Thursday, December 31, 2020

Frequency Is Consciousness

LOVE trumps Hate,... & you are needed, to help accomplish this . . .
Programmable DNA - Thank You, G..C.. & 'FREE ENERGY Crystal HU Beings', for sharing & for your 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

Departure of Soul, Due to... - Thank You, KF Vietnamese (& Keshe Foundation) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

1 Eye's Blog: Corona Reverses DNA Back to Original State in Africa

1 Eye's Blog: Corona Reverses DNA Back to Original State in Africa *** CLICK HERE ***: Truth has a 'frequency', that resonates with your heart . . . Thank You, To All...

And, what 'They (the controllers) Do Not Want you to Know' ** CLICK HERE ** - Thank You, S..W.. & A..K.. & thank you, to the 'medical community', who are 'awakening' . . . 

Above Suspicion = Suspicious . . . so be careful, the five (5) eyes are watching . . . &, the 'closer, to the top'; 'the closer,... to the door' . . . BUT... 'It's Never The Wrong Time,... To Do The Right Thing' . . .
Canadian Military ORDERED... ** CLICK HERE ** - Thank You, Dan Dicks (PressForTruth) & BitChute for sharing, & for your 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

Sunday, December 27, 2020

The Future of Vaccines

ABOVE VIDEO TAKEN DOWN ... but watch it below . . .
The Future Of... Vacs ... - Thank You, James (corbettreport) for your work & 'Love of Humanity' . . . (& Data Dumper / BitChute for sharing). An excerpt : If the Gateses and the Faucis and the representatives of the international medical establishment get their way, life will not return to normal until the entire planet is vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. What many do not yet understand, however, is that the vaccines that are being developed for SARS-Cov-2 are unlike any vaccines that have ever been used on the human population before. And, as radically different as these vaccines appear, they represent only the very beginning of a complete transformation of vaccine technology that is currently taking place in research labs across the planet. This is a study of The Future of Vaccines.

Follow The Science . . .
Thank You, J..M.., M..W..  for your work, integrity & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . .   This film has been censored and banned by the media giants like YouTube, Google and Facebook because it exposes criminals in government.

Whack-A-Mole is not working, too well -  Thank You, S..W.. & A..K.. for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

I Told You So . . . Thank You, 'Conspiracy Music Guru' for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

"The World in 2030" by Dr. Michio Kaku ... (How indoctrination 'education' works) ... The 'devil' is in the details;... but 'the Angels are winning'  . . . 

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

A Call to Canada's Police Forces: Defend the Health and Liberty of the P...

A Ghost of our Christmas Past, Present and Future - Thank You, Kevin Annett . . .

And, Thank You To Cathy O'Brien (Mark & your team) for your work (books) & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

We Must Discern because ... History has been written by 'the controllers' ... &,  I  DO NOT CONSENT ... (reposted, from Sunday, April 12, 2020) - Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

A Call to Canada's Police Forces: Defend the Health and Liberty of the P...

Thank You, Kevin Annett (& your team), for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .
An exerpt from Kevin's post ...  The Republic of Kanata has issued this call to all of the municipal and provincial police and to the RCMP to refuse to enforce any covid measures, which are unlawful, unwarranted and unhealthy. The police are asked to stand down from such criminal complicity and work with Republic Sheriffs to defend the liberty and health of the people. See and . Posted December 9, 2020.
ll For The 'Love Of Humanity' . . . It Is So ... IT IS DONE !
Thank You my friend, Dan Dicks (Press For Truth) for this Holiday Message, your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

Thank You, Sarah Westall for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& BitChute for sharing) . . .

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Corona Reverses DNA Back to Original State in Africa

Truth has a 'frequency', that resonates with your heart . . . A Word on the Importance of Frequency Integration .... Thank You, fellow Guardian(s) & Ashayana Deane, for your work (Voyagers 1 & II) &  'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing)  ... & A..D.. . . .  

Thank You, KF Vietnamese (A..D.. & Keshe Foundation) for your work & 'Love Of Humnaity' . . .  and The Path to Enlightenment . . . 

GRAND CONJUNCTION SATURN & JUPITER - Thank You, Santos Bonacci . . .
Aforementioned video/channel terminated, by the 'powers not-to-be . . .   But,  ***  WATCH  IT  HERE  ***  Thank You to Santos (MrAstrotheology), & for sharing . . .

The bigger picture ... (video taken down by BitTube,tv)
GRAND CONJUNCTION ... 666 & 6666 ... The Origins of (our local) Fall - Thank You, A..D.. , KS Reality (& for sharing & for your 'Love Of Humanity' . . .
For enlightening reads ... get 'Ashayana's books' ... Voyagers - The Secrets of Amenti - Volume 2 - 2nd Edition  ****  HERE  ****  &, Voyagers 1, The Sleeping Abductees  ****  HERE  **** . . .
(book burning is happening)  . . .  Read above book  ****  HERE  ****   We're sleeping no more ...

'NEW' Technology for "Mother Earth"! - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Monday, December 21, 2020

Saturn and Jupiter conjunction from Quintana Roo

Above video/channel 'terminated' by YouTube ,  ***  But, Watch it  HERE  ***  Thank You to (MrAstrotheology), for sharing ....

GRAND CONJUNCTION SATURN & JUPITER - Thank You, Santos . . . More 'book buring' (video terminated), byYouTube ...  But,  Watch It  ***  HERE  ***  Thank You to (MrAstrotheology), for sharing . . . 

Live to Satisfy 'Both' the  Physicality and the Soul - Thank You, KF Vietnamese . . . &,  The Fallacy . . .

The battle is over our (collective) consciousness ...
An exerpt:  Thus, our job is to work all of our spiritual tools and to stay calm, help others stay calm, and to go deep within to connect directly with our inner guidance, surrendering to your highest expression and highest power by intentionally giving all that you are to serve your highest power or God source.  from Winter Solstice Gold Body Activation - Thank You,  Energetic Synthesis ... And ... The outer reality of the mainstream controlled narrative is now crumbling and in a free fall. It does appear that the freefall towards exposing truth towards global disclosure has an epicenter which is within the United States, in which the web of the transnational criminal syndicates are being exposed through several foreign countries that have major tentacles operating in the corporatocracy that control the United States through the shadow government. As the global cabal falls from its limitless access to power and control, the ripple effects that are being generated from its descent, extend globally to many other nations that are also deeply impacted by what is happening in the changing infrastructure of the U.S. government and its military branches.  

We FACE the Silent  Night Ahead - Thank You,  Shechai Yah (Emily) . . . Get Emily Windsor Cragg's books  ***  HERE  ***  An excerpt from 'Path to Orion' :  Where did History of our World begin, and where is it headed? We are confronting a Tribulation of Woe, and the Enemies of Life Itself have carried out their El-Anu Treaty to divide and conquer this world with human trafficking, slavery and racial strife. Where will it end? Let’s see.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

"HEALTH CARE" is NOT merely Disease-Mgmt Systems FOR PROFITS

What few are talking about... - Thank You To All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

The devil is in the details;... But. 'The Angels Are Winning' - Thank You To All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Reading between the lines - Thank You, Dr.. T.. (DHS) & your team for your work (1:31), & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

WE ARE THE ONE'S... WE"VE BEEN WAITING FOR . . . - Thank You, J..M.. and your team (& ARCITECTAFRICA.COM) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

Saturday, December 19, 2020

The kingdom of opposites by Dawn Kelly

Watch above video  ***  HERE  *** . . .  Thank You Dawn Kelly (&, for sharing) . . .
Welcome to our 'convoluted & inverted (collective) reality' here on 'Beloved Mother Earth' - It's Time to Wake-Up people . . .  and use y(our) intentions wisely . . . Telepathy, Synchronicity & Teamwork is on the way . . . 
Thank You, yellow submarine for sharing . . .

We Simply CAN NOT TRUST... - Thank You, Dan Dicks ( for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' ... & to BitChute (Press For Truth), for sharing ... An excerpt: It’s only been a week since the global vaccine rollout started phase one and already there are countless health complications that are popping up everywhere! From the UK to Alaska and Tennessee nurses and other front line guinea pigs are lining up to get the shot and quickly regretting it soon after! Meanwhile our health officials and public doctors are now on record admitting that they are just reading from a script!! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth reiterates the importance of rejecting these particular vaccines before they cause far more damage than Covid ever could have!

Clintons, Haiti, & Swamp Roots of Andrenochrome - Thank You, Cathy O (& Mark) for your work (books) & 'Love Of Humanity' ... 
And,  'above suspicion' = 'suspicious' ...  Michaelle J  laments ...  Thank You, CBC News ...

Thursday, December 17, 2020


The 'devil' is in the details;.. but the 'Angels Are Winning' ... & remember '
Truth' has a 'frequency' that resonates with y(our) heart . . .
Thank You - Shechai Yah (Emily) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' 
Enjoy PART 2... ;... & PART 3... . . .

Thank You, corbettreport (James) & Media Monarchy (James) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . New World Next Year 2021 (& symbolism) . . . 

The 'elephant' in the room - Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . . 

Dissidents... In The Age of...   'WHO' Are THEY? - Thank You, Amazing Polly (& BitChute) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

S.A.A.M B.E.S.T Method Santos Bonacci 2020

Thank You, Santos Bonacci for your work 'trafficing', & for your 'Love Of Humanity' . . . You can watch above (deleted) presentation on (MrAstrotheology) ...
***  HERE  ***  . . .

Reading between the lines - Thank You, Dr.. T.. (DHS) & your team for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' ... & to (Diverse Health Services), for sharing ...

The devil is in the details;... But the 'Angels Are Winning' - Solutions: Physical Media... Thank You, James (corbettreport) . . . YouTube video removed,  but  Watch it  *** HERE *** on ... Thank You . . .

The Man That Loves Us The Most... - Thank You, J..B.., for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

What few are talking about ... The 'elephant in the room' - Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Monday, December 14, 2020

CBC News: The National | COVID-19 vaccines arrive in Canada | Dec. 13, 2020

Thank You, CBC News: The National ...

The 'devil' is in the details;... But 'THE ANGELS ARE WINNING' . . . Full National Lockdown For UK Christmas... - Thank You, Hugo Talks;... And, Why I Think... - Thank You, Dan Dicks (PFT) & BitChute for sharing, & for your 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

What is Covid-19.... - Thank You, GlobalResearch ( for sharing . . .

What few are talking about ... The 'elephant in the room' - Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Johnny Reid - I Heard The Bells on Christmas Day

I encourage humanity to be y(our) 'Authentic, Sovereign, Multidimensional Self(s)' & use y(our) intentions wisely.... Love 'trumps' hate and every act of  Love & kindness, raises the vibration of the entire Universe. ..With Love & Gratitude, I Thank You . . ..It is So, .. .IT IS DONE .... .

The 'devil' is in the details;... But 'THE ANGELS ARE WINNING' . . . Full
 National Lockdown For UK Christmas... - Thank You, Hugo Talks;... And, Why I Think... - Thank You, Dan Dicks (PFT) & BitChute for sharing, & for your 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

6666 ... The Origins of (our local) Fall - Thank You, A..D.. , KS Reality (& for sharing & for your 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

TeamWork Begins... - Thank You, 1 Eye's Blog . . . 

Friday, December 11, 2020

Russell Williams - Above Suspicion - the fifth estate

Who Do You Trust ? . . . 

Above Suspicion = Suspicious - Thank You, The Fifth Estate (CBC/Radio-Canada) . . .

Thank You, Cathy O'Brien (& Mark) for your work (books) & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

I DO NOT CONSENT - Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Chemtrails: Conspiracy Or Fact? | Studio 10

Connecting The Dots . . .
It's all about finding y(our) own truth by 'integrating' the info, that the 'powers not-to-be' have bestowed upon us ... But foremost, I en-courage Humanity to be your 'authentic, sovereign, multidimensional self(s)'; do our own research; discern information & think from the heart... & finally to use y(our) intentions wisely. They are 'powerful' gifts . . . Thank You & Good Luck! . . .

The 'elephant in the room' - Thank You, wickedtruths (& BitChute) for sharing . . .

Honest Experts... - Thank You, Amazing Polly (& BitChute) for sharing

All Roads Lead To... - Thank You, To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Electromagnetics - Thank You, . . .

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Finance minister holds news conference ahead of fall economic statement ...

Fool me once; shame on you ... Fool me twice;... shame on me . . . 
TO IGNORE IT ... Is To CONDONE IT ... Time To Wake-Up, People . . .
The Truth Goes Marching On . . .
Viral Marketing - Thank You, Amazing Polly (your team & BitChute) for sharing & for your 'Love Of Humanity' . . .  & Plandemic - the movie : Banned Interview with Judy Mikovits... Thank You, Architect Africa Network for sharing . . .

The surprising future of... - Thank You, Big Think (& YouTube) for sharing ...

COVID-19 LOCKDOWN - Thank You, Architect Africa Network, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Renowned Human Rights Campaigner, Author and Whistle Blower, Kevin Annet...

Thank You, Kevin Annett & Beth Martens for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

The Scheming SchEmA/MEme Mind/Mine Fields &... - Thank You, fellow voyager & KS Reality for sharing... & for your 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

Clinton, Bush & Obama To Take... - Thank You, Hugo Talks . . . ; And don't forget the Celebs . . .

The Closer To The Top;... The Closer To The Door . . .
Thank You, Amazing Polly, (your team & BitChute) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' - Agenda 21 . . .

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Dr. Tent's Live Pathogen Response Lecture

Thank You, Dr. Tent (Diverse Health Services) & your team, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

Good Health & ABUNDANCE for ALL.. - Thank You, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

I encourage ALL to use your 'intentions' wisely... 'They are powerful gifts'
If I Can Dream - Thank You, E..P.. (& KataKoldun) for sharing . . .

Coronavirus: Questions mounting... - Thank You, Global News...

Dr. Fauci on the fight against... - Thank You, ABC News...

UNDO the COUP - Thank You, Cathy O'Brien (& Mark) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

$78.3 million taxpayer money to murder 333 Children

Truth has a 'frequency' that resonates with y(our) heart;... & the truth goes marching on . . . 
Thank You my friend, Tory Smith for your work , & 'Love Of Humanity' 

Kryst Fall, Fall, Fall, Fall, Gone Fall - Thank You, fellow Voyager.., A..D.. & KS Reality for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

I DO NOT CONSENT...  Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . . 

Monday, November 30, 2020

Guided Peace Meditation / Energy Work for 1P1N1R

Thank You, KF Vietnamese for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

Universal Basic Income Proposed for Northern Ireland... - Thank You, Hugo Talks  . . .

Chrystia Freeland on how pandemic supports will be financed - Thank You, CBC News: The National . . . 

The case for universal basic income... - Thank You, Global News ... 

The Canadian Military Declares War on Canadians - Thank You, To All... 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Thank You, Amazing Polly for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

Saturday, November 28, 2020

NASA Expert: Chemtrails are Real and Rogue Geoengineers Could Blackmail ...

Old News Is 'Good News'... Chemtrails in our air - Thank You, Truthstream Media (& NASA Expert)... & Thank You, Behtaj Amiri, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .  

The Global Food Control - Thank You, . . . 

Thursday, November 26, 2020


Thank You, Kerry Cassidy (Project Camelot) & Claire Edwards for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .  

Brothers of the Serpent - Bronze Age Atlantis - Part One - Thank You, Fringe Radio Network . . . 

They Keep Telling Me WE ARE GOING...  Thank You, Jason Bermas . . . 

The MAJESTIC - 12 Papers - - Thank You, . . .

Connection (of the dots) -  Thank You To All - One (1) Eye's Blog . . . 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020


Thank You teammate, Jason Bermas for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

Thank You, Project Camelot (Kerry Cassidy) & Claire Edwards, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity'... and, YouTube for sharing . . . Watch banned video ***  HERE  ***  Thank You, to BitChute (PROJECT CAMELOT), for sharing ... An excerpt: I worked at the UN for 18 years as an editor, correcting and fact-checking official documents and publications, which included the topics of terrorism, drugs and space. I was alarmed when they put up public access points with very high levels of electromagnetic radiation in the Vienna International Centre in December 2015. No one listened to my warnings so I ended up confronting the UN Secretary-General about it on 14 May 2018....FOR MORE GO TO

Thank You, CTV News - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addresses Canadians on COVID-19 ...

Are You Aware? - Thank You, Cathy O'Brien (&Mark Phillips) for your work (great books) & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

Thank You to all ... The surprising future ... I  DO NOT CONSENT ... -  One (1 ) Eye's Blog . . .  

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


Above YouTube video/channel, taken down . . . 
Thank You, James (corbettreport) & your team, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' - 'What NO ONE is saying ...'  &, Thank You to (The Corbett Report Official LBRY Channel) for sharing ...

The Great Reset Is Not A Conspiracy Theory! - Thank You, Amazing Polly (& BitChute) for sharing & for your 'Love Of humanity' . . .

We (Humanity) are (and have been for millennia) caught up in 'their fight' to Control us, & our 'Collective Consciousness' (our convoluted reality) on 'Beloved Mother Earth';... through their lies, half-truths & deceptions ... The Drakon-Nephilim-Anunnaki - Thank You, Noel Huntley ( . . .  And yes,... IT's Time For A Reset; ... But Not The One, They Want... 

This video taken down by YouTube ...  Find & Follow 'your' Purpose (& do something) - Thank You, K..A.. & Beth Martens for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . Get Kevin Annett's books  ***  HERE  ***

Thank You to all ... The surprising future ... I DO NOT CONSENT ...  One (1 ) Eye's Blog . . .  

Monday, November 23, 2020

Motorcycle Adventures Of One (1) Eye - David Byers

 Motorcycle Adventures Of One (1) Eye **CLICK HERE** - Enjoy!

Sarah Westall Channel Canceled on YouTube

Thank You, Sarah Westall, (& Mother of Darkness) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

My Purpose - Re-Integrating & Freeing The 'Lost Souls Of Tara' & allowing those souls (humanity) to regain their 'sovereign', multi-dimensional self(s) & their 'devine rite'... for their consciousness to evolve & ascend, out of this 'closed (prison, 'incarnational' system) reality' - It is so, ... IT IS DONE !  . . . Thank You . . . 
'Teamwork begins', by loving yourself - Thank You, Guardians . . . 

Sunday, November 22, 2020


Is This The Ruler Of The World?  - Thank You, Hugo Talks . . . 

Thank You, CNN News - Biden's reaction when asked... 

Thank You, Global National... Canadian officials unveil sobering COVID-19 projections...

Future & Intuiting What We CAN KNOW - Thank You, Shechai Yah . . .

Thank You... To ALL (more of the story) - One (1) Eye's Blog . . . 

Saturday, November 21, 2020

How to fix tech problems without a baseball bat

Thank You, Scottie's Tech.Info . . .

'Fool me once, shame on you;... Fool me twice, shame on me.'
'Old News' for most ... False Flags and the Dawn of Bio-Terrorism (now Bio-Security) - Thank You, James (corbettreport) & YouTube for sharing . . .

I encourage Humanity to,... use your 'intentions' wisely, (& don't give your 'power' away) . . .
Simple Song... - Thank You, my friend(s) . . . 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The surprising future of vaccine technology | Big Think

Big Think (YouTube) ... 'Part Of The Problem; ... Or Part Of The Solution?' - YOU DECIDE . . .

Agenda 21: A wild Conspiracy theory reignited by Coronavirus (?) - Thank You, Big Think (& Paul Ratner) . . .

Indoctrination - Why schools should not teach general critical-thinking (integrating/deep thinking) skills . . . An excerpt: Thank You, Carl Hendrick . . .
[I]f you remind a student to 'look at an issue from multiple perspectives' often enough, he will learn that he ought to do so, but if he doesn't know much about an issue, he can't think about it from multiple perspectives … critical thinking (as well as scientific thinking and other domain-based thinking) is not a skill. There is not a set of critical thinking skills that can be acquired and deployed regardless of context.

pdf taken down by 'The University' . . .  Impowering Deep Thinking - (Intigrative Thinking versus Indoctrination) ... i p69-al-mubaid.pdf -  Thank You to all . . . 
Oh,... & we can't forget 'algorithms' (assisted/predictive/directed ... controlled thinking) - Thank You, Wikipedia . . .


How it all began . . .
'But the nature of the Universe is such that, the ends never justify the means... On the contrary,... the means
(your thoughts/your consent) always determine the end.' - Aldous Huxley
Thank You, To All - 1 Eye's Blog

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Ottawa gearing up for COVID-19 vaccine rollout

Ottawa gearing up for COVID-19 vaccine rollout - Thank You, CBC News: The National (& YouTube) for sharing . . .

How to Spot a Propaganda Trial Balloon -  Thank You, James (corbettreport) . . . 

I DO NOT CONSENT - Thank You To All,; 1 Eye's Blog . . . 

Denmark throws epidemic law in the bin A week long fight with pots and p...

Demark throws epidemic law in the bin . . . - Thank You, yellow submarine for sharing . . . 
A  week long fight with 'pots & pans' & the people win . . . & Thank You, Torben Laurberg for sharing . . .
And Thank You, Hugo Talks... Denmark Say NO To Lockdown . . . And Thank You, YouTube

A Thousand Pieces Project... TRANCE Formation Of America - Thank You, Cathy O'Brien (& Mark) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

Great Teamwork begins by 'Loving Yourself' . . .  1 Eye's Blog . . .

Thank You, My Friend - Hallelujah . . . 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Why Now Is The Time For A True Press For Truth!

Thank You, Jason Bermas & Dan Dicks (PressForTruth) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

Perpe-Traitors and Their Deep State Roots (TRANCE Formation Of America) - Thank You, Cathy O'Brien (& Mark Phillips) for your work (books) & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . & thank you to Wikipedia

#17 Know Your Rights, Know Your Common Law - Thank You, Kevin Annett, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity'... & Thank You, Mindwars (& BitChute) for sharing this important message . . . & Thank You  - Energetic Synthesis, for 'Ending Human Trafficking' . . . 

Fear Not
The Bigger Picture - Thank You, A...D... & KS Reality (& for sharing . . .

Monday, November 16, 2020

Klaus Schwab Bill Gates Justin Trudeu And Joe Biden...Nuff Said!

The Truth Goes Marching On . . . 
Thank You, Jason Bermas for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

Pandemic 'fires are burning' across most of Canada: Tam - Thank You, The Canadian Press

Friday, November 13, 2020

The Canadian Military Declares War on Canadians - #PropagandaWatch

Above video taken down ** WATCH IT HERE ** Thank You to BitChute for sharing . . .
Thank You, James (corbettreport) & Dan Dicks (PressForTruth) and Ottawa Citizen for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Playa del Carmen syncretism meetup

Above video taken-down, by 'the powers not-to-be' . . .
But, check it out here ... Thank You Santos (MrAstrotheology) &, for sharing your work . . .

Trudeau calls on provinces to... - Thank You, Global News

Video taken-down . . . UPDATE ON CURRENT EVENTS 11.11.20 - Thank You, KERRY CASSIDY (Project Camelot) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . But, check it out here ... Thank You K..C..  &, your entire team ... & to (Project Camelot) for sharing your work . . .

DC to Give Children Vaccine Consent Behind Their Parents' Back...  Video taken-down -  But, watch it ***  HERE  ***  Thank You, James (corbettreport) & James (Media Monarchy) for  your work  & 'Love Of Humanity' ... &, to BitChute (The Corbett Report), for sharing . . .

There's A Path Thru It - Thank You, Shechai Yah . . .

The Path to Enlightenment - Thanks To All ... 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

1 Eye's Blog: Remembrance Day - November 11th

1 Eye's Blog: Remembrance Day - November 11th (CLICK HERE): " Where Have All The Flowers Gone " - Pete Seeger. Today, is a day - to remember the fallen; "the BEST of us" . . . 

Goodbye YouTube Party!!!

The Truth Goes Marching On . . . 

Thank You, Corbett Report, James (Derrick, Ryan, Dan, & Josh) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity'  & BitChute for sharing . . .

Megiddo Archetypal Battle & Gang Stalking - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis . . . 

Fauci says vaccine could be available to all by April - Thank You, CNN

I DO NOT CONSENT . . . Don't let them take your mind ! - Thank You To All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .  

Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Amenti Teachings to Supplement Keshe's Soul Teachings

The Bigger Picture - Thank You, KF Vietnamese for sharing . . . 

Governance by CONSENT.... - Thank You, Shechai Yah . . .

ROUNDTABLE TODAY - Thank You, To All (Project Camelot) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

1 Eye's Blog - Templar)Template Pillars Stargate - Thank You To All

Friday, November 6, 2020

The kingdom of opposites by Dawn Kelly

Thank You, yellow submarine (Dawn Kelly) for sharing & for your 'Love Of Humanity' . . . And So It Is . . . The Truth Goes Marching On . . . 

The Path to Enlightenment - Thank You, KF Vietnamese for your work & 'Love of Humanity' . . .

Thank You To All - A..D.. & 1 Eye's Blog . . .  

Canada has fallen & the US is Strong but Surrounded w/ Kevin Annett - Thank You, Sarah Westall & Keven Annett for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

Perpe-Traitors and Their Deep State Roots  . . . TRANCE Formation Of AMERICA - Thank You, Cathy (& Mark) for your work (books) & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Path to Enlightenment

Getting the word out ... One 'deleted video' at a time ... I hope you all are enjoying the ride, with me ... 1 Eye . . .

*** Watch above deleted   video here  ***  Thank You, KF Vietnamese for sharing & for your 'Love Of Humanity'

'NEW' Technology for 'Mother Earth' ! - Thank You, 1Eye's Blog . . .

GOVERNANCE BY CONSENT of the Governed has DIED - Thank You, Shechai Yah . . .

1 Eye's Blog: 4. Answer This! Is Pandemic the real deal ?? - Thank To All . . .

Weaponization of News Media - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis . . .

sElection Chaos Proceeds as  Planned -  Thank You, James (cobettreport) & (The Corbett Report Official LBRY Channel), for sharing . . .
An excerpt: This week on the New World Next Week: the selection chaos proceeds as planned; Hollywood stooges fawn over MI6; and the Canadian military admits to the most bizarre psyops campaign you've ever heard of.
Above video was previously available on YouTube, but the 'Corbett Report' YouTube channel has been terminated, due to censorship . . .

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

After the Virus: The World of 2025 - #PropagandaWatch

"WE... Are Here To Awaken, From The Illusion Of Separateness." - Thich Nhat Hanh . . .
Thank You, James (corbettreport) for your work,  & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .  & remember: "If you know the ememy, and know yourself,.. you need not fear the results, of a hundred battles." - Sun Tzu . . . 

The kingdom of opposites by Dawn Kelly . . . The 'great' deception - Thank You, yellow submarine . . . 

FORD: COVID-19 Response Framework:... - Thank You, Ottawa Citizen

METHODS MATTER - Thank You, Emily (Shechai Yah) for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Year of the Cabal part 2 The Fall of an Empire with Deborah Tavares...

'Eye's wide open... half the time' . . . The Year of the Cabal part 2 ... The Fall ...  - Thank You, Deborah Tavares (& NEW) . . . 

Conspiracy Our Subverted History - Thank You, yellow submarine  . . .

'This Christmas will not be the same': Dr Tam on COVID-19 - Thank You, CTV News . . . 

Weaponization of News Media - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis . . . 

Don't let them take y(our) mind - Thank You To All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .  


DOCTRINES & FABLES do NOT equal... - Thank You, Shechai Yah

sheep... upcoming s'election . . . Thank You, yellow submarine . . .

Questions and Answers with Dolores Cannon... - Thank You, 'The International Spiritual News Network

Friday, October 30, 2020


Thank You, Project Camelot (Kerry Cassidy & Deborah Tavares) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

Thank You, Gemma O'Doherty & Fiona Flanagan for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' ... (Check Playlist for video) . . . 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

David Icke - ITS WORSE THAN WE THOUGHT ( It's Happening Again still nobo...

The Truth Goes Marching On . . .

Thank You, David Icke (& Be Positive) - IT'S WORSE....  & Thank You, BitChute for sharing David's work . . . 

Thank You, Kevin Annett (& BitChute) for sharing... #10 Child Torture At The Hands of The Beast (The Vatican + Church) ....

The 'Pedophie Agenda'... What Are You Doing To Protect Our Childrens'/Grandchildrens' Future?... - Thank You, Cathy (& Mark) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

This Stuff Is Real - Thank You, Amazing Polly for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

We Civil Folks are RESETTING Ourselves [again]

Universal Shadow - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis . . . 

"He Who Controls History" -  Thank You, A..D.. & KS Reality for sharing . . .

Do Not Run . . . Where ? - Thank You, James (corbettreport) & YouTube for sharing . . . 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

1 Eye's Blog: Dont let them take your mind ft Alex Michael

1 Eye's Blog: Dont let them take your mind **(CLICK HERE)** ....  Deceiver and The Deceived.....  an excerpt:  "It is important to understand that the spreading of deceptions and lies involves both sides of the deceiver & the deceived;... both must participate in the lie, in order to bring it into manifestation." . . . 

🔴 The best live stream ever!

Above video taken-down, by 'the powers not-to-be'   but,   ***  WATCH  IT  HERE  ***  
Thank You, Santos Bonacci for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (MrAstrotheology @ . . .

The Truth Is not found 'outside of you'.... It is found within . . .
Thank You my friend (yellowsubmarine) for sharing . . .

What Did You Do ?... We're All In This, Together...Hmmmm . . .  - Thank You, To the 'great' Dr Mikovits... & Barry ( for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

Communicating with animals and... - Thank You, Lilou Mace (& Laila Del Monte) for sharing... & for your 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

Where do Cats Come From ? - Thank You, A..D..  for your  work/books,  & 'Love of  Humanity' ... An excerpt:  Angelic Realities

The Survival Handbook

by Ashayana Deane

Wild Flower Press, 2001, [First Edition], ISBN 1893183319, line drawn diagrams and symbols, paperback

Near Fine Condition, minor edge and shelf wear, no inscriptions (see photographs)

"A collection of summery charts and condensations of information from Ashayana's workshops covering these and other important topics:
Who Are The Visitors and Where Do They Come From?
How Humans Are Chosen for Visitor Contact
15 Primary Methods of Visitor Contact & Manipulation
Why Have the Visitors Returned?
Parallel Earth and Time Blend
Ancient Roots of The One-World Order
How Humanity Lost Awareness of Its Soul
Results of Ancient Text Distortions
Why Humans Remain in Conflict
Human Race Lines, Starseeds & DNA Substrand Matrices
Primary Hybrid Types
3 Primary Visitor Agendas
Reclaiming Your Power
Posturing for Empowerment in Contact
Realizing Your Role as an Empowered Contactee
What Not to Do in Visitor Contact
Introduction to 15-Dimensional Human Anatomy
5 Visitor Differentiation Techniques
5 Techniques for Disengaging Visitor Manipulation
6 Steps Toward Joy"

Saturday, October 24, 2020

4. Answer This! Is Pandemic the real deal?

Above video censored, by the 'powers not-to-be' ...

Thank You Rich (Rich2150x) for sharing  ... this important question... 
In my humble opinion, I believe.. Mainstream 'Ex-Perts' are overrated I.E. a part of the 'mass deception' or 'endocrination' that has been present over millenia on 'Beloved Mother Earth' .. I encourage Humanity to;.. Not give your power (energy) away to these 'entities' (& their 'covoluted' Control Systems) . . . Your Truth Is found 'within'; .. Not Outside of Y(ourself).. Discern, integrate information & listen to your heart (your higher-self/your god-self) . . . That is where you will find your truth..

Where We Go When We Sleep - Thank You A..D.. & for your work/books & 'Love of  Humanity' . . .

Thursday, October 22, 2020

How The EU Stopped The Pandemic (The Comic) - #PropagandaWatch

Thank You, James (corbettreport) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity'

"He Who Controls History" - Thank You, A..D.. & KS Reality  . . .

The Story of the Schumann Resonance - Thank You, A..D.. & KS Reality . . .

Longevity - Good Health versus Disease - 1 Eye's Blog . . . 

party cha0s vote for who or what

Thank You, yellow submarine & 'Probably Alexandra' for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . Watch Video  **HERE**  (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt : This video discusses ritual initiation, laptop findings, China’s part in the story, and the storm clouds surrounding the U.S. election. Use of news clips and campaign events do not equal endorsement. This video should be viewed in context with my entire channel as a whole. Censorship on all platforms is extreme right now, so as usual, comments are turned off.

Thank You, Cathy (& Mark) for your work (books) & 'Love Of Humanity'

Use Y(our) Intentions Wisely . . . Don't Let Them Take Y(our) Mind  . . . DO NOT CONSENT . . .

CALIF VOTING SET UP FOR.... - Thank You, Shechai Yah . . . 

Universal Shadow - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis . . . 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


Watch above video  *** HERE  *** - Thank You A..D.. & K..C.. (projectcamelotportal) for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (Voyagers) , for sharing . . .

Why Did We Come To 'Beloved Mother Earth' ? . . . & Why You found '1 Eye's Blog' . . . You Are Here For A Reason . . . Wake-Up & Remember Why . . .  Move Forward . . . Your Answers are With-In . . . Good Luck!

ASHAYANA DEANE .. PART THREE - Thank You, K..C.. (projectamelotportal), A..D..  & YouTube (Voyagers), for sharing . . .  

Remember - WE (You & I) Are Sovereign Onto Ourselves - 1 Eye's Blog

Thank You, Teammates . . . - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Tuesday, October 20, 2020


Thank You, Project Camelot (Kerry Cassidy) & Carrie Kohan for sharing... & for your 'Love Of Humanity' . . . Watch Interview II  **HERE** . . .

BOTH ... ABOVE VIDEOS TAKEN DOWN  ***  WATCH  HERE  *** - Thank You K..C.. (Project Camelot) & C..K.. , for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to, for sharing . . . An excerpt: The Five Lessons Of Life: A True Life Story about an Ordinary Woman who Survived Two Extraordinary Near Death Experiences! Carrie Kohan returned with Insights, and now these remarkable Secrets are being shared with you! Paperback – April 11 2019. Carrie Kohan is a National Child Advocate who has been awarded medals from the United Nations and Queen Elizabeth II for her volunteer work. But Carrie’s life wasn’t always like this… She was illiterate much of her life; was placed in the ‘Dummy Class’ in grade 8 and failed grade 12! She was told by teachers that she was lazy and would never amount to anything! So, what happened to turn her life around so drastically? One day Carrie’s prayers were answered in the most unusual way!  

Boycott the BC Election, Vote for the Free Republic ! - Thank You, Kevin Annett for your work & 'Love of Humanity' & to YouTube, for sharing . . .  An excerpt: On October 24, people in British Columbia will be asked to ratify the covid police state measures that places all power in the hands of one man, the Lieutenant-Governor, and puts him and all politicians above the law. The Republic of Kanata calls on everyone to boycott the election and vote instead for the Republic through an alternative balloting system. Join the local Republican Assembly and take back power from a corporate system and its paid politicians. See and , write to . Posted October 17, 2020. 

The Truth Goes Marching On . . . - Thank You, PFT (Dan Dicks) & Bill Vander Zalm on Global Governance . . . 

Don't let them take your mind - Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

'The best feeling in the whole world,. is watching things finally fall into place; after watching them fall apart, for so long.' - Thank You, Inspiring Brain . . .  The Whole World Is Watching... Thank You, PFT (Dan Dicks) & BitChute for sharing . . . 

Monday, October 19, 2020

⚔️ Templar)Template Pillars Stargate 🧬

The Truth Goes Marching On . . .

Universal Shadow - Energetic Synthesis . . . 

Discern History... It is Written by the Victors . . .
Book of Revelation - Thank You, Wikipedia . . . 

Revelations of 'Revelation' - Thank You, ARhAyas Productions . . .

Friday, October 16, 2020

Dr Carol Rosin & Deborah Tavares talk Trump Space Force and Nikola Tesl...

Benevolent OR Malevolent ??? . . .  

It's all about Star Gate 'Control';... but 'old' news, is good news . . . AND;
It's Never The Wrong Time,... To Do The Right Thing . . . - Thank You, A..P.. & BitChute for sharing . . .

THANK YOU, Amazing Polly for your work & 'Love Of Humanity'. . .

I DO NOT CONSENT - Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Great Telepathy, Synchronicity & 'Teamwork' . . . Trust Synchronicity; Trust your Intuition; & follow the path, that unfolds for you. . . FEAR NOT. . . and remember;... We are the One's; We've Been Waiting For . . .

Thursday, October 15, 2020


We Are All One . . .  &, We are All Connected ... 'Even Those Entities, Who Have Lost Their Connection To Source'... IT'S TIME FOR THEM TO WAKE-UP . . . Above video/channel taken down ...  But,   **** **  HERE   'Watch It'  ** **** ... Thank You, Dr S..W..S.. & K..C.., for your work & 'Love of  Humanity' ... & to YouTube (In the name of truth), for sharing ... 

The Sophia Code : Devine Feminine.... - Thank You, Lilou Mace (& Kaia Ra) & YouTube for sharing . . .

The Amethyst Order... - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis  . . .

PURSUE OPTIONS... - Thank You, Shechai Yah . . .

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Church of the Holy State - Worship Service!

Thank You, James (corbettreport) . . . 'We Are The Ones,.. We've Been Waiting For' . . . Watch above banned video 
*** HERE ***    on, Thank You) . . . 

The demonic system - Thank You To All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .
I encourage Humanity, to be your 'authentic, sovereign, multidimensional self(s)'.. Intigrate & Discern Information &.. Listen to Yourself.. The Universe always wants to test y(our) truths... You will encounter situations that make you second-guess everything.. These are lessons.. You know in your heart what is true.. Trust & stay in your intuition.. Connect with your soul/higher-self(s) for guidance.. Your answers are within; not outside of you.. I wish you well on your journey . . .

The Amethyst Order and.... - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis . . .

Foster Kids Take Time to Fit IN

Thank You, Emily for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .
It's never the wrong time,.. to do the 'right thing' . . .

Worship Service - Thank You, James (corbettreport) for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' (& YouTube for sharing) . . . 

Playing A Game, We don't Want To Play - Thank You, CNN (Jake Tapper & Dr. Fauci), & YouTube for sharing . . .

Untrustworthy Behaviors - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis . . .  

I DO NOT CONSENT - Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . . 

Above The Storm... Trance Formation Of America - Thank You, Cathy O'Brien (& Mark Phillips) for your work (books) & 'Love Of Humanity'.. An excerpt from this 'blog post' :

It is time we stop trembling at their illusion of power, pull back their proverbial wizard’s curtain and reveal the small handful of power mongers controlling us for decades. 

This is why you see the same perpeTraitors over and over- from Clintons to CNN- desperately trying to perpetuate their illusions of control as their swamp drains.  Some perpeTraitors have been so overused they are literally being propped up now!

Friday, October 9, 2020

Gerard Morin: Understanding what Resonance is and what it can do

Thank You, Gerard Morin for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& thank you, YouTube for sharing) . . .

Removing the Deception & Spreading... - Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Has Anybody Seen My Old Friend..... - Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog

DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA....? - Thank You, Shechai Yah . . . 

Elongated Kathara Grid Mutations - & Miasm Becomes Possesssion -Thank You, A..D.. & KS Reality . . .

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Awakened Now What

Thank You, Rich . . . The key for me, in this 'conundrum', we find ourselves in (at this time) on 'Beloved Mother Earth', during this, her current 26,000 year cycle,.. is to 'fear-not',.. and to not give your energy (your power) away, or to feed this 'convoluted' reality system & the Entiies that control it... I.E. those negative Et's from higher dimensions, that have lost their connection to source... & therefore, have to feed-off the 'duped sheeple energy',.. for their survival,.. & continued control & maintenance of this 'phantom', non-organic reality... The sooner, we (awakened Humanity) do this, their 'fragile' house-of-cards will fall apart & a new 'consciousness' (reality) will unfold (manifest)... suited to a new 'higher frequecy', that is not fear-based & without 'hierarchies'.. My 'humble opinion' ends, with a message to all,.. who have ears to hear & 'eyes' to see (without algorithms):.. 'Don't be afraid of being diffierent;.. Be afraid of being like everybody else.' . . . Thanks again, for your work & be well . . .

It's all about 'control'.. I.E. Star Gate Control - Thank You, A..D.. & KS Reality . . .

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

I Am A Conspiracy Theorist

Watch above video ** HERE **
Thank You, James (corbettreport) for your work & for your 'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . .

COPING WITH 5G . . . - Thank You, Shechai Yah . . .

Thank You, my friend - Tory Smith for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' 

Death Star Mechanics - Thank You, A..D.., K..C.. & FREE ENERGY Crystal HU Beings for sharing, & for your 'Love Of Humanity' (& YouTube, for sharing) . . .

Thank You, Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah . . .

'Use Y(our) Intentions Wisely;.. They Are Powerful Gifts' . . .   

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Interference From Aliens, Ets and Entities

Thank You Rich for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

'It's never the wrong time, to do the right thing.' - Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

COPING WITH 5G . . . - Thank You, Shechai Yah . . .

Radiation Dangers . . . And, the truth goes marching on . . . Thank You FESIG (76th Meeting) with J..B.. for your work & 'Love of  Humanity' ... & to (
Free Energy Special Interest Group
 ), for sharing ...
An excerpt: The 76th FESIG Meeting 1st Session on 6th May 2020 commenced with the FESIG Chair introducing Jeanice Barcelo who is a researcher, writer, educator, and activist dedicated to exposing the dark side of western medicine. In her latest book, “The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound and the Dangers of Non-Ionizing Radiation”, Jeanice exposes a decades-long cover-up of the dangers of ultrasound and all technologies that utilize non-ionizing radiation (cell phones, cordless phones, baby monitors, smart meters, etc.).
Her article:
5G is absolutely connected to this "virus" and so is 4G. The link between this allegedly deadly “c-virus” and the symptoms associated with radiation sickness. Jeanice started off showing the baby monitors and what the radiation looks like through pictures of graphs from data measurements of the frequencies emitting radiation. Autism is being activated through this radiation, brain damage and genetic damage has being triggered in the womb on! Our children are exposed with radiation that are extremely harmful! Human are designed to receive frequencies between 3 – 30 Hz but we’re now being exposed to millions and millions of Hz!! Cell phone, wifi, smart meters are operating at 2.4 billion hz, i.e. 2.4 Gigahertz! Neurological disfunction is getting more extreme! We’re being lied to that these frequencies radiation is safe. There are 1,600 citations from scientific research studies in Jeanice’s book backing up what she has cited and claimed in her book. This is a Luciferian realm, they that took over our magnificient Earth and did everything they can to poison us to destroy us. It is clear that humanity’s DNA is being altered through the poisoning of our air, our water, our food chain. Viruses are there to help us, they are beneficial, like the emergency crew to alert us, but the medical science community that is under Luciferian control lie that it’s the enemy and that a vaccine is required. It’s the Vaccine that kills instead, with the radiation of 5G, 4G, TV, smart phone, smart meter, monitors, acting as triggers. The sun is not harmful to us, we need the sun for our well-being, humanity and all life forms had been living in millennia depending on the sun, but they led us to believe that radiation from the sun is harmful, telling us to avoid going out in the sun! They used their media, their science to undermine our vulnerability, using all of it against us. All these lies are used to cover up the damage of their technologically produced radiation. What they produced in the labs are designed to destroy us. All these frequencies have been used as weapons! Ultrasound was used by the navy, was used to detect submarines in th