Sunday, April 11, 2021

Dr. Christianne Northrup, MD ~ Temperature Check and Where Do We Go From...

Above video taken down ...  But watch it  ***  HERE  *** . . .
Have we been hijacked? ... 'Don't underestimate, a psychopath in peril.'
'The Power behind your eyes; ... has to be greater, than the Power in front of your eyes' . . .
Thank You Laura Eisenhower (& your team),... Dr. Christianne Northrup, MD &,... Seth Leaf Purzansky for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity', (& to BitChute (SystemsofConsciousness), for sharing) . . .

Thank You, Cathy O'Brien (& Mark),... & Mel K (THE MEL K SHOW), for your work (books) & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute for sharing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Science Says (Corbett Report) - Thank You James & your team, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute for sharing) . . .

'Epop, Setag & their minions' ... The Great Inversion - The Kingdom Of Opposites - Thank You, yellow submarine (& YouTube for sharing)...

Have WE (Humanity) been duped, without our (informed) consent?... I  DO NOT CONSENT -  Thank You To All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

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