Saturday, April 24, 2021

Anderson Cooper: Full Jeopardy! Guest Host Exclusive Interview | JEOPARDY!

Thank You, Jeopardy! (& to YouTube, for sharing) ... An excerpt:  
Peabody award-winning journalist and news anchor Anderson Cooper shares his experience as Jeopardy! guest host in this exclusive interview! ... Anderson Cooper (desensitized) - Thank You, Wikipedia ...

... Fool me once; shame on you ... Fool me twice; shame on me . . .
Bohemian Grove - I'm Federally Reserved ... Thank You, Keith ( for sharing . . . And,  Bohemian Grove, The Glass Pyramid...Thank You, Roxy Lopez (The Truth Denied News), & Anthony J. Hilder (& to YouTube for sharing) . . . 
An excerpt: Anthony discussed on this SPECIAL 2 HOUR Presentation the following Topics: Bohemian Grove, Illuminati, Rothschild's, Federal Reserve, Global Elitists, GLOBAL Banksters, NOW, New World Order, Chemtrails, Chem webs,Morgellons Disease, The Mason's, a handful of Anthony J. Hilder's Films including The brand NEW Film Illuminatzi., We discussed Hilder's interview on the upcoming season "Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, please keep an eye out for it!. Anthony's NEW Television show that will be airing in 2012, we will keep you posted! He further discussed his newest film release entitled "Air Auschwitz" with Roxy Lopez, Michael J. Murphy, and a host of others, as well he shared about his long term friendship with the late Ted Gunderson, and other topics such as Skull & Bones Society, The 65 foot tall "Glass Pyramid" {which he saw with his own eyes when he visited the Rothschild's mansion} and photos taken from The Rothschild's residence, and much more!

Thank You, Cathy & Mark, for your work (books), & 'Love'  of Humanity . . . 

Helping to Control the Narrative (our reality), via  the media  ...
To Anderson (CNN & others), maybe it's time to revisit your 'valued' truth telling journalism, on Haiti . . . The Haitians Deserve Better . . .  Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Thank You, J.B & D.D - A Press For Truth In The Mouth Of Madness Of Canada! . . . (& thank you, to YouTube for sharing) . . .

Have WE (Humanity) been duped, without our consent? ... 
I  DO NOT CONSENT -  Thank You To All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

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