Friday, April 30, 2021

Noble Planet NOMI Earth

Our  (Humanity's)  destiny is in our hands . . .  Great Telepathy,  Synchronicity &  'Teamwork' . . .

Noble Planet NOMI Earth - Thank You fellow Voyagers (Guardians), for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .  
What the NAA groups don't want their 'Controller minions' to know, is that 'The Guardians', of the 'Free-Will Time Matrices' have initiated a 'Fail Safe'  ref: Voyagers (YouTube) *** Above 'Voyagers' YouTube videos/channel taken down ****  ... but,   watch it below . . .

Thank You,  Krystal Rap - A Guardian Alliance Resource Portal, for sharing ...  &, the 'Fail Safe' won't allow Earth to be (completely) pulled into their 'fallen' Phantom Matrix system ... They don't want you to know, that WE, the Humans, have been sustaining them with our (life-force) 'energy' that is necessary, to keep them & this (their) reality from imploding, & returning them - & those who 'knowingly & willingly' support & agree to their 'service-to-self' systems & agendas - to 'Source', via space-dust ...The Guardians call this, 'tough love' . . . 

An excerpt: Earth-Human Lineage and Origins of the Nomi-gene.
The Nomi-gene is an ancient genetic configuration carried in small percentages through all human race line. This genetic configuration originated on Earth about 800,000 years ago, and was entered in the Angelic Human Seeding-3 gene lines. During Seeding-3 the Nomi Eff-im-a’-rhal Human gene line was created to carry the Seed-3 Angelic Human “Compound Cloister” coding (the coding of all 5 Angelic Human Cloister Races of Seeding-3 combined). It was also imbued with the Pana-Co-LA’-rah ArhAya-phim D-Planes Coding, the K+8 Factor of the Nomi-yah Eff-I-yah ArhAya Al-Hum-Bhra Eff-i-phim Eternal Life gene line, the Sun-8 D-Planes “Fail-Safe” Coding. The compound genetic coding carried by the Seed-3 Nomi Eff-im-a’-rhal-Angelic-Cloister Human carries the coding of the 5 Angelic Human Cloisters of Seed-3, each of which carried a portion of the 7 Angelic Human Root Race genetic coding; thus the earthly genetic-base of the Nomi contains all DNA coding pertaining to the Seed-3 “12 Tribes” (5 Cloister races, and 7 Root Races). Additionally, the Nomi lineage carries the “K+8 Eff-im-a’-rhal Code”, the “Fail-Safe” KrystalBridge Code, which allows for re-genesis of the Transfiguration Factor.Contemporary Earth & the Nomi-gene Since first Seeding-1 of the Earth Angelic Human (Turaneusiam-2) 25 MYA both Seeding-1 and Seeding-2 were destroyed; Seeding-1 destroyed 5.5 MYA in Electric War-Earth, and Seedign-2 (seeded 3,700,000 YA) destroyed 848,800 YA Thousand Years War-Earth. The final Seeding-3 (contemporary lineage) was Seeded 800,000 YA, with direct inclusion of the original Nomi Eff-im-a’rhal Human Core Template from 950 BYA Aquinos/Andromeda-M31. From 669,000 BC through present Illuminati Hybrid-Human Raider Races were created on Earth via forced interbreeding campaigns launched against the Earth Angelic Human lineage by various reversed-template stellar races, resulting in the mutations and mortal confinement of contemporary Earth humans. However, the pre-ancient Nomi-gene still remains as the Core Template encryption for the Seeding-3 Earth Angelic Human and its contemporary descendants. Due to the excessive interbreeding of the original Earth Angelic Human lines, much of the Angelic Human genetic potentials have been severely diluted and “mutated out of” the contemporary Human genome; only several million contemporary Humans still carry the Nomi-gene as dormant but accessible biological potential within the physical DNA (some components of “junk DNA”). Though only a small percentage of contemporary Humans carry this full physical genetic potential, the Nomi-gene encryption still remains as the Core Encryption of the Plasma Template for ALL contemporary descendants of the Angelic Human Lineage. The Nomi-gene activates through the Plasma Template and its exposure to the K+8 “Rainbow Plasm” frequencies. Once the Nomi-gene activates in the Plasma-Template, it next activates within various layers of the “Epi-genetic Overlay” (chemical DNA sheathe that administrates certain DNA responses). Once activated in the Epi-genetic Overlay, the Nomi-gene will “speak to” the physical DNA of Humans still carrying this physical-biological genetic potential, and over time will “turn on” the physical Nomi-gene attributes within the DNA, allowing for biological regenesis of the ancient Earth Angelic Human Transfiguration Factor potentials. Earth’s Planetary Templar began activation of its 1st “K+8 Rainbow-plasm Reservoirs” between 8/31-9/1/2015. Awakening of the Nomi-gene has begun! *Excerpt from KDDL3. E'Asha A. Arhayas.

EFFI-5 (Guardian Philosophical Perspective) -  Channel ... Taken down ... Thank You fellow Voyagers, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube for sharing) . . . An excerpt:  Guardian Philosophical Perspective on EFFI (5)
: Harmonic vs Disharmanic Engagement & KNOWING vs UNKNOWING Innocence - Cause-Effect & Consequence – Harmonic vs Disharmonic Engagement - The Paths of Increasing & Diminishing Return — KNOWING vs UNKNOWING Innocence

**** Book Burning ****  to control their 'contrived', convoluted narrative,   is in full swing . . . But, 'the Angels are winning' . . . And, SO IT IS!
Thank You, ARhAyas Productions - EAsha Ashayana Deane, for your work (books), & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . An excerpt: The most comprehensive guide available on the hidden truth of the UFO phenomena, ET visitation and Visitor agendas, the mechanics of and purposes for Visitor contact/abductions and assisting abductees. Explores the realities of contemporary ET visitation, covert government dealings with Intruder ETs, the Zeta Earth take-over agenda, ET-human hybridization and hybrid pregnancies, historical involvement of ETs with humanity and the evolution of human consciousness, and protecting humans from present Intruder manipulation.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Vaccine certificates ‘to be expected’ as a condition of reopening intern...

The devil is in the details;... but, the 'angels' are winning . . .
Thank You CTV News, for your 'focused & committed journalism' (& to YouTube for sharing) ... An excerpt: Justin Trudeau says Canada, along with its allies are looking at vaccine passports as part of a broader plan to reopen international travel.

Is COVID-19 Devastating Cancer Care? - Thank You, The Agenda with Steve Paikin (tvo) (& to YouTube, for sharing) ... An excerpt: 2. Dr. Keith Stewart, director of Princess Margaret Research Centre, and Dr. Julie Hallet, surgical oncologist at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, join us during Cancer Awareness Month to discuss their concerns around the decline of cancer screenings and diagnosis during the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects that will have on the health of Canadians and the health-care sector.

BEYOND CLASSIFIED BY DAVID ICKE - Thank You, D..I.. & 'Step out The Matrix', for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute for sharing) . . . 

Our convoluted reality ... The kingdom of opposites - Thank You, Dawn Kelly (& yellow submarine) & YouTube for sharing . . .

I DO NOT CONSENT . . .  Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Where are we now? (YouTube video back up) . . .

Whack-A-Mole isn't working too well, anymore ... because, The Truth Goes Marching On . . .
Thank You, Dr. Tent (DiverseHealthServices) & your team for your work & 'Love of Humanity' . . . An excerpt: 
This might as well be called Dr. Tent unchained because there are no limits to what he is discussing. Previously, due to threats of censorship, he had been toning down his rhetoric. But, for this lecture, he indicated there will be no holding anything back! During this lecture, he'll be talking about what brought us to this point, where we're currently at, and give a glimpse into the future.
Plandemic The Movie (Part 1) - Interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits - Thank You,  J.M,  M.W. (& TruthVideos1984) for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute for sharing) . . .

Getting to the bottom of things . . . Thank You Amazing Polly, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . .

'Higher Education' is training for compliance ... I.E. indoctrination . . .
Interview 1633 ... The CorbettReport - Mark Crispin Miller, Exposes Propaganda in the Academy . . . Thank You, James & Mark ( for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' . . . An excerpt: Mark Crispin Miller teaches a course on Mass Persuasian and Propaganda at the NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development for 20 years. He is now suing 20 department colleagues for libel after they signed a letter to the dean of his school demanding a review of Miller’s conduct. Today we talk to Miller about his course, his views, his libel suit, and the state of free speech in the era of increasing COVID tyranny.

Democracy is coming... - Thank You Leonard Cohen, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube & vevo, for sharing) . . .

Canadian politicians ordered to appear before Grand Jury; Kevin Annett i...

Thank You, Kevin Annett for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Kevin Annett, a leader of the sovereign Republic of Kanata, is facing illegal confnement under a fraudulent covid isolation order. In this broadcast he challenges this action and reads a statement by international agencies in his support. Prime Minister Trudeau and others are summoned to appear before a Grand Jury and cease and desist their criminal actions. Issued April 5, 20201.

A Global Appeal to Defend Kevin Annett - Thank You Owen Lucas, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Write a protest letter in defense of Kevin to Prime Minister Trudeau (, Governor-General Richard Wagner ( and Public Safety Minister Bill Blair ( . Send copies to the media and your networks. Here is a sample of what you can write:
“Dear [name], Your government is conducting a campaign of criminal harassment and political persecution against one of your most effective critics, Reverend Kevin Annett, who uses the legal name Ciaran Buchanan. He has been issued a fraudulent COVID Isolation Order and threatened with arrest without cause or justification. We demand that your government and its COVID agencies immediately cease and desist from any further attacks on Kevin/Ciaran. You will be held personally and legally liable for any harm that befalls him. We are raising this matter with the world community, political leaders, lawyers, and the media. Sincerely, [Your name and date]”

Monday, April 26, 2021

Counterpoint | Is A Vaccine Rollout Still The Way Out?

Tanya welcomes two doctors to discuss how Canada is faring in the vaccine rollout.
Is A Vaccine Rollout Still The Way Out  - Thank You, The News Forum (Counterpoint) - Tanya Granic Allen (Host),... Dr. Dan Reilly & . . .  Dr. Stephen Malthouse, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity'... (& to YouTube for sharing) . . . 

BOOM! Medical Journals Corrupt to the Core! - Thank You Amazing Polly for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to Bitchute for sharing) . . . An excerpt: I discuss the horrifying reality behind "Scientific" Medical Journals using snippets from recent exposé by Off Guardian & a clip from Dr. Tenpenny & Dr. Lee Merritt.

I encourage Humanity to discern information, before giving y(our) consent,... & use your intensions 'wisely'.  They are 'powerful gifts'. We are all 'co-creators' of our reality. . . So, Wake-Up & Manifest Well . . .
Wisdom Hour with Mallika... - Thank You, Mallika & MrAstrotheology (Santos Bonacci) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Mallika is the founder of Annapurna Mazunte. Annapurna is a threefold project: Food Forest, Ayurvedic Indian Restaurant and Gurukul (school). Since a young age she cultivated herself in the spiritual arts associated with India under guidance and tutelage from her family, teachers and mentors. This is the same knowledge she shares with students at her school, Annapurna Gurukul. This episode is a personal account; discussing the hero's journey each one of us must take to dismantle the Dark Order and replace it with the Light Order (Satyuga). This is the very reason for the existence of Annapurna. If you were touched by the message or found the information useful, consider making a donation to help fund Annapurna Gurukul in Mazunte. Your donation helps keep false Gurus at bay and share the truth:

Sunday, April 25, 2021

KSW363 Use Soul to Manifest Anything We Desire

Armed with truth,... I encourage Humanity to use your intensions wisely . . . They are 'powerful gifts' . . . 
Thank You KF Vietnamese (& Keshe Foundation), for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .

The Usual Suspects - Helping (or attempting) to control our 'Convoluted Reality', on 'Beloved Mother Earth' . . . Thank You, Amazing Polly (& to Rumble, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Undercover ops by a Clinton-connected Public Relations firm that may involve hostage negotiations in North Korea, the death of a Hollywood mogul, fake dinner parties? Plus a BOOM revelation about who helped pay for all of it. To support my work: THANK YOU!!


NYP Clinton Spacey Epstein:


Clinton Pay to Play:

Everything PR re Teneo:

Vanity Fair: Confessions of Clinton World Exile:

Doug Band step down from Teneo:

Wayne Dupree story on Band:

Dow Plane Liveris North Korea 2009:

NYT: Teneo Influencers / Dow / Liveris:

Bing was son of Public Health Doctor:

New Yorker The Trouble wi Band:

Daily Mail Abedin, Cooper, Server, Clinton, Band:

Steve Bing Death:

Wikileaks re MF Global / Teneo / Corzine:

NPQ Rockefeller Teneo:

Rockefeller explanation:

DOW CEO expenses scandal 2011:

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Anderson Cooper: Full Jeopardy! Guest Host Exclusive Interview | JEOPARDY!

Thank You, Jeopardy! (& to YouTube, for sharing) ... An excerpt:  
Peabody award-winning journalist and news anchor Anderson Cooper shares his experience as Jeopardy! guest host in this exclusive interview! ... Anderson Cooper (desensitized) - Thank You, Wikipedia ...

... Fool me once; shame on you ... Fool me twice; shame on me . . .
Bohemian Grove - I'm Federally Reserved ... Thank You, Keith ( for sharing . . . And,  Bohemian Grove, The Glass Pyramid...Thank You, Roxy Lopez (The Truth Denied News), & Anthony J. Hilder (& to YouTube for sharing) . . . 
An excerpt: Anthony discussed on this SPECIAL 2 HOUR Presentation the following Topics: Bohemian Grove, Illuminati, Rothschild's, Federal Reserve, Global Elitists, GLOBAL Banksters, NOW, New World Order, Chemtrails, Chem webs,Morgellons Disease, The Mason's, a handful of Anthony J. Hilder's Films including The brand NEW Film Illuminatzi., We discussed Hilder's interview on the upcoming season "Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, please keep an eye out for it!. Anthony's NEW Television show that will be airing in 2012, we will keep you posted! He further discussed his newest film release entitled "Air Auschwitz" with Roxy Lopez, Michael J. Murphy, and a host of others, as well he shared about his long term friendship with the late Ted Gunderson, and other topics such as Skull & Bones Society, The 65 foot tall "Glass Pyramid" {which he saw with his own eyes when he visited the Rothschild's mansion} and photos taken from The Rothschild's residence, and much more!

Thank You, Cathy & Mark, for your work (books), & 'Love'  of Humanity . . . 

Helping to Control the Narrative (our reality), via  the media  ...
To Anderson (CNN & others), maybe it's time to revisit your 'valued' truth telling journalism, on Haiti . . . The Haitians Deserve Better . . .  Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Thank You, J.B & D.D - A Press For Truth In The Mouth Of Madness Of Canada! . . . (& thank you, to YouTube for sharing) . . .

Have WE (Humanity) been duped, without our consent? ... 
I  DO NOT CONSENT -  Thank You To All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Friday, April 23, 2021

Can Ontario Small Business Survive COVID-19?

Thank You, The Agenda, with Steve Paikin (tvo), & YouTube for sharing ... An excerpt: 
The current lockdown - the second since the beginning of the pandemic last March, has severely handicapped small businesses across the province. In Toronto, where restrictions were imposed just before the lucrative Christmas season, shopkeepers across the city are worried. The Canadian Federation of Independent Business estimates Canada could lose up to 2.4 million jobs as small businesses across the country see no other option than shuttering their businesses. We discuss this important result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

URGENT: Covid-19(84) is Coming For Mom & Pop Shops... - Thank You, Dan Dicks (PressForTruth) for your work & to Amanda (Perth, ON), Small Business Owner of Dragon Moon, for sharing your truth (& to BitChute for sharing) . . .

It is not a 'well world' -  ARCHITECTS OF LIGHT... - Thank You, Ashayana Deane (& 'From Outside The Game') & to BitChute for sharing . . . I encourage Humanity to 'use your intentions wisely' ... They are powerful gifts . . .

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

1 Eye's Blog: Roundtable . . .

1 Eye's Blog: Roundtable with Laura Eisenhower, Kerry Cassidy, Dr. Sharnael W. Sehon & Jennifer Eason,... Thank You for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' . . . (CLICK HERE) . . . 

BEYOND THE VEILS (PART 1) - Thank You 'fellow Voyagers' (Ashayana Deane,... & 'From Outside The Game') for your work & 'Love of Humanity' . . . 

WAKE-UP ! . . . WE ARE THE ONE'S, We've been waiting for . . . 
Great Telepathy, Synchronicity & TEAMWORK - One Eye's Blog . . .

Thank You, Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah . . . 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Where are we now? Dr. Tent . . . (Video Taken Down, by 'The Powers Not To Be')

Whack-A-Mole isn't working too well, anymore ... because, The Truth Goes Marching On . . .
Thank You, Dr. Tent (DiverseHealthServices) & your team for your work & 'Love of Humanity' . . . An excerpt: 
This might as well be called Dr. Tent unchained because there are no limits to what he is discussing. Previously, due to threats of censorship, he had been toning down his rhetoric. But, for this lecture, he indicated there will be no holding anything back! During this lecture, he'll be talking about what brought us to this point, where we're currently at, and give a glimpse into the future.
Plandemic The Movie (Part 1) - Interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits - Thank You,  J.M,  M.W. (& TruthVideos1984) for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute for sharing) . . .

Getting to the bottom of things . . . Thank You Amazing Polly, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to BitChute, for sharing) . . .

'Higher Education' is training for compliance ... I.E. indoctrination . . .
Interview 1633 ... The CorbettReport - Mark Crispin Miller, Exposes Propaganda in the Academy . . . Thank You, James & Mark ( for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' . . . An excerpt: Mark Crispin Miller teaches a course on Mass Persuasian and Propaganda at the NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development for 20 years. He is now suing 20 department colleagues for libel after they signed a letter to the dean of his school demanding a review of Miller’s conduct. Today we talk to Miller about his course, his views, his libel suit, and the state of free speech in the era of increasing COVID tyranny.

Monday, April 19, 2021

11 Years After The G20 Ontario Once AGAIN Becomes A Police State BUT COP...

Thank You, Dan Dicks (PressForTruth) & your team, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . An excerpt: Police in Ontario are now refusing to enforce new Draconian lockdown measure announced by premiere Doug Ford because they violate the basic civil liberties that Canadians have come to cherish. Nearly 11 years ago now the G20 came to Toronto where police brutally violated our rights, a class action lawsuit was launched and the police were ordered to pay $16.5M in compensation to those who fell victims to the police force that weekend. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest lockdown measure in Ontario, why the police are refusing to enforce it and what most importantly what YOU should do when walking outside and faced with a thug in uniform who demands to see your papers.

To our protectors (the police & military) . . .
Our 'brave & fearless' ancestors, who fought (& sacrificed) for what they believed was right (freedom), were duped,... and it continues . . . Time to Wake-Up . . .
Culling the herd ... Plandemic . . . Conspiracy OR Fact ...  AND 'Going Down The Rabbit Hole' . . .  Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .
& Coronavirus Variants brought in via AirLines . . . Thank You, CTV News, Toronto (Beth MacDonell) ...

Embrace Freedom Live with Press For Truth!

Above video/channel censored, by the 'powers-not-to-be', but The Truth Goes Marching On . . .

Thank You, Dan Dicks (PressForTruth) & your team, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . & to BitChute (Press For Truth) &, (Press For Truth), for sharing . . .

Thank You, James Corbett ( & James Evan Pilato (MediaMonarchy) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .  Interview 1631 - New World Next Week  . . . An excerpt: Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.


To our protectors  (the police & military) . . .

Our 'brave & fearless' ancestors, who fought (& sacrificed) for what they believed was right (freedom), were duped ... and,  it continues  
An excerpt: For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced technology. For the first time, crusading filmmaker ALEX JONES reveals their secret plan for humanity's extermination: Operation ENDGAME.
Jones chronicles the history of the global elite's bloody rise to power and reveals how they have funded dictators and financed the bloodiest wars—creating order out of chaos to pave the way for the first true world empire. * Watch as Jones and his team track the elusive Bilderberg Group to Ottawa and Istanbul to document their secret summits, allowing you to witness global kingpins setting the world's agenda and instigating World War III. * Learn about the formation of the North America transportation control grid, which will end U.S. sovereignty forever. * Discover how the practitioners of the pseudo-science eugenics have taken control of governments worldwide as a means to carry out depopulation. * View the progress of the coming collapse of the United States and the formation of the North American Union.


And,  Remebering  'The Best Of Us' . . .  1 Eye's Blog . . . 

Plandemic ...  Conspiracy OR Fact ... Thank You, 1 Eye's Blog . . .
& Coronavirus Variants brought in via AirLines . . . Thank You, CTV News, Toronto (Beth MacDonell) ...

Monday, April 12, 2021

KSW362 Increase the Strength of Soul to Encompass the Physicality to Dis...

The Truth Goes Marching On . . . &, it's never the wrong time, to do the right thing . . .
'The Power behind your eyes; ... has to be greater, than the Power in front of your eyes' . . . Use your intensions wisely . . . They are powerful gifts . . . 
Thank You, KF Vietnamese & KF.SSI for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . THANK YOU . . . 

The 'bigger picture' . . .
Freeing the 'Lost Souls of Tara' . . . Why? . . . Because they are loved - Thank You, fellow Voyagers: The Amenti Teachings, KF Vietnamese, Keshe's Soul Teachings & all others, who incarnated on 'Beloved Mother Earth', with this 'soul purpose' . . . An excerpt: History of Freedom Teachings. The lost teachings on human's evolutionary process and true history. The science behind the creation of our Universe and the structure of consciousness in relation to light and sound. The relationship between time, space, dimension, chakra, and DNA.
Voyagers 1 - The Sleeping... - Thank You, Guardian Alliance (Ashayana Deane) for your work (books) & 'Love of Humanity' . . .

Arm yourself with Knowledge (Gaian Matrix) - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis . . . & Thank You, Ascension Glossary ... Carrying Out the 'Amenti Mission' (the Covenant Of Paliador) . . .

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Dr. Christianne Northrup, MD ~ Temperature Check and Where Do We Go From...

Above video taken down ...  But watch it  ***  HERE  *** . . .
Have we been hijacked? ... 'Don't underestimate, a psychopath in peril.'
'The Power behind your eyes; ... has to be greater, than the Power in front of your eyes' . . .
Thank You Laura Eisenhower (& your team),... Dr. Christianne Northrup, MD &,... Seth Leaf Purzansky for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity', (& to BitChute (SystemsofConsciousness), for sharing) . . .

Thank You, Cathy O'Brien (& Mark),... & Mel K (THE MEL K SHOW), for your work (books) & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute for sharing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Science Says (Corbett Report) - Thank You James & your team, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute for sharing) . . .

'Epop, Setag & their minions' ... The Great Inversion - The Kingdom Of Opposites - Thank You, yellow submarine (& YouTube for sharing)...

Have WE (Humanity) been duped, without our (informed) consent?... I  DO NOT CONSENT -  Thank You To All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Have Ontario ICUs Hit a Breaking Point?

Have Ontario ICUs Hit a Breaking Point? - Thank You, 'The Agenda' (tvo) with Steve Paikin (& to YouTube for sharing) ... & Coronavirus, for your perspective ... An excerpt: from ICUs Hit a Breaking Point - Two intensive care physicians, Dr. Michael Warner (Michael Garron Hospital) and Dr. Shelly Dev (Sunnybrook Hospital) discuss the challenges of caring for critically ill COVID-19 patients and whether the government response is enough to protect Ontarians from the variant-driven third wave of the virus.
Plugging the dike ...  Stricter COVID-19 restrictions .... - Thank You Global News - An excerpt: Canada's chief public health officer says the country is at a critical point in the COVID-19 pandemic. The B.1.1.7 variant, which first emerged in the U.K., is quickly muscling out other strains as it aims to become the dominant version of the virus, Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam warned on Friday.
Ontario hospitals have been instructed to postpone elective and non-urgent surgeries to ensure they have the capacity for COVID-19 patients, while Quebec, Alberta and British Columbia are seeing similar spikes in case counts. Plus, Manitoba said today it's at the start of a third COVID-19 wave. As Mike Le Couteur reports, Canada's chief public health officer says tighter public health restrictions are essential.

Science Says (Corbett Report) - Thank You James Corbett (& your team), for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute, 'Voyages Lunatiques', for sharing) . . . 

People Of The Lie - Thank You, Amazing Polly (& your team), for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute, 'MGStealth', for sharing) . . .

Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Law of Consent - Thank You, Lisa Renee (Energetic Synthesis & your team), for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

Friday, April 9, 2021

haitian times Live Stream

Follow the Money . . . Sometimes, certain situations will keep happening in life, until you pay attention, & learn the lesson . . . Good Luck . . .
Public Health ... Culling the herd ... W.H.O.    Do You Believe?
Part of the problem; or... part of the solution? ... Thank You 'Haitian Times', for your work,  (& to YouTube for sharing) ...

Is This Torture? ... Corona CRIMES Against Humanity - Thank You Amazing Polly, for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to MGSTEALTH & BitChute for sharing) . . . 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Canadian politicians ordered to appear before Grand Jury; Kevin Annett i...

Thank You Kevin Annett, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . An excerpt: Kevin Annett, a leader of the sovereign Republic of Kanata, is facing illegal confnement under a fraudulent covid isolation order. In this broadcast he challenges this action and reads a statement by international agencies in his support... Prime Minister Trudeau and others are summoned to appear before a Grand Jury and cease and desist their criminal actions. Issued April 5, 2021.

Where are we now? - Thank You, Dr Tent (& your DHS team) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . (& to YouTube, for sharing)... An excerpt: This might as well be called Dr. Tent unchained because there are no limits to what he may be discussing. Previously, due to threats of censorship, he had been toning down his rhetoric. But, for this lecture, he indicated there will be no holding anything back! During this lecture, he'll be talking about what brought us to this point, where we're currently at, and give a glimpse into the future.

Covid-19(84) Update: Church SHUT DOWN, Ontario And BC Lockdown... - Thank You Dan Dicks (& your PressForTruth team) for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .  -  & to BitChute, for sharing ... An excerpt: It is no longer a conspiracy theory or even a question that the Covid-19(84) “vaccines” come with risks and potentially serious health complications. The majority of people who have received the shot are also experiencing negative reactions but this is widely ignored by the mainstream media. Meanwhile a church in Alberta has been shut down with a fence around it in what can only be considered an act of spiritual warfare!! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest Covid-19(84) news about lockdowns, church and vaccines!!

Rise of Arther and Albion Lightbody - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis (Lisa Renee) & your team, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

This is another earthquake, Haiti opposition member says

Thank You, Haitian Times ... An excerpt: 
Opposition member Eddy St. Fort explains why the current unrest in Haiti is like another earthquake for the country.

On 'Beloved Mother Earth', we are all connected, & exist as One (consciousness) ... To know 'Thyself', you shall know the mysteries of the gods (your god-self), and the Universe . . .
My question to you: Is Haiti (& African countries) the 'microcosm, of the macrocosm' (to be the paradigm, of our 'not-so' future reality)? . . . Do you think it's time to 'Wake-Up & change' ?
If You Ingnore It,  You Condone It ...... Because, WE ARE THEY, & THEY ARE WE . . . We are all connected . . . WE ARE ONE . . .
Dashed Dreams - Thank You, Haitian Times ...

Law of Consent - Thank You, Energetic Synthesis, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' . . .

Monday, April 5, 2021

Small Businesses Are Essential Live with Press For Truth!!

Their purpose: To  Divide & Conquer  the populace, through the 'control systems' . . . We (Humanity) have been duped . . . Maybe it's a 'good time', to wake-up . . .
Thank You, Dan Dicks (PressForTruth) & your team, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' ... Sometimes The Truth Hurts . . . (& thank you, BitChute for sharing) . . .  An excerpt: Operation Save The Press (For Truth)! ➜

You want the truth?…you can’t handle the truth!! When Alex Lasarev took his comedy/truth telling routine to the streets of Vancouver there was one cyclist who couldn’t handle it…the man became irate, aggressive and violent as he used his bike as a weapon smashing out the van window that Alex was sitting beside. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Alex The Comic about this assault, what’s the psychology behind it and how something like this can even happen in the first place!

Check out Alex The Comic on Instagram:

W.H.O.   Do You Believe?
One (1) million COVID-19 cases... - Thank You, CBC News: The National ... An excerpt: As Canada reaches one million COVID-19 cases, doctors are speaking out about what’s happening and what could be done. Why an outbreak on the Vancouver Canucks is sparking concern about variants in that city. Plus, William Shatner on his 70-year career and turning 90. ... The National is CBC's flagship nightly news program, featuring the day's top stories with in-depth and original journalism, with hosts Adrienne Arsenault and Andrew Chang in Toronto, Ian Hanomansing in Vancouver and the CBC's chief political correspondent, Rosemary Barton in Ottawa.

The 'bigger picture' . . .  Thank You to all ... 1 Eye's Blog . . . 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Are Children More Conscious Than We Are? | The Agenda

Thinking 'outside the box' ... Life before programming ... A.I. & 'Mind Control' - Thank You, Steve Paikin (The Agenda, tvo), & Alison Gopnik (University of California at Berkeley), for helping to connect the dots (& to YouTube, for sharing) ... An excerpt: Babies can't tell us what their consciousness is like. Fortunately, we have psychologist Alison Gopnik, who has spent years researching and writing on how babies think. She joins to tell us what adults and AI can learn from children, the topic of her book, "The Gardener and the Carpenter: What the New Science of Child Development Tells Us About the Relationship Between Parents and Children."

Helping ritually abused and trafficked children - Thank You Cathy O'Brien (& Mark ) for your work (books), & 'Love Of Humanity' . . . 

'Long live syncretism' Song by Rihana Terrell

'Long live Syncretism' . . . The Science, of the God Within . . .  Thank You Jamie Salazar, Mystic Medium, & Santos Bonacci (MrAstrotheology) for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Santos Bonacci, aka, Mr Astrotheology, deals with the subject of Syncretism which brings together all fields of knowledge and wisdom and shows the interrelatedness of all things. Because we are always searching for God, but don't realize that he is within, we can look to science to find syncretism. Syncretism is the opposite of division and disunity and covers all of the big topics like; Theology, Astrotheology, Natural Science, Astrology, Reclaiming Dominion, Breaking the fictions of Religion, Science and Law, and the Holy Science, an ancient science based on the workings of the solar system, which is the science of, ‘as above so below’. These sciences enable one to develop wisdom and enlightenment far beyond what this world currently has to offer and we have the honor of listening to his teachings.

W.H.O. ...  Do You Trust? ... 'The Devil is in the details; ... but the Angels are Winning' . . .
How Much Do YOU Know About The Covid-19(84)... ?  . . . And, Bill Gates is Now The LARGEST OWNER OF U.S. FARMLAND!  ....  An excerpt: The monopolization of the global food industry is happening right under our noses and unless you secure your own food freedom now, it may soon be taken away forever! Bill Gates is now the largest owner of American farmland meanwhile in India farmers have been under attack for years and companies like Monsanto have been actively ruining the lives of farmers all over the world! We need to take the power of food freedom back into our hands now before it’s too late! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Julia Frank, the CEO of PlantX about the future of food freedom, how her company plans to empower people with food moving forward and most importantly the importance of living a healthy lifestyle while the likes of Monsanto and big Pharma attempt to impose the exact opposite on society.
Thank You Dan Dicks (PressForTruth & your team), for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' (& to BitChute for sharing) . . .

Fear Not !  I encourage Humanity, to be your authentic, sovereign, multidimensional self(s) . . . & remember; ... 'It's never the wrong time,... to do the 'right' thing' . . .  
Salting Your Data- #SolutionsWatch - Thank You, James (corbettreport) for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' . . .

And, the 'bigger' picture . . . - Thank You To All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .