Cate of Peacock and Paisley who is not only an abuse survivor, but also a reiki master, healer, teacher and an expert on the recovery of narcissistic abuse survivors.

The Nature of Power, Narrative & Conspiracy - Thank You James ( & Buck (CounterFlow & 'Truth will set you free !' . . . for your work) & 'Love of Humanity' (& to, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: James has been putting out excellent content in the forms of documentaries, podcasts, writing and more for much longer than most people in alternative media. James has a terrific analysis of how conspiracies happen at the highest levels. As he points out, the highest levels of power are far above elected officials and names we all know. In this episode we also discuss the media, propaganda narratives and how the coof narrative has played out on the public. We also get into the class that James Corbett will be teaching at Renegade University.

To sign up for his course, go here:

Wednesday, October 27, 2021


Thank You Dan Dicks (PressForTruth) & your entire team, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, & BitChute for sharing **HERE**) . . . An excerpt: 
Operation Save The Press (For Truth)! ➜
Police and military personnel are often used as the violent enforcement arm of the state but what happens what agents within that institution say NO and they refuse to go along with the orders of said state? In Canada multiple police forces are doing just that and many of them have joined together to publicly voice their opposition to mandatory vaccines by forming the “Mounties For Freedom”. In their letter to the RCMP commissioner they make the following opening statement: We respectfully submit this open letter to express our most sincere concerns and resolute stand against the forced coercive medical intervention of Canadians, and against the undue discrimination experienced by those exercising their lawful right to bodily autonomy. We are not against vaccinations, but as law enforcement officers, we cannot in good conscience willingly participate in enforcing mandates that we believe go against the best interests of the people we protect.
In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth goes over the RCMP’s open letter and most importantly their call to action which will hopefully lead to Canadians having the right to choose to get the Covid-19(84) vaccine rather than being coerced into it as is the current modus operandi.

Thank You Kevin Annett for your work/books, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharig) . . . Hunted ... Criminals & Censorship . . . An excerpt: Kevin Annett's political muckraking column for Wednesday October 27 tackles hot issues again with wit and insider knowledge as he kicks some of the biggest butts in town! Published every Wednesday at and , and by subscription. Write to Kevin at
For 'great reads' get Kevin's books **HERE** . . .

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

What to expect when Trudeau unveils his new cabinet on Tuesday

Thank You CTV News, for the 'unveiling' . . . 'Fool me once, shame on you ... Fool me twice, shame on me' . . . An excerpt : CTV News Political Commentator Tom Mulcair and political strategists discuss what they expect to see when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau unveils his new cabinet on Tuesday.

Swearing -in... - Thank You 'cpac' (& YouTube, for sharing) .... An excerpt: Governor General Mary May Simon presides over the swearing-in of ministers at Rideau Hall as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau makes changes to the federal cabinet. Trudeau’s Liberal party remains in government following the September 20, 2021, general election, having won 160 of 338 seats.
Why not ... take an 'oath (of allegiance) to the people' of Canada, who (supposedly) voted you in, as representatives of their riding(s)?
But instead, they take 'Oath(s)s of secrecy' & to the Queen? ... What's wrong in this picture? ... Oh, I know, they're keeping our 'convoluted', prison reality going, in the guise of a 'democracy'. DO NOT CONSENT . . .

The 'truth' isn't always 'warm & fuzzy', but it will ALWAYS go marching on . . .
Thank You Cathy (& Mark) for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity' . . . Get books **HERE** . . .

Big Pharma - Conspiracy Music Guru

'The Truth' will go Marching On, because WE are a part of the 'Creator' (Source),  & We WILL continue to 'create' . . . a better (benevolent) world . . .

Watch above video  ****  HERE  **** . . .
Thank You 'Conspiracy Music Guru' for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt : If big pharma made a song, I think it would sound something like this! This video can not be monetized so please share far and wide, download it, upload it to social media, please do what you can to help spread the message and support. Thank you 🙏

You might need to alter W.H.O. you are giving your 'power' to.  So, I en-courage all, to use your intentions wisely; they are 'powerful gifts' . . .
Thank You my friend Tory Smith for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt : 16 Mexican children were abducted by ICE in central Texas, taken from their parents who were sent to a Nazi Concentration Camp by Houston. They have been testing the new technology to murder us all on Mexican parents of the children they rape and murder. 56 Japanese children were taken by the Air Force from the Tokyo MILAB where they had been raped by 147 males a total of 316 times.
All of these children were raped a total of 2021 times before being murdered by Reptiliians while military males watched while masturbating. This one day of child trafficking cost taxpayers $1,998,500 the good news is 159 Reptilians have been arrested in about the past 2 days or so.

AND, Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . . 

The PROPAGANDA ARM of the ...  Thank You Dan Dicks (PressForTruth) & your entire team, for your work, & 'Love fo Humanity' (& to  BitChute for sharing) . . . An excerpt : Operation Save The Press (For Truth)! ➜
On Friday October 22nd protesters gathered out front of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to voice their displeasure with the fake news propaganda that is being pushed by the CBC all on the tax payers dime. To quote Edward Bernays book “Propaganda” written in 1928 “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth gives an impromptu speech about the current state of the information war and most importantly what everyone and anyone can do to help counter the MSM narrative moving forward as we continue to navigate this Covid-19(84) nightmare.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

158 Children Murdered Today 4Jan'16 . . . Devine Justice has been granted . . .

'Devine Justice' has been granted, in the 'Realm of Cause'.  It is So . . . IT IS DONE ! . . . Thank You my friend Tory Smith, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Child Rapist/Child Murderer Mike Pence says "Police Officers are Our Slaves" He has raped 107 Children and Killed 17 in luciferian Human Sacrifices.

W.H.O.  Do You Believe? . . . Are you watching the 'Tell-Lies-Vision'? . . . I encourage all to be your 'authentic', sovereign, multidimensional self(s), discern & integrate information & use your 'intentions' wisely . . . They are 'Powerful Gifts' . . . If you haven't awoken yet, to our 'convoluted reality' on 'Beloved Mother Earth', I suggest you may want to do a little research. . . . You may want to consider where you are getting your information from & look elsewhere. I wish you well !    And Fear Not, because ... YOU are much more 'powerful', than they are ! . . . Thank You to All . . . 1 Eye . . . 

It's Never the Wrong time, to do the Right Thing . . . So Come Join the Party . . .  Noble Planet NOMI Earth . . .  Thank You  to BitChute (Krystal Rap), for sharing . . .

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


Thank You Project Camelot TV NETWORK LLC (Kerry Cassidy) & Carrie Kohan, for your work & 'Love of Humanity', & to YouTube, & Bitchute (bluewater) for sharing . . .   

This Old News is Good News (and) still applies . . . Thank You to All . . . 1 Eye's Blog . . .

"In the depths of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer." - Albert Camus . . . Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . . Come join the  party! . . .

Monday, October 18, 2021

Hillary Clinton - satanic syj0n!st pedo-hybrid - flies to Poland, to lo...

Above video censored by 'the powers not-to-be' . . .
We are at a 'turning point', but it's never the wrong time, to do the right thing . . .
Thank You Shamsan Yvonne for your work & 'Love of Humanity', (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt : Hillary Clinton - satanic syj0n!st pedo-hybrid - flies to Poland, to look through the kids... ??? Zionist satanic pedophilic hybrid Hillary Clinton flies to Poland.

Video censored by 'the powers not-to-be' . . .
Thank You ProjectCamelot (Kerry Cassidy) & R..D..S.., for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ,
And, Thank You to 'Bangor Daily News' (Christopher Burns), for your work & reporting on R..D..S's .. death . . .

Anti-Corruption ... A Movement... - Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

'The apple doesn't fall, far from the tree' ...
Perpe-Traitors ... - Thank You Cathy O' (& Mark) for your work/books, & 'Love of Humanity' . . .

In my humble opinion, I believe it is time for humanity to 'withdraw' our energy from these convoluted entities & 'control systems', that have 'duped humanity', over millennia . . . However, it is difficult to change this (our convoluted) reality on 'Beloved Mother Earth', from within the 'Control Systems' that have created it (with our **Humanity's** 'duped', mind-controlled consent) - but the 'truth' will go Marching On - Thank You to All . . . 1 Eye . . . 

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Faithless Town - New World Order (Official Video)

Whose town do YOU want to live in? . . .  Maybe it's time to Wake-Up, or continue as you are, & meet your New World Order 'Faithless' Town; that you are (and have been) giving your 'consciousness', freewill & consent to ... Might it be a good time to make better choices , & not give any 'energy' (your power) to these 'entities'? ... Together ,We Can Do This .
Thank You 'Faithless Town', for your work/music, & 'Love of Humanity' & to Spectra Music Group (& to  YouTube, & BitChute : EducationalPurposes : for sharing) . . . An excerpt : "New World Order" by Faithless Town from the album "Empires" available now at iTunes, Amazon and Spotify. Copyright 2020 Spectra Music Group. All rights reserved.

I   DO NOT CONSENT  . . . Thank You To ALL  - 1 Eye . . .

Great Telepathy, Synchronicity &   *** Teamwork *** - 1 Eye . . . 

Saturday, October 16, 2021

It takes a lot of education, to keep us this stupid . . . but the 'truth' will go marching on . . . & 'Humanity Will Win', in the end . . .

Thank You, Caitlin Johnstone (caitlinjohnstone) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' . . .  It Takes A Lot . . .

An excerpt: The oligarchic empire is working harder and harder to bolt down our minds in service of its agendas. Silicon Valley is working more and more openly in conjunction with the US government, and its algorithms elevate empire-authorized narratives while hiding unapproved ones with increasing brazenness. The mass media have become so blatantly propagandistic that US intelligence operatives are now openly employed by news outlets they used to have to infiltrate covertly. NATO and military institutions are studying and testing new forms of mass-scale psychological manipulation to advance the still developing science of propaganda. A transparently fake “whistleblower” is being promoted by the US political/media class to manufacture support for more internet censorship and shore up monopolistic control for institutions like Facebook who are willing to enforce it. Wikipedia is an imperial narrative control operationThey’ve imprisoned a journalist for exposing US war crimes after the CIA plotted to kidnap and assassinate him

VICTORY FOR 'THE GOOD GUYS' - Thank You Dan Dicks ( & your entire team, for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Operation Save The Press (For Truth)! ➜  Chalk one up for the good guys today folks, we’ve successfully countered their propaganda and forced them to admit to their lies!! Health officials in Alberta falsely claimed that a 14 year old child died due to Covid-19(84) when that was the farthest thing from the truth and they are now forced to do proper reviews in the future when it comes to determining an actual cause of death…winning! In other news Dr. Sanjay Gupta the chief health official at CNN did a 180 after appearing on the Joe Rogan podcast doubling down on his stance that Ivermectin is not a reliable medication for people who have “contracted” Covid! And finally we’ll look at a new epidemiology paper that proves that higher vaccination rates are NOT linked to fewer Covid-19(84) cases. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest Covid-19(84) news while celebrating a victory that we’ve just achieved on the side of truth, liberty, freedom and justice!

Thank You James & James (corbettreport ... & ... mediamonarchy) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to Bithute, for sharing) ...

Hell-Escape to Freedom . . .  An excerpt : This week on the New World Next Week: Merck aims to push pills for the scamdemic; Alberta releases its REP vaxx app; and music brings together musicians who oppose forced vaccinations and segregation.

It's up to us ... Thank You 'FreeTheNationMusic', for your work/music & 'Love of  Humanity' . . .

Thursday, October 14, 2021

The UK and Commonwealth Deserve BETTER 1

Truth has a frequency, that resonates with your heart . . . Hope you are well, Emily . . .
Thank You my friend (Shechai Yah), for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .

The Death of Ethics, must be resurrected . .  Do not sell-out ... DO NOT SELL YOUR SOUL  . . .

The Death of Ethics - Thank You to All  . . . 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Anu Attitudes - Thank You A..D..& KS Reality for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to, for sharing) . . .

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

12 A&R - Ether Elemental(Sarasota)

"In the depths of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer." - Albert Camus

Thank You fellow Voyagers, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . 'Beloved Mother Earth' is graduating . . . Come join the party . . .  Video/account terminated ... 
But, Watch  It  ***  HERE  *** . . . Thank You to K..R.. for your work & Love of  Humanity', & to BitChute (Krystal Rap), for sharing . . . 
Earth-Human Lineage and Origins of the Nomi-gene. The Nomi-gene is an ancient genetic configuration carried in small percentages through all human race line. This genetic configuration originated on Earth about 800,000 years ago, and was entered in the Angelic Human Seeding-3 gene lines. During Seeding-3 the Nomi Eff-im-a’-rhal Human gene line was created to carry the Seed-3 Angelic Human “Compound Cloister” coding (the coding of all 5 Angelic Human Cloister Races of Seeding-3 combined). It was also imbued with the Pana-Co-LA’-rah ArhAya-phim D-Planes Coding, the K+8 Factor of the Nomi-yah Eff-I-yah ArhAya Al-Hum-Bhra Eff-i-phim Eternal Life gene line, the Sun-8 D-Planes “Fail-Safe” Coding. The compound genetic coding carried by the Seed-3 Nomi Eff-im-a’-rhal-Angelic-Cloister Human carries the coding of the 5 Angelic Human Cloisters of Seed-3, each of which carried a portion of the 7 Angelic Human Root Race genetic coding; thus the earthly genetic-base of the Nomi contains all DNA coding pertaining to the Seed-3 “12 Tribes” (5 Cloister races, and 7 Root Races). Additionally, the Nomi lineage carries the “K+8 Eff-im-a’-rhal Code”, the “Fail-Safe” KrystalBridge Code, which allows for re-genesis of the Transfiguration Factor.Contemporary Earth & the Nomi-gene Since first Seeding-1 of the Earth Angelic Human (Turaneusiam-2) 25 MYA both Seeding-1 and Seeding-2 were destroyed; Seeding-1 destroyed 5.5 MYA in Electric War-Earth, and Seedign-2 (seeded 3,700,000 YA) destroyed 848,800 YA Thousand Years War-Earth. The final Seeding-3 (contemporary lineage) was Seeded 800,000 YA, with direct inclusion of the original Nomi Eff-im-a’rhal Human Core Template from 950 BYA Aquinos/Andromeda-M31. From 669,000 BC through present Illuminati Hybrid-Human Raider Races were created on Earth via forced interbreeding campaigns launched against the Earth Angelic Human lineage by various reversed-template stellar races, resulting in the mutations and mortal confinement of contemporary Earth humans. However, the pre-ancient Nomi-gene still remains as the Core Template encryption for the Seeding-3 Earth Angelic Human and its contemporary descendants. Due to the excessive interbreeding of the original Earth Angelic Human lines, much of the Angelic Human genetic potentials have been severely diluted and “mutated out of” the contemporary Human genome; only several million contemporary Humans still carry the Nomi-gene as dormant but accessible biological potential within the physical DNA (some components of “junk DNA”). Though only a small percentage of contemporary Humans carry this full physical genetic potential, the Nomi-gene encryption still remains as the Core Encryption of the Plasma Template for ALL contemporary descendants of the Angelic Human Lineage. The Nomi-gene activates through the Plasma Template and its exposure to the K+8 “Rainbow Plasm” frequencies. Once the Nomi-gene activates in the Plasma-Template, it next activates within various layers of the “Epi-genetic Overlay” (chemical DNA sheathe that administrates certain DNA responses). Once activated in the Epi-genetic Overlay, the Nomi-gene will “speak to” the physical DNA of Humans still carrying this physical-biological genetic potential, and over time will “turn on” the physical Nomi-gene attributes within the DNA, allowing for biological regenesis of the ancient Earth Angelic Human Transfiguration Factor potentials. Earth’s Planetary Templar began activation of its 1st “K+8 Rainbow-plasm Reservoirs” between 8/31-9/1/2015. Awakening of the Nomi-gene has begun! *

I also en-courage all, to use your intentions wisely . . . They are 'powerful gifts' . . .
Thank You Dr. Len Horowitz  for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to in5d & YouTube, for sharing) . . . We Will Win . . .  It is so ... IT IS DONE !  An excerpt : Dr. Leonard Horowitz speaks about spirituality, the importance of water and how water affects our DNA. Feel free to share this with your friends on Facebook, MySpace, through email and in forums.

Geocentrism - Thank You Santos (MrAstrotheology) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .  An excerpt :  Symposium IV Sunday September 19th | 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Central.
Segment I: (FREE TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS) ROUND EARTH vs FLAT EARTH with Santos Bonacci & Dr. Brooks Agnew presenting ground-breaking perspectives PANEL DISCUSSION INCLUDES : Santos Bonacci, Dr. Brooks Agnew, Shehnaz Soni, Dan Winter, David Sereda and Sacha Stone

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Dirty Electricity: What it is and how to fix it

Dirty Electricity ?? Benevolent or Malevolent ?? . . . 

Adding Value to our lives . . . 
Thank You ScottiesTech.Info for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) ... An excerpt :While everyone is paying the most attention to wireless tech like 5G, dirty electricity is often completely overlooked. In short, all our wondrous gizmos generate noise that couples to the human body from the electrical wiring in our homes, schools, places of work, and so on. What effects does this dirty electricity have? Well, it ain't pretty. Fortunately, there are simple filters you can get that reduce the dangers from this type of noise. Join me for a look at DE and get clean power! 

Don't fall for the 'indoctrination' (or mind-control) . . .
'Truth' has a frequency that 'resonates' with y(our) heart, & is found within, not outside of y(our)self . . . So, Listen to YourSelf (your intuition/your herat) - Thank You Sacha Stone (Elena & Alejandro), for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing).  An excerpt : Organizations: CIA, Yale, Vatican / Opus Dei, P2 Lodge, British Crown, Moderna, CDC, World Health Organization, United Nations, World Bank, World Eco Forum, Covid-19, Federal Reserve, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Serco, Clinton Foundation, and Nato.
The views and opinions expressed in these videos are solely that of Elena Bensenoff and Alejandro Ferradas. These consciousness readings are based on a system designed by Elena and Alejandro that draws from the Consciousness Scale created by Dr. Hawkins. These readings do not make any factual claims about the subjects but only the opinion of Elena Bensenoff and Alejandro Ferradas. All information shared in Vibrational Revelations is copyright protected and can't be shared or distributed without permission.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Where We came from? (Human Origins)

It's time to wake-up! THE WAR ON our CONSCIOUSNESS is in full swing.
I thank you for finding '1 Eye's blog' ... It is important to know that you have found my 'blog' for a reason . . . If you have been an avid reader, you must either 'resonate' with my thoughts (& of those, whose thoughts I share), or you are curious as to wondering why I have these thoughts . . . My thoughts, although far fetched to some, are real & true to me. In the weeks & months ahead, I will not focus entirely on the 'lies of the tricksters', as I have done in the past (to try & awaken you) but to give you information (in my humble opinion) that provides a different perspective & shows you the 'power' each of us have, when you & I become y(our) 'authentic, sovereign, multidimensional self(s)'. . .  I en-courage all to 'fear not' & use y(our) intensions wisely. They are 'Powerful Gifts' . . . 
And remember: 'What you need to be afraid of is not the unknown, because that is where we live all the time ... What we need to be afraid of (if anything), is the known! ... Because the known is the rigid pattern of past conditioning (indoctrination & mind control programming) that imprison us, in a prison of ill health & dis-ease' . . . 

Thank You fellow voyager A..D.. (& Voyagers), for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt : So, what happened a very long time ago on a planet called Tara, about 560 Million Years Ago, there was a race of beings seeded on this planet. The Race was called the Turaneusiam and they were a very, very special Race. They were kind of like the “babies of the Universe”. The Turaneusiam Race was created by taking the genetic strains of all of the other type of beings that existed within all of the other dimensional systems and harmonic universes…taking them and splicing together the best of the best in order to form a super-proto-type. And what the beings who created us wanted to create was a species that could embody not only a Soul, but an Over Soul. It could embody the consciousness of 12 of the 15 dimensions. Most body forms, either here or in the 2nd Harmonic Universe, can only embody within them a certain amount of energy identity. After a certain amount of energy identity is added in, the gene code can’t tolerate anymore. And that’s when the form would transmute and the consciousness would move into and evolve into a state of pure consciousness being, where it no longer needed a biology. The Turaneusiam Race was created to be a “living library” for the 15-dimensional Matrix. It would contain the gene codes of 12, within biology. It would contain 12 levels of dimensional systems. And they were contributors of I think they said, about several hundred million different species contributed gene code product to create this new species. This species was viewed as “godlings”. We were created to eventually become creator gods. And we were revered highly by those other extra-terrestrial and 2nd Harmonic civilizations who wanted to see themselves be able to evolve and expand beyond their own potentials of their species. So we were created with a lot of high hopes. And the Turaneusiams are who we originally were. And this is a surprise to most people cause most people don’t even know the 2nd Harmonic Universe exists. So, about 560 Million Years Ago, the Universe got together, if you wanna look at it that way…different biologies got together and contributed their genetic material to create this super-race of beings. And they succeeded. They created the Turaneusiam Race. They were 2nd Harmonic Beings. There were gender delineations at certain periods of time. There were other periods of time when there was no gender to them. They did not reproduce by mimilla ? means, as we do. They produce through energy replication. They didn’t need to do the mamillion ? thing. They were a very, very special breed in the sense that they had 12-strands of DNA. We have 2-strands of DNA. Can you imagine what it might mean to have the potentialities of 12-strands? What abilities would that give us? What would our minds be like? What would our comprehension, our power, our…what would we be like with 12-strands. Compared to what we know ourselves as now, we would be God-Like. We would have abilities that we could only dream of having now. And that is what the Turaneusiam Race did have...
Can Keshe Plasma Science and technology Heal people - Thank You KF Vietnamese, for your work & 'Love of Humanity', (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt : The information shared in this video is the theoretical perspective of the creator. We are not associated with Keshe Foundation, ARhAyas Productions, or any other groups in any way. We are merely sharing the information we have learned according to our level of understanding. The materials in this video belong to their respective owners. They are used here for educational purpose. The information shared in this video is not meant to treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease. If you need medical assistance, please seek professional help from a doctor.

Great Telepathy ... Synchronicity ... TEAMWORK  . . . 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Ashayana Camelot Project Interview-1

Thank You fellow Voyager A..D.. & Kerry Cassidy (ProjectCamelot) ... & Voyagers, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Project Camelot - Kerry Cassidy Interviews Ashayana Deane Part 1, (2010) .

The teachings of 'Divine Science' - Thank You to All, 1 Eye . . . 

Friday, October 8, 2021

Preventing Dementia - Lecture by Dr. Jeff

Truth has a 'frequency' that resonates with your heart . . . but the eyes are useless, when the mind is blind . . . 14:00 . . . Time to wake-up . . .
Thank You Dr. Jeff (Dr. Gill & Dr. Tent) & the entire DHS team, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Dr. Jeff's latest lecture is full of useful information on the causes and effects of dementia, but more importantly, how you can manage the risks of developing it.

'The Parallel Eco-system' - 8:00 - moving into a 'higher dimension' . . . 
Experiments in Good & Evil - Thank You Amazing Polly & your team, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (to Bitchute, for sharing)  . . . An excerpts: In this video: some COVID genocide lawsuits you should be aware of, Building the Parallel Society in my area, How our current paradigm mirrors the pre-ww2 & Nazi era of horrific human experimentation in the name of Public Health. If you'd like to support my work, please click here: Thank you!
more... MY RUMBLE CHANNEL: (p.s Rumble has removed one of the videos I wanted to share with you.)

Thursday, October 7, 2021

2021 October Energy Update | PUTTING ON THE WAR PAINT

Thank You my friend & 'Old Soul' Jamie Salazar, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to  YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: As Scary and sad as these times are, please remember that you chose to come here to help shift the planet into the fifth dimension. This means a higher perspective on what we are now seeing within the 3 dimensional realm. Neither perspective is the wrong choice, however, because all lives run simultaneously, this means that we have already chosen in other lifetimes to go in the opposite direction as this moment in order to understand all aspects o yourself as an individual. Then in the same breath, so-to-speak, you will know all aspects of yourself as a part of source energy in the collective as God. Therefore, we cannot deny the the dark side is just as important to our learning about ourselves as source energy because we need the dark in order to complete our learning. We have literally been dark beings in other lifetimes as well to carry out this entire process. This is also why it is an illusion to be ONLY dark or only light. The truth is, we are both. If we know and embrace this, we learn our earth school lessons much earlier and much easier by being able to forgive those dark beings for keeping us asleep and enslaved by sending them love. We do this because when we look at it in a higher perspective, we are all one.  

Monday, October 4, 2021

That's How We Can Change The World | Anita Moorjani

Use y(our) 'intuition' & IMAGINE ... & use these intentions wisely (to change the world) . . . They are 'Powerful Gifts . . .
An excerpt: During Anita Moorjani's Near Death Experience. she gained a lot of insight into our true nature, our purpose here on earth and so much more. One thing she firmly believes is - the more empaths become rich, the faster we can change the world.
Thank You Anita Moorjani for your work/books, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to 'Inspired' & YouTube, for sharing) . . .  

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Magda & Dave - LL Conversation Healing

Bringing LOVE . . . (not fear) ... Video/Channel Taken-down . . .
Bringing the 'highest frequency' of the Universe to 'Beloved Mother Earth' through Nature . . . Thank You fellow Voyager(s), for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt : 
"Light Language Conversations with Water element healing with Dave and Mag. Thank you Dave and Magda for this beautiful Light Language Conversation. Enjoy Beautiful Scottish scenery and water elemental whispering..."

'Click on image' to enlarge . . .

'I'm trying to free your mind ... But, I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it.' - Morpheus (The Matrix) . . . Time Matrix Slide Introduction ... Thank You Voyagers, & YouTube for sharing . . . YouTube video taken down, by 'the powers not-to-be' . . .

Nature Soothes the Soul - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Saturday, October 2, 2021

'AI' Control of the Many, by the Few . . . But, 'Knowledge is Power' . . .


Time to Wake-Up  folks . . . 
It is not about your health; (or a 'virus') . . .  We are in WW III  & it's about 'more' Control/ & mind-indoctrination of Humanity ... I.E. enslavement & control of our consciousness/our convoluted reality . . . I  DO NOT CONSENT . . .
I encourage all to use your intentions wisely . .  They are 'powerful gifts' . . . Urgent Warnings ... Global  Plans . . .  But 'Fear Not' . . . 
Thank You V..C..C.. (Ted, Catherine & Rocco) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity', & to BitChute, for sharing . . . An excerpt : Catherine Austin Fitts is the president of Solari, Inc., publisher of the Solari Report, and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC. Catherine served as managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration, and was the president of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc.  Catherine has designed and closed over $25 billion of transactions and investments to-date and has led portfolio and investment strategy for $300 billion of financial assets and liabilities.

Thank You Gemma, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' . . . & to BitChute, for sharing . . . The Media has but (1) one function ... & that is, to protect the people . . . 

B O O M ! ! ! - Thank You to All 1 Eye . . .

Friday, October 1, 2021

Kevin Annett and the Battler catch up on progress

Above video censored,  by 'the powers not-to-be' ...
Thank You Mike Holt (The Battler) ... & Kevin Annett, for your work & 'Love of  Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .  Watch  above  video  ***  HERE  ***   Thank You to BitChute (The Mike Holt Show) for sharing ... An excerpt: Kevin Annett and the Battler catch up on progress spreading common law in Canada and Australia, as well as enlightening people in other countries too.

The Battler and Kevin Annett chat about Common Law in Kanata and Australia, establishing common law assemblies, dealing with misinformation, and plans for the future.


Common Law:
Crimes by the government:
A plan for the future:

Health Drink:
Make this drink and take 2 tablespoons every day. You will never catch a cold, flu or covid:

Carry copies of this letter at all times to give to police:

Beat the Fines with this e-Book Steps to fight Fines:

Dick Yardley's book:

Podcasts and News:
The Bloody Aussie Battler:
and YouTube Battler channel: (no longer active)
and Bitchute Battler channel:

Buy Kevin Annett's book "Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty -- A Common Law Training Manual"

How the political parties stole our rights and freedoms through the biggest LIE in history. Read these articles in the numbered order to learn how and why:


And, 'the band played' ...  Waltzing Matilda  . . . Thank You, 'The Pogues' 1985  & YouTube (CR's Video Vaults), for sharing . . .