Sunday, January 30, 2022

A message to All 'narcissists' I.E those 'OWO' (NWO) types ... Can you say 'Space Dust'? ... I wish you well, on your journey . . .

Thank You Tracy A. Malone, for your work & 'Love of Humanity', & to YouTube, for sharing . . .
And, what are the traits of a 'narcissist' ... Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of empathy and consideration for other people, and an excessive need for admiration. Others often describe people with NPD as cocky, manipulative, selfish, patronizing, and demanding. (thank you, google search) ...
Narcissists display low moral character traits & low ethical standards (ref. ascension glossary) . . .

'Gaslighting', is the typical weapon, of the narcissist ... An example: It is a covert type of emotional abuse where the bully or abuser misleads the target, creating a false narrative and making them question their judgments and reality. Ultimately, the victim(s) of gaslighting starts to feel unsure about their perceptions of the world, and even wonder if they are losing their sanity. (thank you, google search) ... 

And, 'gaslighting' is spiritual warfare - against the vulnerable 'souls', who have given their  'authenticity, sovereignty & consent', over to 'demonic entities', who seek to control  (ref: ascension glossary) . . .

'Freedom isn't Fringe' . . . Thank You my friend, Jason Bermas, for your work & 'Love of Humanity', & to YouTube &, for sharing . . . The Big Mutha' Truckin Trudeu Road Show! . . .  

A Message, to the 'Mainstream Journalists' . . . 'It's never the wrong time, to do the right thing'... So, in my humble opinion, it's time to 'awaken', to what you are a part of, & join us, ... but, it will take some courage (& soul-searching) . . .
And, did you ever wonder why the 'news' is the same, on all of the 'mainstream' media outlets (on 'tel-lies-vision')?  Maybe, just maybe, ... it's time for you - the 'mainstream' journalists - to step-up & move away from your 'defined roles', & quit following 'their scripts', laid out for you by your 'controllers' - without your personal, 'authentic' discernment & consent . My friends, because of the oath, you've taken & signed in your contract(s), 'You are part of the problem' . . . therefore, you can also be, 'part of the solution' . . . Your defined roles as journalists, as referenced from 'google search' is: Journalists write and assemble together news stories that will interest their audience. By gathering together a number of different sources and ensuring that all the arguments are represented, they keep their audience abreast of events in their world. The job typically involves 'reading press releases'. (thank you, google search) ...

THE MOST BASIC FORM OF 'MIND CONTROL' IS REPETITION ... (& repeat often) ... Thank You Cathy O'Brien Phillips (Trance Formation of America) & your entire team, for your work/books, & for your 'Love of Humanity' . . . As Cathy says: Inform yourself, because 'Knowledge is Power' ... Get Cathy's (& Mark's) books  ***  HERE  *** . . . 
& as the 'great Warrior',  Kevin Annett, aka (golden) 'Eagle Strong Voice' says: 'Carry it On' . . .

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Don't Be Fooled! They are skillful deceivers ... So, be aware of their 'embedded' actors, inciters, provocateurs & props, ... that accompany their official 'narrative', ... to achieve their intended (fear-based) outcome(s), that enslave us ... They always tell us (via leaks) ahead of time . . .

1 Eye posted this, at 10:40 am, EST . . .
Perpe- Traitors ... What would the 'controllers' do, if their 'top' minions were (further) exposed? W.H.O. would they get to do their bidding?  And Oh yes, where did Glen McGregor's post on, 'Trucker Convoy converging...' go? ... I guess the 'powers not-to-be', don't want their 'conspiracy' to get out, with his name involved ... Very strange, don't you think? . . .
'Fool me once, shame on you ... Fool me twice, shame on me' . . .
Thank You CTV News (The Canadian Press Staff Contact) &  Political reporter, Glen McGregor for sharing: 'Trudeau Concerned Trucker Convoy converging on Parliament Hill, could turn violent'' . . . (full-form-fear I.E.  F.E.A.R. is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real - thank you, google search) . . .

And, ... The 'Potential Repercussions' - Thank You 'Waking the Future' (Pat & Joel) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to, for sharing) ...  About 'Waking', & an excerpt from Pat & Joel: At Waking the Future Podcast, we are dedicated to exposing the tyranny that our government has over us. Through decades of corruption, bad policies, and the 2-party system to name just a few issues they have been able to take away the very freedom and liberties of We the People of this great nation! Joel and Pat decided that the way we can help this dire situation we find ourselves in now is to get our thoughts out there and heard! Waking the Future will bring you historical events to current events to show you, the listener the trouble this country is in now. Waking the Future will bring on guests with a vast array of knowledge in areas from politics, economics, law and religion in order to keep our listeners informed on how the government is able to hide from us their tyranny under the guise of freedom and liberty for all. Enjoy the show and always remember to research and question all you hear!

life with codes

Thank You 'fellow Voyagers' (& Guardians), for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' . . . & for sharing the 'life with codes' (art & jewelry symbols), that set our intentions, towards ...Authenticity, Love &  'Freedom'  . . . (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .  Above  ***** Video/Channel no-longer available... *****

So, check out  ****   THIS  **** (updated in 2023) Thank You Krystal Rap, for sharing ...

         ...'click on image' to enlarge ...

Disclosure Series: DNA Unplugged-Memory Erased (updated 1/25/22)

An excerpt: Each DNA Strand represents a Fire Letters Code program sequence corresponding to one dimensional frequency band of Consciousness. (24 Seed Codes = 1 DNA strand). The level of frequencies that are accreted into the personal Morphogenetic Field will determine the level of DNA strand assembly that you posses. As a person pulls in more frequency bands from the dimensional Unified Fields, the personal frequency accretion level rises, and thus, more DNA codes can assemble and activate.

Consciousness is energetic intelligence which can be both undifferentiated units of qualities of energy or arranged in specific blueprints that direct or influence all matter forms. What is contained in the blueprint will govern the form (govern the body and thought-forms), and direct the intelligence and the energies associated with that blueprint. The 12 Tree Grid and the Light-body are Holographic blueprint matrices that are built upon sequences of Sacred Geometry.


The 'powers not-to-be' need our 'loosh' (energy) to exist - as they have chosen to be disconnected from 'Source' ... Those entities have chosen the 'service-to-self' paradigm  I.E. the few controlling the many via 'free-will' deception ... (ref: ascension glossary ... Negative Emotional Energy Collection - 'loosh') ... An excerpt: Reversal Networks are collecting life force from the collective fields of all earth inhabitants and producing more subtle black forces and miasma. The much sought after spiritual energy contained in these fields is called energetic Loosh by the cabals. In this context, loosh is referred to as the emotional energy radiated by animals and humans when feeling threatened, harmed or being killed, that results in the traumatizing pain and suffering that is experienced and recorded in the body, mind and soul. This trauma and pain gets recorded in the earth body itself. For centuries the NAA have developed and exploited multidimensional occult practices through reversal creation code. This has been given to secret societies and institutions for the purpose of Mind Control and Social Engineering, in order to harvest Negative Emotional Energy or loosh from the masses.

With the current acceleration of the electronic era, which promotes transhumanism and an array of Artificial intelligence technologies both overtly and covertly, the exploitation to extract negative emotional energy from humanity is at an all-time high. Our planet is being deluged with negative mind control programming and AI broadcasts that target the negative Ego Filters that have infiltrated every fiber of society. This is in order to elicit extremely negative emotions and painful trauma from the constant bombardment of harmful images, behaviors and actions. These programs encourage cruelty, brutality, and violence, which are being massively super-imposed upon humanity and the earthly kingdoms at this time. Extremely charged negative emotional energy, such as that achieved during Satanic Ritual Abuse, contains hormonal adrenalin cascades that course throughout the cellular energy within the human body, blood and brain. Under such intense extremes of painful suffering, the blood and flesh becomes charged with heightened molecular content, which is highly prized by Negative Aliens and Satanic forces. This is why they delight in the torture, suicide and killing of human beings, especially the innocent souls unable to protect themselves, like children. [2]


We all want 'truth' ...  So, I believe it is time that we find something to believe in, that makes sense... In my humble opinion, for a look at   the 'bigger picture', that is occurring at this time  on 'Beloved Mother Earth' . . . Check out Ashayana's 'Voyager perspectives' & books  ***  HERE  *** . . . I wish you well, on your journey! ... &, Thank You to All,  1 Eye . . .


As I have heard repeatedly, on the 'tel-lies-vision'  I.E. 'the portal of deception'  ...  Is that:  'We Are All In This Together' ...  NOT!  ...

Great  Synchronicity (Serendipity),  'Telepathy' &  Teamwork ... (reposted, from Tuesday, April 21, 2015)  Thank  'You to All'  for doing your part . . . 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Friday, January 28, 2022

Pfizer, China indicted for genocide as Kevin Annett dodges assassination

Thank You Kevin Annett, for your work/books & 'Love of Humanity', & to YouTube, for sharing . . . An excerpt: 
An International Court will issue its verdict and sentence against Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, China, the Vatican, and other genocidal agencies on January 15, 2022, after a five month investigation and trial on Canada's west coast. The Court's chief advisor, Kevin Annett, has dodged two assassination attempts during 2021, and faces more attacks from these and other guilty criminals.

Establish Liberty ... Republic Of Kanata - Natural Law (Common Law) is the 'Law of the Universe' . . . Thank You Kevin Annett ... Listen to Kevin''s updates: 'Here We Stand' (January 23, 2022) & 'Censored YouTube Broadcast 2', (January 20, 2022), & February 6, 2022 & to PlayerFM, for sharing . . . PlayerFM no-longer available . . .

Support Kevin's life work, for freedom & 'JUSTICE', by getting Kevin Daniel Annett's   Books  ***  HERE  *** . . . Thank You . . . 

ICLCJ Britain Report, January 25, 2022 - Thank You Kevin Annett for your work, & to (Historical & Present Truths), for sharing . . . An excerpt: London: British government sources have confirmed that Prime Minister Boris Johnson abruptly ordered the cancellation of COVID measures in response to the issuing of ICLCJ Arrest Warrants against GlaxoSmithKline CEO Emma Walmsley and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.

On January 19, Johnson suspended all COVID protocols within hours of receiving reports that a team of ICLCJ Sheriffs had arrived in London that morning to arrest Walmsley and Welby for complicity in medical genocide.

“We know it wasn’t coincidental, because Boris called an emergency cabinet meeting after MI5 notified him of the Warrants,” states the source.

“Soon after that, he summarily canceled the Plan B COVID measures on the insistence of MI5 Director Ken McCallum, and apparently the Queen herself.”

Emma Walmsley and Justin Welby are among seventy-five people who were lawfully convicted of Crimes against Humanity by the ICLCJ on January 15. The CEO and churchman are convicted co-conspirators in the medical experimentation and murder of children at Anglican hospitals and orphanages, and among indigenous people in Canada.

Queen Elizabeth is also a convicted co-conspirator in these crimes as the head of the Anglican Church and a major shareholder in GlaxoSmithKline, and as one who personally sanctioned and authorized the use of children in deadly drug testing experiments at Anglican facilities, including the Kamloops Indian residential school, St. Paul’s hospital in Vancouver, and the National Defense Research and Development Laboratories in Toronto.

“This scandal could bring down the Crown, so the government needs to squelch the COVID measures and all those anti-vax protesters who are now legally empowered to arrest the Head of State and Church,” remarked Kevin Annett, Chief Advisor to the Court Prosecutor.

“And that’s exactly what every freedom loving Briton must do now: act as Citizen Sheriffs and use our warrants to arrest Emma Walmsley, Justin Welby, and Elizabeth Windsor, under the authority of the Court and the will of the people, who are the true sovereigns of England.”

Stand by for more updates on the impending arrests of Walmsley, Welby, and Windsor.

Issued by the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) – January 25, 2022

'If You Ignore It, You Condone It!' ... It's time to 'saddle-up', my friends ... & 'co-create' a better reality, that serves everyone . . . So let's 'manifest wisely', ... because (as 'they' say), 'We're All In This, together' . . .

Those who we 'resonate' with, are always with us, because 'they live in our hearts' . . . FOREVER . . . They are supporting Humanity, from the other side of the veil (a higher-frequency spectrum: ref. 'ascension glossary'). Thank You Abraham, Martin, John & Bobby for your 'Love of Humanity', (& to Dion & YouTube (Somewheremaybe), for sharing) . . .  An excerpt: Abraham, Martin and John is a tribute to the memory of the four assassinated Americans: Abraham Lincoln, John Kennedy, Martin Luther King , and Robert Kennedy. It was written by Richard Holler in response to the 1968 assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy . . . The 4th & 5th verses:

Didn't you love the things that they stood for? Didn't they try to find some good for you and me? And we'll be free Some day soon, and it's a-gonna be one day... Anybody here seen my old friend Bobby? Can you tell me where he's gone? I thought I saw him walkin' up over the hill, With Abraham, Martin and John.

The truth goes marching on . . . 
'They (the powers, not-to-be), are all in this, together' ... but 'wisdom ouththinks' a criminal mind, everytime ... 'Mass Formation Psychosis' -  Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

*** Please feel free to share, if any of this 'resonates' with your heart. ***
YOU, who have been reading (and analyzing) my 'blog posts' (1 Eye's Blog'), are here for a reason, so you must ask yourself (your soul): 'Why Am I here'? ... Then, listen to your 'heart'. When you request this information sincerely, with 'love & gratitude', your answers will come to you, effortlessly. Y(our) answers are found within (y(our) intuitiion), not from y(our) 'mind-controlled'/hacked brain/ego-self . . . That is where, we have been 'duped' I.E. indoctrinated . . . It's time to get back on track . . .
The 'Reclamation of The Christos Mission' ... (reference: 'ascension glossary') is what my 'soul purpose' is, & that is why I'm here' - at this time on 'Beloved Mother Earth' ... I en-courage all readers, to connect with your soul, & find your truth (your purpose) & get back on track . . . I wish you well! ... 1 Eye . . .

'Freedom Isn't Free' ... Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

'SING FREEDOM (A simple song) . . . LOUDLY' - Thank You B..D.. (EileenML aka Adamfulgence) & YouTube, for sharing . . . 

Thursday, January 27, 2022

The 'Collelctive Awakening' of Humanity, ... is in 'full swing' . . .

Self-Esteem  I.E. 'loving yourself' & having empathy, allows you to 'love others', unconditionally, & Makes for Better Choices . . . 

Thank You Energetic Synthesis, for sharing your work . . . An excerpt:  Be aware - The goal of the Controllers always has been to steep humanity in an environment of ongoing lies and massively complex deceptions. The seed of satanism is lies, in which we can never achieve deep spiritual healing while swimming in those lies. When we knowingly commit acts of deception or we repeat the lies of the mainstream mind control, it erodes our personal and energetic integrity and as the result, our self-esteem plummets.  It is important to realize that if we live in the lie, and we are complicit in perpetrating that lie because of cognitive dissonance or somehow we tell ourselves that it is going to be temporary, our sense of self-worth is greatly damaged. This is the general strategy of the anti-human controllers, for they know if we live in lies, if we tell their lies and believe in their deceptions, our subconscious mind will take in those lies as a harmful vibration. Even when we are not fully conscious of that fact or the individual is not fully aware that they are being used to tell lies to other people based on something they have been told by others, our self-esteem and sense of self-worth can be destroyed deeply within our psyche.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The (Im)Possible Dream, Shamsan 🤗💚🌿🌾✔️

It Is So . . . IT  IS  DONE! . . .
Thank You my friend . . . 1 Eye . . .

Freedom Convoy 2022 Manitoba Chapter

Don't underestimate truckers . . . Truckers are the 'salt, of the earth' . . .
Thank You Beth Martens, for your work & 'Love of Humanity', & to YouTube &, for sharing . . .

And,  the 'devil' said: ... 'You may not survive the storm' . . . The 'Warrior of Light' replied: 'I  AM THE STORM' . . . 
Thank You for the 'not-so-helpful' nudge, my friend . . . , & Thank You to all, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Thank You Canadian Covid Care Alliance for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' . . .

Government standing firm... (along with their media), trying to 'control the narrative' .... Thank You, CBC News (& YouTube, for sharing) ... An excerpt: Despite calls from some bisiness groups for the government to delay the new vaccination rule for truckers, Employment Minister Carla Qualtrough says the government doesn't intend to push the pause button.
Experts say: Aren't you so tired of hearing from their 'so called ex-perts' ... Thank You Ben Cousins ( Writer) & CTV News ... for sharing ...

As the 'great' George Harrison, once said: 'It doesn't matter who you vote for, (in this 'convoluted reality') the government always gets in' . . . So don't be fooled! ... You don't get elected, unless you are 'part of the club' I.E. their, OWO club . . . Thank You Today's Trucking Staff (anonymous) for sharing: J..T.. & E..O'T, 'stress the need' . . .    

The usual suspects . . .
Truth is simple . . . Thank You C..O..P..  (& M..P..) & your 'entire team', for your work/books ... 'Trance Formation of America' ... & 'Love of 'Humanity'.

W.H.O. ... Do you believe? . . . Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Freedom Convoy 2022 Livestream [King Hero Interview]

By now, . . . YOU MUST BE WAKING-UP . . . 
Thank You Beth Martens, for your work & 'Love of Humanity', & to YouTube, &, for sharing . . .  An excerpt: 
The past 48 hours have been extraordinary as Canada stands up against the Canadian mandates on truckers that has has put the people's supply chains under severe risk. Speaking with a Manitoba trucker joining the convoy I learned there are 150,000 trucks hitting the road en route to Ottawa where they will park until the mandates are lifted. They say it's is not about the poison injection mandates, this is about putting a stop to this assault on freedom on behalf of everyone being asked to choose against their better judgement and their unalienable rights. Check out the links below for their website and the GoFundMe where to date there's nearly $3 million dollars raised in less than 2 days!!  Join one of the organizers and myself live at 4 PM CST Monday, January 24, 2022 for this historic moment in these insanely crazy times. Watch on Rokfin:  *** Find the other 150+ King Hero's Journey interviews and personal rants here:

Canada-wide anti-mandate demonstrations ... Thank You, (Ron Stang), for sharing your work . . . But, the 'powers not-to-be' , don't agree to 'FREEDOM' of choice ...  Why, you might ask? ... Because it conflicts with their 'control OWO agendas' ...  An excerpt: The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA), the national organization representing the industry, issued a statement Jan. 22 saying it “does not support and strongly disapproves of any protests on public roadways, highways, and bridges. CTA believes such actions – especially those that interfere with public safety – are not how disagreements with government policies should be expressed.” The CTA also maintains government mandates won’t change as both countries now require vaccinations. “The only way to cross the border, in a commercial truck or any other vehicle, is to get vaccinated,” president Stephen Laskowski said.

Ont. police investigating post supporting trucker convoy . . . 

'Police on Guard' for thee . . . I  'SALUTE'  You, & your entire team . . .
Thank You Durham Police Ofiicer, Erin Howard (her social media, is now under scrutiny), for supporting 'Freedom' of choice & Canada's constitution. Thank You Officer, for your work (& for serving, 'all' of Canadians), & for your 'Love of Humanity' ... & thank you to reporters, Nathan Downer & Jon Woodward  & thank you to CTV News for sharing . . .

And, trying to 'control the narrative' - The 'powers not-to-be', don't like anything they can't  control E.g. the murky matter of protests (their 'competing' forces) . . . Thank You James Menzies ( for your perspective(s) on 'Freedom' . . . An excerpt: Truckers are rightfully upset about a vaccine mandate that was clumsily applied to cross-border essential workers, including the professional drivers who’ve been keeping us supplied throughout the pandemic. But such protests rarely deliver results, aside from angering the motoring public and casting shade on our industry. We will report on significant events that disrupt our industry and your businesses, but do nothing to support this form of protest.

Monday, January 24, 2022

I en-courage 'You All', to 'manifest wisely' . . . We can do this! . . . 1 Eye


'Click on image', to enlarge . . .

It's never the wrong time, to do the right thing . . .
Thank You KF Vientnamese for your wotk, & 'Love of Humanity' . . .  An excerpt:  

Spiritual Awakening - “Many people who are going through the early stages of the awakening process are no longer certain what their outer purpose is. What drives the world no longer drives them. Seeing the madness of our civilization so clearly, they may feel somewhat alienated from the culture around them. Some feel that they inhabit a no-man’s-land between two worlds. They are no longer run by the ego, yet the arising awareness has not yet become fully integrated into their lives. Inner and outer purpose have not merged.” ~Eckhart Tolle

We think Eckhart Tolle’s quote best describes the majority of Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers. About 5 years ago in 2016, Thinh Truong was in the same boat. He was at the impasse in life not sure what to do next. We all may have different reasons to join Keshe Foundation, but we are sure our souls led us to the same point as part of our spiritual development in the awakening process. During that time, he has an urge to relocate to Vietnam. He made the move without hesitation, shocking his family and relatives. People thought he was insane. Most people want to leave Vietnam by whatever means while he plunged headwards into what Vietnamese believe is a hell hole. Family and relatives believe it was too dangerous. The government would give him trouble. On top of it all, he has no means to support himself on the long-term. 

Thank You Lisa M. Harrison for your perspective & work, & to, for sharing . . . We 'Humanity' have been hacked (duped) . . .

Thank You to All (R.I.P my friend) . . .  1 Eye's Blog . . .

Special Weekly Meditation to Create Group Shield and Dome of Peace 01/22...

We are 'powerful beings' . . . Ask & you will receive . . . Be in charge . . . Manifest wisely & be the change . . .
Thank You KF Vietnamese (Thinh Truong) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' & to YouTube, for sharing . . . An excerpt: 

Indoctrination - We are at a point in time where people are starting to wake up in mass number. People are no longer accepting the status quo and are looking for answers to many questions. They are looking deeper into subjects for which they have taken for granted like health, food, environment, religion, and government to name a few. People are seeking a healthier way of life. They are seeking to get back into balance with nature. They are looking for alternative ways of doing things. They are looking deeper into how things work and the nature of their existence. They are seeking for a purpose and meaning to life greater than what they were lead to believe for thousands of years. Regardless whether people come to Keshe Foundation for free energy, seeking answers to health issues, or for whatever other reasons; this is one of the first steps their soul have lead them on a path of spiritual awakening. Through the exploration of Keshe Plasma Science, people will discover answers to many hidden questions they seek on a subconscious level and come to realize and see a world beyond their mental understanding. The knowledge will elevate their soul out of a matrix that have enslaved their consciousness. The knowledge will set their soul and physicality free from the control of special interest groups that is not aligned to the best interest of humanity. It is KF Vietnamese’s desire to guide and assist people on this adventure and journey of self-exploration.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Guided Meditation to Return Back to Balance 08/14/2021

Thank You my friend KF Vietnamese, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .  An excerpt: The guided meditation will show the working of the soul. This session will allow people to experience first hand the power of collective consciousness and how intention can help to shape our 3D reality through the power of manifestation as a Co-Creator. At the same time, the energy transmission in this session can help clear negative energy, can help people let go of what no longer serve them, can help cut energetic cords draining people's energy against their will or knowledge, can remove entity attachments, and can help people return back to balance with the energy of Love, Peace, Balance, and Joy.

We must remember, that 'WE' are all connected here, on this '3D plane' (Beloved Mother Earth), because we are all 'fractals' of Source (energy) . . . It can not be otherwise . . . The 'powers not-to-be' (don't want us to know this), or have simply forgotten, that they also have 'this connection' & so, they need to be 'nudged' (reminded) . . . Sometimes, 'tough Love' is required to 'right-the-ship', so to speak . . . And so, Waking-Up to this, requires 'experiencing the chaos' & asking one's self : 'Why Am I Here?'  Then, by listening/following your 'heart' I.E your intuition/your soul & higher-self(s) ... you can then discern & set your 'intention(s) for change' that is your soul's path/purpose . . . When we do this 'collectively'; we can & will co-create a new reality, that serves 'all' of  Humanity (not just the few) ... I.E. 'The Law Of  One' . . .
Thank  You-to-All  - 1 Eye . . . Great   Telepathy   ... 'Synchronicity' ...  & TEAMWORK . . .  'Warriors of Light',  YOU are needed  . . .   WAKE - UP !  

Thursday, January 20, 2022

16APR 304 Children 2 Sources 15 MILABS $69 million

Tory's soul's quest for justice, 'carries on' exponentially, from the 'other side' of the veil (a higher dimension) . . . 
Thank You my friend Tory Smith, for your work & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .  An excerpt: 304 children were gang raped and murdered in 15 MILABS at a cost of $69 million to taxpayers. These children were brought to America by NATO and the Air Force who also raped these children. At a special event for CNN in Atlanta, 30 CNN Executives gang raped 6 children a total of 91 times before choking them to death. At DULCE, the males who raped the children included 30 Russian CIA operatives and 69 MOSSAD males. Of these Mossad men 12 of them planted detonation bombs in the Oklahoma City bldg, all 69 planted explosives in the WTC bldgs for 9/11 and 31 of them planted nuclear bombs for Dick Cheney the weekend of 31 bombs planted in Battery Park NYC and around the Great Lakes area and Texas. 7 of those nukes were planted here in Indiana-Incl. South Bend, Elkhart, Fort Wayne, Columbia City, Michigan City, West Lafayette and Muncie.

The Truth Goes Marching On . . .
Perpe-Traitors ... TRANCE FORMATION OF AMERICA ... OWO (NWO) ... They're all in this together, but ... 'Wisdom out-thinks' a criminal mind, everytime ...  And  ...
Mass Formation Psychosis - Thank You C..O..P.. (& MEL K) for your work/books, & 'Love of Humanity', (& to, for sharing) . . .  An excerpt:  Mel is joined by the amazing Cathy O'Brien to discuss the new world order agenda, the plandemic and the trama based mind control we are all being subjected to. Cathy is a federal whistleblower having been a victim of U.S. government run Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) / CIA Mind Control (MK Ultra) by the highest levels of our own government. Her testimony shone a bright light on the continuing existence of the supposedly ended CIA intelligence program known as MK ultra/monarch mind control. Her story of resilience and survival, and the healing she has done and shared has saved millions of lives and continues to expose evil within our own country.

This is critical information to help humanity see the mind control programming that we are all being put through. Knowledge, Light and Love defeats this evil agenda. Learn from Cathy, a brave warrior for humanity and retake your sovereignty. Love heals all #GodWins

Please learn more, follow & support Cathy through her books & tools here:

It's going to be a great year and definitely a year to get and be involved in taking back our world. One way to get involved and find ways to activate is to come meet Mel and many amazing truth warriors at our upcoming live in person speaking events, Together we are unstoppable, We look forward to seeing you. God Wins!

Phoenix AZ - January 14-15 (Reawaken America Tour)
Oklahoma City, OK January 22 (Sherwood For Governor - Make Oklahoma Free Rally)
Canton, OH February 18-19 (Reawaken America Tour)
San Diego, CA March 11-12 (Reawaken America Tour)
Redmond, OR - April 1-2 (Reawaken America Tour)
See our website events page and follow the link to the events. Remember to mention Mel K for great discounts on all these fun and informative events. See you there!

RE:AWAKENING Movie Just Launched ! - see our partners page !

Important Update To Those That Support us with Donations:
A certain payment company that sounds like FayGal and their sister company FenMo have deemed The Mel K Show against their respective acceptable use policies. Please use free speech friendly Align Pay for donations at or support us in others ways such as our partners or TheMelKShow.TV


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

'Crimes against Humanity' ... &, Is the 'Police State' enslaving us? . . . I don't believe the police, want to do this ... They have just forgotten, that they work for us ... I.E. 'all' the people - not merely 'the criminals', in government & their 'control systems' . . .


International (Common Law) Court looks into COVID-19, Crimes Against Humanity - Thank You 'Covidhoax plandemic asks for Nuremberg  trial 2.0' for your work, & Love of Humanity, (& to, for sharing). . . An excerpt: It's already starting. Next week on in the next 10 days the crimes against humanity will be presented to a Grand Jury. 

Most of my videos on odysee are having a big problem playing since the 2nd week of October 2021. When you go to watch one particular video, odysee plays a different video. The odysee team are aware of this problem and they said they will fix the problem (until when?).

My apologies for this inconvenience.

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Speech about 'common law' in Australia, and the Solution to the Mandates. Thank You Mike Holt (The Bloody Aussie Battler Podcast) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' & to BitChute, for sharing . . . An excerpt: In this speech to explain Common Law we learn what the political parties have done to destroy our rights and freedoms, and what we can do to stop these attacks on us. We are at war. Yet, most people are not even aware of it.

Not to worry, my friends, & 'fear not' . . . In my humble opinion, I beleive that the 'control systems' of this (our) 'convoluted reality' (which consist only of a few entities), are merely showing their 'true colours' . . . & are panicking, & at the same time, losing control of 'their minions' - who carry out their dirty work . . . So, they are just trying to instill (stage) fear in them,... not us . . . It's  'great acting'  though, isn't it? . . .
Is the 'Police State' enslaving us? . . . 'Raid on bikers' - Government(s) & the corporatocracy don't like competition, unless they agree to it (on their terms) . . . Thank You, 'The Mob Reporter' for your work (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . .  An excerpt:  Extraordinary, tough new laws targeting outlaw motorcycle clubs are forcing bikers to hide their colors, cover their tattoos, paint over clubhouse signs — and get arrested if they get together in public. Even for a peaceful poolside party. Let me tell you about it.
The Mob Reporter here with a taste of the new life for bikers in Australia’s largest state (by geography) after police began enforcing new rules for bikers who have been made public enemy Number 1. Police in Western Australia started wielding brand-new anti-association laws and anti-insignia laws by breaking up a poolside birthday party for a biker (or bikie as they are called in Australia) and charging attendees with displaying now-banned club logos and tattoos. The Unlawful Consorting and Prohibited Insignia Act came into effect on Christmas Eve, naming 46 motorcycle clubs and street gangs as designated groups. Among them are the Mongols, the Hells Angels, the Rebels, Bandidos, Gypsy Jokers, Comancheros, Coffin Cheaters, Mongrel Mob, Black Power, Gods Garbage, Nomads, Outlaws, Satudarah, Rock Machine, and many, many others. The state’s laws were declared to be the strictest in Australia, a country that already is probably the toughest against outlaw bikers of any democracy. Attorney-General John Quigley and Police Minister Paul Papalia said the law is designed to give club members a clear choice: “Get out of the gang or get out of Western Australia.” Last week police found several members of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club and the Rebels Motorcycle Club at a hotel pool outside Perth, drinking, eating and swimming in celebration of the birthday of one of the Rebels. Five club members were then charged with displaying prohibited insignia. Queensland, on the other side of Australia, has an anti-consorting law it recently enforced against members of the Mongols MC when they were seen together on Hamilton Island, a popular tourist area near the Great Barrier Reef. Three Mongols members were charged with habitually consorting with a recognized offender and a fourth was issued a warning. Human rights advocates, constitutional law experts, and others ask what the law means to freedom of association and peaceful assembly, even though these notions aren’t generally protected in Australia as they are in the United States and some other jurisdictions. 
LINK to my Mongrel Mob video: . 

For an interesting read, check out Wayne Madsen's book ' The Almost Classified Guide to CIA Front Companies, Proprietaries & Contractors' ...  An excerpt: This book is a compilation, in encyclopedic format, of the CIA's various fronts, proprietaries, and contractors/corporate partners since the agency's inception in 1947. The book ranges from "A" to "Z" -- Air America to Zapata Offshore.

Airlines Call For Immediate Intervention Ahead Of 5G Rollout - Thank You 'TODAY' ...

Thank You 'TODAY' for your work ... (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Airline and cargo carrier CEOs are warning of massive disruptions if the 5G rollout goes forward around the nation’s airports. The aviation industry is concerned that 5G will disrupt critical cockpit systems, while cell phone companies insist there is no risk to planes. NBC’s Tom Costello reports for TODAY.

The 'devil' is in the details; but the angels are winning . . . Thank You my friend Scottie, for sharing - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Canadian Justice | City Councils Are Chilling Freedom Of Speech? ... Are You Waking-Up Yet?

Thank You The News Forum - Canadian Justice (ChristineVanGeyn) ... & interviewees - Town Councillor, Douglas Judson, Fort Frances & Lawyer, Asher Honickman, for your views, (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: Christine and her panel of legal experts look at Municipal Code of Conduct Rules, and how they are being weaponized for political gain. Tune in to The News Forum for more news, updates, and in-depth interviews from a Canadian perspective where all voices matter. Check your local listings for channel details. #thenewsforum 

The Truth goes marching on ... and, the 'powers not-to-be' are panicking & 'losing' control . . .
It's becoming quite obvious, isn't it? And, they don't even try to hide it anymore; that you don't get elected (or become heads, of their 'corporatocracy'), unless you are 'part of the club' I.E. one who adheres to their agenda, 'their reality' . . . We (the people) are supposed to just keep watching 'hockey & football' (& the 'tel-lies-vision') & be happy to be enslaved . . .
But, Democracy, resides with (us), the people, not their 'algorithm' elected puppets I.E. the powers not-to-be, & their minions (who 'blindly' carry-out, & institute the control systems', contrived reality) . . . Best, to discern information & 'watch their actions, not their words' . . .  & then, you can better decide, who to give your energy to . . .  The Office of  Integrity Commissioner of Ontario, Canada - Mr. R. David Wake...
Controlling 'the narrative' . . . Most 'municipal leaders' & most likely your mayor, were included on these conference calls . . . And also, did you know that most mayors & leaders of  Canadian jurisdictions, have been former MP's or MPP's (with significant political portfolios & connections) ... Oh yes, & that these minions - of the 'powers not-to-be' - have taken 'oaths' - but not to you, or I.  Does any of this, concern you? . . .  I  DO  NOT  CONSENT . . . 

But,  Change Is Coming . . .  Don't be part of the problem . . . Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

What's up with 5G and airplanes?! . . . But, this shouldn't surprise, any of my readers . . .

Thank You my friend - ScottiesTech.Info, for your work, & 'Love of Humanity', & to YouTube, for sharing . . .  An excerpt: 
As if all the controversy about 5G and health isn't bad enough, now there's a new saga: 5G vs Airplanes! Specifically, mid-band 5G vs radar altimeters. So, what's the deal? It turns out it's utter insanity. But then, I guess we shouldn't be surprised! More techie tips: .

Monday, January 17, 2022

How to undo, what the 'archons' have done ... & regain y(our) 'authentic, sovereign, multidimensional' powers - E.g. the archon (angel ?) michael deception(s) ... So, 'Do Not' Give Your Power Away, to these entities, who have 'duped us', & thus 'falsely', obtained our 'free-will' consent . . .

You must 'wake-up' to this fact, that WE (you & I), are co-creators of this (our) reality . . .
I en-courage All, to discern information & do your own research, 'before you agree', to what the 'powers not-to-be' & their minions, are telling us (Humanity), through their 'Mind' control systems, of deception . . . 
Thank You my friend Rich, for your work, & 'Love of Humanity' (& to YouTube, for sharing) . . . An excerpt: ...
to find and revoke the agreements you have made that are the building blocks and foundation of your reality. These agreements made by you, are creating your reality, limiting you and defining you and even defining how you feel and react and think in this life. These tips and info I share in youtube videos are free of course. And it is my pleasure to help. I do have a link here, in case the info or tips help and you get the urge to contribute or express your appreciation in that way. Any amount is greatly appreciated. And it will help with the research and development of a new techniques and courses for personal growth I am working on.

Knowledge is Power . . . 'So Manifest Wisely' . . .
So, Let The 'Game(s)' begin . . . Thank You, fellow Voyagers (A..D.. & K..C..& others) for your work, & 'Love of Humanity', & to YouTube (Ainar Leppik), for sharing . . .

The Metatronic Reversal - Thank You Ascension Glossary, for sharing . . . 

In case you have been 'sleeping' ... it's time to awaken . . .
The War on our 'consciousness', is (& has been) in full swing ... but, Fear Not! . . . The 'devil' is in the details; but, 'the angels are winning' . . .
Planetary Initiation - Thank You Energetic Synthesis, for sharing . . . Excerpt(s):  The current outerscape of 'the plandemic and many fear-based deceptions' are also macrocosmic manifestations of these massive shadows and energetic imbalances held within the collective consciousness. These dysfunctions are being highlighted for all to see in order to impact a global awakening that introduces radical changes throughout the existing culture. First, we must see how our civilization came to be anti-human through the promotion of the death culture and how this death culture is being technologically controlled by off planet entities engaged in an active war with humanity for total domination over all of the planetary resources. The truth is very hard to process for many that do not have a strong connection with God source, and as such, as the planetary body ascends there are many souls that are leaving this reality in order to transition to a space that is much easier to spiritually heal. To help others transition as peacefully as possible, is a sacred honor and duty for many Starseed people that came to this planet for this exact purpose. Be strong in your spiritual armor and keep your heart and mind focused upon strengthening your direct relationship with God (Source) and (your) Christos.
Humanity was given the freedom to choose, and according to the alignment of our thoughts and decisions, we experience contentment or chaos, enlightenment or delusion. The caveat with this statement is that humanity is currently enduring the biggest psychological warfare of farfetched lies being perpetrated to incite terrorizing fears. The masses will be forced to wake up when the truth reveals very painful realizations of ongoing betrayals from those whom we had trusted and given away our power as the result of the ongoing demands being made from corrupted experts and authorities with sinister hidden agendas. We must learn from our past decisions, and take what we learned from any disagreeable results in order to make more positive and loving choices in the future.