Thursday, September 29, 2022

The powers' not-to-be ... 'divide & conquer' tactics ... are being outed ... & change is coming I.E. the Law Of One . . . And So It Is . . .

Now,  more than ever ...   *** THIS *** needs to be shared   World Wide ... & incorporated in all of education ... Thank You Guyana Chronicle for sharing, 'New High School Principle' (published, May 14, 2017) : An excerpt: We watched high school principal Dennis Prager, along with the Governor General and Peter Mansbridge on TV a couple of weeks ago…. What a dynamic, down to earth speaker. Even though the Governor General and Mansbridge were also guest speakers they did little but nod and agree with him. This is the guy that should be running for our next Prime Minister.

'Our Vision' lingers on . . . 'All  People  One' . . .
The World Turned Upside Down - Thank You B..B.. (& Amanda Palmer), for your music & to YouTube (Paste Magazine), for sharing ...   An excerpt:  Billy Bragg - The World Turned Upside Down
Recorded Live: 3/15/2013 - Stage On Sixth (Austin,TX).

'The Law Of One' (reshared, from September 12, 2022) ... Thank  You To All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Monday, September 26, 2022

We have been 'mind-controlled' so much, for so long ... that we feel, what we have been told - by the powers not-to-be I.E. the control systems - is the truth ... It's time to discern information, listen to your 'higher-selves' & learn to recognize their 'distorted, inorganic energy patterns' ... & remember, that y(our) truth is found within . . .

And So It Is . . .

Awakening the Flame... (Part 3/10) . . .
Thank You A..D.. & y(our) entire team of Guardians, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (The Emerald Covenant), for sharing ... An excerpt: Awakening the Flame of Orion . Five Lectures filmed on site during the 3/17-26/2000 Amenti Planetary Shields Expedition to Giza, Egypt and surrounding areas. Lecture-2 3/22/2000 - Giza, the Lost History: Stellar Races, Human Origins and Giza.

Hallelujah ... Thank You L..C.. for your music & to YouTube (LeonardCohen), for sharing this 'great work' . . .

And, I  won't support this 'convoluted & inverted' reality, here . . .
Thank You my friend,  'Meat Loaf' ... 'As long as y(our) prayers are coming true'  ... I won't do that ... &, Thank You to YouTube (Meat Loaf), for sharing...

'Creatures' ... of the Pacific ... (reposted, from October 18, 2019) ... Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Living in this reality, I ask: 'What is your objective?' ... Be mindful - your actions will create a result ... So I en-courage ALL, to be authentic, discern information ... &, don't be a follower . . .

Remember, you are a 'Powerful Being' ... It's time, to 'take back your power' . . .
Awakening the Flame...(Part 2/10) - Thank You A..D..& y(our) Guardian team, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' ... and to YouTube (The Emerald Covenant), for sharing ... Excerpts: Five Lectures filmed on site during the 3/17-26/2000 Amenti Planetary Shields Expedition to Giza, Egypt and surrounding areas. Lecture-1 3/19/2000- Star-Gates 2000-2017: Orientation to Activating the Giza Complex.

This channel is about the MCEO teachings, and spirutual content of ashayana deane. The Freedom Teachings of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO) represent translations of pre-ancient Sacred Science texts that belonged to advanced human races who resided on earth prior to our currently identified historical records. Over the course of history, many aspects of these teachings were lost, distorted or hidden. Their essence, however, remains: the understanding of the intrinsic unity of all life, including the birthright of every living. There is a physics of spiritual identity where spirituality is not just a concept, not just a vague promise of something God once said, but a living promise of energies, the natural way energy and consciousness work within a multidimensional system. Speaker 1: E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas (Known as E'Asha / ashayana deane).


Thank You L..C.. for your music, & to YouTube (LeonardCohen), for sharing ... An excerpt of the lyrics : First We Take Manhattan (Live In London) (Official Video).

They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom For tryin' to change the system from within I'm coming now, I'm coming to reward them First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin I'm guided by a signal in the heavens I'm guided by this birthmark on my skin I'm guided by the beauty of our weapons First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin I'd really like to live beside you, baby I love your body and your spirit and your clothes But you see that line there moving through the station? I told you, I told you, told you, I was one of those Ah you loved me as a loser, but now you're worried that I just might win You know the way to stop me, but you don't have the discipline How many nights I prayed for this, to let my work begin First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

Friday, September 23, 2022

We (Humanity) don't belong in this neighborhood . . . So, it's time my friends, to 'co-create' a better reality ... that serves All ... And, So It Is . . .

It's time for a change ... & to ... 'co-create a better reality' . . . 

It's Glory Now... my friends ...  You will see it, when you 'Beleive It' ... Thank You to 'English Folk Project' & YouTube, for sharing  'The Diggers Song' ... An excerpt:  The Diggers' Song is a seventeeth-century ballad attributed to Gerrard Winstanley, the founder of the True Levellers group (also known as the Diggers), a radical Protestant political movement.

Motivated by the verse Acts 4:32 - "And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common." - the Diggers advocated a form of Christian socialist agrarianism with communal, democratic ownership of land.

Recording credit: Leon Rosselson, If I Knew Who the Enemy Was

This channel is dedicated to preserving the neglected culture of English folk songs in the form of short lyrical videos. The folk songs of the English have been overlooked compared to those of the other British peoples, something that this channel hopes to fix.

Our 'inverted', convoluted reality that we are experiencing - on 'Beloved Mother Earth' - must go ... We (Humanity) have assited in it's co-creation, by giving the 'control systems', our 'uninformed' consent - via their 'mind-control' methods ... I  'DO  NOT  CONSENT'  to our en-SLAVE-ment ... And So It Is ! . . . I en-courage All, to use y(our) intentions wisely ... 'They are powerful' gifts! . . .

The World Turned Upside Down - Thank You B..B.. for your music, & to YouTube (Paste Magazine), for sharing ...   An excerpt:  Billy Bragg - The World Turned Upside Down
Recorded Live: 3/15/2013 - Stage On Sixth (Austin,TX).

Thank You J..M.. for your music (Tear It Down), & to YouTube, for sharing ...

Thursday, September 22, 2022

'Truth' has a frequency, that resonates with y(our) heart . . . & ... the truth 'will win' - in the end ... and, So It Is . . .

Leaving A Trail (reposted, June 13, 2014) ... 1 Eye's Blog . . .
And ... 'Bursting through the lies' . . . Are you waking-up yet ? . . .
Thank You teammate K..C..  (, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' ... & to Linda Breed (Third Culture Patriot), for your work/interview & to BitChute & . . . 

What's the... WEF ... up to - Thank You, James C.. ( & your entire team, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' ... & to odysee, for sharing . . .

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

First (1st), there is denial ... then anger ... but, then there is 'effective action' ... by becoming y(our) own ex-pert, and using y(our) intentions wisely ... for, they are 'powerful gifts' ... and So It Is . . .

The light & the... - Thank You  A..D.. & y(our) Guardian team, for your work & 'Love Of  Humanity' ... & to YouTube (The Emerald Covenant), for sharing ...  An excerpt: Behind the scenes overview of contemporary Illuminati Agendas, Visitor presence, covert manipulation tactics,

repression of scientific data on multi-dimensional reality.

The science behind Metaphysics, human multi-dimensionality and spiritual integration (inc. Star Gate passage/ ascension).

Becoming immune to covert manipulation tactics through understanding the science of our true Angelic/ multi-dimensional anatomy and reclaiming our full spiritual identity.

Sacred Singing  Manual . . .

For enlightening reads ... get 'Ashayana's books' ... Voyagers - The Secrets of Amenti - Volume 2 - 2nd Edition  ****  HERE  ****  &, Voyagers 1, The Sleeping Abductees  ****  HERE  **** . .

Here ... We Stand . . .  . . .  Where Do You Stand?  . . . Thank You K..A.. , for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' ... & to PlayerFM (Establish Liberty ... Republic of Kanata), for sharing . . .

Thinking of You  'diggers', today  (reposted, from September 13, 2014)  . . . 1 Eye's Blog ...  The Law Of One   (ref: ascension glossary)  has returned ...

Glory Now... my friends ...  You will see it, when you 'Beleive It' ... Thank You to 'English Folk Project' & YouTube, for sharing  'The Diggers Song' ... An excerpt:  The Diggers' Song is a seventeeth-century ballad attributed to Gerrard Winstanley, the founder of the True Levellers group (also known as the Diggers), a radical Protestant political movement.

Motivated by the verse Acts 4:32 - "And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common." - the Diggers advocated a form of Christian socialist agrarianism with communal, democratic ownership of land.

Recording credit: Leon Rosselson, If I Knew Who the Enemy Was

This channel is dedicated to preserving the neglected culture of English folk songs in the form of short lyrical videos. The folk songs of the English have been overlooked compared to those of the other British peoples, something that this channel hopes to fix.

Connecting the dots . . . As the 'sleeping sheep' snore ... the 'awakening lions' roar ... And So It Is . . .

It's time my friends, to 'wake-up' the lions (warriors) . . . The (mind-controlled) 'sheep' will continue to sleep ... (reposted, from December 19, 2020) - Thank You to All - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Here ... 'WE Stand' . . .  . . .  Where Do You Stand?  ...
'K'.. C.. ordered... Thank You 'Eagle Strong Voice' (Kevin Annett), for your work/books & 'Love Of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (Kevin A), for sharing ... An excerpt:  Charles Windsor was summoned to appear today, September 20, before an international Tribunal to answer charges of his complicity in the death of indigenous children and eyewitnesses like William Combes. The summons can be read in its entirety at under ITCCS Updates for September 20, 2022. Issued by the International Common Law Court of Justice. (Note: The Date is according to Greenwich Mean Time).

'K'..C.. - 'A tribute' to the Qeen & 'servitude' of to the (K)dumb ...  Thank You  D..D.. & your entire team, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' ... & to (PressForTruth), for sharing . . . An excerpt: According to Westminster Abbey’s Coronation Service Guide “The Sovereign takes an oath, swearing to govern faithfully with justice and mercy, to uphold the Gospel, and to maintain the doctrine and worship of the Church of England. In 1953, for the first time, this part of the ceremony ended with the presentation of a Bible, ‘ ̃To keep your Majesty ever mindful of the Law and Gospel of God as the rule for the whole life and government of Christian princes’.

King Charles’ father prince Phillip hoped to reincarnate as a virus to help deal with “overpopulation” and his grandfather King George VI was a staunch freemason taking part in countless rituals that go against everything the Gospel stands for. 

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth proves that the newly crowned King Charles III is not interested in advancing the Kingdom of God but he is in fact doing the exact opposite by promoting a doctrine that is in direct contrast to the teachings of the Gospel which he swore an oath to uphold. 

The 'Dark' History . . . Thank You James (The Corbett Report) & your entire team, for  your work  & 'Love Of Humanity' ... 
&, to &, for sharing . . . An excerpt: There's a story that's told about Queen Elizabeth. According to this story, when asked about her ideology, she is said to have replied: "We are older than capitalism and socialism."

The story is almost certainly apocryphal. But, like many such made-up anecdotes, it does have a ring of truth to it. Indeed, the monarchs are not socialists or capitalists, per se. They are part of a much older tradition that sees the world in a very different light.

In order to understand this royal worldview, we have to go back to the beginning. No, not the beginning of Elizabeth's reign in 1952. Not the beginning of the English branch of the House of "Windsor" to which she belonged. Not even the beginning of the monarchical system in England.

We have to go back to the beginning of monarchy itself. And, to the surprise of absolutely none of my readers, we will discover that the royal ideology was a forerunner to what we know today as eugenics.

And, 'trying to control', the narrative ... 'The End', of  an era? ... 'Fool me once, shame on you ... Fool me twice, shame on me.'
Thank You Global National, for your 'solemn' story & to YouTube (Global News), for sharing ... YouTube video unavailable ... However, here's an excerpt: : The Royal family, world leaders, and millions of people across the globe witnessed the end of an era, as the state funeral for Queen Elizabeth II was held. Crystal Goomansingh looks at how the emotional day of pageantry, tradition, and solemnity unfolded, in honour of the longest-reigning monarch in history.
The mass outpouring of love and affection for the Queen filled the air in London and Windsor, as thousands lined up to witness her funeral procession. Jeff Semple spoke with some people in the crowd to hear why it was important for them to be there. In addition to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a number of other high-profile Canadians attended the Queen's funeral as part of the country's official delegation. As Abigail Bimman explains, the group was involved in different roles. Thousands from around the world, including Canada, also gathered in London to mourn Queen Elizabeth II. Farah Nasser caught up with some of them to hear what the late monarch meant to them. After her state funeral was held in England, solemn ceremonies were also held in Ottawa to honour the Queen. From acknowledging her help in Indigenous reconciliation to former prime minister Brian Mulroney's fond recollections, David Akin looks at the tributes to Her Late Majesty.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

There are many secrets (truths) & falsities ... 'real-eyes-ed' in our convoluted, inverted, 'collective reality', on 'Beloved Mother Earth' . . . So, I en-courage all ... to be aware, discern & beware of what you observe (subliminal codes & symbols) & what you (& I) are 'nudged' to believe, via media ex-perts ... on 'tel-lies-vision' programming I.E. the 'control system(s)' main weapon of 'mass deception' & mind-control . . .

'Click on image', to enlarge . . .

'Old Posts' ... 'adding value to your life' . . . Are you 'Waking Up' yet?. . .
I ... Have A Secret . . . Vat... To be removed... (reposted, from June 14, 2019) - Thank 'You to All', 1 Eye's blog . . . 

'Ancient Druids...' (reposted, from September 17, 2015) - Thank  YOU  To  All,  1 Eye 's Blog . . .

"What you need to be afraid of, is not the "unknown";
Because that's where we live, all the time.
What we need to be afraid of, if anything,
is the "known"!
Because the "known", is the rigid patterns, of past conditioning, that imprison us;
in a prison - of ill health & disease."
- unknown -

Crystallizing ... The Totality Within ... 'The Light Warrior Mission' - Thank You my friend T..S.., for your work & 'Love of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (Tory Smith), for sharing . . . An excerpt: Steven and Alexandra gave me such an incredibly wonderful gift-Galactic Essences. I live on a few hundred dollars a month, so I usually don't buy things like this for myself. They did not know I did this Testimony, and I have not received any money for doing it.

"Crystallizing the Totality Within"

"Light Warrior Mission"

"Untouchable" Were the three ones they gave me, and i show and speak of how they helped me. Recently Bush and Cheney tried to kill Alexandra. [They have been trying to kill Steven for years] but Mother and Father God are protecting them. They had 14 cloaked spaceships following Alexandra down the road attacking her with energy weapons, and it was very painful for her. I ask you to support these wonderful Healers in anyway you can. God Bless Your Hearts! Thanks for all the Prayers for me, I love you so much, Tory

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

As a favorite 'politition' once said (about being elected): 'The people are never wrong - unless they (We) have been lied to.' ... Oh yes, & 'Service-to-Self' ... their 'oath(s) of secrecy, to their monarch' ... & influence from lobbyists I.E. puppets, of their 'control systems' - have lead Humanity into chaos, lack & slavery ... I 'DO NOT CONSENT' ... And So It Is . . .

Thank You to All ... 'The Fall' ... & the truth are synchronizing, at this time ... (reposted, from September 9, 2022) - 1 Eye's Blog . . .

Thinking of You , today . . . (reposted, from September 13, 2014) - 1 Eye's Blog . . . Farewell ... Thank You Chumbawamba, for your music & to YouTube (MarchToFreedom), for sharing ...  An excerpt: Chumbawamba's excellent song against the British Crown and Monarchy in general.

Fool me once, shame on you . . . Fool me twice, shame on me . . .
King C.. III ... addresses Scotts - Thank You Global News, for your story ... & to YouTube (Global News), for sharing ... An excerpt:  King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla attended a session of the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh on Monday, where they received a motion of condolence after the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
"The Scottish Parliament and the people of Scotland share with me a profound sense of grief at the death of my beloved mother," the King said following the motion. "Through all the years of her reign, the queen, like so many generations of our family before her, found in the hills of this land and of the hearts of its people, a haven and a home." Earlier at a ceremony in Westminster Hall, King Charles told the U.K. Parliament he was "resolved faithfully to follow" the example set by his mother, addressing lawmakers and peers in what he described as the "the living and breathing instrument of our democracy." Queen Elizabeth II served as the longest-reigning monarch in British history and Canada’s head of state.

Progenitors of Nazarene Teachings . . . ref: Ascension Glossary . . .

Listen, children to a story ... One Tin Soldier - Thank You to All, for your music & to YouTube (Somewheremaybe), for sharing ... An excerpt:  One Tin Soldier is a 1960's era protest song written by Dennis Lambert and Brian Potter. It was first recorded by the Canadian group The Original Castle in 1969. It was recorded in 1971 by The American group Coven and it reached number 26 on the Billbord Hot 100. It was featured in the film Billy Jack.

Monday, September 12, 2022

WE ARE THE ONES, WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR ... So, it is time my friends, to educate y(ourselves) ... 'The Freeing' of our Fifteen (15) Dimensional Time Matrix, is in full swing - 'one (1) dimension', at a time ... The 'powers not-to-be' know, that in order for us (Humanity) to achieve this, y(our) 'authentic, sovereign, multi-dimensional' help is required - via y(our) intentions I.E. Telepathy, Synchronicity & Teamwork ... And, So It Is !

'Click on above images', to enlarge . . .

We Are The Guardians ~
~ Krystal Rap with Louis S Luzzo, Sr.: ~~> 👉 🐇👉

“Whom should I send as a messenger to this people?
Who will go for us?”

I said, “Here am I. Send me.”
Isaiah 6: 8 . . . I  Am  'A  Beacon  of  Light' . . .

Where we're at, as of September, 2022 . . .

The 'invisible war', over the control of our (Humanity's) consciousness rages on, but  'We Are Winning' . . .  It's called 'teamwork' & we (you & I) are the 'Defender Forces' of ... The Law Of One  ref: ascension glossary ...  And, So It Is !

State of  Play ... The big Game ... Thank You K..C.. ( & your entire team, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' ... & to (Project Camelot), for sharing . . . 
An excerpt: MY LATEST VIDEO BLOG RE:  Juan at Reckoning — Santa Claus disguise
Derek Johnson - Military sting op
Patel Patriot - gov in exile -Trump 
Mar a Lago invasion
Queen - Reps and Pedos/Human Trafficking
24th event?
Move / countermove
MARK RICHARDS — raptors reptilians
Major SOLOMON BERG   —Earth AI
Egypt deposits
Above 'State of Play' video on odysee channel not working ...   But,  ***  Watch It Here  *** . . . Thank You to (Kerry Cassidy Shows), for sharing . . .

I do not condone, nor consent to 'Their Plan' - executed one (1) 'convoluted' step at-a-time ... 
Submitted by an anonymous source - Thank You K..C.. (projectcamelotportal) for sharing, The Big Game ...
How the Globalist/NWO Elites can take down a nation from within in 23pre-planned steps: Some experts believe much of this has been developed by specialized software programs and large quantum computers.
1. Allow the foreign based COL private central debt-note with interest “moneychangers”, a notably criminal group, to hijack the manufacturing of money and debt and lend it out for use, also requiring it to be repaid wit interest on what should have been the nation’s own real money. (aka Babylonian Money-Magick): the art of making money from nothing through occult based slight of hand trickery and human compromise–programming in constant inflation to steal more and more wealth from hard working Citizens. Use these COL moneychangers to degrade the natural value of the debt-notes and assets in general in order to steal increasing amounts of wealth from the common working man. These private COL Banksters (aka the Moneychangers) are hard core Globalist/NWO adherents. Allow the private central Banksters that have hijacked the nation to strip out its wealth from the working men and women to create as much money as needed to enslave the masses with taxes to pay back an imaginary debt that is fraudulent from the get go. The select easily manipulated Doofuses and throw huge amounts of money and success at them so they will in turn do the bidding of the Globalist NWO elites.
2. Allow large Globalist/NWO oriented corporations to have the rights of an individual citizen (Citizens United Supreme Court ruling, completely unconstitutional. This allowed several of the largest corporations associated with the private central Banksters to amass a huge power base and swallow up the lessor similar institutions and to become to financially powerful that they can bribe, compromise, fill, and control governmental positions and thereby manipulate the government to do their bidding. This ruling has allowed huge foreign investments like from George Soros to manipulate local, state and federal governments.
3. Allow Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and tax exempt foundations to accrue great wealth and to be used by the elites to avoid taxes and purchases political favors as well as to apply pressure to government to get what they want. Those elites running these groups are hard core Globalists/NWO adherents and have been selected because of that to receive huge amounts of “money issued from nothing by the private central Babylonian Money-Magick COL Banksters.
4. Destroy conventional state mandated education and create a Globalist/NWO oriented Federal Education System that will instill Globalist/NWO values in children and help eliminate their parents values and the values that created the nation in the first place. Use all stages of education to promote and instill the Globalist/NWO agenda which was created and run at the top of their pyramid of world power by secret satanists who serve Lucifer. This is admitted by their own members who have talked near the end of their lives.
5. Deploy a bioweapon developed using gain of function research upon the world with the stated goal to reduce the world’s population by up to 90% in key targeted areas. This is deployed mass-murder mandated by Globalist/NWO lackeys in high governmental positions including those elected and those appointed. This create mass “Blood Shock” with post-traumatic Stress syndrome symptoms which makes the masses very suggestible to governmental lies and manipulations. This mass survival fear sidetracks the masses and prevents them from protecting their nation from enemies within who have been bribed, human compromised and have allegiance to the Globalist/NWO leaders like Klaus Schwab, George Soros, etc.
This deployed bioweapon makes the masses focus on meeting their basic survival needs and makes them grateful to still be alive, thus in a sense satiating them and preventing them from politically going after the enemies within who are destroying their culture and nation.
6. Provide vast financial support to sexually deviant groups that are far less than 1% of the population to help them project their image and power in order to “infect” the nations children with their perversions and mind control the kids into thinking these perversions are normal and fun. All of these perversion lead to a step decline in reproduction which is one of the primary agenda items of the Globalist/NWO Elites that have hijacked the targeted nation.
7. Promote and support with vast funding and media support, small power groups with aberrant/abnormal philosophies that are destructive to society to create division in society and prevent any general response to expose and stop the enemies within that have hijacked the nation.
8. Open up the borders and use any excuse imaginable to let in anyone who can get to the border, provide immediate financial support and transport them to any city they want. In this way use the Cloward/Piven methodology to bankrupt the nation and induce totalitarian/Marxist socialism as a new form of government. In this way destroy the existing sovereignty and feelings of nationalism and dedication to the nation and its founding fathers.
9. Institute absurd anti-carbon policies based on bad science and outright lies to shut down oil and gas production and thereby drive up energy costs  in order to more quickly bankrupt the nation and make people unemployed and homeless.
10. Have the top Banksters from the several top investment firms that control the top politicians to order various industries to cut way back on deliveries and production in order to raise costs and bankrupt citizens, create more unemployment and drive citizens out of their homes faster. Consolidate international corporate power into 147 very large international corporations who can exercise more power through private channels than any single government elected body. they have enough money and power to stack any government they want with Globalist/NWO puppets.
11. Spread big lies about cattle and chicken plagues and use these as an excuse to reduce food supplies and raise prices, thereby bring many more to bankruptcy and homeless ness faster. Use sophisticated satellite based scalar/EMF weaponry to kill cattle in mass and falsely blame heat.
12. Do everything imaginable to destroy private home ownership. Use weather warfare to create droughts, flood, fires.
13. Do everything imaginable to get the guns from the citizens. This includes hundreds of fake false-flag DHS/FEMA drills with officials faking murders in gun free zones using professional crisis actors over and over again in different disguises.
14. Do everything possible to infiltrate, dilute, infect basic religious beliefs. Institute tax exempt status for religious organizations as long as they avoid exposing any of the Globalist/NWO lies and agenda that is being deployed to mass-murder them, bankrupt them and their nation and steal all their private property.
15. Tyrannize and weaponize medicine through instituting evil, autocratic control at the top and mandating rules that promote mass-murder by bio-weapon deployment. Prevent cheap effective treatment and punish any physician who has learned the truth and takes a stand for it. use sophisticated mind control methodologies to seize control over all medicine through lies and deceptions mandated by the CDC, FDA and medical societies and hospital management. order all major institutions to mandate what the elites call vaccinations which are not vaccinations at all, but injection of unknown poisons and foreign materials with health reducing or even in some cases lethal threats associated.
16. Use mandated acceptance of perversions and women in fighting roles to degrade the ability of the military to protect the nation from foreign based enemies (like the COL Banksters aka “moneychangers”) and the enemies with, aka the politicians that are part of the treasonous Globalist/NWO crowd of the WEF, WFO and CFR. Fire all the serious and patriotic generals and appoint dumbed down true believers in the Globalist/NWO agenda, folks who have and will once against readily betray their nation and its masses.
17. Do everything possible to degrade and reduce Law Enforcement, especially by promoting criminal groups, drug syndicates which include several of the large Intel agencies who work hand in hand with the drug cartels for “off the books” Black Ops money. Traffic cheap and lethal illegal drugs into every urban area for the drug gangs to sell, thus resulting in many thousands of deaths from fentanyl overdoses and helping to create mass chaos, distrust in major urban areas and to destroy any sense of community or family therein.
18. Over the last 100 years ever since the COL private central Banksters took over, privatize much of Intel by allowing them to use secret funding and black money to buy up hundreds of proprietaries that have no oversight at all, especially those related to the Secret Space War Forces. Privatized the military. Note that privatized mercenary forces and the Secret Space War program are not reachable by FOIA requests.
19. Consolidate all industries to make central control much easier when the top CEOs are members of the Globalist/NWO Elite believers. This has been done in the major mass media and all major industries. When the major mass media is controlled by 6 CEOs who are all on the same page, it is difficult for the masses to over come this “lockstep” programming of this illegal News Cartel. Hire hundreds of soulless stooges to sit in the basements of Intel agencies or their home offices and write thousands of false narratives to place on the net to help protect the major mass media’s dispensed lies and false narratives from the Alt Media. The Alt Media of the Internet poses a great threat to the Globalist/NWO Elite controllers and that is why they must speed things up and institute their big intended mass-murder of millions before the public wakes up and rises up against them. Their time is limited and they know it and this makes them desperate. Of course the top Cutouts do not know if they will be force to go down with the human ship or not. Some insiders believe the Top Globalist/NWO controller will not want them around when they finish seizing world power through worldwide starvation and collapse of economies which they Globalist/NWO Elite controllers have worked for for over 100 years.
20. Pull all kinds of manipulations to reduce the food supply and raise prices, thereby creating mass inflation and mass starvation. This includes pulling several sophisticated ricks to greatly reduce the baby formula available to mothers for their babies. Drive up fuel costs for truckers to the point they reduce hauling loads, especially of perishable foods, thus raising the retail prices and creating more inflation, starvation and homelessness.
21. Destroy private home ownership. use several of the largest banks (foreign and domestic) and large sources of black narcotics money to invest in buying up homes, using the ploy “sell as is”? Have some of these funds come from mysterious untraceable foreign sources? Use key purchases in most suburban neighborhoods and use stooges to pay highly inflated unrealistic purchase prices. In this way the assessors will be tricked into to estimating the whole neighborhood values far higher than they really are, especially as a new drop in housing purchases in right around the corner with massive devaluation of selling prices coming soon. At the same time massive real estate taxes increases will be deployed next year, and taxes on apartments and other types residences will be instituted to drive the costs of renting which many will have to use because they can’t afford a home/home loan. 
22. In order for the NWO/Globalist Elite Controllers to have gotten so far so fast instituting their Globalist/NW Agenda from Hell itself (do not assume to be necessarily human either), they have had to deploy the most advance mass mind control technologies imaginable. many of these are top secret, Special compartmented (SCI), Black, Deep Black and Beyond Black such as the process of “hiving” of the human mind into one mass consciousness that can be remotely influenced by specialized kinds of remote inductive mass mind control, sue of advanced scalar waves and quantum physics with certain types of particle entanglement used. Some insiders have claimed that the new “Space Fence” radar system which ionizes the atmosphere which now has chemtrail supplied nano-aluminum and nano-barium suspended has been weaponized to track and shoot down any missile or UFO. This is actually a plasmatization of the atmosphere and some experts believe that it can be used to mesmerize and pacify the masses so that they cannot rise up and demand change. Smart meters, Wi-Fi systems, cell phone systems, orbital satellite directed EMF supposedly can be used to target masses, control the jet stream and weather, and attack communities and start fires such as what was done in Palisades CA?. Specialized mind control particles can be easily added to food, beverages and air for ingestion and then later flashed. It is well known that those with deep knowledge of he truth behind all this Globalism and NWO totalitarian socialism are also quite resistant to the mind control being deployed to hive the masses.
23. Pervert and corrupt the national voting process so the Globalist/NWO Elites can fake any vote to get their choices elected. Bribe and/or mind control a captive political element that wants something for nothing and mind control them to vote for Globalist/NWO Elite choices who will obey the directives of the several top Globalist/NWO controllers.
Bottom line is, the Globalist/NWO elite controllers want to disarm and destroy the western world, America especially, and in that process along the way mass-murder as many as they can get away with in secret. If their plan is thwarted they will try and institute a N-WW3 with Russia to eliminate both the USA and the Russian Federation, thereby clearing the way for the world to be controlled by their strongest ally, the Great Dragon, aka CCCP run Communist China. – unknown source

Juan O Savin on White Nobility, Merovingians, the Antichrist, and GESARA


**** And ... **** What the 'powers not-to-be' don't want you (Humanity) to 'real-eyes' ... is the 'bigger picture' - that 'you are much more powerful than they' . . . Thank You A..D.. & y(our) entire team of Guardians, for your work, & 'Love Of Humanity' ... & to (Ascension Knowledge) for sharing . . . An excerpt: Watch  other  'Ascension Knowledge' videos ***  HERE  ***

**** And ... **** Advanced Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing Level 1 & Intro Level 2 / 5 of 12 - Again, Thank You to A..D.. & y(our) entire Guardian team ... & to BitChute (KS Library), for sharing ... An excerpt: Pdf (book):
Audio Techniques:

Saturday, September 10, 2022

What the 'powers not-to-be' have forgotten is that 'We Are One' ... & that We 'intend' to FREE Our (multidimensional) Selves I.E. The Lost Souls of Tara ... And So It Is! . . .

Remember ... We are co-creators of our reality . . . So, use y(our) intentions wisely . . . And So It Is ! Thank You ! . . .
PROCLAIM ... 'Let My People Go'! ... (reposted, from November 29, 2019) ... Thank 'You to All', 1 Eye's Blog . . .

They have just forgotten... that, WE Will Win, in the end (reposted, from June 28, 2022) - Thank 'You to All', 1 Eye's Blog . . .

I  'DO  NOT  CONSENT'  to our en-SLAVE-ment . . . And So It Is ! . . .
I en-courage All, to use y(our) intentions wisely ... 'They are powerful' gifts!

And, I  won't support this 'convoluted & inverted' reality, here . . .
Thank You my friend,  'Meat Loaf' ... 'As long as y(our) prayers are coming true'  ... I won't do that ... &, Thank You to YouTube (Meat Loaf), for sharing.

Friday, September 9, 2022

'The Fall' ... & the truth ... are coming into alignment ... And So It Is . . .

Fare-Well ... - Thank You K..A.. & y(our) entire team, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' ... & to YouTube (Kevin A), for sharing ... An excerpt:  A hilarious and accurate reflection on the death of Elizabeth Windsor and the coming fall of the British monarchy. With Kevin Annett of the Republic of Kanata. Posted 8-9 September, 2022. See and write to .

What You Need to Know... - Thank You, D..D.. & your entire team, for your work & 'Love Of Humanity' ... & to BitChute (Press For Truth), for sharing ... An excerpt: Some are calling it the end of an era as a new monarchy under King Charles III has already begun. But who’s truly calling the shots and pulling the strings of these puppet public figures? In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth exposes the Rothschild family’s connection to the British Royal Family and how they’ve used a network of pedophiles to exert a great deal of control over the Royals still to this day.

Trying to control 'the story' ... Sorry my friends, but  'Whack-A-Mole'  isn't working too well, anymore . . .
The Queen's death prompts complex emotions... - Thank You CBC News: The National, for 'your great stories' ... & to YouTube (CBC News: The National), for sharing ... An excerpt: For Indigenous people, the death of Queen Elizabeth is prompting a range of emotions given their fraught relationship with the monarchy and its colonial legacy.
The National is the flagship of CBC News, showcasing award-winning journalism from across Canada and around the world. Led by Chief Correspondent Adrienne Arsenault and Ian Hanomansing, our team of trusted reporters help you make sense of the world, wherever you are. The National was named Canada’s Best National Newscast by the Canadian Screen Awards and RTDNA Canada.

But 'the truth' will prevail ,,, 'Taking Back Our Freedom' - (reposted, from August 22, 2019) ... Thank You to All, 1 Eye's Blog . . .