Thursday, September 30, 2021

SCAMDEMIC ... The Ruse of the 'Great Changeover' ... I DO NOT CONSENT ... It's TIME to Wake-Up . . .

Why Do you say 'Scamdemic'? - Thank You, James Corbett ( for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to odysee, for sharing) . . .

DO NOT CONSENT ... It Is So, IT IS DONE! - Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

BOOM! Vaccine Exemption HIJACKERS (SCUMBAGS) Exposed! ...


W.H.O., do you trust? Thank You, Sarah Westall (& your team) for your work, 'Love of Humanity' (& to Rumble, for sharing) . . . Family's Stealth Mission to Save Mother . . . An excerpt: Amanda joins me and Paul Jenson on KTalk morning show out of Salt Lake City Utah. She shares her incredible story of her family's stealth mission to save her mom while in a hospital COVID death ward. This is an inspiring story of one family's dedication to save their loved one despite everything stacked against them in a broken hospital system which followed corrupt and anti-human government protocols. You can learn more about Paul Jenson and KTalk radio at

Minions & SCUMBAGS - This is for you ... You aren't protected ...
Are You Part of the Problem 33:33; ... Or, Part of the 'Soul-ution'? . . .
Thank You Amazing Polly & your team, for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) 33:33 . . . An excerpt; BOOOOM! Wonder why you suddenly can’t get a medical exemption from the COVID ‘vaccine?’ To support my work: ..... First I set the stage by going over the INSANE “guidance” on adverse reactions and exemptions & at about 18 minutes I hit the detonator! THANK YOU to everyone who has kept this channel going, you are the BEST audience on the internet!

It's Becoming Obvious . . . Thank You to All -  1 Eye's Blog . . .

Thank YOU my Love - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

What happened to RAVPower? Well, it's nuts...

Thank You ScottiesTech.Info, for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .

My book Elucidating Christianity is now available

Thank You Chuck Swindoll for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . Get 'Elucidating Christianity' **Here** . . . An excerpt: 
Elucidating Christianity examines what happens to a person’s development and psychology when they believe they are a sinner. What are the unseen behavioral effects and mental forces deployed when the world is concluded to a sinner’s enterprise? How does an individual develop when they must identify through Jesus rather than themselves? What was the sociology of the cultures that initiated Christianity, and what was the environment which undergirded its imperialistic posture over time? Elucidating Christianity is an examination of these kinds of concerns that often go unnoticed by the Christian, because like the enabler or codependent, they are oblivious of their own psychology and what drives their motivations. Elucidating Christianity examines the assured world within which the Christian imagines themselves, and scrutinizes assumptions every Christian forgot to doubt. By opening a self-dialog inside the Christian, Elucidating Christianity coaxes through cognitive dissonance an undiscovered Nature long forgotten in Eden, when humanity was condemned for not following the narrative and for thinking for themselves. Elucidating Christianity unapologetically gives permission to the Christian to think for themselves and become like Thomas the doubter, and merit the opportunity to place their hand into the flesh of God. Heresy is an elixir for both commoner and king, so here is an invitation to drink for yourself Elucidating Christianity’s heretical libation of liberation through triangulation.

Quotes from Elucidating Christianity:

Page 27 “Every rich sauce needs a spot of vinegar just as our spiritual inclinations need a drizzle of heresy.”

Page 52 “Self-discovery becomes self-guided through our gifts because as Nature creatures, we self-organize. This is why it is important to foster interests in children, because their inclinations will someday liberate them.”

Page 55 “The driver, the artist, the king, the fool, anyone who wishes to experience the rapture of the now, must trust themselves and life completely, without desiring or fearing the fruits of consequence.”

Page 66 “Spirituality can easily move from organic to geometric, and this disturbs the authentic life.”

Page 77 “Our own infinite potential cannot be grasped or measured, so to frame it in religious architecture is to heap contempt upon the consciousness which manifests it.”

Page 99 “Faith is not the act of believing in something unknown, it is to experience the unknowable.”

Page 151 “A cognizable God is a red herring.”

Page 160 “Believing from childhood one has been caught up in the exclusively right spiritual path for all humanity becomes as psychologically blinding as the scientist who believes he is smarter than the Nature which composes him, or the narcissist who assumes the world to forms of their own vanity.”

Page 176 “Spiritual bigotry is the developmental burnt offering smoldering on the altar of the ends justifies the means and peace at any price.”

Page 216 “It is in the pain of life we overcome fear of our own potentials so that we can become them.”

Page 222 “By seeing life as a perfect balance of wholeness which includes both good and evil, its insecurity becomes our rapture, its Mystery our substance, and its mercilessness our merit.”

Page 232 “Truth cannot be planned, explicated, or tabled anymore than love is expected, defined, or scheduled. Nature, the universe around you, you yourself, are ineffable.”

Page 235 “We are like wine, we can’t be forced, threatened, or commanded into development, it takes trust, risk, and time.”

Page 268 “Self-development is a journey in both good and evil so that they can be accorded, not to act as pre-game conditioning for a one-sided pyrrhic victory.”

Page 270 “Nature cannot become out of balance, and as the mind accords this, anxiety is transformed into laughter.”

Monday, September 27, 2021

It's becoming obvious, that COERCION & Corruption ARE Assisting Humanity, in the WAKE-UP Process - Thank You, to the 'Powers-Not-Be' ...

Coercion describes any attempt to control your behavior with threats or manipulation.
Our Battle for Human Sovereignty - Thank You Dr. Patrick Phillips (& Vaccine Choice Canada) for your work (en-courage-ment), & 'Love of Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . . An excerpt from the video: 'Know your Rights . . . Y(our) privacy, is y(our) power' . . . 

The Death of Ethics (Get this message to the doctor(s) you know) . . . 
And, use your intentions wisely . . . They are 'powerful gifts' . . . 
Do Not Consent to the mandates (& to the coercion & coruption)  IT Is So . . . IT IS DONE . . .  Thank You To All ... 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Where have all the 'flowers (& integrity) gone'? - Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Sunday, September 26, 2021

WE (you & I) create our own Reality(DNA-2) . . .

Above video/channel terminated ...

Thank You fellow Voyagers, for your work/wisdom & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .  An excerpt: The process of moving forward through time is the process of progressively accreting sound frequencies (oscillations) into your personal morphogenetic field. If you can teach yourself to perceive each moment of your external reality as a dream-scape that is manifesting through your consciousness, you will get closer to consciously sensing the stream of consciousness through which your external reality manifests directly through you. Just as your internal dreams seem to take place within your consciousness while you participate within them, your external reality is also a dream-scape, manufactured by your consciousness, through which energy particles are shaped into thought-forms that will later become manifest. You are walking within the confines of a mass dream, and the sooner you can grasp that concept, the sooner you will be able to assert creative control over the form your personal part of that mass dream will take. "You Create your own Reality". Excerpt: Voyagers 2 (Secrets of Amenti) "Incarnational identities, the Time Cycles, DNA and Planetary Evolution"

Nothing to see here! ... Book burning (censorship) is alive & well ... 'The Fall'  of Metatron - Thank You A..D.. fellow Voyager, for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity' (& to Voyagers & to YouTube, for not sharing) . . . video/channel  unavailable ... 

Welcome to our Noble Planet NOMI Earth - Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Knowledge is Power (the 'bigger picture') & what you resist, you strengthen . . .  So Manifest Wisely . . . Thank You to All  . . . 1 Eye's Blog

Saturday, September 25, 2021

David Icke Reveals How They Control Your Mind!

Thank You David Icke for your work/books, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to Be Positive & YouTube, for sharing) . . . 

Thank You Cathy O'Brien (Mark Phillips & Shaela), for your work/books, & 'Love of Humanity' . . . An excerpt, from Cathy's recent 'Blog post':  Our children must be educated to truth, and each and every one of us must understand our own amazing mind brain function to safeguard free thought.  It is not up to a deity we worship to do that for us.  Humanity has been graced with strength of the human spirit, and physical and mental resiliency.  It is up to us to accept and cherish our birth right.

Our brains respond to fear and trauma with heightened suggestibility.  Our filter- our consciousness- takes flight and leaves our subconscious unguarded and open to manipulation.  Our subconscious has no filter of its own.  In other words, it literally has no ability to question or critically analyze information it is fed, which can alter our knowledge base. We all formulate our thoughts, opinions, and actions based on what we know.  We need to know perpeTraitors who steal elections steal minds, and they are aware of mind brain function and its vulnerability.  Since knowledge is our defense against mind control, facts on this innate mind brain function have been omitted from education and suppressed by media in order to keep it secret.   Secret Knowledge = Power.  Now you know the secret.  When trauma occurs or fear is imposed, it is up to us to think twice and consciously make the choice to live true to soul.  

Examining Beliefs - Thank You Energetic Synthesis, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' . . . 

The 'Bigger Picture' (the larger truth) . . . Thank You to All . . . 1 Eye's Blog . . .

EARTH vs. NIBIRU & The SUN is HOLLOW including update

Thank You my friend, Tory Smith . . . for your work & 'Love of humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .  An excerpt: 
Many of Earth have a fear of being killed by planet Nibiru [planet X]. This is because they were killed by this battle planet in former lifetimes. The Anunnaki chose to move into the Light in the mid-nineties and can bring harm to no one ever again. Nibiru is out past planet Xanta & is in a stationary orbit. Nibiru has a population of 46,458 former Anunnaki. It will remain ther for an indefinite time. I have spoken to the Nibiruian people several times, and they are enjoying their new life style of freedom. They are now living in peace and live without being ordered to commit crimes. Xanta is the home of the Netaboruli, and is about 34,000,000 miles further than Pluto. The Sun is hollow and has a shell of about 300,000 miles thick. It is populated by a group of people called the Nephilim, who have also all moved into the Light. The biggest mountain in our solar system is the size of Mercury, and is inside the Sun. There are currently 57 worlds in our solar system that have colonies of sentient people. Only non-physical beings live inside the "gas" planets. In our Galaxy, there are 1271 species of Reptilians, 1027 species of Insectians, including 53 species of the Zeta Riticulans, 204 species of Dinosaurians, 1245 species of Amphibians, and 56 species of Humans. UPDATE: I broke one of my rules and did not do all the research I should have, before going public. My friend from New Zealand let me know that Planet X and Nibiru are not the same, I assumed they were. The Hall of Research informed me that Planet X was the brown dwarf star that Nibiru had in tow with some kind of tractor beam, and this is what caused all the damage as it went through our solar system on it's 16 irratic orbital paths. One of these times is when it damaged Planet Uranus. It turn Uranus on her side and flew her Moons out of orbit. Pluto, Charon, Nix, Hydra, Kerberos and Styx were all Moons of Uranus. The brown dwarf star is no longer in our solar system, and Nibiru remains in a fixed orbit. I also asked why the population has not changed, and I was told that the Nibirunians have chosen not to have children for awhile. It seem they don't need drugs or contraception, they just choose to "turn off reproduction" in themselves. How convienient, too bad we can't do that here, as it would solve the abortion issue we have here.

Thank You David Icke, for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, & Inspired for sharing) . . .  - This is W.H.O they are, & how they (negative 'entities' / beings from HU 4 i.e. the 12th, 11th & 10th dimensions, & down) Control Humanity, (& our 'convoluted' reality) in this & other 'universal time matrixes' (Ascension Glossary) . . .
Also, ...  check out 'Hidden in Plain Site' - Thank You, David Icke (Inspired) for your work & Love of Humanity (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .

Examining Beliefs - Thank You Energetic Synthesis, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' . . . 

Friday, September 24, 2021


Thank You Dan Dicks (PressForTruth) and your team, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, & BitChute for sharing) . . . An excerpt: 
Operation Save The Press (For Truth)! ➜  Times are changing quickly and we are seeing no signs of any kind of a return to “normal” anytime soon as the powers that ought not be continue to crank up the heat in this boiling frog scenario we’re all finding ourselves in. Hospitals are now refusing visitors who are not vaccinated and even in some cases they are denying patients as well who are not vaxxed as we’ve documented multiple times here at Press For Truth. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth shows how they’ve taken us from 2 weeks to flatten the curve to two years to flatline your life while also explaining the most important thing you need to focus on moving forward in order to protect your self and your family while they continue to crank up the heat!
And, watch Gates Squirm(s)  . . . An excerpt: Bill Gates was recently asked about his ties to Jeffery Epstein particularly about the meetings he held with Epstein AFTER he was convicted of being a pedophile, Gates didn’t like the question and responded with a veiled threat! Meanwhile Joe Biden won’t even answer any questions at all because his staff won’t let him as we see him time and time again getting cut off by his handlers. In Canada Ontario Premiere Doug Ford’s daughter has gone on the record with her anti lockdown and anti vaxx views asking questions that most famous people’s kids wouldn’t dare ask! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest developing news in this Covid-19(84) nightmare. Thank you to YouTube, for sharing.

Global Programming? (or not) ... This is for 'Television Watching News Believers' . . .
If YOU have been fully indoctrinated (indoctrination - thank you Wikipedia) by the 'Control Sytems' that enslave us; you probably are too far gone, to do any 'critical thinking' ... If so, this song is for you. Enjoy!  - Thank You, 'Conspiracy Music Guru' for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . I told you so . . .

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Fighting Mandates ... & Our Choice(s) . . .

Propaganda (Mind Control) - Thank You Wikipedia ... Where's the 'government funded' propaganda machine (i.e. the MainStreet Media)?  Oh, I forgot, they are promoting the lies & deception(s) ... However, it doesn't matter because the 'Truth goes Marching On' . . . I encourage All, to use your intentions wisely . . . They are 'Powerful Gifts' . . . 

We (Humanity) always have a choice. As Viktor Frankl said so eloquently: 'Even when you are being marched into the 'gas chamber', you have a choice. That is 'how you react' . . . I  Do Not Consent . . .

Fighting Vaccine Mandates - Thank You James Corbett (corbettreport) for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: While the UK is supposedly dropping their vaccine passport idea (for now), things are looking bleak in country after country as people all around the world are facing the threat of vaccine mandates. Today on #SolutionsWatch James explores the array of solutions that are on the table to thwart this threat.

Thank You 'Vaccine Choice Canada' for your work & 'Love of Humanity', (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . . check out ' Ethics 101 - Dr. Julie Ponesse' . . .  And also, Rocco Galati's speech ** HERE ** . . .

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

How To Sound Crazy

Above video taken down; but watch it  ***  HERE  *** on (Rich2150x) . . .
Thank You Rich (& Akvile) for your work & 'Love of  Humanity', (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .

The Great Awakening... - Thank You Jamie Salazar, Mystic Medium for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Navigating through this massive energetic shift isn't easy and it’s not finished. We’ve been involved in a war on consciousness, but the light is upon us. Many people are waking up and don’t know where to turn for guidance.
Because the veil is lifting, we’re purging old narratives that made us feel powerless; but we’re now remembering that we were born with INTENSE abilities that were suppressed by dark energies that used this against us to CREATE in their favor. But they’re no longer in control ... As we move forward into higher levels of innerstanding, we dive deep into controversial subjects to help you remember why you decided to incarnate into this 3D world; and how to move higher to shift your reality and become deliberate in your creations.
Thank You Dan Dicks (PressForTruth), for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . .  Canada's s(Election)  . . . An excerpt: Operation Save The Press (For Truth)!  The Canadian (s)election is over and Justin Trudeau has once again been selected as prime minister of Canada. The illusion of choice was so blatantly obvious and on top of that Maxime Bernier was clearly not given a fair chance! Meanwhile Project Veritas has released a new expose proving that doctors and nurses are not reporting adverse effects of the Covid-19(84) vaccine! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth breaks down how this Canadian election was rigged while also looking into VAERS and the numbers that they actually do have reported.

"In the depths of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer." - Albert Camus
In my humble opinion ... Our 'Collective Consciousness' (our reality) on 'Beloved Mother Earth', cannot be changed from with-in the 'Control Systems' (frequencies/entities), that have created it . . . Change will come from 'outside of them', & from within our (humanity's) knowing (discernment & co-creation). They know this ... & that is why they have kept us imprisoned (in fear-based, lower frequencies), over millennia . . . As you awaken to this knowledge, I (en)courage you, to Manifest y(our) new reality wisely. We Can Do This! - Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . . 

Don't Let Them Take Your Mind - Thank You, Conspiracy Music Guru for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, ... & (Chad Preston Official) for sharing) . . .

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Santos Bonacci and Dr.Marion Bevington LIVE

Don't be a follower . . . Find your purpose  . . . Live your 'why' . . . or, you may be living someone else's 'why' . . .
Thank You Santos Bonacci (MrAstrotheology) & Dr. Marion Bevington, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: . Santos in conversation with Marion Bevington discussing Awareness, Intention and manifestation. A.I.M. Find your WHY!

The Truth Goes Marching On . . . Return to Innocence (Salvaging the Sacred) - Thank You 'fellow' Voyagers for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: "Return to Innocence"
*Excerpt 2: Salvaging the Sacred (V2 Excerpt) Return to Innocence*. EFFI-2: The Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics, the Nomi Code, Evolutionary Stages, Cause Effect & Consequence, Eternal EFFI Nature and the Eternal Presence – E-Lum’en-ed Essence. Keylontic Discourse for Daily Living KDDL-3 WS, TantriAhura Teachings, Guardian Materials.

'Click on image', to enlarge . . .

Knowledge is Power . . . But, when you awaken to knowledge, what will you do with it? ...  Because, there's no going back . . . I (en)courage you All, to 'Manifest wisely' - Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Monday, September 20, 2021

Election Day in Canada! ... It doesn't matter who you vote for ... The government always gets in - George Harrison

The closer to the top ... The closer to the door . . . (trying ... to control the narrative).

Thank You Amazing Polly & your team, for your work & 'Love fo Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . . How Hospitals are ... An excerpt: Through the introduction of the ICU and Critical Care Ward, hospitals have been subverted by cold, calculating technicians who do not care about individual patients. **TO SUPPORT MY WORK PLEASE CLICK HERE: THANK YOU ** read more… Video is in 4 parts;
Part 1: My takedown of “Trusted Voice” of the Pandemic, Michael Warner.
Part 2: What is an Intensivist and how have they ruined Hospitals?
Part 3: The history of Critical Care – some shady characters emerge in the wake of WW2.
Part 4: Who benefits from this? Who forced the hiring of Intensivists in thousands of hospitals? Is this part of a darker agenda of population control and eugenics?

The Death of Ethics ... Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Consecration of the Temple

And, Thank You fellow Voyagers, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . Daily Quick Link . . .

Friday, September 17, 2021

Pro Tip: Here’s How To Still Dine At A Restaurant UNVAXXED!! Suss Them O...

Thank You Dan Dicks (pressfortruth) & your team, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .

Thank You James Corbett (corbettreport) & James Evan Pilato (mediamonarchy), for your work & 'Love of Humanity', (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . . We Need Multilateralism...  An excerpt: This week on the New World Next Week: Africans denounce Gates and his Big Ag cronies for trying to speak for Africa; the UN calls for multilateralism with teeth as they problem-reaction-solution toward the New World Order; and comedian Jim Breuer joins a growing chorus of performers who refuse to perform for segregated audiences.

Great Telepathy, Co-Creativity, 'Synchronicity' & Teamwork - Thank You, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Knowledge Is Power . . . Use Your Intentions Wisely - They Are 'Powerful Gifts' . . .


Fear Not, the Universe has your back . . . But, you must 'Think For Yourself' . . .

Patriot RoundTable - Thank You All (Project Camelot; Kerry, Jen, Sharnael & GirlCode) for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to Odysee, for sharing) . . .

Death of Ethics - I  DO NOT CONSENT - Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Remember, that (You & I):  'We are the One's', we've been waiting for . . .

Truth has a Frequency, that resonates with y(our) heart . . . Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

The 'Bigger Picture'. It's been a long battle, & it has always been about 'control' of this (our) universal 'time matrix' i.e. 'Star Gate' Control - Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Saturday, September 11, 2021

The Death of Ethics ... I 'DO NOT CONSENT' . . .

Is it Time to Wake-up? That is an individual choice (& one, to be taken seriously), as we 'all' are on our own path of evolution. You will (or may) be nudged to wake-up by your higher self (your God-Self) . . . Listen to yourself (your intuition) & you will find your answer(s) . . .  because, Truth has a frequency that resonates with your heart . . .
Know W.H.O you are giving your energy to (working for). . . I believe, that many of the 'Controllers' (& their minions) have been duped, as well ... But, it's never too late, or the wrong time, to do the right thing.

So, are YOU, one (1) of them ... or,  a part of the 'Soul-lution' . . .  And, we 'cannot' underestimate the fact, that THE TRUTH frequency will prevail ... So, I encourage All, to use y(our) intentions wisely; they are 'powerful gifts'.  The  'Universal Power', is fearless & mightier (running at 'higher (love) frequencies') than those who are & have been in control, of this 'convoluted, holographic, 3D prison reality'- on 'Beloved Mother Earth'. And, the Universe WILL STAND with Humanity against these entities/forces in  defence & support of suspending their 'initiated' actions. Up until now, our 'free-will consent' has been willingly given to these 'controllig entities' due to their 'unethical behavior', through the use of mind-control, lies & deception(s). Once our 'conscious' consent (our intentions/ energy/loosh) has been withdrawn/removed from their 'system(s) of control', their 'contrived' reality will simply fade away from our conscious perception. As the 'truth frequencies' rise, the 'controlling entities' will have no self-sustaining (low frquency, fear-based) energy to feed off  . . . Because noone will be afraid . . .  Unfortunately for them, they have chosen this path forward - of neither love (empathy), nor truth - for selfish gains (or the promise there of).  Because of this, they have left Humanity with little choice but to use our 'universal right' to defend -  or be in 'defence of any initiated act/force' of aggresion against our 'conscious free-will'. This can be something/or anything that we do not give our individual & thus 'collective' conscious consent to. Since Earth is a 'free will' planet & 'defence of initiated force' is a Law of  'free-will'  Universes, the Universe has our back, & will support us, in upholding this law . . . The 'Controllers' are hoping that Earth's 'collective consciounesss' stays within their 'frequency spectrum' of control i.e. their AI assisted, 'mind control' programs, etc, so their 'hologrphic charade' will continue, and keep Humanity imprisoned. They were hoping we wouldn't wake-up to these facts, during the present 'ascension cycle' . . . However, they (the Controllers & their minions), have the opportunity  *** NOW *** to change their ways . . . But I wouldn't leave it too long . . . Good Luck, my friends . . . I wish you well . . . And remeber:

Thank You Dr. Julie Ponesse, for your 'critical thinking' & for following your purpose in this life; & for your 'Love of Humanity' (& to BitChute & GodsGrave, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Dr. Julie Ponesse, a professor of Ethics at the University of Western Ontario is threatened with dismissal for refusing injection. University of Western Ontario:

COVID-19: Western University update... Thank You (& Kelly Wang, 980 CFPL) for sharing ...  An excerpt: In a statement, Huron University College told 980 CFPL that as part of the school’s vaccination policy, “all community members were required to submit proof of vaccination or an exemption before the policy came into effect on Sept. 7, 2021… Those who do not submit this proof will not be allowed on campus.” “At this time, no one at Huron has been dismissed as a result of this policy,” the statement continued. Western says those who have not yet submitted vaccination status are not permitted to be on campus and are required to provide their information as soon as possible. For those with exemptions or who are not yet fully vaccinated, Western says its vaccination and testing centre is open for students, staff and faculty.

Preparing for the medical apartheid ... - Thank You, TheUrbanFarmer (Curtis Stone) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . .

DUPED ... This is not what our forefathers thought they were fighting for.  Thank You Dan Dicks (PressForTruth) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: On Friday September 10th 2021 Dan Dicks called the Pacific Gateway Hotel in Richmond to ask if it was now a current quarantine facility to which the reply was “no comment”…after visiting the hotel and speaking with the manager Dan was also given no answer and was asked to wait for the right person to come…not long later the police arrived and Dan and his wife were subsequently detained and fined $1000 each for “breaching a quarantine facility” In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth lays out the truth of what happened in chronological order because of course he was filming the whole time which proved to be a good thing as the hotel lied and the police set him up to be ticketed. If you would like to contribute to Dan’s legal fight please consider donating today!

Arm yourself with knowledge; because knowledge (truth) is power . . . and, Thank You My friend, for sharing  . .  Mass Graves... Thank You, Kevin for your work/books, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt:  Kevin Annett, who spearheaded the quarter-century battle to expose and prosecute the mass murder of indigenous children by Canadian Church and State, describes the link between past genocide and present tyranny. He recounts his involvement in the historic excavation of the first mass grave of Indian residential school children ever unearthed in Canada, at Brantford in 2011. The first in a series of educational videos on how and why to combat the criminal syndicate called Corporate Crown Canada. Posted September 11, 2021. See and .

Whack-a-Mole . . . isn't working too well, as Humanity 'wakes up' . . .

Are You Ready? . . . The trouble is, you think you have time - Buddha . . . Time to 'Saddle Up' . . .
Truth has a frequency, that resonates with y(our) heart . . . Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

If You Ignore It ... You Condone It . . . Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . . 

Preparing for the medical apartheid ... - Thank You, TheUrbanFarmer (Curtis Stone) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . .

DO NOT CONSENT (& I was never asked- Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Krystal River Prayer (KRP)

It is So . . . IT IS DONE ! . . .
Krystal River Prayer Invocation (KRP) - Thank You fellow Voyagers, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .

Boycott Corporate U! Reclaiming our Minds and our Universities

'The Path of  FINAL FREEDOMS' . . . I encourage All, to use your intentions wisely . . . They are 'powerful gifts' . . .
Thank You Kevin Annett (Kevin A) for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt : The Free University of the Republic of Kanata is opening today, September 8, as an alternative to the covid police state and mandatory vaccinations being established on Ontario college campuses. Kevin Annett - Eagle Strong Voice describes the reason to boycott corporate universities and re-establish free conscience and our own curriculum, and how to go about it. Kevin and other Resistance scholars will be offering online and public lectures and seminars on the real history, politics and nature of "Canada" in the coming weeks as part of the Free University. Posted August 8, 2021 on the first anniversary of the passing of the Republic's anti-covid measures laws. See and .
Get Kevin's books ** Here ** . . .

Freedom is Contagious! - Thank You Amazing Polly, for your work, and 'Love of Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . . It's difficult to change this (low frequency, polarized) convoluted reality on 'Beloved Mother Earth', within the 'control system(s)' & entities that have created it . . . An excerpt : I document a Pro-Freedom rally and talk to regular citizens in Ontario, Canada who are standing up against medical mandates. An agent provocateur gets shunned by the crowd, & more. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Noble Planet NOMI Earth

Above video/channel terminated, by 'the powers not-to-be'
But,  Watch it  ***  HERE  ***   Thank You K..R.. for your work & 'Love of  Humanity' ... & to BitChute (Krystal Rap), for sharing . . . 

"In the depths of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer." - Albert Camus

Thank You fellow Voyagers, for your work & 'Love of Humanity', & to YouTube's censorship for not-sharing . . . An excerpt : 
The Nomi-gene is an ancient genetic configuration carried in small percentages through all human race line. This genetic configuration originated on Earth about 800,000 years ago, and was entered in the Angelic Human Seeding-3 gene lines. During Seeding-3 the Nomi Eff-im-a’-rhal Human gene line was created to carry the Seed-3 Angelic Human “Compound Cloister” coding (the coding of all 5 Angelic Human Cloister Races of Seeding-3 combined). It was also imbued with the Pana-Co-LA’-rah ArhAya-phim D-Planes Coding, the K+8 Factor of the Nomi-yah Eff-I-yah ArhAya Al-Hum-Bhra Eff-i-phim Eternal Life gene line, the Sun-8 D-Planes “Fail-Safe” Coding. The compound genetic coding carried by the Seed-3 Nomi Eff-im-a’-rhal-Angelic-Cloister Human carries the coding of the 5 Angelic Human Cloisters of Seed-3, each of which carried a portion of the 7 Angelic Human Root Race genetic coding; thus the earthly genetic-base of the Nomi contains all DNA coding pertaining to the Seed-3 “12 Tribes” (5 Cloister races, and 7 Root Races). Additionally, the Nomi lineage carries the “K+8 Eff-im-a’-rhal Code”, the “Fail-Safe” KrystalBridge Code, which allows for re-genesis of the Transfiguration Factor.Contemporary Earth & the Nomi-gene Since first Seeding-1 of the Earth Angelic Human (Turaneusiam-2) 25 MYA both Seeding-1 and Seeding-2 were destroyed; Seeding-1 destroyed 5.5 MYA in Electric War-Earth, and Seedign-2 (seeded 3,700,000 YA) destroyed 848,800 YA Thousand Years War-Earth. The final Seeding-3 (contemporary lineage) was Seeded 800,000 YA, with direct inclusion of the original Nomi Eff-im-a’rhal Human Core Template from 950 BYA Aquinos/Andromeda-M31. From 669,000 BC through present Illuminati Hybrid-Human Raider Races were created on Earth via forced interbreeding campaigns launched against the Earth Angelic Human lineage by various reversed-template stellar races, resulting in the mutations and mortal confinement of contemporary Earth humans. However, the pre-ancient Nomi-gene still remains as the Core Template encryption for the Seeding-3 Earth Angelic Human and its contemporary descendants. Due to the excessive interbreeding of the original Earth Angelic Human lines, much of the Angelic Human genetic potentials have been severely diluted and “mutated out of” the contemporary Human genome; only several million contemporary Humans still carry the Nomi-gene as dormant but accessible biological potential within the physical DNA (some components of “junk DNA”). Though only a small percentage of contemporary Humans carry this full physical genetic potential, the Nomi-gene encryption still remains as the Core Encryption of the Plasma Template for ALL contemporary descendants of the Angelic Human Lineage. The Nomi-gene activates through the Plasma Template and its exposure to the K+8 “Rainbow Plasm” frequencies. Once the Nomi-gene activates in the Plasma-Template, it next activates within various layers of the “Epi-genetic Overlay” (chemical DNA sheathe that administrates certain DNA responses). Once activated in the Epi-genetic Overlay, the Nomi-gene will “speak to” the physical DNA of Humans still carrying this physical-biological genetic potential, and over time will “turn on” the physical Nomi-gene attributes within the DNA, allowing for biological regenesis of the ancient Earth Angelic Human Transfiguration Factor potentials. Earth’s Planetary Templar began activation of its 1st “K+8 Rainbow-plasm Reservoirs” between 8/31-9/1/2015. Awakening of the Nomi-gene has begun!

Standing In Your SOVEREIGNTY - Thank You Jamie Salazar, Mystic Medium for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt : The energy is intense and there is an information war for your conciousness. Standing in your truth is a choice that we all have to make in order to win our sovereignty. The energy shift is amping up to move us into higher realms. Nobody said it would be easy, but be gentle on others and yourself.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

mmWave Madness: No, you're not crazy!

Thank You ScottiesTech.Info, for your work & 'Love of  Humanity' (& to YouTube for sharing) . . . An excerpt : Ah, 5G... It's a mixture of new technologies, the most "interesting" being mmWave, or millimeter wave. If you're wondering if a particular phone actually HAS mmWave, good luck figuring it out. Even worse, in most areas it's darn near impossible to find out what flavor of 5G is being used: Is it mmWave, or not?! Good luck with that one, too. And to top it all off, it doesn't really matter anyway because even official government bodies are really looking at 5G and EXISTING wireless tech, and starting to get worried...

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Timewave Spirals - The Coming Separation of the Timewave Spiral Template...

Thank You 'Waking Earth', for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .

We have a choice . . .
Separation of Worlds - Thank You Energetic Synthesis, for sharing . . .

And, (my purpose) Freeing the (fragmented) 'Lost Souls of Tara', & returning them, back to their (ascension) path of evolution. - Thank You Energetic Synthesis . . . An excerpt : The Cosmic Trinity emanations have reconnected spiritual links between Universal Melchizedek, Andromedan-Aurora families, and the Sirian Christos Masters that made an opening access connected through the astral layers that can be entered through the Giza location. The portal access then moves through Sirius 6D - Arcturus 7D - Orion 8D (Galactic Core), into Andromeda 9D, and then finally out of this system entirely. This is the Meta-galactic layers aligned to the luminaries of the next Universe which are connected to our Krystal Star communication networks. These are the result of a succession of Andromedan Stellar Activations. This was purposed to rehabilitate and relocate the lost souls of Tara and reclaim and repair the soul fragments in 4D, the Astral Plane and to emancipate the collective consciousness lost in the astral illusions of the False Ascension Matrix. This opening portal was allowed access for Krystal Star Guardians from the Next Universe, the Seven Higher Heavens due to the creation of the Trinity Wave blueprints that build the Triad Communication Stations in the planetary grid network.

Friday, September 3, 2021

How does DNA create our Reality?(DNA-1)

I encourage all, to use your intentions wisely. They are 'powerful' Gifts.
Thank You fellow Voyagers, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' & to YouTube, for sharing . . . An excerpt : 
We wanted you to know this secret about the true nature of human DNA, and how the DNA is the literal vessel through which the illusionary experience of physical, external reality is manufactured. Knowing this you may then realize that when you are shifting your consciousness and using the imagination to program desired thought-forms into the past, present or future, you are literally reprogramming the frequency patterns of your cellular content and the operational holographic program that will manifest into physical reality through the DNA. The holographic, thought-form program through which your external reality will manifest is literally stored, as a multidimensional electromagnetic program, within the sub-atomic particle structure of your cells, much as a computer stores data within its memory. The DNA serves as the literal conduit through which that holographic program will project data from cellular memory into physical manifestation, much as a computer’s circuitry allows the electronic data stored in memory to be projected onto the screen, into forms recognizable to human perception. Your external reality fields is the screen upon which the thought-forms that are stored within your cellular memory program will be displayed, and the DNA operates as the electromagnetic circuitry through which that memory comes into perceptual manifestation. To gain creative control over your manifest events, you must edit the cellular memory files (clear and transmute the lower pulsating particles from the body and auric field), upgrade the holographic thought-form program(create new visualizations of desired past, present and future events, living them in imagination “as if they are happening now” within the desired time period) and expand the DNA circuitry (consciously use the chakra system to accelerate DNA strand assembly) in order to allow new, desired reality pictures to project into your world of manifest events. In the practice of conscious evolution, cellular clearing and DNA transmutation, this is precisely what is taking place. When you create “future memory” visualizations, you are putting specific manifestation instructions into the morphogenetic field of the DNA strands you have not yet assembled. You will encounter those reality pictures in manifest form once those DNA strands come into activation, through the initiation of your consciousness into the frequencies of the next dimension up. When you recreate “past memories” from your present focus, you are literally putting new reality pictures, in the form of electromagnetic impulses, into the DNA strands you have already built and activated. You can literally shift things in your DNA; add new past memories and new events will manifest in your present. Create future memories now, and you can direct the path of your evolution from your present moment in time.
When you release crystallized thought-forms composed of slower-pulsating particles from your present cellular structure, you are stopping those lower thought-form patterns from activating into your DNA, through which they would otherwise project into physical manifestation. Your moment of power is always in the present, when you realize that your present focus of attention can alter and direct events in both past and future, and within the present. It takes practice to develop skill in conscious manifestation and you must become familiar with the “feel” of your own inner focus of consciousness in the present, in order to direct your power of manifestation. Prior to learning manifestation skills, you must learn de-manifestation skills. Learning how to remove undesirable morphogenetic thought-form patterns from your active holographic program, which is stored within the cells and made operational through the DNA, is the first step in gaining mastery over the contents of your external reality field. By removing slower-pulsating particles from your body systems, you make room for the addition of new morphogenetic thought-form patterns composed of faster pulsating particles, which contain the electromagnetic imprint for more harmoniously ordered events.

The Truth Goes Marching On . . . And, Will Set You Free . . . But We have To Do Our Part . . . By moving our Mind into a higher frequency (& being heart-centered) . 'It's called evolving' (I.E. thinking outside the box, that imprisons us) . . .


Don't let them Take your Mind . . . Thank You to All -  1 Eye's Blog . . .

I told you so . . . The Future of ... Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Thank You, Kerry Cassidy & your entire team (project camelot portal) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity'.  Trying to keep US, in the box . . . 

Thank You Jason Bermas & your team, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' . . . Quad City pro test . . . (& thank you to YouTube, & rockfin for sharing).

I believe it's time, to educate y(ourself) . . . The 'forces/entities' that are vying for our (Humanity's) consciousness - & trying to keep 'control' of  us & this 'convoluted reality', on 'Beloved Mother Earth'. I  Do Not Consent . . . The 'Bigger' picture . . . The sleeping abductees & the 'A vs D' drama - Thank You to All, 1 Eye . . .

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Global Walk Away Rally!! Your Body, Your Choice . . .

I encourage All, to do your own research - integrate & discern information; be your 'authentic, sovereign, multi-dimensional self(s)', listen to your 'higher-self' (your intuition) . . . and you, will find your truth . . .

Television 'News Programs' & to be more specific ... 'Mind Control' programs . . . You must beware & be aware, if you watch 'tel-lies-vision'? ... If so, do you know what a 'true lie' is? ... A true lie is a lie that becomes true, when announced ... In a logic of announcements, where the announcing agent is not modelled, a true lie is a formula (that is false), that becomes true (or real) when announced . . . Also, Thank You to Conspiracy Music Guru, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . For All to know . . .

And, DID YOU KNOW? . . .

Whack-A-Mole, isn't working too well, anymore . . . but,  W.H.O,  do you believe?
Thank You Dan Dicks (PressForTruth) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, & BitChute for sharing)  . . . Walk Away! -  Rally!! . . .

Connecting the Dots . . .
Humanity, It's Time - to Wake-Up . . .
DO NOT CONSENT  . . . Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .