Thursday, January 6, 2022

Mind Control

As the United States 'Marine Corps' say: 'No-One' left behind  . . . 
You are reading this 'blog post', because 'you & I' chose to be here at this time - on Beloved Mother Earth - to help 'right-the-ship' (so-to-speak) - so, it's time to 'saddle-up' . . . & re-connect with your soul, your avatar-self & your multidimensional god-self(s) . . . & 'wake-up' to y(our) soul purpose . . . Fear Not, because you are not alone; 'we are a team' ...  & don't let your 'mind ego' succumb to their 'mind-control' programming . . . Be your authentic, sovereign, multidimensional self(s) & use your intentions wisely . . . They are 'Powerful Gifts' . . .  beacause, 'WE' are much more powerful, than they are . . . 
Thank You, Lisa Renee (EnergeticSynthesis) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Thank you for visiting our channel. As we are moving into greater intensity with the Ascension Timeline entering the Galactic Consciousness phase during 2012 and beyond. This information is designed to provide a context for ascending humans to embrace the changing paradigm on planet earth, as well as learn tools for empowered self-mastery. This ES Channel content reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 and beyond Timeline) as support, both energetically and educationally, for the Galactic Families of Starseeds and the Indigo Races. Energetic Synthesis is an advocate for bridging the Star Races on the earth serving the Law of One, an Universal Ascension Model. Please cultivate energetic discernment, personal responsibility to use what you need and discard the rest! Be kind, ethical and responsible towards others. In Love and Appreciation, Lisa Renee and The ES Team

The truth goes marching on . . .
The 'great reset', is the 'The War' on our consciuosness, & it is in full swing ...  Best to discern the information & 'Wake-Up' . . . Thank You, Deborah T. ( NEW) & David Zublick (DarkOutpost) & Trevor, for your work & 'Love of Humanity', (& to, for sharing) . . .

Radiation Warfare  (of everything) . . . Thank You to All . . . 1 Eye's Blog . . .

DO NOT CONSENT . . . - Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

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