Sunday, June 10, 2012

Another Crazy Biker - Milen

Yesterday, was a great day in the saddle. I didn't get a chance last night to do my blog, so I'm doing it now (6:00 am).
After about an hour out of 100 Mile, this burly guy on a "1998 Heritage Soft Tail Springer" - loaded to the nines - came along side me, and waved for me to follow along. I was looking for fuel, and a gas station appeared, right away. We were separated without having a chance to talk. Ironically, we crossed paths again at Lake Charles, (fueling). What a coincidence - we are both going to Alaska. The difference is Milen lives & works there. He lives in Fairbanks - works in Prudhoe Bay in the oil fields. Milen is on a break between contracts with ALAYSKA Pipeline. Last Tuesday, he had just flown to Oregon to get his motorcycle and ride it back to Fairbanks. His friends said: "Are you crazy"!! ... I said: "I don't think so". Today we will attack the Cassiar Hwy.


  1. Hi its Cowboy AKA Scott Byers. I was talking to cousin Muley AKA Brian Pratten last night, he gave me the copy of the Londoner so I'm following your progress now. I still remember the ride you gave me on your first bike - 650 Yamaha. I hope you don't drive that fast still. I'd like to wish you lots of enjoyment and good weather and as my Aunt, AKA your Mother, would say "Not to worry and God be with you,"

    P.S. I thought your nickname was Beersly, that's what Fergie Jenkins calls you.

  2. Go safely, Dave! I'm glad that Brian's following you, too! Our Mom, your Aunt Ethel, was glad to hear that you're safe. (I assured her that there'a community of travellers on the road.)

    My thoughts, to you....

  3. Fred from the buses here! Most purtiest drive I ever took, that Cassiar-Stewart stretch. Can't say if you'll find much WiFi up there though, at least until Whitehorse :) Safe driving!

  4. Well, you've a Fairbanks friend, already! You see how it goes?!

    "Crazy biker?!" As if it were so! No. It's the crazy people who stay at home.

    Again: Crazily, safely, happily Dave!

