Friday, January 28, 2022

'If You Ignore It, You Condone It!' ... It's time to 'saddle-up', my friends ... & 'co-create' a better reality, that serves everyone . . . So let's 'manifest wisely', ... because (as 'they' say), 'We're All In This, together' . . .

Those who we 'resonate' with, are always with us, because 'they live in our hearts' . . . FOREVER . . . They are supporting Humanity, from the other side of the veil (a higher-frequency spectrum: ref. 'ascension glossary'). Thank You Abraham, Martin, John & Bobby for your 'Love of Humanity', (& to Dion & YouTube (Somewheremaybe), for sharing) . . .  An excerpt: Abraham, Martin and John is a tribute to the memory of the four assassinated Americans: Abraham Lincoln, John Kennedy, Martin Luther King , and Robert Kennedy. It was written by Richard Holler in response to the 1968 assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy . . . The 4th & 5th verses:

Didn't you love the things that they stood for? Didn't they try to find some good for you and me? And we'll be free Some day soon, and it's a-gonna be one day... Anybody here seen my old friend Bobby? Can you tell me where he's gone? I thought I saw him walkin' up over the hill, With Abraham, Martin and John.

The truth goes marching on . . . 
'They (the powers, not-to-be), are all in this, together' ... but 'wisdom ouththinks' a criminal mind, everytime ... 'Mass Formation Psychosis' -  Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

*** Please feel free to share, if any of this 'resonates' with your heart. ***
YOU, who have been reading (and analyzing) my 'blog posts' (1 Eye's Blog'), are here for a reason, so you must ask yourself (your soul): 'Why Am I here'? ... Then, listen to your 'heart'. When you request this information sincerely, with 'love & gratitude', your answers will come to you, effortlessly. Y(our) answers are found within (y(our) intuitiion), not from y(our) 'mind-controlled'/hacked brain/ego-self . . . That is where, we have been 'duped' I.E. indoctrinated . . . It's time to get back on track . . .
The 'Reclamation of The Christos Mission' ... (reference: 'ascension glossary') is what my 'soul purpose' is, & that is why I'm here' - at this time on 'Beloved Mother Earth' ... I en-courage all readers, to connect with your soul, & find your truth (your purpose) & get back on track . . . I wish you well! ... 1 Eye . . .

'Freedom Isn't Free' ... Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

'SING FREEDOM (A simple song) . . . LOUDLY' - Thank You B..D.. (EileenML aka Adamfulgence) & YouTube, for sharing . . . 

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