Monday, October 18, 2021

Hillary Clinton - satanic syj0n!st pedo-hybrid - flies to Poland, to lo...

Above video censored by 'the powers not-to-be' . . .
We are at a 'turning point', but it's never the wrong time, to do the right thing . . .
Thank You Shamsan Yvonne for your work & 'Love of Humanity', (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt : Hillary Clinton - satanic syj0n!st pedo-hybrid - flies to Poland, to look through the kids... ??? Zionist satanic pedophilic hybrid Hillary Clinton flies to Poland.

Video censored by 'the powers not-to-be' . . .
Thank You ProjectCamelot (Kerry Cassidy) & R..D..S.., for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ,
And, Thank You to 'Bangor Daily News' (Christopher Burns), for your work & reporting on R..D..S's .. death . . .

Anti-Corruption ... A Movement... - Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

'The apple doesn't fall, far from the tree' ...
Perpe-Traitors ... - Thank You Cathy O' (& Mark) for your work/books, & 'Love of Humanity' . . .

In my humble opinion, I believe it is time for humanity to 'withdraw' our energy from these convoluted entities & 'control systems', that have 'duped humanity', over millennia . . . However, it is difficult to change this (our convoluted) reality on 'Beloved Mother Earth', from within the 'Control Systems' that have created it (with our **Humanity's** 'duped', mind-controlled consent) - but the 'truth' will go Marching On - Thank You to All . . . 1 Eye . . . 

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